Major shooting at Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
. Please note though he refused to turn his donor and volunteer lists over to the DNC.
Is that something that he should have done?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Deeds not words. Unanimous hike to military spending. 16 Senators voting to gut Dodd Frank. Taking in as much corporate money as the GOP. Lip service to Gun Control.

All those except Bernie(independent btw) have voted conservative or allowed their colleagues to do so so they could vote otherwise.

Waters is a multimillionaire, as are all the rest. They are not real progressives. Booker and Harris are Slavering for the Oval office and can be bought. Warren's support of Hillary proves no ethics as well.

I will give you some of the new faces but that is in SPITE of the leadership. Not because of them.

The only ones you can say are to the left are any who say military cuts and universal healthcare.

Cuts your list right down.
My guess is that every one of the Senators I listed didn't vote to gut Dodd Frank. Correct me if I'm wrong there.
Just because they are rich and corporatist doesn't mean they aren't left wing progressives.
They support open borders and the abolition or reform of ICE. They support universal healthcare. They support higher taxes and increased government spending. They support more affirmative action and pay equity legislation. They support reduced powers for policing. They support much stricter gun control legislation or repeal of the 2nd Amendment altogether. They believe in man made climate change and support the reduction and eventual abolition of fossil fuels. They are opposed to school choice i.e. private charter schools. They want to curb free speech. They are against constitutionalist judges.
My challenge to you - show me one person in the Conservative Party of Canada or the PC Party of Ontario that believes in most of those policy stances I have listed.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
There was a class action suit. In it the Dems admitted to rigging it but claimed it was legal because they are a private organization and can change the rules on a whim if they so choose.


But that means the primaries were a sham. They have slightly modified the rules in regards to superdelegates but I already figured out how they are going to bypass that as well.

Bernie chose to not shut the door on the Dems. I thought he should have. But it's his choice. Please note though he refused to turn his donor and volunteer lists over to the DNC.

I think he has a plan this time. But again, the mid terms come first. And I expect he will wait until the new year.
You put words in the mouths of everyone including the Democratic Party. That lawsuit was dismissed. Not saying that there was not a certain bias in the way they handled it, but we know the same was the case of the Republicans. But unlike Sanders, Trump actually created a cult that carried him through in spite of the bias against him. His base loved the manner in which he vilified certain minorities and that is how his message is resounding to this day. But read the actual facts:

"A year-long legal battle over the Democratic National Committee's handling of the 2016 presidential primary came to an end Friday, with a federal judge in Florida dismissing a class-action suit brought by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt."

"There was no evidence, the judge wrote, that anyone had donated to the DNC on the promise that the committee and its employees would be completely impartial.

"Not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC's charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations," Zloch wrote. "And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC's charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint. Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing."

Do your research and stop believing the far right websites that pedal these fraud theories.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You put words in the mouths of everyone including the Democratic Party. That lawsuit was dismissed. Not saying that there was not a certain bias in the way they handled it, but we know the same was the case of the Republicans. But unlike Sanders, Trump actually created a cult that carried him through in spite of the bias against him. His base loved the manner in which he vilified certain minorities and that is how his message is resounding to this day. But read the actual facts:

"A year-long legal battle over the Democratic National Committee's handling of the 2016 presidential primary came to an end Friday, with a federal judge in Florida dismissing a class-action suit brought by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt."

"There was no evidence, the judge wrote, that anyone had donated to the DNC on the promise that the committee and its employees would be completely impartial.

"Not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC's charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations," Zloch wrote. "And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC's charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint. Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing."

Do your research and stop believing the far right websites that pedal these fraud theories.
Reread the third paragraph. The judge acknowledged the primary wasn't impartial.

In other words it was rigged.

It's an officially recognized part of the Democratic process and assisted by the govt and tax payers to hold the primary.

One would hope it could at least be impartial.

