Ok. So I’m going to have to pause it. I’m 30 min in and I don’t know how much I can take. This is what I got from this pseudo ass shit so far.
It begins saying our bondage is due to the curse of Israel. It says it was a 400 year bondage from 1619 to 2019. The slave trade began in 1444 and Africans were sent to America as early as 1526. So this is inaccurate. We weren’t enslaved because of a curse. It was for profit.
They then ask. Who are the real children of Israel. Then show aborigine Australians, Kenyans, Zulu’s, Mexicans, Brazilians, Haitians and African Americans. Judaism is not the main religion in many of these nations. Practicing the religion of the OT doesn’t make you those people.
The documentary says we have been tricked with Islam and Christianity. As if Judaism is inherently African or black. They take this stance because they believe in the idea of Gods chosen people.
Different African tribes have had religious mythos just as long. A lot of the creator Deities like Oludumare don’t involve themselves in human affairs so a Gods chosen people is a foreign concept.
They are using Genesis 10:6-12 to claim the fathers of nations. We have genetic testing now. We don’t need to understand who we are from a book that we predate. We are the original man.
They are now speaking of skin color. They are using race science in an idea that should be based on genetic science. People who live in equatorial zones will have dark skin.
Now they are trying to find out the ethnicity of a mythological person in Abraham. It’s like finding Spider-Man’s race.
Now he’s trying to equate Sumerian civilization to the Palestinians of the Bible. That has been debunked for years. I won’t waste my time.
I have to pause this. I can’t do anymore. I’ll finish later. Well I may not. Lol
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