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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
No Frank *Rubbing temples* its not to be expected. A self proclaimed Nationalist is nothing more than a patriot of the nation.
As I said above, for the examples given, Trump is the worst possible role model for white racists, and expect they would loath him more than you.

There is not violence connected to 'lock her up'. It just makes people laugh, its no worse than crowds bellowing 'Impeach 45'.
The media, if not being honest (more then a few times have lied/retracted stories) that's misleading citizens, and why most now go to social media for better answers.

...and the Muslim ban, for the last time, please stop spinning that lie. Its so easy to refute. It was a travel ban.

Question Frank, did Trump ban ALL muslim nations, including Indonesia. No
Of those seven countries banned - North Korea, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Venezuela. Were Muslims the majority or target? No
Please stop trying to misinform people and get on the same page as your supreme leader in his own words it was a "Muslim Ban"
I know you are not a big fan of facts and always try to re direct, misinform or use whataboutism to justify your posts but no one spun it into a Muslim Ban Trump himself called it a Muslim ban get your facts right. and regardless of how many times you say it wasn't a Muslim ban Trump called it a Muslim ban himself so it surely was one.

His exact words
"The Muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into a extreme vetting from certain areas of the world"
This video at 4:55 is proof he called it a Muslim ban himself then walked back his words after backlash.

More of the Trump's own words targeting the Muslim on the Muslim ban
Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States

He only changed from calling it a Muslim Ban after he received backlash for it


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Do I really need to hit the like button every time Bernie comments?
Only as often as you defend trump. I have seen zero posts where Bernie says something negative about trump and you rip trump a new one along with Bernie. Right now I'd guess that you are about 100:1 in posts supporting trump.

Do you agree with Bernie? Here is your chance to show us that you are sincere.

Bernie Sanders calls Trump 'most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history'

I am predicting that you will not endorse Bernie's comment as written. Duck, deflect, waffle, waver.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
This is not a fact, Nationalists and racists love Trump. That's why he gets so much support in Hillbilly country (Mid America) the racists and nationalists are usually less educated hence why it's easier for Trump to manipulate their thinking.
Robert Bowers was an Alt Right and an Anti Semite who was Emboldened by your supreme leader Trump's rhetoric towards the Caravan.
Horseshit. Bowers disliked Trump. Called him a puppet of the Jews. He was not emboldened by anything Trump said or did.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Only as often as you defend trump. I have seen zero posts where Bernie says something negative about trump and you rip trump a new one along with Bernie. Right now I'd guess that you are about 100:1 in posts supporting trump.

Do you agree with Bernie? Here is your chance to show us that you are sincere.

Bernie Sanders calls Trump 'most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history'

I am predicting that you will not endorse Bernie's comment as written. Duck, deflect, waffle, waver.
I just saw your response to oagre's post regarding Bernie's condemnation.

Looks like I was right.

You've consistently supported trump's hyperbole, always telling us what he really meant to say on your way to defending it. You are too predictable.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Horseshit. Bowers disliked Trump. Called him a puppet of the Jews. He was not emboldened by anything Trump said or did.
Horseshit, keep telling yourself that. He was an anti semite and an ALT Right nut who was emboldened by Trump's words on the Caravan and illegal immigrants.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I really have to take issue with these comments. In particular the 2nd paragraph. You claim the Dems are right of the Conservatives in Canada? That is such a ridiculous assertion I'm having a hard time thinking you actually believe that. The face of the Democratic Party in the US right now - Barack Obama. Sen Elizabeth Warren. Fmr Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Rep Maxine Waters. Sen Bernie Sanders. Sen Cory Booker. Sen Kamala Harris. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand. Sen Chuck Schumer. The up and comers - Andrew Gillum Fla, Beto O'Rourke TEX. Stacey Abrams GA. Pretty much every one of these are on the progressive wing of the party. They would belong in the NDP here in Canada. The moderates of the party are few and far between. Many of them were lost in 2014 and 2016. Now Manchin, McCaskill, Heitkamp, Donnelly are all on the chopping block.
Deeds not words. Unanimous hike to military spending. 16 Senators voting to gut Dodd Frank. Taking in as much corporate money as the GOP. Lip service to Gun Control.

All those except Bernie(independent btw) have voted conservative or allowed their colleagues to do so so they could vote otherwise.