It was dismissed on technicalities. And a recent Jimmy Dore show one of the plaintiffs on. It may be coming back.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
My guess is that every one of the Senators I listed didn't vote to gut Dodd Frank. Correct me if I'm wrong there.
Just because they are rich and corporatist doesn't mean they aren't left wing progressives.
They support open borders and the abolition or reform of ICE. They support universal healthcare. They support higher taxes and increased government spending. They support more affirmative action and pay equity legislation. They support reduced powers for policing. They support much stricter gun control legislation or repeal of the 2nd Amendment altogether. They believe in man made climate change and support the reduction and eventual abolition of fossil fuels. They are opposed to school choice i.e. private charter schools. They want to curb free speech. They are against constitutionalist judges.
My challenge to you - show me one person in the Conservative Party of Canada or the PC Party of Ontario that believes in most of those policy stances I have listed.
I'd say they all support universal health care in the CPC. Other than trashing the long gun registry they didn't loosen gun control laws when in power. I don't see any policy resembling school charters in their mandate.

Head to individuals and I bet depending on the riding some could interchange with Liberals.

And as I said before the Dems play a game for corporate dollars now of a sleight of hand show while continuing to support conservative agendas.

Look at military spending, war approvals, pork barrel spending, wall st regulation, on and on. These are the real issues the donors pay for. and there always seems to be enough votes to pass them.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
My guess is that every one of the Senators I listed didn't vote to gut Dodd Frank. Correct me if I'm wrong there.
Just because they are rich and corporatist doesn't mean they aren't left wing progressives.
They support open borders and the abolition or reform of ICE. They support universal healthcare. They support higher taxes and increased government spending. They support more affirmative action and pay equity legislation. They support reduced powers for policing. They support much stricter gun control legislation or repeal of the 2nd Amendment altogether. They believe in man made climate change and support the reduction and eventual abolition of fossil fuels. They are opposed to school choice i.e. private charter schools. They want to curb free speech. They are against constitutionalist judges.
My challenge to you - show me one person in the Conservative Party of Canada or the PC Party of Ontario that believes in most of those policy stances I have listed.
I dont recall if iot was you and if not then I apologize but someone made a similar comment about Dems supporting open border. When challenged to find one member of Congress (either house) or one person running who supports open borders I was met by what else silence. So if it want you then i make the same challenge to you.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Reread the third paragraph. The judge acknowledged the primary wasn't impartial.

In other words it was rigged.

It's an officially recognized part of the Democratic process and assisted by the govt and tax payers to hold the primary.

One would hope it could at least be impartial.

It was dismissed on technicalities. And a recent Jimmy Dore show one of the plaintiffs on. It may be coming back.
This is the "third paragraph". Show us where it says that "the judge acknowledged the primary wasn't impartial".

"The lawsuit, which its supporters promoted with the hashtag #DNCFraudLawsuit, grew out of the 2016 hack of the DNC that eventually led to the release of thousands of documents on the website DCLeaks. On July 28, 2016, Florida attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck filed a civil complaint, alleging that the hacked emails had revealed a DNC that was plotting to get Hillary Clinton through the primaries, defrauding its donors, and exposing them to harm through shoddy information security."
Rigged is what you are given to believe. Remember that overall the whole lawsuit was about the elections being "rigged". So the Judge would have been contradicting himself if he stated that it was "rigged" and then ruled that it was not "rigged". If you want to talk about anything being "rigged" then you can look at the whole Kavanaugh Investigation by the FBI and then you will understand what real rigging is. Especially as the FBI had very limited powers to conduct a proper investigation of all the circumstances. On the other hand, The Judge in this case looked at ALL the evidence put out by the Sanders supporters, and he found no wrong doings, as it was 1 person 1 vote, and on that basis it was fair.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
This happened only 2 weeks ago and it is already old news. Another mass shooting to-day.

In the immediate aftermath, some people rushed to blame or partially blame President Trump. This is unfair because, sadly, anti-semitism is on the rise in Canada as well. Should we blame Prime Minister Trudeau? It is even worse in Europe, especially France, is that Macron's fault?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This happened only 2 weeks ago and it is already old news. Another mass shooting to-day.

In the immediate aftermath, some people rushed to blame or partially blame President Trump. This is unfair because, sadly, anti-semitism is on the rise in Canada as well. Should we blame Prime Minister Trudeau? It is even worse in Europe, especially France, is that Macron's fault?
Actually Trump's rhetoric is heavily covered and spread in Canada so blaming Trudeau is not realistic. Add in all the Alt-Right voices who gained a platform through Trump's campaign and there is a realistic rationale to connect rising racism to Trump even if it is not directly his fault.

