Kanye West, No Sell Out!


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003

furthermore. i for one am NOT a George Bush fan, I think he's got the IQ of a guinea pig, BUT, its funny to see many, many people blaming the simple minded hillbilly for a HURRICANE! LMAO!

Come on.... it was an act of Mother Nature... Bush isnt NOT that powerful..

Sad too see just how his own people are in the midst of chaos while he's got thousands of troops in Iraq handling the situation over THERE!

I guess he could have been BETTER prepared, but tis not entirely his fault.

Just go to show how he really has JACK SHIT under control.


New member
May 29, 2005
tonymontana.jr said:
I found the whole KANYE WEST drama, comical!

The look on MIKE MYERS face was priceless.

Kanye for the most part is arrogant and a tad self centered.

but he sure had some BALLS coming out and saying that shit on live TV...
If you actually watched Mike Myers, he wiped away a tear as West was talking. I for one, didn't see Myers making any funny faces. BTW have you ever heard of a historical occurence called slavery? Yes, the American government DOES owe something to african americans, whether it be compensation or economic programs/ scholarships. You see a few successful blacks on tv so you think the onus is on them to help the entire black population in the States? These people are OPRESSED. Nobody is claiming Bush has power over hurricanes. :confused:


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003
no, but people are blaming BUSH for the AFTERMATH and the situation there.

ie: KANYE saying... George Bush doesnt like Black people ... that may or may not be true... who knows... but how does that play into the AFTERMATH?

Im not gonna sit here and argue with ANYONE about slavery, and historical incidents that occured in the United States... Thats not wat my post was about... so drop that subject with me...

I did find the look on MIKE MYERS face hilarious as he didnt know what the hell was going on... he was caught off guard.


Jul 20, 2005
I too am no Bush fan, but find the Bush bashing commical..If the levee's were not going to hold a class 5 hurricane, why did Clinton not order them fixed/upgraded? The Bush admin is being blamed for a slow reaction like wtf any admin would have the same problems this disastor was overwhelming.

The thing that strikes me as odd is Bush got passed through 50 some odd billion to help the clean up, as the 10 billion ish initially given has been spent already..it would be really interesting to see some of the invoices coming in, would wonder if the American people would use the term "looting" if they see Billy Bob's normal bill for services marked up 1000 %


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
tarkovsky said:
. BTW have you ever heard of a historical occurence called slavery? Yes, the American government DOES owe something to african americans, whether it be compensation or economic programs/ scholarships. You see a few successful blacks on tv so you think the onus is on them to help the entire black population in the States? These people are OPRESSED. Nobody is claiming Bush has power over hurricanes. :confused:
The gov't owes blacks compensation, that is bullshit. Does the German gov't owe my grandmother something because they took over the land she was on in Poland in the 1930's? Hell no. And she didn't have much of a choice either, because she probably would have been killed had she stayed. If America is so bad maybe everybody should go back where they came from. Oh yeah, they are from America. Stupid me. The people who are poor now have nothing to do with what happened hundreds of years ago. Because if you use that arguement then no black person would be successful and have money. I do think part of the onus is on the rich to help the poor. Do you think the gov't should be doing everything, because if that is the case then why should anyone go out and look for work. The gov't will take care of me. Give me a break. If you leave everything up to the gov't, that means our taxes will be higher, because we are the gov't, we give them the money to do the things they do. The less the gov't is involved in things the better everyone will be. The rich tv stars could be doing a hell of a lot more than they are.


New member
May 29, 2005
tonymontana.jr said:
no, but people are blaming BUSH for the AFTERMATH and the situation there.

ie: KANYE saying... George Bush doesnt like Black people ... that may or may not be true... who knows... but how does that play into the AFTERMATH?

Im not gonna sit here and argue with ANYONE about slavery, and historical incidents that occured in the United States... Thats not wat my post was about... so drop that subject with me...

I did find the look on MIKE MYERS face hilarious as he didnt know what the hell was going on... he was caught off guard.
Bush is the one who appointed a completely unqualified idiot in charge of FEMA. The Bush administration is also the one that took away funding for the improvement and reconstruction of the levy system (which failed and magnified the destruction of Katrina) and put those funds into the Iraq war. Nobody is stupid enough to claim that Bush caused the actual hurricane. Can you not see how Bush is responsibile for Fema as well as the failure of the levy system?

