
Meet Argentina's new Far-Right President, Javier Milei


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
and the Toronto Star immediately repays their benefactor right after receiving their new bribe by attacking the liberals political opponent
I guess the new bribe came with a timetable for attacks on Justin's political opponent


There are lots of Canadians & several sectors which are struggling now
yet the liberals choose to give the legacy media reporters an incremental $30K hand out on top of the grotesque $55K bribe they already receive

the average Canadian Income is $54,000

oh yeah the food banks are struggling to meet increased demand
But Justin choose to give extra money to the media he already bribes

So if you are employed in the gas/ oil , fishing, logging, farming, mining, hospitality or manufacturing industries your job security/ compensation is determined by the free market, and the management skills of your specific employer.

However if you are employed in the legacy media, your job is consider so important to Justin Trudeaus image / retention of power it requires a new bribe, with more taxpayer dollars no less

This is criminal, evil and very dangerous
Having the media in the pocket of a single political party undermines democracy

no political party should even consider subsidizing the media , simply because the optics are soo bad

It also illustrates how little respect Justin Trudeau & the liberals have for the intelligence of the electorate

"pavel bure" What is your excuse to turning a blind eye to such an insult to your intelligence by your liberal party ?

it must be too difficult to even consider your views may have been targeted and influenced by a bribe you are funding

Job #1 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the carbon tax
Job #2 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the media bribe

for the benefit of all Canadians
Sure, a career politician who has never had a job, has the highest expense bills as a politician and makes use of federal funds to get himself servants will be the guy to make sure the government doesn't waste money.

You guys fall for the same trick every time.

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
and the Toronto Star immediately repays their benefactor right after receiving their new bribe by attacking the liberals political opponent
I guess the new bribe came with a timetable for attacks on Justin's political opponent


There are lots of Canadians & several sectors which are struggling now
yet the liberals choose to give the legacy media reporters an incremental $30K hand out on top of the grotesque $55K bribe they already receive

the average Canadian Income is $54,000

oh yeah the food banks are struggling to meet increased demand
But Justin choose to give extra money to the media he already bribes

So if you are employed in the gas/ oil , fishing, logging, farming, mining, hospitality or manufacturing industries your job security/ compensation is determined by the free market, and the management skills of your specific employer.

However if you are employed in the legacy media, your job is consider so important to Justin Trudeaus image / retention of power it requires a new bribe, with more taxpayer dollars no less

This is criminal, evil and very dangerous
Having the media in the pocket of a single political party undermines democracy

no political party should even consider subsidizing the media , simply because the optics are soo bad

It also illustrates how little respect Justin Trudeau & the liberals have for the intelligence of the electorate

"pavel bure" What is your excuse to turning a blind eye to such an insult to your intelligence by your liberal party ?

it must be too difficult to even consider your views may have been targeted and influenced by a bribe you are funding

Job #1 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the carbon tax
Job #2 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the media bribe

for the benefit of all Canadians
This is a Global Phenomena, and not just with Canada. Whether we had someone like Harper still in charge or Poilievre before the start of the epidemic to this present day, no doubt Canada would not have been in any better state of affairs.
One thing we should take into account is Canada's Debt to GDP ratio and inflation rate that is one of the best among the G7 Nations.
I have no issues with the Carbon Tax, that is no different from the EU nations that have implemented it. We should not forget that there are credits to offset these taxes. Why not make the ones emitting these gases having to pay the price for it?
My concern is the effect of Climate Change, and it is obvious that you "larue" thinks that it is all a hoax, and "printing money" is of more concern as per your narrow minded conservative point of view.

Poilievre's job #1 to a #1,000,000 is: - Just go on and on complaining on a daily 24/7 basis about "Justin this and Justin that" or in Parliament it is always "When is the Prime Minister going to blah blah blah".
He offers no solution to anything and is all about talking the talk. When is he going to actually walk the walk?

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002

They are too scared now. This is the famous one but others are out there. They go with stupid instead of substantive.
Poilievre has that Trump like attitude of attacking Journalists that ask him any questions that he does not appreciate.
He enjoys pointing the finger at the media although he put the cart before the horse in relation to the Rainbow Bridge Car Explosion that he dubbed a "terrorist attack". He trodded on his own foot when he blamed the Canadian media.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
He offers no solution to anything and is all about talking the talk. When is he going to actually walk the walk?
Had the Conservatives been in charge, the nation's debt and its contribution
to carbon emission in all likelihood could not have been worse than where they
are today. Offering solutions to something as Trudeau did is worse than offering
no solution to anything. Do you think for instance 'the budget will balance itself'
will solve our problem with debt and deficit?

