Meet Argentina's new Far-Right President, Javier Milei


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I guess you missed a dozen or more articles, from sched A banks, from economists, and others disputing some of it?

And you live in a world where only Cons and Republicans spin things. Your side, nah their virtuous, would never.
That is why a number of Banks have revised their doom and gloom forecasts after they exaggerated the impact etc. "Economists" mainly from The Rebel and The Sun is your Gospel Truth!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You will find excuse for everything Liberals do or have to contend with. But turn blind eyes to 2008 it’s deep, wide ranging, long lasting affects.

Damn good thing both Harper and JT inherited good fiscal positions and not mountains of debt. Sunny days last forever.

Here’s a historical trend line for you to ignore too. Canadas debt to gdp from 1995 to 2021. Don’t let facts gets in your ways

More facts you’re ignoring.
The present Liberals have no intention of balancing a budget until 2029…….read their update….as far as the economy and gdp goes. Read some news, read up on Boomers and what they will be doing by 2029….beside not working and spending, nor paying as much in taxes….hammering healthcare…a double whammy.

More facts you’re ignoring.
Debt and mortgages rolling, by the millions, and people paying higher rates and land taxes (MPAC alone never municipal rate increases) by then…Even if the bubble doesn’t burst, that like Boomers retiring en masse, means less $$$ to spend..grow the economy…see also this that and the other…

More facts you’re ignoring.
They are trying to kill fossils. And it’s not just them, Just a huge component of our economy…..See also other areas of Canada and like the rust belt in the US. Ignored since 2008 and voters turning blind eyes to them.. See also Capital Bleed facts. See also house price trends in the GTA

more facts you’re ignoring.
He only promised in 2015/16 to accomplish that ( balancing budgets) by 2018. You know, before reality and shit happens slapped him, you and Canadians in the face? Nope, “I’m Liberal, I’m back, it’s sunny days again, let the good times begin”

Like he promised 2016 would be the last election under FPTP. Like he promised a more transparent govt. Have you watched them in the house? They’ve never answered a single thing. and more……..

Nah, only the Cons pool wool over voters heads. And only the right are “blind and dumb.”
Let's compare Apples with Apples. We all know that the Provinces shut their economies during the Pandemic and The Federal Govt. had to step in to the rescue just like other Nations.
So, let's scrutinize all the G7 Nations and how they compared with Canada as per the IMF:

Canada enjoys foremost fiscal freedom (as per IMF)

We were treated to the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) today. And while a sister publication, the Fiscal Monitor, arrives with a one- day lag, the WEO nonetheless reveals how the IMF sees government financial health evolving across the globe. There’s some interesting and encouraging news for Canadians, made all the more relevant by the fact that the federal government in Ottawa utilizes the IMF’s international debt comparisons when setting/outlining its key ‘fiscal anchors’.
So what does the IMF have to tell us? For starters, Canada’s general government sector (which is a concept that covers all levels of government plus social security) has a pronounced budgetary edge vs. G7 peers. There’s been more rapid fiscal repair here. Before fully ascribing fiscal traction to a couple of years of heady nominal GDP growth, consider that Canada’s general government sector has a comparatively modest structural imbalance (just -0.5% of potential GDP as of 2023). Unlike other large, advanced nations, the IMF sees Canada’s structural deficit being erased by 2028. As for the closely watched debt metrics, Canada’s edge is better than ever and expected to only grow over time. The IMF puts Canada’s general government net debt-to-GDP ratio at a relatively skinny 14% as of 2023. The G7 average? Well, it’s currently 95% and set to turn one hundred in short order. For those familiar with the IMF’s estimates on net debt, you’ll perhaps notice a non-trivial revision to Canada’s net debt load. That captures a move to market valuation for financial assets, boosting the country’s already large pool of financial assets. Not for nothing, financial assets are netted from gross debt to arrive at net debt. Lest we Canadians get too cavalier, we must acknowledge that our gross debt-to-GDP ratio isn’t nearly as impressive, which is something credit rating agencies tend to take note of.
Still, for investors placing any emphasis on how one nation’s finances stack up against key peers, the IMF’s fresh outlook shows Canada with the foremost fiscal freedom in the G7, particularly once you control for the nation’s large and growing stockpile of financial assets.
Now examine the actual charts in this Link:


Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Let's compare Apples with Apples. We all know that the Provinces shut their economies during the Pandemic and The Federal Govt. had to step in to the rescue just like other Nations.
So, let's scrutinize all the G7 Nations and how they compared with Canada as per the IMF:

Now examine the actual charts in this Link:

I guess you’re choosing to ignore what OEC Statscan and more have to say….and counters I linked or is all that too much for you read?

Now, I’ll ask you a simple, very simple question. When the likes of Moodys, Standard and Poors, look at things. Do they give a rats ass about your participation ribbons? Yes or no?

Because I know you will ignore the question. Do you think they said “hey, it’s ok, Ontario is doing better than X”

Care to answer?
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Definitely not the restaurant that intends a butler to serve beer. Which Conservative MP pays you?
I don't do long winded PR pieces for them thanks. I just enjoy setting things straight. As an example I have zero criticism of the Liberals pandemic response, and only criticized them on the Trucker response with freezing bank accounts(that one is Chinesec lvl dystopian) the rest I was fine with. And argued for them in threads.

