Looking for the best BIG television


New member
Sep 6, 2004
Cobster said:
Hmmm, wondering if this is the LCOS based unit.
JVC has that D-ILA already, but I've been so out of the loop as to the newer stuff.
I don't think Sony will employ LCOS technology. IIRC LCOS is exclusive to Toshiba, D-ILA is to JVC and SXRD is to Sony. I know for a fact, however, that Sony will be leaving the 3-LCD thing and all their RPTV and FP will be SXRD.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Yeah looking at the 1080p TVs that are going for about $4 K and change.... that's a bit too much for me right now. I expect the price to drop within a year. Plus the selection is limited right now so it'll be nice to see what the various companies have to offer.

Lately I've been impressed with Samsung's line of LCD TVs (not exactly huge screens but nice picture quality).


Nov 9, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
I have a friend who works at Sony who told me not to buy a large TV for 3-4 months as there is a much better tv coming out which will be less expensive and have a superior picture compared to anything out now
The new TV this person may be talking about is the SED TV that Toshiba and Canon have developed. Its based on the same principal as the CRT's but without a huge gun firing at the phosphurs. Instead the SED has little emitters lighting up the RGB sub pixel phosphurs. This TV is not due until 2007 sometime.


New member
Sep 6, 2004
SED is scheduled to be released in Fall/Winter 2007 by Toshiba. I doubt Sony will jump onto SED bandwagon that early.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
I have a friend who works at Sony who told me not to buy a large TV for 3-4 months as there is a much better tv coming out which will be less expensive and have a superior picture compared to anything out now
I am considering a 40 to 50 inch flat screen TV but Consumer Reports mentioned that prices are expected to drop even more in early 2007 along with the new models and upgraded technology. The momentum seems to be with LCD because of its lower power consumption, lighter weight for wall mounting and greater durability. Plasma is apparently quite fragile but that could be because their extra weight causes more problems in handling and transit etc.

In the 2006 Christmas gift issue of Consumer reports, they were talking about new LED backlights on the way for LCD TVs but I googled LED backlights and it seems they've already been in use for over a year. So I'm not sure what new technology CR is talking about. Anyone know anything about the next generation of LED backlights?

Also, does the full surround sound with rear speakers make a very big difference? For critical music listening (vinyl and CD), the HT sound systems I've heard don't sound very good. I'm trying to balance traditional high end stereo (with sub) with HT surround sound. My room can handle the centre channel speaker, the L+R speakers and a sub but the rear speakers would have to go on the rear wall that touches the back of our sofa so they would really be more above our heads than behind us or beside us. I'm wondering if I should bother with those rear speakers in that set up. I'll be doing serious music listening in L+R stereo/sub mode so the centre channel will only be used for HT.


New member
Dec 1, 2005
You could always mount your rears, if possible on the side walls.
Go to dolby.com and they give great info regarding speaker placement.
I agree for critical music listening a 1,000 dollar HT system really wont cut it but for movies and such it would be fine.
Hope this helps


New member
Oct 22, 2004
samcan said:
You could always mount your rears, if possible on the side walls.
Go to dolby.com and they give great info regarding speaker placement.
I agree for critical music listening a 1,000 dollar HT system really wont cut it but for movies and such it would be fine.
Hope this helps
I had a quick listen to a new Yamaha AV Receiver (it had an IPOD docking feature) and a roomful of brand new & highly rated Polk speakers in cherry wood cabinets with the rear speakers mounted to the side of the seated listener. This sounded absolutely awful on CD in some kind of simulated surround sound. My current emphasis is on vinyl based audio with an insanely priced Linn turntable and arm / cartridge and similarly priced Naim preamp and amp. These only seem insanely priced until you consider that I bought this stuff in 1986 and had been accumulating vinyl for many years before that. I have a really fabulous collection of records and the many thousands of hours of enjoyment I've extracted probably amount to about 10 cents per hour and still playing. I want that high end sound in my HT.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
go to Costco buy your TV and return it upgrade when the new ones come out....price adjustments and return for full value as long as you keep the receipt.


Mar 31, 2006
Do Not Buy Sony!!!

I am tight with the people at Panasonic!!!! SONY is off right now....$$ problems...

PLUS...LArge screens, flooding the market, are going to come down another 20% by early summer. Hold off. They are getting cheaper.

But if your horny for one...make sure ITS PLASMA....LCD is NOT the way to go!!!


New member
Apr 29, 2002


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Although Pioneer, Panasonic, and Hitachi all got excellent plasmas, my bet would still be on LCD's. And no, I don't have any inside connection in the industry.


New member
Sep 6, 2004
Blake659 said:
But if your horny for one...make sure ITS PLASMA....LCD is NOT the way to go!!!
Why plasma? heavier, eats more electricity, emits far more heat, no-better picture quality than LCD. :confused:


Oct 1, 2004
great info, thanks all.
so let me get this straight, lcd seems the way to go, but now I should wait till 2007??
a lot of really tempting deals out there right now!:confused:


New member
Apr 29, 2002
I'll keep this real simple from past experiences and seminars I attended

PLASMA - great for low light environments (basements, rooms with very little windows/ambient lighting), great for night time viewing. Gas based like the conventional tube units (phosphor), somewhat iffy, but companies are claiming great life spans out of them

LCD - great for well lit rooms with lots of ambient lighting - ie - condos and daytime viewing.

It's a tough call no doubt.
If you keep waiting and waiting and waiting, you won't be catching up with the Jones' at all.
If you want one now, or need one now, GET IT, and enjoy it.
If you don't rrreally need/want one and you CAN wait another year without going crazy or killing yourself over a TV then wait.
Your money, your call. ;)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Somewhere else in this thread is a link to a few sites that shows the pros and cons of both lcd's and plasmas. Good reading if you're thinking about purchasing either. I remember reading that plasmas are better at producing fast moving action scenes with less ghosting and if I remember correctly, better viewing angles. As stated, LCD's were better at rooms with a higher light level, and as stated, less power and heat production.

As for surround or not, even if the rear speakers are beside the viewer you can adjust the delay via the amp to amplify the surround effect. I've heard $25,000.00 stereo systems and $2000.00 multispeaker surround systems and IMHO you get more bang for your buck from the surround systems. Please note however that many older music cd's are engineered for stereo applications and many don't adapt well to surround. This has a lot to do with staging, imaging and stereo separation. With that being said however with the many music dvd's out now and many digital concerts these do sound amazing with surround.
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