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Kanye West, No Sell Out!


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
If he isnt sure then he should ask. That is the point. So, if he saw a man walking down the street and he suspected that man to be the man who mugged him the day before would he try to find out first or should be rain down blows(aka beat the shit out of) on the man and then ask questions later??????????
An uncivilized man probably would, yes.
I highly doubt he would do that.

You still hurt because you THINK I implied you were a racist? If someone tells you they werent calling you a racist and explains what they meant by their comments and you harp on and on about it even after all the reassurances, what does that mean? Does it mean that you have been found out and you are fighting for your false honour?
I didn't read your "reassurances" because, by that point, after your initial statement i knew what you meant and called you on it.
Anything after that was fodda for me.
NO matter what you said, it didn't matter.
I just didn't dignify those replies with replies ;)

Because I call an apple an apple, I get called a racist? lol.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Back Burner said:
This statement alone gives you no credibility in my eyes about this issue. For you to say this show me what you think of an entire race of people. So then what do you say about the white people who cry about the same thing????
IM not saying it, my buddy told me what his friends do and he just got sick of it and it just motivated his ass to do something about his direction.
wtg BB.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
CuteCob said:
IM not saying it, my buddy told me what his friends do and he just got sick of it and it just motivated his ass to do something about his direction.
wtg BB.
I'm talking about you're "sound familiar" comment. Like this is all black people do is just sit around crying about white people keeping them down. Guess what, I have many black friends that have made something of there life and the ones that haven't blame no one but themselves. (sound familiar??)


New member
Nov 7, 2004
CuteCob said:
IM not saying it, my buddy told me what his friends do and he just got sick of it and it just motivated his ass to do something about his direction.
wtg BB.
Everyday, the majority of us motivate ourselves to go in the right direction. Only a small percentage become criminal. But if I was to listen to you, I would think it was the majority.

BTW, was the USA not developed on criminal activity . . . ie Rockerfellers, Slavery . . . .


New member
Apr 29, 2002
RedHotPepper said:

As much as you would like to believe that race had nothing to do with the relief efforts .......................they most definitely did!!

It was also economical, but it was also race.
I said it before, it's a class struggle/issue.

If Texas went under water, Bush would be there in a second (regardless of him being the former Governor), but OIL....OIL...OIL....and if the areas affected had more well to do people, sure save their asses.

Sorry but I don't see it as a race issue.
67% of the people in the area were black, correct?
Now the area that got devastated wasn't exactly an area of affluent wealth, correct?
(including the rest of the population, whites, asians, middle-eastern, etc...)

As MUCH as I can't stand the current White House administration, I HIGHLY doubt, that they would in their right minds say, "oh ya, they need help, those BLACK people".
Even Condoleeza Rice who IS BLACK wouldn't stand for it, if she heard anything as such directly or indirectly.

She was out buying shoes, playing tennis, living in her la-la-rich world...

after this im done, because, this really shouldn't be an issue and it's just circular.
People and animals are dying/suffering and this is not productive whatsoever.
enjoy people...didn't think i'd get suckered into another one of these lol.


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
I didn't read your "reassurances" because, by that point, after your initial statement i knew what you meant and called you on it.
Anything after that was fodda for me.
NO matter what you said, it didn't matter.
I just didn't dignify those replies with replies ;)

Because I call an apple an apple, I get called a racist? lol.
Called me on what? Dude, get over yourself when you are done stroking yourself. The only thing you tried calling me on was the spelling of analyse and we all know how THAT turned OUT!


Sweet Jesus...Lawdamussi

and what you are trying to do is call an apple a vodka

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
CuteCob said:
after this im done, because, this really shouldn't be an issue and it's just circular.
People and animals are dying/suffering and this is not productive whatsoever.
enjoy people...didn't think i'd get suckered into another one of these lol.
I'm not trying to bait you. I'm just trying to understand why you can't see blacks as individuals.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
CuteCob said:
because of the stigma attached to black people and how they are shady, etc, etc, and in the broader sense of people not taking responsibility for their own lives, rather than ho'humming through life blaming everyone else.
So you're adding to the stigma by saying that your 1/2 black friend was a drug dealer and he admitted to his wrongful ways. And that he only gained redemption when he admitted that was no way to live a life? Am I correct in this?


New member
Nov 7, 2004
Ok Cob, here is why I say it is a race issue when it comes down to the bottom line.

The facts:

1. 67% of NOLA's population is AfroAmerican.
2. 30% of population lives below the poverty line.
3. The average income for a white household was $31,971 and an AfroAmerican household was $11,332.
4. NOLA's levees were not expected to support a catagory 4/5 hurricane.
5. This catastrophy had been predicted for years.
6. Yet, no city wide evacuation plan had ever been divised.
7. NOLA is a major port for culture, music, tourists, grains, and lets not forget oil, etc . . .

My theory is that Bush wanted to regenerate NOLA. However, he did not want to reinvest money into it (ie . . Levees) when the majority of the population (black) was not making a finanacial contribution to the American economy. Matter of fact, NOLA is known as the welfare state. It is now reported that many of the people who did not evacuate were the people from the "projects". And to think, they didn't evacutate prisoners either. Funny how I haven't heard a follow up story to the prisoners. Hmmm, welfare recipients and violent convicts . . . . . . is there suppose to be a similarity here?

Anyways, back to my point. Bush foresaw this catastrophy as a way to wash away the old and bring in the new. And by leaving these survivors stranded for another couple days he would eliminate a few more. I believe that prevention and response would have been more timely if NOLA was a poor white city.

Bush knew the rest of the USA would identify and be more sympathetic and angry had Bush let this happen to white folks. He also knew that when the AfroAmerican community would cry racism, the rest of the USA would say "not the racism card again". Denouncing, what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Race was the factor allowing this to occur. Although the motivating factor was financial.