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
Had the Conservatives been in charge, the nation's debt and its contribution
to carbon emission in all likelihood could not have been worse than where they
are today. Offering solutions to something as Trudeau did is worse than offering
no solution to anything. Do you think for instance 'the budget will balance itself'
will solve our problem with debt and deficit?
Do you think that Bitcoin is going to solve the issue?
The Conservatives are promising to lower the taxes on the wealthiest. Where will the savings come from to offset their generous handouts? Maybe Poilievre would have mandated that the economy stay open in the provinces and the deaths plus infections would have been as catastrophic as the USA and some other EU Nations.
The emissions would be worse with multiple pipelines being built with no consideration to the drinking water through the reserves that they were intended.
Again our Debt to GDP Ratio is one of the best in among the G7 Nations. Why is that not taken into consideration?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
This is a Global Phenomena, and not just with Canada.

my god he is stupid

Whether we had someone like Harper still in charge or Poilievre before the start of the epidemic to this present day, no doubt Canada would not have been in any better state of affairs.
wrong again

you seem confused about the damage the moron Justin Trudeau has caused and will continue to cause

One thing we should take into account is Canada's Debt to GDP ratio and inflation rate that is one of the best among the G7 Nations.
#1. Debt to GDP ratio is a really bad metric and not at all appropriate for managing a countries finances

during a recession the denominator decreases while numerator increases making the ratio accelerate upwards blowing by any pre-determined " safe target' value the clueless left wing politician had set & their only response is ..... "oops , well we did not see that coming"
Actually in reality they try to spin it as the previous govts fault.

#2 are you that clueless that you think struggling families who have seen their purchasing power decimated by liberal policies , actually care about how our inflation rate stacks up against other countries

if you get a $200 speeding ticket that is going to cost you huge bucks in insurance premium increases, do you laugh it off knowing there were others speeding on the highway ?

I have no issues with the Carbon Tax,
yet as a loonie left you pretend to care about the low income earners who the carbon tax adversely impacts the most

that is no different from the EU nations that have implemented it
wrong again


We should not forget that there are credits to offset these taxes.
purchased by the uber rich or corporations so they can virtue signal, while still producing emissions
Carbon credits are a Ponzi scheme

can a single mother buy carbon crdits that will reduce her hydro bill or lower her grocery bill?

Why not make the ones emitting these gases having to pay the price for it?
you do understand that
  1. you emit 50,000 ppm CO2 every time you exhale-- should we put a price on that for you?
  2. CO2 is the gas of life and below 180 ppm, all life on the planet will die ?
  3. CO2 is not a pollutant and this madness is diverting efforts and resources away from real pollution problems?

My concern is the effect of Climate Change, and it is obvious that you "larue" thinks that it is all a hoax, and "printing money" is of more concern as per your narrow minded conservative point of view.
Climate changes and it changes all the time, multiple ices ages confirm this.
The laws of physics just plain do not support the Anthropogenetic climate change narrative


the difference between the red and blacklines is the energy difference if we double co2 to 800 ppm
you will not be able to physically feel the difference
the auto switch on your home air conditioner is not sensitive enough to detect the difference

learn some science before determining you need to try and control other peoples lives

Poilievre's job #1 to a #1,000,000 is: - Just go on and on complaining on a daily 24/7 basis about "Justin this and Justin that" or in Parliament it is always "When is the Prime Minister going to blah blah blah".
well Justin Trudeau is a corrupt ideologue moron, who is making a hell of a mess
Perhaps if Justin was not corrupt, not divisive and actually understood the responsibilities of his office Pierre Poilievre would not have so much to complain about

Don't worry, according to polls > Canadians are ripe for change and you will get a chance to critique Pierre Poilievre as Prime Minister
Justin will naturally need to find employment aligned with his intelligence and skills
"Justin Trudeau, clean up on Isle 5"


He offers no solution to anything and is all about talking the talk. When is he going to actually walk the walk?
For the sake of all Canadians that will be right after the next election & Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre will get to walk the walk

I notice you completely ignored the issue of media bribing and ignored the question put to you

"pavel bure" What is your excuse to turning a blind eye to such an insult to your intelligence by your liberal party ?

it must be too difficult to even consider your views may have been targeted and influenced by a bribe you are funding

one thing though, if you are willing to give Justin Trudeau a pass on his corruption, how do you justify attacking Pierre Poilievre for asking questions (that is kind of the role of the leader of the opposition in parliament)

