Kanye West, No Sell Out!


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
why would you say something so stupid, like you just did?
Keebler did say "That is, if it's indeed her..."
cheap pot shot on your part, just reaching aren't ya :rolleyes:
he doesnt know what Beyonce looks like? Is he straight? If he doesnt know what she looks like he should ask if its her and wait for confirmation. NO?

why dont you attack(dont worry, I know why) Keebler's NONSENSE about someone cussing out a white man while sitting in a room filling out an application form. If you believe that then you are just as stupid as he is.


Feb 23, 2005
The Bush family are truly stupid. Are these people actually educated unlike the majority of black people(right Keebler, gm3500 and cobby)???????

Barbara in her own words!!!!

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this --this is working very well for them."



Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
CuteCob said:
now to shed some light, one of my closest friends at work, who's half black/white, but looks more black, is actually goal oriented and motivated.
he admits to dealing drugs before, but has cleaned up his act quite a bit, works 2 jobs (plus with his parents takes care of his sisters 2 kids whom she left, gone to another country)... and in 2 weeks he is signing up for the real estate course.
he said, the other lifestyle he led, didn't get him anywhere, nor will it.
now THAT'S taking responsibility for your life.
But what does black have to do with selling drugs?
You mentioned he's half black and half white, but what relevance does that have to drug dealing? Heck we all know that all Hells Angels are black right? :rolleyes:
Again, I'm not calling you a racist at all. In fact I'm sure you're not, but I think you need to rethink your words before you write them because it sounds very racist.
In my lifetime I've known some very shady characters. I myself have sold drugs in the past. It was a very good income base for a time when I was a student. During my tumultuous life, I've known many many drug dealers. I'll say about 100 for the sake of argument. Out of that 100, only 1 of them was black, my best friend at the time. The rest were Persian, Caucasion and most were Asians (Korean, Chinese, 1 Japanese dude, Vietnamese and Philipinos). So again, how does your story of your 1/2 black friend being a former drug dealer have to do with anything?

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
CuteCob said:
geeezus christ, that was perfect Keebler, so damn good, i may have to come back and quote you (with full credit/acknowledgment of course)

With me agreeing to your statement, according to some...i think/have thoughts like a racist...:rolleyes:
now to shed some light, one of my closest friends at work, who's half black/white, but looks more black, is actually goal oriented and motivated.
he admits to dealing drugs before, but has cleaned up his act quite a bit, works 2 jobs (plus with his parents takes care of his sisters 2 kids whom she left, gone to another country)... and in 2 weeks he is signing up for the real estate course.
he said, the other lifestyle he led, didn't get him anywhere, nor will it.
now THAT'S taking responsibility for your life.

What's your point?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Scorpion King said:
Your opinion is respected even though I disagree. Could you kindly provide some intelligent discussion now as to WHY you think this theory is so ridiculous?

What if it were true? What would you say then?
Lenharper's point was, how does Kanye know that there is INTENTIONAL spread of drugs/diseases among the blacks in Africa.
Sort of like the people who deny the Holocaust, I mean, i paraphrased what i said, it's that simple. Len made an EXCELLENT analogy. (which by the way, is ridiculous, denying the Holocaust)

Personally I can't take Kanye serious at all, especially after seeing him struggle for words when standing next to Mike Myers.
A more level headed, intelligent, person, would have been poised, and used the proper choice of words, regardless of how heated they were. (see your local politicians at a press conference for a free demonstration, better yet, look at Bush, coming under fire all the time during his presidency can still talk calmly as though nothing has effected him ie - men/women dying in iraq and he still goes on about America's Mission...and i hate the guy)

Kanye said something along the lines of "It's been five days because most of the people are Black"...ya great deductive reasoning.lol
He lost me when he said that.

he really screwed it, apparently after what he said, people were calling in to complain and not donate. good job Kanye, good job.

---im done with this issue, it gets too heated and repetitive---enjoy--- =)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
The Bush family are truly stupid. Are these people actually educated unlike the majority of black people(right Keebler, gm3500 and cobby)???????

Barbara in her own words!!!!

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this --this is working very well for them."

no, it's a class issue.
notice, "underprivileged", NOT what most people say is a "black" issue.
it's a rich/poor thing.
bush's are rich, the people in NO., who got hit by the hurricane (majority of them) are poor.

if she's honlesty ignorant and/or stupid enough, to make a statement like that, don't you guys think she'd be also stupid enough to slip up and say "these black people in the arena here...etc.etc.etc..."

class NOT race issue.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
ruck said:
So again, how does your story of your 1/2 black friend being a former drug dealer have to do with anything?
because of the stigma attached to black people and how they are shady, etc, etc, and in the broader sense of people not taking responsibility for their own lives, rather than ho'humming through life blaming everyone else.