Racist people have pretty much been racist from their beginnings. Trump and his campaign have simply made it more acceptable to talk about it in public. That in turn makes mentally unstable people more likely to believe that their views are mainstream and acceptable.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I have been watching the rise of anti-semitism on Canadian college and university campuses for almost a decade now. The article in the link below was written in 2015 before Trump entered politics.

Trump himself have family members who are Jewish plus he ordered the re-location of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
That doesn't mean he's not an anti-semite himself.
White nationalists, you know.....


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I have been watching the rise of anti-semitism on Canadian college and university campuses for almost a decade now. The article in the link below was written in 2015 before Trump entered politics.

Trump himself have family members who are Jewish plus he ordered the re-location of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
And he praised the good people in Charlottesville who were chanting "The Jews will not replace us". Is that pro-Jewish as well?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I dont recall if iot was you and if not then I apologize but someone made a similar comment about Dems supporting open border. When challenged to find one member of Congress (either house) or one person running who supports open borders I was met by what else silence. So if it want you then i make the same challenge to you.

Yeah, that was Kirk. And I was the guy who engaged with him and got a good chuckle, as he immediately collapsed.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I have been watching the rise of anti-semitism on Canadian college and university campuses for almost a decade now. The article in the link below was written in 2015 before Trump entered politics.

Trump himself have family members who are Jewish plus he ordered the re-location of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

But he wants the votes of the wacko alt right idiots. And that means that he won't opposes anti semitism, regardless of Kushner.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
This happened only 2 weeks ago and it is already old news. Another mass shooting to-day.

In the immediate aftermath, some people rushed to blame or partially blame President Trump. This is unfair because, sadly, anti-semitism is on the rise in Canada as well. Should we blame Prime Minister Trudeau? It is even worse in Europe, especially France, is that Macron's fault?
Let me spell it out for you. Trump hate-stirs. Specifically he ranted about the caravan. He also rants about the Dems and Soros. Soros is Jewish and the focus of many anti Semitic alt right hate conspiracies, including nonsense that Soros financed and organized the caravan. Trump knows this. Trump uses it to whip up his base by ranting about the Caravan.

So when someone goes out and kills Jews, mentioning the Caravan and Soros, who's to blame??.... Trump's in there somewhere, isn't he?

And that Darts, is why he was asked not to attend the funerals in Pittsburgh.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Let me spell it out for you. Trump hate-stirs. Specifically he ranted about the caravan. He also rants about the Dems and Soros. Soros is Jewish and the focus of many anti Semitic alt right hate conspiracies, including nonsense that Soros financed and organized the caravan. Trump knows this. Trump uses it to whip up his base by ranting about the Caravan.

So when someone goes out and kills Jews, mentioning the Caravan and Soros, who's to blame??.... Trump's in there somewhere, isn't he?

And that Darts, is why he was asked not to attend the funerals in Pittsburgh.
What an idiotic argument. Soros should be protected from criticism because he's a Jew. Idi Amin should have been protected from criticism because he was black. Criticizing Bin Laden is pure Islamophobia. See where this is going?


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
What an idiotic argument. Soros should be protected from criticism because he's a Jew. Idi Amin should have been protected from criticism because he was black. Criticizing Bin Laden is pure Islamophobia. See where this is going?
You have proof that Soros is funding the Caravan? Because THAT is the rhetoric which caused this guy to "go in".


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You have proof that Soros is funding the Caravan? Because THAT is the rhetoric which caused this guy to "go in".
Since when do you need proof of anything? What difference does it make, these days?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What an idiotic argument. Soros should be protected from criticism because he's a Jew. Idi Amin should have been protected from criticism because he was black. Criticizing Bin Laden is pure Islamophobia. See where this is going?

C'mon, JC. You're not really this thick.

Trump makes up a bunch of hysterical, lying nonsense about a Jewish financier, knowing it will play well to that part of his base which is anti Semitic and indifferent to whether violence against Jews ensues. And he makes that the centrepiece of an over the top scaremongering election campaign.

It's not like a normal, well-functioning president stating soberly that Idi Amin had a poor human rights record or that OBL was a terrorist.
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