Miley Cyrus' X-rated MTV VMA performance


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Oh yes they did go too far.

It's without a doubt a clear interpolation of Gaye's song and should have been credited as such. If Thicke and Pharrell don't settle with a figure to Gaye's estates' liking, they will lose if it goes to court.
Well, "reminiscent of the same groove" doesn't = plagiarism and a group of greedy, gravy-train riding heirs doesn't necessarily = a strong case. Now, if you're talking same melody, maybe. But the melody doesn't sound the same to me.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Plagiarism aside, the fuss is misdirected.

I have no interested in watching Mylie Cyrus go skankenstance, it deflects a bigger problem. Corporations have been objectifying children as sex objects for profit, for decades and getting away with it. Child porn has proliferated and pedophilia is becoming commonplace. These so called parental groups kicking up a fuss over the VMA's can't see the shit pile from the turds. Perhaps they should pay more attention to actually parenting instead of looking for scapegoats for their failures.

I'm too old school and square to pay attention to the VMA's. If you're going to be an entertainer a modicum of talent would help.



serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
In my mind....there is no possible way Billy Ray Cyrus can be proud of his Disney girl anymore.
Are you shitting me? She was an insanely lucrative cash cow while still underaged. I'm sure he can forgive anything, considering just how much money she brought into that talentless white trash clan.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Plagiarism aside, the fuss is misdirected.

I have no interested in watching Mylie Cyrus go skankenstance, it deflects a bigger problem. Corporations have been objectifying children as sex objects for profit, for decades and getting away with it. Child porn has proliferated and pedophilia is becoming commonplace. These so called parental groups kicking up a fuss over the VMA's can't see the shit pile from the turds. Perhaps they should pay more attention to actually parenting instead of looking for scapegoats for their failures.

I'm too old school and square to pay attention to the VMA's. If you're going to be an entertainer a modicum of talent would help.
The problem with that argument is that the VMA's are directed at the teenaged female audience. And like Christina Aguilera and Brittany Spears before her and Madonna before them, Miley Cyrus's handlers have decided that the best way of selling crappy music to that demographic is doing "bad" things that piss mom and dad off. It's the old, old story of rebellion by proxy.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Having difficulty understanding all the fuss.

Doesn't seem any more racy to me than Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch while prancing around the stage 20 or 30 years ago.

Oh, wait .... it's a woman expressing sexuality. That's what's so terrible. Now I get it.

Yeah, we've come a long way, baby.
make no mistake Jackson grabbing his crotch was equally ick worthy.............cmon Atmann you are smarter than this, sexuality has nothing to do with it ..self serving, attention whoring at its best, the goal?..exposure{pardon the pun} and increased earning power..


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
ive heard about this Thicke/Gaye controversy...i havent heard the Marvin Gaye song, or the Thicke song, so i became curious, i tried listening to this Thicke garbage, but i lasted 30 seconds before i wanted to hurl, so i still dont have an opinion as to whether he ripped off Gaye, but my gut feeling is that he probably did..


Active member
May 18, 2003
Looks like a pretty awful dancer, and the tongue thing and dumb facial expressions gives her the maturity level of a 12 year old.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
make no mistake Jackson grabbing his crotch was equally ick worthy.............cmon Atmann you are smarter than this, sexuality has nothing to do with it ..self serving, attention whoring at its best, the goal?..exposure{pardon the pun} and increased earning power..
Right on all counts about Michael Jackson. Self-serving, attention whoring at its best.

Like I said, seen it all before. A long, long time ago. Can't understand all the fuss. Only difference: this time it's a young woman shucking off her Disney child star image in the best MJ tradition.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Well, "reminiscent of the same groove" doesn't = plagiarism and a group of greedy, gravy-train riding heirs doesn't necessarily = a strong case. Now, if you're talking same melody, maybe. But the melody doesn't sound the same to me.
The beat and bassline is the basis for the entire song. The only thing that is different from Gaye's version is the melody. It's obviously a much more commercial melody which is guaranteed to sell to the peons. But there is no song with just the melody and it's not as difficult to write a pop melody over a plagiarized track as it is to write a brand new song from top to bottom .

It's a strong case since there are numerous precedents in the music industry already. Artists and/or their estates are compensated on less "reminiscent" grooves all the time, hence Thicke's settlement offer to Gaye's estate.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
As for Cyrus' performance, I don't understand the shock. Based on what kids and teens have access to, and frequently access, I'm more surprised that the VMA isn't a complete full blown strip show like what would find at a strip club. It'd still be tame compared to what mainstream viewers consume online on a daily basis - young, very young, and old folks alike. The collective fake gasping of viewers at a sexualized performance by a music artist has become a lame pop culture habit. I've been alive long enough to know what to expect from bloated music award ceremonies, hence my boredom with them. If there was no news written about the VMAs I wouldn't have been privvy to the new pop icon sex show highlight reel. Thanks for reporting on it!

Maybe Cyrus should have gone on stage topless like the girl's in Thicke's naughty "unrated" music video that has made the rounds online in a strategic marketing campaign, and it would have been more acceptable to parents.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Right on all counts about Michael Jackson. Self-serving, attention whoring at its best.

Like I said, seen it all before. A long, long time ago. Can't understand all the fuss. Only difference: this time it's a young woman shucking off her Disney child star image in the best MJ tradition.
try looking up songs and vids by Millie Jackson...Cyrus is a piker compared to this gal..


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
The Onion is, once again, brilliant. In response to this:

They did this:
Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning
By Meredith Artley, Managing Editor Of

Over the years, has become a news website that many people turn to for top-notch reporting. Every day it is visited by millions of people, all of whom rely on “The Worldwide Leader in News”—that’s our slogan—for the most crucial, up-to-date information on current events. So, you may ask, why was this morning’s top story, a spot usually given to the most important foreign or domestic news of the day, headlined “Miley Cyrus Did What???” and accompanied by the subhead “Twerks, stuns at VMAs”?

It’s a good question. And the answer is pretty simple. It was an attempt to get you to click on so that we could drive up our web traffic, which in turn would allow us to increase our advertising revenue.

There was nothing, and I mean nothing, about that story that related to the important news of the day, the chronicling of significant human events, or the idea that journalism itself can be a force for positive change in the world. For Christ’s sake, there was an accompanying story with the headline “Miley’s Shocking Moves.” In fact, putting that story front and center was actually doing, if anything, a disservice to the public. And come to think of it, probably a disservice to the hundreds of thousands of people dying in Syria, those suffering from the current unrest in Egypt, or, hell, even people who just wanted to read about the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech.

But boy oh boy did it get us some web traffic...,33632/


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
I've got no problem with a woman expressing her sexuality. I'm a fan of Madonna, Rihanna and Gaga, the latter wowing the world with that stunning ass. But what Miley did was talentless and unsexy. All she has going for her is she's skinny. She's unattractive and someone needs to tell her she can't sing and definitely can't dance. She looked like a Raggedy-Ann doll thrown at an electric fence. Her attempt at twerking is awkward and made worse by that boney flat ass she keeps shoving in our faces. No thank you.
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