Job #1 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the carbon tax
Job #2 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the media bribe

for the benefit of all Canadians
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again our Debt to GDP Ratio is one of the best in among the G7 Nations. Why is that not taken into consideration?
because it is a useless ratio (see post # 71) and here is what really matters



the Canadian federal budget in 2014

Total revenue276.3 billion (Projected) 282.3 billion (Actual)
At the end of the fiscal year, the government was surprised to post a budgetary surplus of $1.9 billion.[5] This however would later be overturned to a small deficit of $550 million
and now


you should ditch being led by your ideology & try some objective thinking

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
John, just because you say it’s bad and useless doesn’t make it so………..

And during years of economic growth when smart governments manage their finances well….what happens to it then? Oh, that right, it decreases…

debt is just a number until you measure it against something…oh no we added some debt, says a multimillionaire…says Google, says Facebook and Tesla, says every company in the world ( not really but) says any country whose economy is growing, yeah after year after year after year after year….while their debt isn’t….or grow hand in hand at “2%” per annum, for a brief period..when a budget isn’t balanced.

Says the rating agencies, like Moody’s, Standard and Poor who use it, a long with other metrics as it denotes any country or companies capacity for debt, and ability to pay it back. Hence credit downgrades, under Rae, McWynne, Ford.

And what happens when our credit ratings gets dinged?

Ontario present D/G 39% ( it was over. 42% in 2017)
Canada present D/G 42.5%
Or thereabouts . And if you were to look at just those two lines. What would those two lines suggest about respective fiscal management? And should a recession hit in 2024 as expected, or some other unforeseen global event ( like 2008 or Covid) in the next 10 years..Who is in better shape to add some debt, to help do this or that? Given Covid, damn good thing JT inherited a decent thing ( despite the large deficits he added prior, during and after every year and still is, and still will be in 4 years)

btw, you do know I assume before JT took over, and Harper he with a degree in economics also used it? Tried to keep it under 28% and likewise included it in budgets, economic statements and pressers?

Another angle. Debt to gdp changes from when both Ford and JT took office. Before Covid, after Covid. So roughly 6 years of pain and tepid growth.

Ontario: 43% to 39%
canada: 28% to 42.5%

Another angle. Given inflation and its many drivers only one of which is excess $$. And governments that throw gas on a global fire problem by “printing money”….

if D/G ratios are 39% and 42.5%. Whose debt servicing cost aren’t “as bad”, and should rates go up, especially on short term bonds and notes, that roll every Thursday whether 1,3/5 or 10 year and when they were issued? or credit ratings go down. Who is royally fucked.

And does anyone think ratings agencies, creditors, or “the world” gives a rats ass if we compare “well” to others? If you do, I’d like some of what you’re smoking. Or do they strictly, and only care about our debt levels, our capacity for debt, our trends, our GDP and our tax revenue and their $$$$
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Poilievre has that Trump like attitude of attacking Journalists that ask him any questions that he does not appreciate.
He enjoys pointing the finger at the media although he put the cart before the horse in relation to the Rainbow Bridge Car Explosion that he dubbed a "terrorist attack". He trodded on his own foot when he blamed the Canadian media.
She used the old trope "people are saying". He asked what people. She says "experts". He ashed what experts. She couldn't name a single one which means its nothing more than media ecosystem rroeating eachother. He made he look stupid.

And he did it again to another one.

Sure ask about policy, for real. Nail him down. Get specifics. But that's not what the media(and you just did yourself) does. It tries to get clickbait and use Trump as a dog whistle. To to blood pressure up, and create a background narrative as opposed to just asking questions as neutral journalists and informing the public.

And yes I agree on him jumping the gun. But lets face it, so did the media. I watched the coverage. A birder closure that but, car explosion at the checkpoint, not much more, everyone assumed the worst. Even you. And as official opposition its his job to be the Devil's Advocate.

I see it as a minor gaff, and certainly not a big deal.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
John, just because you say it’s bad and useless doesn’t make it so………..
actually , simple mathematics and the proper application of logic make it so.

And during years of economic growth when smart governments manage their finances well….what happens to it then? Oh, that right, it decreases…
when was the last time that happened ?