Interesting article for those with open minds.


Jan 15, 2004
RedHotPepper said:
My theory is that Bush wanted to regenerate NOLA. However, he did not want to reinvest money into it (ie . . Levees) when the majority of the population (black) was not making a finanacial contribution to the American economy. Matter of fact, NOLA is known as the welfare state. It is now reported that many of the people who did not evacuate were the people from the "projects". And to think, they didn't evacutate prisoners either. Funny how I haven't heard a follow up story to the prisoners. Hmmm, welfare recipients and violent convicts . . . . . . is there suppose to be a similarity here?

Anyways, back to my point. Bush foresaw this catastrophy as a way to wash away the old and bring in the new. And by leaving these survivors stranded for another couple days he would eliminate a few more. I believe that prevention and response would have been more timely if NOLA was a poor white city.

Bush knew the rest of the USA would identify and be more sympathetic and angry had Bush let this happen to white folks. He also knew that when the AfroAmerican community would cry racism, the rest of the USA would say "not the racism card again". Denouncing, what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Race was the factor allowing this to occur. Although the motivating factor was financial.

Interesting article for those with open minds.
Any credibility that you may have had before has been swept away by the monumental idiocy of your theory.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
RedHotPepper said:
Ok Cob, here is why I say it is a race issue when it comes down to the bottom line.

My theory is that Bush wanted to regenerate NOLA. However, he did not want to reinvest money into it (ie . . Levees) when the majority of the population (black) was not making a finanacial contribution to the American economy. Matter of fact, NOLA is known as the welfare state. It is now reported that many of the people who did not evacuate were the people from the "projects". And to think, they didn't evacutate prisoners either. Funny how I haven't heard a follow up story to the prisoners. Hmmm, welfare recipients and violent convicts . . . . . . is there suppose to be a similarity here?

Anyways, back to my point. Bush foresaw this catastrophy as a way to wash away the old and bring in the new. And by leaving these survivors stranded for another couple days he would eliminate a few more. I believe that prevention and response would have been more timely if NOLA was a poor white city.

Bush knew the rest of the USA would identify and be more sympathetic and angry had Bush let this happen to white folks. He also knew that when the AfroAmerican community would cry racism, the rest of the USA would say "not the racism card again". Denouncing, what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Race was the factor allowing this to occur. Although the motivating factor was financial.

Interesting article for those with open minds.
By open do you mean full of holes? come on if bush wan't to get rid of the folks in NO why didn't he just inject them with AIDs and get them addicted to crack -- another interesting "theory". Jesus, is your life so full of hate and distrust that you actually believe the President of the United States DELIBERATELY wanted this to happen. Look there's no doubt he fucked up royally and that the mechanisms put in place to deal with a disaster of this magnitude were woefully underprepared but suggest that he wanted this to happen and withheld help on purpose as a means to achieve cheap urban renewal is just batty.


Jan 18, 2005
There is a very strong belief in the US specially among African American that the US government has intentionally infuse crack/heroine in the inner cities since majority of the resident were/are black and has yet to recover. So it's really hard for their physche to trust the governement.

When someone does get out of the ghetto and become successful and they are seen driving an expensive car they are automatically assume they are drug dealers or the car stolen.

When a white man is seen driving an expensive car people assume they worked hard.

The US may or may not have neglected new orleans or under estimated the castrophe cost by Katrina and did not react as swiftly as they should compare to when the 3 Hurricanes that hit Florida last year


New member
May 29, 2005
I'm tired of hearing about the so-called "race card". Blacks are opressed in the U.S. It's as simple as that. I'm not black or a radical tree-hugging leftist.

Having grown up in the t-dot, I am shocked whenever I visit American cities and see first hand the slums which are by majority occupied by African Americans. The American attitude to the poverty and despair of the majority of blacks in the US has always been to look away and pretend the problem doesn't exist. Hurrican Katrina violently pushed this issue into the spotlight for the entire world to see and judge. Seeing white Americans' grief and compassion to this event, I actually believe it is sprung from guilt. The worst thing about this tragedy is not that people lost homes/ belongings (for the wealthier white folks, these things will be covered by insurance), the real tragedy is that these people had so little, and had even that taken away from them.


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003
I found the whole KANYE WEST drama, comical!

The look on MIKE MYERS face was priceless.

Kanye for the most part is arrogant and a tad self centered.

but he sure had some BALLS coming out and saying that shit on live TV...


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
I agree with you Tony this whole thing is comical. This is economical not racial. It just so happens that the majority of people in this one area are black. But no matter who was living in this area they were POOR. Why is it always the gov'ts job to fix this. Where are the rich black people before this shits happens. ie Oprah, Michael Jordan, or any of a number of rappers who are supposedly down with the black cause. What is the first thing they do when they get rich they go live with all the other millionaires in a gated community. Kanye West doesn't know poor, he didn't grow up in the ghetto, his opinion doesn't mean shit.
Do you think its Bill Gates job to help rebuild the black community, hell no. Where is Oprah before the hurricane, making sure her freakin book club is helping her make even more millions. Michael Jordan, what does he do for the black community? Micahel Jackson, well I'll give him a pass, he has enough problems. There are several multi-millionaire people of colour, and do they really do enough to help their own community. I don't think so. The issue of poverty could be eradicated in the US if the people with the money really wanted it to happen. But it would mean less money for them, and they aren't down with that. That would mean no more slum ares for them to buy for cheap and turn into the next chic area and make millions from the process.
Don't blame the government, they only have so much money they can spend on things. Blame the billionaires. If they really wanted to, they could wipe out poverty in the US of A and they would still have a few million dollars left over to live on.
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