Waters is a multimillionaire, as are all the rest. They are not real progressives. Booker and Harris are Slavering for the Oval office and can be bought. Warren's support of Hillary proves no ethics as well.

I will give you some of the new faces but that is in SPITE of the leadership. Not because of them.

The only ones you can say are to the left are any who say military cuts and universal healthcare.

Cuts your list right down.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I just saw your response to oagre's post regarding Bernie's condemnation.

Looks like I was right.

You've consistently supported trump's hyperbole, always telling us what he really meant to say on your way to defending it. You are too predictable.
Nope. You are wrong.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Universal single payer healthcare was not in place. It was private insurance which by LAW every adult had to buy. And in many states without choice of provider.

And if the Dems agreed with Bernie why did they fix the Primary?
You go on and on about fixing a "Primary". That Conspiracy Theory has been garbaged since:

Anyway, as we all know, the private insurance has a noose around the necks of the Americans. That needed to be fixed in order to iron out the kinks. But the real hypocrites are the Republicans who were never in favour of an Affordable Healthcare System for all citizens. We know how they did their level best to roadblock it from going through. Yet the hypocrites including Trump are suddenly say that they are the ones who will be making it "affordable for all". They are not in favour of covering existing conditions!! What is Bernie Sanders suggesting that the Democrats disagree with?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Only as often as you defend trump. I have seen zero posts where Bernie says something negative about trump and you rip trump a new one along with Bernie. Right now I'd guess that you are about 100:1 in posts supporting trump.

Do you agree with Bernie? Here is your chance to show us that you are sincere.

Bernie Sanders calls Trump 'most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history'

I am predicting that you will not endorse Bernie's comment as written. Duck, deflect, waffle, waver.
As I've also said Bernie has been doing the right thing quietly working to grow the grassroots network and get real progressives nominated and elected at the local level. Unsexy but much needed.

His campaign can be activated at any time. I think the results of the mid terms and its effects on the Dem leadership will have a big effect on his decision process.

So really until he declares there isn't much to say is there? He isn't out having Spartacus moments or taking DNA tests to prove they are 0.00000001% native.

He is a serious contender with a serious platform that will have to overcome a corrupt Dem leadership to take the Nomination.

I may have to modify my signature as I don't thing he will run Independently.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You go on and on about fixing a "Primary". That Conspiracy Theory has been garbaged since:

Anyway, as we all know, the private insurance has a noose around the necks of the Americans. That needed to be fixed in order to iron out the kinks. But the real hypocrites are the Republicans who were never in favour of an Affordable Healthcare System for all citizens. We know how they did their level best to roadblock it from going through. Yet the hypocrites including Trump are suddenly say that they are the ones who will be making it "affordable for all". They are not in favour of covering existing conditions!! What is Bernie Sanders suggesting that the Democrats disagree with?
Donna Brassile says otherwise, as do the emails.

If it didn't happen then why was Wasserman Schultz fired?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Again, back to the rise in racist attacks.

I will agree to 'continued violence between political views' because tensions are hot. If racist infuriate something like NC, thats because they are looking to build members.
Its contradictory to for racist to embrace, or praise Trump though.
By all accounts, they won't attend his rallies, or listen to his words because they should hate his family, and his efforts for Israel, and many ethnic groups.

Its just a difference of opinion on this one.

Anyone can be a Nationalist. Have nothing but plain and simple love for the place you live.

What you attach to that now, is up to the individual. Sexual orientation, religion, personal believes, its doesn't take away from still loving your own country.

Mussolini was a fascist, Hitler was a National Socialist.. both chose their own dark paths.
I believe, we can all be Nationalist proudly, and just take our own diction on how we chose to treat others in life.
Mussolini was a Nationalist Fascist and Hitler was a Nationalist, Socialist Fascist. There is nothing to be proud of as a Nationalist. Although being Patriotic is a great thing.
By definition Nationalism is a form of extreme patriotism which is usually enhanced by the feeling of superiority over others or other countries. There is nothing admirable about being a nationalist as it eventually leads to violence against your opponents and anyone who disagrees with you.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Donna Brassile says otherwise, as do the emails.