8 years for Canada
20 + years in Ontario

debt is just a number until you measure it against something…
And it is measured against its own history,
your provide an example of such a comparison below

the value is useless as an indicator of financial management if it is constantly going up

oh no we added some debt, says a multimillionaire…says Google, says Facebook and Tesla, says every company in the world ( not really but) says any country whose economy is growing, yeah after year after year after year after year….while their debt isn’t….or grow hand in hand at “2%” per annum, for a brief period..when a budget isn’t balanced.
#1. And then a critical parameter, interests rates (the cost of borrowing), changes significantly and the cost of borrowing is not represented in either the numerator or denominator
#2. when a budget isn’t balanced. ??? governments have abandoned the responsibility of balancing a budget
# 3. govt debt should only be used
for infrastructure where the tax receipts from the infrastructure/ economic spin off matches the cost to service that debt
in times of economic slowdown
governments have been borrowing to cover ever increasing operating costs, fund useless ideological objectives, appease special interests groups and to buy votes
#4. most corporate failures are due to mis-management of debt & the cash flow
#5. the greater the debt burden in real dollars the greater the pain required to fix the problem
#6 debt compounds and very quickly in a rising rate environment, with higher interests payments offsetting and exceeding rational attempts at debt reduction
Ontario in particular has very likely passed the point it can manage its debt burden down to a responsible level, without massive service cuts / massive tax increases
the two largest provincial expenses are health care and education. both of which have been put at risk by poor debt management

Says the rating agencies, like Moody’s, Standard and Poor who use it, a long with other metrics as it denotes any country or companies capacity for debt, and ability to pay it back. Hence credit downgrades, under Rae, McWynne, Ford.
the debt agencies have proven themselves to be unreliable
2007/2008- MBS/ ABS securities based on junk assets were rated as 'Investment grade"

And what happens when our credit ratings gets dinged?
the cost of borrowing (past variable rate borrowing , maturing debt and incremental borrowing ) goes up

Ontario present D/G 39% ( it was over. 42% in 2017)
Canada present D/G 42.5%
Or thereabouts . And if you were to look at just those two lines. What would those two lines suggest about respective fiscal management?
glad you asked
do you honestly think Ontario's finances are in better shape now ($380 B in debt 5% interests rates) vs 2017 ($317 B @ 1% rates) ?.
clearly not
no way tax receipts have increased by (380/317- 1) %
the debt to gdp ratio is clearly misleading

]And should a recession hit in 2024 as expected, or some other unforeseen global event ( like 2008 or Covid) in the next 10 years..Who is in better shape to add some debt, to help do this or that? Given Covid, damn good thing JT inherited a decent thing ( despite the large deficits he added prior, during and after every year and still is, and still will be in 4 years)

btw, you do know I assume before JT took over, and Harper he with a degree in economics also used it? Tried to keep it under 28% and likewise included it in budgets, economic statements and pressers?
harper focused on reducing expenses, getting to a balance, he may have quoted debt to GDP, but the ratio was not the target, a balanced budget was the target

imagine if JT had actually followed Harpers responsible plan, and balance the budgets during good times & then only borrowed what was needed for covid (likely half of what he actual borrowed)
borrowing capacity / cost for the impending recession would be manageable , inflation would have been weaker as well

Another angle. Debt to gdp changes from when both Ford and JT took office. Before Covid, after Covid. So roughly 6 years of pain and tepid growth.

Ontario: 43% to 39%
canada: 28% to 42.5%
again meaning less, none of those values reflect the change in the cost of borrowing

Another angle. Given inflation and its many drivers only one of which is excess $$. And governments that throw gas on a global fire problem by “printing money”….
when has the money printing worked ?..... never
it was astounding that central bankers were caught off guard by inflation
print trillions of dollars , you should expect to devalue cash in circulation

if D/G ratios are 39% and 42.5%. Whose debt servicing cost aren’t “as bad”, and should rates go up, especially on short term bonds and notes, that roll every Thursday whether 1,3/5 or 10 year and when they were issued? or credit ratings go down. Who is royally fucked.
debt servicing costs are a function of the amount of debt and cost of borrowing ( interest rates)
Debt to GDP does not factor interest rates into the meaningless ratio

both are royally fucked
which is worse off ?

And does anyone think ratings agencies, creditors, or “the world” gives a rats ass if we compare “well” to others? If you do, I’d like some of what you’re smoking. Or do they strictly, and only care about our debt levels, our capacity for debt, our trends, our GDP and our tax revenue and their $$$$
what somebody else owes is irrelevant
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Which without get overly wordy, replying to small things. Is why I added some illustrations of how it’s used. If you prefer it can add context. That don’t show a rosy picture.
The debt-to-GDP ratio, commonly used in economics, is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product (GDP). Expressed as a percentage, the ratio is used to gauge a country's ability to repay its debt.