What people are really angry about is the 5 days it took to get water, food, medicine and security to the victims of the flood. As anyone knows in a disaster situation, the most important element is time. The longer it takes for aid to arrive, the more people will exponentially suffer and die as we all unfortunately witnessed. There is absolutely no excuse why it took 5 days when a former army general said it only takes 24 hours.

And, Mike Myers knew exactly what was going on. Apparently you didn't.

The gov't owes blacks compensation, that is bullshit. Does the German gov't owe my grandmother something because they took over the land she was on in Poland in the 1930's? Hell no. And she didn't have much of a choice either, because she probably would have been killed had she stayed. If America is so bad maybe everybody should go back where they came from. Oh yeah, they are from America. Stupid me.
You're equating your grandmother's theft of her property to hundreds of years of slavery of a race?? Just unbelievable. On top of that, hello!? Black Americans are from...AFRICA. You got "stupid" right. Remember, you're the one who said it, not me.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
tonymontana.jr said:
I found the whole KANYE WEST drama, comical!

The look on MIKE MYERS face was priceless.

Kanye for the most part is arrogant and a tad self centered.

but he sure had some BALLS coming out and saying that shit on live TV...
not balls, ignorant balls.
he ruined it.
mike myers was shocked and he's a pretty good actor, i mean come on SNL?


Feb 23, 2005
tonymontana.jr said:
no, but people are blaming BUSH for the AFTERMATH and the situation there.

ie: KANYE saying... George Bush doesnt like Black people ... that may or may not be true... who knows... but how does that play into the AFTERMATH?

Im not gonna sit here and argue with ANYONE about slavery, and historical incidents that occured in the United States... Thats not wat my post was about... so drop that subject with me...

I did find the look on MIKE MYERS face hilarious as he didnt know what the hell was going on... he was caught off guard.
Kanye West is a tad self centered?

Well, if that isnt the understatement of the year I dont know what is.


Jan 15, 2004
franky66 said:
I already documented me interviewing for an accounting job. The only other candidate was a white female. I had experience and the accounting degree from UOL in the UK. Her previous experience was washing dishes at a restaurant. Guess who got the job. Before you start making excuses...we both started in the same data entry department. I was always ontime. She wasnt. I performed my task diligently. She was always on the phone having fun. She was loud and obnoxious. I was a team player and never got anyone's bad side. After they gave the job to her I resigned the next day.
Translation(AKA reality):

"I was about to be interviewed for an accounting job, but then the boss found out I was misusing company computers and company time by constantly crying like a little baby on Terb about racism and I was fired.

So now I'm playing the "blame game" by saying it is a 'white' girl's fault for my misfortune. Yes I'm in accounting, but I refuse to take any accountability for my own actions."


Feb 23, 2005
gm3500 said:
Translation(AKA reality):

"I was about to be interviewed for an accounting job, but then the boss found out I was misusing company computers and company time by constantly crying like a little baby on Terb about racism and I was fired.

So now I'm playing the "blame game" by saying it is a 'white' girl's fault for my misfortune. Yes I'm in accounting, but I refuse to take any accountability for my own actions."
1) This was in 1999. I didnt even know about TERB then.

2) Wasnt the white girls fault at all. She didnt select herself. It was the fault of the jackasses who hired her. They paid in the end I am sitting pretty right now.

3) I have always had a PC of my own so I never needed to use the one at work.

4) I have never been fired in my life.

5) You are dotish

Hope this helps you but then again the paucity of your intellect is such that I doubt even the saviour himself could help you.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
rich v.s. poor
why would he have appointed 2 blacks to his cabinet in his first term?

incidentally, just wanted to know, exactly how fast was relief supposed to be in New Orleans after roads & highways were flooded?
I mean 5 days late is a bit much...i think 2-3 days late is reasonable, IF, you want to put a date and timeline of some sort on it.
Lt. Gen. Russel Honore the "John Wayne dude", said himself, that they were restricted to getting relief there because of the conditions.

ps - he's a black american who grew up in Louisiana. ;)