If it didn't happen then why was Wasserman Schultz fired?
Read again:

Within a few days, both Brazile and Warren walked their statements all the way back. Brazile now says she found “no evidence” the primary was rigged. Warren now says that though there was “some bias” within the DNC, “the overall 2016 primary process was fair.”

As Barack Obama’s presidency drew to a close, the DNC was deep in debt. In return for a bailout, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign more potential control over its operations and hiring decisions than was either ethical or wise. But those operations were mostly irrelevant to the primary and couldn’t have been used to rig the process even if anyone had wanted to use them that way; the primary schedule, debate schedule, and rules were set well in advance of these agreements. “I found nothing to say they were gaming the primary system,” Brazile told me. And while that contradicts the more sensational language she used in her book, it fits the facts she laid out both in her original piece and since.
So Debbie Wassermann Schultz was probably fired for the way she handed over potential control to operating, and hiring decisions that were not ethical. Again it states that the primary process was fair. That is what matters. You as a Trump supporter has no problem vilifying the Democrats although there is no conclusive proof of anything, just like Trump found ruled guilty and was going to "Jail Her"!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Read again:

So Debbie Wassermann Schultz was probably fired for the way she handed over potential control to operating, and hiring decisions that were not ethical. Again it states that the primary process was fair. That is what matters. You as a Trump supporter has no problem vilifying the Democrats although there is no conclusive proof of anything, just like Trump found ruled guilty and was going to "Jail Her"!!
No, she was fired because she oversaw the sham as head of the DNC as Clinton paid it's debt in 2015 and given control over it. And that was in the emails and the Brassile book. There was no primary. Just a coronation.

She is walking it back under threat.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Yup I am.
I do not think that you have convinced any of your Fellow Right Wingers in this respect:

I really have to take issue with these comments. In particular the 2nd paragraph. You claim the Dems are right of the Conservatives in Canada? That is such a ridiculous assertion I'm having a hard time thinking you actually believe that. The face of the Democratic Party in the US right now - Barack Obama. Sen Elizabeth Warren. Fmr Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Rep Maxine Waters. Sen Bernie Sanders. Sen Cory Booker. Sen Kamala Harris. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand. Sen Chuck Schumer. The up and comers - Andrew Gillum Fla, Beto O'Rourke TEX. Stacey Abrams GA. Pretty much every one of these are on the progressive wing of the party. They would belong in the NDP here in Canada. The moderates of the party are few and far between. Many of them were lost in 2014 and 2016. Now Manchin, McCaskill, Heitkamp, Donnelly are all on the chopping block.
So Butler either you are confused or you are confusing everyone with your ridiculous assumptions. Why are you not responding to K Douglas' notion that the Democratic Party are well left of the PCP????


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
No, she was fired because she oversaw the sham as head of the DNC as Clinton paid it's debt in 2015 and given control over it. And that was in the emails and the Brassile book. There was no primary. Just a coronation.

She is walking it back under threat.
You believe what you want to believe. If Bernie thinks that it was wrong what the democrats did, why does he not sue them. Well his the present Midterms, the Republicans are doing everything to make it difficult for Democratic supporters to vote. Can you comment on that?? Even Bernie Sanders is concerned about it


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You believe what you want to believe. If Bernie thinks that it was wrong what the democrats did, why does he not sue them. Well his the present Midterms, the Republicans are doing everything to make it difficult for Democratic supporters to vote. Can you comment on that?? Even Bernie Sanders is concerned about it
There was a class action suit. In it the Dems admitted to rigging it but claimed it was legal because they are a private organization and can change the rules on a whim if they so choose.


But that means the primaries were a sham. They have slightly modified the rules in regards to superdelegates but I already figured out how they are going to bypass that as well.

Bernie chose to not shut the door on the Dems. I thought he should have. But it's his choice. Please note though he refused to turn his donor and volunteer lists over to the DNC.

I think he has a plan this time. But again, the mid terms come first. And I expect he will wait until the new year.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I do not think that you have convinced any of your Fellow Right Wingers in this respect:

So Butler either you are confused or you are confusing everyone with your ridiculous assumptions. Why are you not responding to K Douglas' notion that the Democratic Party are well left of the PCP????
There is a nice post #175. Feel free to read it. I know you normally just spout without actually being aware of what's actually happened but here is your chance to catch up.
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