In other words, the debt-to-GDP ratio compares a country's public debt to its annual economic output.
Reality is, nothing can ever really be viewed in a vacuum. I wonder how many people here know the overnight rate, what a repo or reverse repo is. How or why, who or have have ever used them. Or participated in BoC auctions, or been long a few hundred million T-Bills that mature every…….and need to roll them…

what discount notes are and why creditors consider credit worthiness and what kind of rate would entice them to buy 800 million CDN bonds at 5.5% instead of US at 5.5%…
/pointe at prime rates

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
She used the old trope "people are saying". He asked what people. She says "experts". He ashed what experts. She couldn't name a single one which means its nothing more than media ecosystem rroeating eachother. He made he look stupid.

And he did it again to another one.

Sure ask about policy, for real. Nail him down. Get specifics. But that's not what the media(and you just did yourself) does. It tries to get clickbait and use Trump as a dog whistle. To to blood pressure up, and create a background narrative as opposed to just asking questions as neutral journalists and informing the public.

And yes I agree on him jumping the gun. But lets face it, so did the media. I watched the coverage. A birder closure that but, car explosion at the checkpoint, not much more, everyone assumed the worst. Even you. And as official opposition its his job to be the Devil's Advocate.

I see it as a minor gaff, and certainly not a big deal.
Poilievre made himself look stupid as CTV totally rebuffed his claims, as they posted the error after he stated that fake "terrorist" attack at question time. So blaming them did make himself look stupid, as Fox News already came up with that assumption.
He made another big gaffe regarding the Carbon Pricing for the Free Trade between Canada and Ukraine. It was not part of the conditions as Ukraine already has it in place. But he is proving to be very partisan in his voting in Parliament.
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pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
because it is a useless ratio (see post # 71) and here is what really matters


View attachment 277883

the Canadian federal budget in 2014

and now


you should ditch being led by your ideology & try some objective thinking
Lets get the real facts with The Liberal Government's 8 years in office:
The government’s economic plan is building a strong economy that works for everyone, with great jobs that Canadians can count on. And this plan is working.
Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic. Inflation is coming down, wage increases are outpacing inflation, and private sector economists now expect Canada to avoid the recession that many had predicted.
In the face of a rapid global increase in interest rates, many Canadians are feeling the squeeze, particularly when it comes to affording a home to rent or own. In response, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement is focused on today’s two key challenges.
First, the government is continuing to support Canadians at a time when some prices are still too high and mortgage renewals are looming. With new, targeted measures to help stabilize prices, make life more affordable, and protect Canadians with mortgages, the government is taking concrete action to support Canadians. This includes ensuring Canadians have access to the tailored mortgage relief they need at a time of higher interest rates. To do so, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement announces the new Canadian Mortgage Charter, which details the relief that Canadians can expect from their banks if they are in financial difficulty.
Second, the government is accelerating its work to build more homes, faster, and make housing more affordable. Building on the significant action the government has already taken, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement introduces billions of dollars in new financing to build more homes, faster, takes steps to crack down on short-term rentals so that homes can be used for Canadians to live in, and will help to increase the number of construction workers across the country. Today continues the federal government’s work leading a national effort to make housing more affordable across Canada.
The government’s economic plan is responsible, and it sees Canada maintain both the lowest deficit- and net debt-to-GDP ratios in the G7. The government is taking further action in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement to ensure Canada’s finances remain sustainable—and that we can continue to responsibly invest in Canadians, strengthen the middle class, and build a stronger economy that works for everyone.
As a foundational part of the government’s work to invest in Canada’s economic future and create more good-paying jobs, the government is also delivering its new major investment tax credits on a priority basis, with legislative implementation advancing in the days to come and concluding in 2024.

Canada’s economic plan is working:
  • Canada’s unemployment rate, for the last 21 months, has been lower than at any time under the previous government. Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic.
  • Wages have outpaced inflation for the past nine months.
  • The International Monetary Fund projects Canada to see the strongest economic growth in the G7 next year.
  • In the first half of this year, Canada received the third-most foreign direct investment of any country in the world—and the highest per capita in the G7.
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pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
View attachment 277875

my god he is stupid

wrong again

you seem confused about the damage the moron Justin Trudeau has caused and will continue to cause

#1. Debt to GDP ratio is a really bad metric and not at all appropriate for managing a countries finances

during a recession the denominator decreases while numerator increases making the ratio accelerate upwards blowing by any pre-determined " safe target' value the clueless left wing politician had set & their only response is ..... "oops , well we did not see that coming"
Actually in reality they try to spin it as the previous govts fault.