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
It's open to debate whether Kanye West is a sell out or not. I really don't care. Why don't more of the wealthy people of the US, doesn't matter what race, take a page from Frank Stronach. Who happens to be from Canada. He has helicoptored and bussed between 200-300 victims of this disaster to his horse ranch farm in Florida. Where he is housing them for the time being. From there he is going to buy 1000 acres of land in Louisianna and build them a community so they can start over. If more of the wealthy would act like this poverty wouldn't be as much of an issue. He could have just wrote a cheque, but there is no guarantee where that will eventually go. THis is something constructive. This is only a microscopic dent to help a few people try and get back to some form of normalcy, but if more that can afford it join in the government would have that much less to do. I believe the less you have the gov't involved and the more you have the private sector, the better things will be in the end.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Primetime21 said:
Where he is housing them for the time being. From there he is going to buy 1000 acres of land in Louisianna and build them a community so they can start over.
In a way I applaud him. He is mega rich and is doing something to help out the needy. However it sounds like he wants to build a ghetto.
Remember, he is a businessman after all. Don't think for a minute that he's not gaining something from this. Could be just publicity to show how generous he is but it will help him in the end.
Plus, it's probably a tax break. hehehe.

With all cynicism aside, I will applaud this man. He is helping no matter the undertones that may be attached.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
CuteCob said:
rich v.s. poor
why would he have appointed 2 blacks to his cabinet in his first term?

incidentally, just wanted to know, exactly how fast was relief supposed to be in New Orleans after roads & highways were flooded?
I mean 5 days late is a bit much...i think 2-3 days late is reasonable, IF, you want to put a date and timeline of some sort on it.
Lt. Gen. Russel Honore the "John Wayne dude", said himself, that they were restricted to getting relief there because of the conditions.

ps - he's a black american who grew up in Louisiana.
Hey Cob I thought you were done wtih this topic. :)
On that note however, the relief could've arrived in the form of supplies and necessities dropped from helicopters. Just a thought. Cheers.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
gm3500 said:
Translation(AKA reality):

"I was about to be interviewed for an accounting job, but then the boss found out I was misusing company computers and company time by constantly crying like a little baby on Terb about racism and I was fired.

So now I'm playing the "blame game" by saying it is a 'white' girl's fault for my misfortune. Yes I'm in accounting, but I refuse to take any accountability for my own actions."
gm3500, until now I didn't pay much attention to your posts in these threads.
However, your comments are bordering on moronic. You don't know the situation. You're basically calling him a whiner because he believes it's a race issue. He never said anything to the effect that it was the "white" girls fault. He is saying it was due to racism that she was chosen before him. I'm not going to validate his story because I dont' know him or the situation but I'm certainly not going to go ahead with your line of thinking.
Jesus, grow up a little will you. If you want to question his thinking that's fine but to go ahead and make stupid assumptions are just ridiculous.


Jan 15, 2004
ruck said:
gm3500, until now I didn't pay much attention to your posts in these threads.
However, your comments are bordering on moronic. You don't know the situation. You're basically calling him a whiner because he believes it's a race issue. He never said anything to the effect that it was the "white" girls fault. He is saying it was due to racism that she was chosen before him. I'm not going to validate his story because I dont' know him or the situation but I'm certainly not going to go ahead with your line of thinking.
Jesus, grow up a little will you. If you want to question his thinking that's fine but to go ahead and make stupid assumptions are just ridiculous.
Thanks for finally paying attention to my posts Ruck. I am truly honoured to finally receive your recognition and admiration. Just like with the disaster response to Katrina, "what took you so long?"

Franky a whiner? Come on who you kidding. Any objective analysis of his posts would lead any reasonable person to conclude the obvious.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
gm3500 said:
Thanks for finally paying attention to my posts Ruck. I am truly honoured to finally receive your recognition and admiration. Just like with the disaster response to Katrina, "what took you so long?"
I had to call a senate committee to see if it was okay for me to pay attention to your posts. As well there was a shitload of paperwork and signatures needed before I can even post a response. All red tape and I do truly apologize.
I apologize for my tardiness and will take a page from Bush and say "Where it's not working, we'll fix it. Where it's working, we'll duplicate it somewhere else."
Hehe cheers.


Feb 23, 2005
gm3500 said:
Thanks for finally paying attention to my posts Ruck. I am truly honoured to finally receive your recognition and admiration. Just like with the disaster response to Katrina, "what took you so long?"

Franky a whiner? Come on who you kidding. Any objective analysis of his posts would lead any reasonable person to conclude the obvious.
You an idiot and thats putting it kindly. You need to learn to be a real man and stop chasing after other men's backside. You been trying to hitch a ride on mine since day one. Do I know you? Why are you obsessed with me? Because I tell it like it is? Because I say things a bigot like you doesnt want to hear pray tell?

Until you walk a mile in the shoes of a person like me you will never understand. Stay in your priviliged world and let me alone.
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