But JT has got to go. As a G7 leader he is now a laughing stock.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
And let’s not forget Beav. When asked about government’s that leave disasters. You didn’t even know the difference between that and one that leaves a decent position.

Speaking of which. If you’re capable looking at debt to gdp when Harper left…and the link above…look at it today. So if in your opinion Harper left a disaster. Have you thought things through?
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
If Canada has one of the best of the Debt to GDP ratio from all the G7 Nations, then I am satisfied with it in these dire global economic times.
Let's be realistic about that fact!!
Just because they say Canada may have one of the best Debt to GDP ratio doesn't mean we are in a great position.

I'm not satisfied with it because the cost of debt has gone up and spending will remain high.

You don't seem to grasp the concept that you have to payback on your debts. And the more debt you have the more difficult it becomes to pay.

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
No idea who you quoted all that from. From the wording my guess might be the same Liberals.

Some counter facts for you. I hope you will at least read the headlines.

Shall I link food banks? ontarios mess, we are after all just the largest province..

I wonder how many even know about reverse mortgages.

Some of these are older. But have things gotten better or worse? I don’t know, let’s see..oh yeah..2019

What about capital bleed?

Shall I continue?
Links about Doug Ford from 2018?

Can you imagine the mess in other G7 countries when their Debt to GDP ratio is far higher than Canada's?

Supply Chain disruptions, Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent price hikes in the oil, gas and food industry globally means nothing to you?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Links about Doug Ford from 2018?

Can you imagine the mess in other G7 countries when their Debt to GDP ratio is far higher than Canada's?

Supply Chain disruptions, Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent price hikes in the oil, gas and food industry globally means nothing to you?
Are you not capable of reading a simple question? When they look at things. Do they or do they not give a rats ass about participation ribbons. Hence the link for added clarity.

Nice weak deflection Pavel.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
What will we then end up with a worse individual of a nutcase who is calling for "cryptocurrency", firing the Bank Of Canada head and not really spelling out how he will tackle the Climate Change crisis, but just walk in tandem with extremists in the FreeDumb Convoy?
The worst case scenario is already in office.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I guess you’re choosing to ignore what OEC Statscan and more have to say….and counters I linked or is all that too much for you read?

Now, I’ll ask you a simple, very simple question. When the likes of Moodys, Standard and Poors, look at things. Do they give a rats ass about your participation ribbons? Yes or no?

Because I know you will ignore the question. Do you think they said “hey, it’s ok, Ontario is doing better than X”

Care to answer?
Care to read the last statement in your link?

But Moody's also says that actions taken by the current government to reduce revenue levels will add to the budgetary pressures facing the province.
Anyway what the hell has a Provincial 2018 report got to do with the Federal Govt.'s present day status?

What the crap are the "participation ribbons" that you are waffling about?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Just because they say Canada may have one of the best Debt to GDP ratio doesn't mean we are in a great position.

I'm not satisfied with it because the cost of debt has gone up and spending will remain high.

You don't seem to grasp the concept that you have to payback on your debts. And the more debt you have the more difficult it becomes to pay.
Canada had an economy that was growing prior to the Pandemic. The Federal Government had to chip in to support millions of Canadians that were temporarily laid off.
This was an unprecedented time as the I have not come across such a Pandemic during my lifetime. What would any to her Govt have done to aid these workers that would not have added to the debt? Can you not comprehend this simple fact? Should the Govt have ignored these Canadians as well as businesses and demanded that they fend for themselves? Yet Canada has not been impacted as severely as some of the other G7 Nations. Take a look at the Conservative "Fiscally responsible" Govt in UK and how it is impacting the households in their nation:

Climate crisis and energy costs fuel £600 rise in UK household food bill, analysis finds
Extreme weather contributing one-third of all food price inflation with worse to come in 2024, warn climate researchers

Any explanation as to why this is occurring on a more severe scale in the UK as compared to a "Debt Ridden" Canada?

Also the hardships for families is worse than in Canada:

Poorest UK families enduring ‘frightening’ collapse in living standards, survey finds

Survey of frontline social workers finds 120,000 children are living in destitution

Hence Canada would be either no different or even worse if Harper was still the PM today!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Care to read the last statement in your link?

Anyway what the hell has a Provincial 2018 report got to do with the Federal Govt.'s present day status?

What the crap are the "participation ribbons" that you are waffling about?
1) which link?, there’s a quite a few you don’t like reading. And I generally don’t avoid answering stuff, unlike Liberals. “Funny that” let’s see how many you won’t answer this time.

2) Do they or do they not give a rats ass about participation ribbons?. Aka how we do compared to others.

3) do you even know what waffling means?

4) maybe you meant this link? The one that shows a trend line of debt to GDP. The one that shows how high it was in 2016? You said Harper left a disaster. Can you see how much higher it is under JT? Have you thought it through. Aka used your brain?