#2 are you that clueless that you think struggling families who have seen their purchasing power decimated by liberal policies , actually care about how our inflation rate stacks up against other countries

if you get a $200 speeding ticket that is going to cost you huge bucks in insurance premium increases, do you laugh it off knowing there were others speeding on the highway ?

yet as a loonie left you pretend to care about the low income earners who the carbon tax adversely impacts the most

wrong again

View attachment 277880

purchased by the uber rich or corporations so they can virtue signal, while still producing emissions
Carbon credits are a Ponzi scheme

can a single mother buy carbon crdits that will reduce her hydro bill or lower her grocery bill?

you do understand that
  1. you emit 50,000 ppm CO2 every time you exhale-- should we put a price on that for you?
  2. CO2 is the gas of life and below 180 ppm, all life on the planet will die ?
  3. CO2 is not a pollutant and this madness is diverting efforts and resources away from real pollution problems?

Climate changes and it changes all the time, multiple ices ages confirm this.
The laws of physics just plain do not support the Anthropogenetic climate change narrative

View attachment 277881

the difference between the red and blacklines is the energy difference if we double co2 to 800 ppm
you will not be able to physically feel the difference
the auto switch on your home air conditioner is not sensitive enough to detect the difference

learn some science before determining you need to try and control other peoples lives

well Justin Trudeau is a corrupt ideologue moron, who is making a hell of a mess
Perhaps if Justin was not corrupt, not divisive and actually understood the responsibilities of his office Pierre Poilievre would not have so much to complain about

Don't worry, according to polls > Canadians are ripe for change and you will get a chance to critique Pierre Poilievre as Prime Minister
Justin will naturally need to find employment aligned with his intelligence and skills
"Justin Trudeau, clean up on Isle 5"

View attachment 277882

For the sake of all Canadians that will be right after the next election & Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre will get to walk the walk

I notice you completely ignored the issue of media bribing and ignored the question put to you

"pavel bure" What is your excuse to turning a blind eye to such an insult to your intelligence by your liberal party ?

it must be too difficult to even consider your views may have been targeted and influenced by a bribe you are funding

one thing though, if you are willing to give Justin Trudeau a pass on his corruption, how do you justify attacking Pierre Poilievre for asking questions (that is kind of the role of the leader of the opposition in parliament)

Job #1 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the carbon tax
Job #2 for Pierre Poilievre ... kill the media bribe

for the benefit of all Canadians
Once again the most recent studies on Climate Change based on the Ice Core and Modern Instrumental Data is:

The current warming trend is different because it is clearly the result of human activities since the mid-1800s, and is proceeding at a rate not seen over many recent millennia.1 It is undeniable that human activities have produced the atmospheric gases that have trapped more of the Sun’s energy in the Earth system. This extra energy has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred.

Do scientists agree on climate change?
Earth-orbiting satellites and new technologies have helped scientists see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate all over the world. These data, collected over many years, reveal the signs and patterns of a changing climate.

Scientists demonstrated the heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases in the mid-19th century.2 Many of the science instruments NASA uses to study our climate focus on how these gases affect the movement of infrared radiation through the atmosphere. From the measured impacts of increases in these gases, there is no question that increased greenhouse gas levels warm Earth in response.

"Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal."
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of warming after an ice age. Carbon dioxide from human activities is increasing about 250 times faster than it did from natural sources after the last Ice Age.3

So, I will stick to the real Science and you can suck up to the Climate Change Deniers.

If we had Poilievre as PM since the last Election and his Cryptocurrency guidelines were followed:

He was dumb to mention this Currency to those with zero knowledge of the fluctuations in the market. Canadians are being scammed out of record-breaking dollar amounts via cryptocurrency investment fraud. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, Canadians reported losses of $308.6M to investment fraud in 2022 compared to $164M in 2021. Of those reports, many involved Canadians investing in cryptocurrency after seeing a deceptive ad. Investment fraud, including cryptocurrency fraud, takes many forms, but they all have one thing in common – the big lie that you can make tons of fast cash!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Lets get the real facts with The Liberal Government's 8 years in office:
The government’s economic plan is building a strong economy that works for everyone, with great jobs that Canadians can count on. And this plan is working.
Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic. Inflation is coming down, wage increases are outpacing inflation, and private sector economists now expect Canada to avoid the recession that many had predicted.
In the face of a rapid global increase in interest rates, many Canadians are feeling the squeeze, particularly when it comes to affording a home to rent or own. In response, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement is focused on today’s two key challenges.
First, the government is continuing to support Canadians at a time when some prices are still too high and mortgage renewals are looming. With new, targeted measures to help stabilize prices, make life more affordable, and protect Canadians with mortgages, the government is taking concrete action to support Canadians. This includes ensuring Canadians have access to the tailored mortgage relief they need at a time of higher interest rates. To do so, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement announces the new Canadian Mortgage Charter, which details the relief that Canadians can expect from their banks if they are in financial difficulty.
Second, the government is accelerating its work to build more homes, faster, and make housing more affordable. Building on the significant action the government has already taken, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement introduces billions of dollars in new financing to build more homes, faster, takes steps to crack down on short-term rentals so that homes can be used for Canadians to live in, and will help to increase the number of construction workers across the country. Today continues the federal government’s work leading a national effort to make housing more affordable across Canada.
The government’s economic plan is responsible, and it sees Canada maintain both the lowest deficit- and net debt-to-GDP ratios in the G7. The government is taking further action in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement to ensure Canada’s finances remain sustainable—and that we can continue to responsibly invest in Canadians, strengthen the middle class, and build a stronger economy that works for everyone.
As a foundational part of the government’s work to invest in Canada’s economic future and create more good-paying jobs, the government is also delivering its new major investment tax credits on a priority basis, with legislative implementation advancing in the days to come and concluding in 2024.

Canada’s economic plan is working:
  • Canada’s unemployment rate, for the last 21 months, has been lower than at any time under the previous government. Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic.
  • Wages have outpaced inflation for the past nine months.
  • The International Monetary Fund projects Canada to see the strongest economic growth in the G7 next year.
  • In the first half of this year, Canada received the third-most foreign direct investment of any country in the world—and the highest per capita in the G7.
No idea who you quoted all that from. From the wording my guess might be the same Liberals.

Some counter facts for you. I hope you will at least read the headlines.

Shall I link food banks? ontarios mess, we are after all just the largest province..

I wonder how many even know about reverse mortgages.

Some of these are older. But have things gotten better or worse? I don’t know, let’s see..oh yeah..2019

What about capital bleed?

Shall I continue?
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Poilievre made himself look stupid as CTV totally rebuffed his claims, as they posted the error after he stated that fake "terrorist" attack at question time. So blaming them did make himself look stupid, as Fox News already came up with that assumption.
He made another big gaffe regarding the Carbon Pricing for the Free Trade between Canada and Ukraine. It was not part of the conditions as Ukraine already has it in place. But he is proving to be very partisan in his voting in Parliament.
You get paid by the post? Or on Salary to the Liberals?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
The US economy? When they sneeze we catch colds. Theres war in the Mideast and Ukraine..and they too have boomers.

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Once again the most recent studies on Climate Change based on the Ice Core and Modern Instrumental Data is:

The current warming trend is different because it is clearly the result of human activities since the mid-1800s, and is proceeding at a rate not seen over many recent millennia.

we are still emerging from the little ice age
rate of change from proxy data ???
the changes in the younger drayas was much greater than today


It is undeniable that human activities have produced the atmospheric gases that have trapped more of the Sun’s energy in the Earth system.
it is not undeniable ,
mans emission are a tiny fraction of the co2 exchange via plants, the atmosphere and oceans

if oceans warm they out gas cO2

this extra energy has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred.
it is a 0.01% change
absorption is a physical effect
physicals effects do not move the neddle due to o.o1% change

another amongst many flaws is the absorption is saturated at the all important 666 wave number
as pointed out you will not even notice the impact of double from 400 ppm to 800 ppm


Do scientists agree on climate change?
Earth-orbiting satellites and new technologies have helped scientists see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate all over the world. These data, collected over many years, reveal the signs and patterns of a changing climate.
glad you brought up satellites

satellite data , validated by weather balloon, show how brutality inaccurate climate models have been


btw the inaccurate models are the basis for all the failed doom and gloom

Scientists demonstrated the heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases in the mid-19th century.2
they also demonstrated the saturation effect
absorption has a logarithmic relationship with concentration
its call the beer-lambert law

this means each incremental addition has a ever diminishing effect relative to the addition before it
the absorption at the all important 666 wave number was saturated billions of years ago
and we have had mutiple ice ages since