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
no, it's a class issue.
notice, "underprivileged", NOT what most people say is a "black" issue.
it's a rich/poor thing.
bush's are rich, the people in NO., who got hit by the hurricane (majority of them) are poor.

if she's honlesty ignorant and/or stupid enough, to make a statement like that, don't you guys think she'd be also stupid enough to slip up and say "these black people in the arena here...etc.etc.etc..."

class NOT race issue.
LOL, what is your point? EVEN if she was racist you think she would be THAT STUPID as to say "You n**gers were poor anyway..........."


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
he doesnt know what Beyonce looks like? Is he straight? If he doesnt know what she looks like he should ask if its her and wait for confirmation. NO?

why dont you attack(dont worry, I know why) Keebler's NONSENSE about someone cussing out a white man while sitting in a room filling out an application form. If you believe that then you are just as stupid as he is.
what if he doesn't? what if the clip was fast in the video? i haven't seen it, so i can't comment.
what if he's 85years old and only watched the video today online because of all the flack Kanye is getting?
many reasons as to not knowing if it's beyonce or not.
as for the cussing out the white man in a room comment, didn't read it, but ill catch up and let you know.
so hold off on the "stupid" insult will ya ;)
According to your statement, I think like a racist, and implied i was.
So Im gunning for the 2nd insult *can't wait*


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
because of the stigma attached to black people and how they are shady, etc, etc, and in the broader sense of people not taking responsibility for their own lives, rather than ho'humming through life blaming everyone else.
Man, shut the hell up and stop the damn preaching. You dont know each person's individual case. What kind of generalising you preaching? You think all black people who cry racism are doing so on a whim????????

You really need to walk a mile in a few people's shoes. I dont know about John Brown and Donovan X. I can only speak for me and if I say I experienced racism I did in fact experience it. Who are YOU to tell me otherwise????

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
CuteCob said:
because of the stigma attached to black people and how they are shady, etc, etc, and in the broader sense of people not taking responsibility for their own lives, rather than ho'humming through life blaming everyone else.
But he's half white. So you're statement is not only ridiculous but means nothing. Are you saying, as long as you have black in your, you're black?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
LOL, what is your point? EVEN if she was racist you think she would be THAT STUPID as to say "You n**gers were poor anyway..........."
point is IGNORANCE.
what do they care about the poor?
IGNORANCE comes in many shapes/forms.
Using racial terms would be wrong, im sure she has SOME decorum ;)


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
what if he doesn't? what if the clip was fast in the video? i haven't seen it, so i can't comment.
what if he's 85years old and only watched the video today online because of all the flack Kanye is getting?
many reasons as to not knowing if it's beyonce or not.
as for the cussing out the white man in a room comment, didn't read it, but ill catch up and let you know.
so hold off on the "stupid" insult will ya ;)
According to your statement, I think like a racist, and implied i was.
So Im gunning for the 2nd insult *can't wait*
If he isnt sure then he should ask. That is the point. So, if he saw a man walking down the street and he suspected that man to be the man who mugged him the day before would he try to find out first or should be rain down blows(aka beat the shit out of) on the man and then ask questions later??????????

You still hurt because you THINK I implied you were a racist? If someone tells you they werent calling you a racist and explains what they meant by their comments and you harp on and on about it even after all the reassurances, what does that mean? Does it mean that you have been found out and you are fighting for your false honour?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Back Burner said:
But he's half white. So you're statement is not only ridiculous but means nothing. Are you saying, as long as you have black in your, you're black?
No, but he's mistaken for being FULLY black, lived and grew up around black people, his extended family is black, when you look at him you think he's black.
His lifestyle growing up, was the "thuggish" kind.
He dealt, he played around, he got his ass busted by the police.
But we had a talk about it a few weeks ago, and he said, I cant live like this, my other buddies (who are all black), have no direction and just sit around and blame society for it (sound familiar?).
He said, I need to "get my ass in gear, im 25".
I brought this up because of what Keebler said about people taking responsibility for their lives, that's all that was meant by this.
Misconstrue as much as you guys want.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
Elf and Cob,

I also have to admit, you both are sounding a little ignorant which in turn makes you sound racist.

What you are failing to understand is when white folks have negative traits or are criminals they are disassociated from the rest of the population, ie Bikers. If I was to generalize all white folks with Biker qualities, you would all be professional criminals.

Why you are both being labelled racist is because you both continue your belief that the majority of Black people complain while working, are all murderers, and criminals, based on a small majority of young black youth.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
CuteCob said:
But we had a talk about it a few weeks ago, and he said, I cant live like this, my other buddies (who are all black), have no direction and just sit around and blame society for it (sound familiar?).
This statement alone gives you no credibility in my eyes about this issue. For you to say this show me what you think of an entire race of people. So then what do you say about the white people who cry about the same thing????
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