5) look at the line. The last time it was this high. What did Liberals do? This


This and 1000 more links that say the “same”

6) are you unable to learn from history? Either Ontario’s or Canada’s. Or do you just conveniently choose to ignore it because you know better?

7) last question. There’s no right or wrong. I hope you answer this one at least. Were you old enough to vote around 1995-2000?
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Canada had an economy that was growing prior to the Pandemic. The Federal Government had to chip in to support millions of Canadians that were temporarily laid off.
This was an unprecedented time as the I have not come across such a Pandemic during my lifetime. What would any to her Govt have done to aid these workers that would not have added to the debt? Can you not comprehend this simple fact? Should the Govt have ignored these Canadians as well as businesses and demanded that they fend for themselves? Yet Canada has not been impacted as severely as some of the other G7 Nations. Take a look at the Conservative "Fiscally responsible" Govt in UK and how it is impacting the households in their nation:

Climate crisis and energy costs fuel £600 rise in UK household food bill, analysis finds
Extreme weather contributing one-third of all food price inflation with worse to come in 2024, warn climate researchers

Any explanation as to why this is occurring on a more severe scale in the UK as compared to a "Debt Ridden" Canada?

Also the hardships for families is worse than in Canada:

Poorest UK families enduring ‘frightening’ collapse in living standards, survey finds

Survey of frontline social workers finds 120,000 children are living in destitution

Hence Canada would be either no different or even worse if Harper was still the PM today!!
You can't be serious

You are talking about the UK pressure on households like Canada is really any better?

No matter how you try to cover things up, this current administration put Canada on a major decline.

As a country, we are going nowhere fast.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Canada had an economy that was growing prior to the Pandemic. The Federal Government had to chip in to support millions of Canadians that were temporarily laid off.
This was an unprecedented time as the I have not come across such a Pandemic during my lifetime. What would any to her Govt have done to aid these workers that would not have added to the debt? Can you not comprehend this simple fact? Should the Govt have ignored these Canadians as well as businesses and demanded that they fend for themselves? Yet Canada has not been impacted as severely as some of the other G7 Nations. Take a look at the Conservative "Fiscally responsible" Govt in UK and how it is impacting the households in their nation:

Climate crisis and energy costs fuel £600 rise in UK household food bill, analysis finds
Extreme weather contributing one-third of all food price inflation with worse to come in 2024, warn climate researchers

Any explanation as to why this is occurring on a more severe scale in the UK as compared to a "Debt Ridden" Canada?

Also the hardships for families is worse than in Canada:

Poorest UK families enduring ‘frightening’ collapse in living standards, survey finds

Survey of frontline social workers finds 120,000 children are living in destitution

Hence Canada would be either no different or even worse if Harper was still the PM today!!
This is what ngy and the right wingers want for Canada.
Lower taxes for the rich and a 'frightening' collapse in living standards.
Its their wet dream.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
1) which link?, there’s a quite a few you don’t like reading. And I generally don’t avoid answering stuff, unlike Liberals. “Funny that” let’s see how many you won’t answer this time.

2) Do they or do they not give a rats ass about participation ribbons?. Aka how we do compared to others.

3) do you even know what waffling means?
Again a load of waffle nonsense. Ohhhh asking the meaning of it. Here it is:

Speak or write, especially at great length, without saying anything important or useful.
Happy? Explain your nonsense about the "Participation Ribbons"?

4) maybe you meant this link? The one that shows a trend line of debt to GDP. The one that shows how high it was in 2016? You said Harper left a disaster. Can you see how much higher it is under JT? Have you thought it through. Aka used your brain?

So looking at the Trend that you posted, the Debt to GDP was at 43% when Harper took over, and then when he handed it to Trudeau it hit 56%. In 2019 before the onslaught of the Pandemic it was down to 53%, however, the jobs growth etc. should be taken into account. This is Harper's job creation "Accomplishment"!!

He increased the Unemployment rate from 6.3 to 6.9% when he left office.


Under Trudeau, the record is:

5) look at the line. The last time it was this high. What did Liberals do? This


This and 1000 more links that say the “same”

6) are you unable to learn from history? Either Ontario’s or Canada’s. Or do you just conveniently choose to ignore it because you know better?

7) last question. There’s no right or wrong. I hope you answer this one at least. Were you old enough to vote around 1995-2000?
Do not need your ideology to make up my opinion!!

The biggest mistake was the sale of Connaught Labs by The Mulroney Govt. But you and the far right blamed the Government for not manufacturing the Covid-19 vaccine for the needs of the Canadians. However, we know that once the vaccines were readily available to all Canadians then Pee Pee sucked up to the Far-Right conspiracy Theorists as to the "dangers of this vaccine":

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You can't be serious

You are talking about the UK pressure on households like Canada is really any better?

No matter how you try to cover things up, this current administration put Canada on a major decline.

As a country, we are going nowhere fast.
It is worse in the UK:

But the reason for bringing UK into the mix is the fact that there is a global issue with the food supply chains, and hence the record high prices EVERYWHERE!! Can you not comprehend this very basic fact?

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