co2 is not the control knob for climate

Many of the science instruments NASA uses to study our climate focus on how these gases affect the movement of infrared radiation through the atmosphere. From the measured impacts of increases in these gases, there is no question that increased greenhouse gas levels warm Earth in response.
the are far more questions than answers

learn some science

Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of warming after an ice age. Carbon dioxide from human activities is increasing about 250 times faster than it did from natural sources after the last Ice Age.3

you opened the geological kimono


Looking back over millennia, today the Earth is colder, and has a lower level of atmospheric CO2 than during nearly all the history of modern life. The idea that it would be catastrophic if CO2 were to increase and average global temperature were to rise a few degrees is preposterous.
the have been multiple time when co2 was much higher and the planet was in an ice age

the laws of physics do not change

So, I will stick to the real Science and you can suck up to the Climate Change Deniers.
you mean you will continue to swallow the propaganda that your feed and you are to lazy to learn enough to question the propaganda

there is a reason for the 50 years of failed catastrophic climate predictions. .... the hypothesis is flawed

He was dumb to mention this Currency to those with zero knowledge of the fluctuations in the market. Canadians are being scammed out of record-breaking dollar amounts via cryptocurrency investment fraud. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, Canadians reported losses of $308.6M to investment fraud in 2022 compared to $164M in 2021. Of those reports, many involved Canadians investing in cryptocurrency after seeing a deceptive ad. Investment fraud, including cryptocurrency fraud, takes many forms, but they all have one thing in common – the big lie that you can make tons of fast cash!

again . if you are going to give Justine Trudeau a pass for being a moron a for his billions of wasted taxpayer money you can not attack Pierre Poilievre for any bitcoin tom foolery

justin Trudeau is a corrupt moron at any bitcoin price level
why you want him to continue making a god awful mess is perplexing'
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Lets get the real facts with The Liberal Government's 8 years in office:
The government’s economic plan is building a strong economy that works for everyone, with great jobs that Canadians can count on. And this plan is working.
it is not working people are getting run over by inflation

Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic.
who has been hiring ... governments

Inflation is coming down, wage increases are outpacing inflation, and private sector economists now expect Canada to avoid the recession that many had predicted.
no we have turmoil in the housing sector, the only real growth engine for the economy

In the face of a rapid global increase in interest rates, many Canadians are feeling the squeeze, particularly when it comes to affording a home to rent or own.
something Justine promised to address two elections ago

In response, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement is focused on today’s two key challenges.
First, the government is continuing to support Canadians at a time when some prices are still too high and mortgage renewals are looming. With new, targeted measures to help stabilize prices, make life more affordable, and protect Canadians with mortgages, the government is taking concrete action to support Canadians. This includes ensuring Canadians have access to the tailored mortgage relief they need at a time of higher interest rates. To do so, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement announces the new Canadian Mortgage Charter, which details the relief that Canadians can expect from their banks if they are in financial difficulty.
Second, the government is accelerating its work to build more homes, faster, and make housing more affordable. Building on the significant action the government has already taken, the 2023 Fall Economic Statement introduces billions of dollars in new financing to build more homes, faster, takes steps to crack down on short-term rentals so that homes can be used for Canadians to live in, and will help to increase the number of construction workers across the country. Today continues the federal government’s work leading a national effort to make housing more affordable across Canada.
The government’s economic plan is responsible, and it sees Canada maintain both the lowest deficit- and net debt-to-GDP ratios in the G7. The government is taking further action in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement to ensure Canada’s finances remain sustainable—and that we can continue to responsibly invest in Canadians, strengthen the middle class, and build a stronger economy that works for everyone.
As a foundational part of the government’s work to invest in Canada’s economic future and create more good-paying jobs, the government is also delivering its new major investment tax credits on a priority basis, with legislative implementation advancing in the days to come and concluding in 2024.
they are addressing an inflation / debt problem by borrowing and spending more
you really can not get much stupider than that

Canada’s economic plan is working:
  • Canada’s unemployment rate, for the last 21 months, has been lower than at any time under the previous government. Over a million more Canadians are employed today compared to before the pandemic.
  • Wages have outpaced inflation for the past nine months.
  • The International Monetary Fund projects Canada to see the strongest economic growth in the G7 next year.
  • In the first half of this year, Canada received the third-most foreign direct investment of any country in the world—and the highest per capita in the G7.
you have no idea what is coming & it is not going to be pretty

Justine Trudeaus legacy wilt be complete .... a complete disaster for Canadians
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