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Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If it requires so much physical strength and endurance, why are all the truckers I've seen out of shape and overweight? Taxi drivers should also be honed athletes by your logic, too?
Because a fat, out of shape guy is still stronger than a female.
How would driving goods in a truck result in sexual harassment? You pick up cargo at point A, drop it off at point B. The machines do all the work for you.
For the same reason women don't walk alone through parks at night or stroll down a dark alley. Driving a truck means they're alone, far from any witnesses / supports in a heavily male environment.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Some of that stuff would probably need expert analysis. There is a clear strength and athletic ability difference between males and females. That aside, I can't answer.

But none of this impacts "leadership qualities".
Of course it does. Are you led by the person that talks the talk but has never or is incapable of walking the walk?

Are you led by the person that gets burned out, cries and get depressed or the person that stays even keel and marches forward steadily?

Are you led by the person that works normal 9 to 5 and calls it a day (because they want "work life balance"), or the guy that can grind around the clock finding solutions to all the problems that makes everyone more productive and the company more successful?

Obviously these are generalities. Most men don't meet these standards. Even fewer women do.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Listen to his own words. Enforced monogamy by culture because polygamous cultures become very violent. He states that this has been available in the anthropological literature for 100 years.
Yes and no.
The literature is far less clear than he is implying here, and the idea that the cause for what is seen in these kinds of studies is men not having wives is also less clear.

He isn't making it up out of whole cloth, though, nor is he completely misunderstanding the literature.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If you take my comments out of context than you can make it look like I don't understand what's going on...

Maybe, my skin is a little thicker than yours. I don't really care what my doctor's opinions are on the various culture wars that are going on, I just want him/her to be competent in their job.

Yes, you are correct, he violated their interpretation of what constitutes professional behavior. They are not rescinding his license for that, they have mandated that he do remedial training, if he doesn't, there will be further sanctions.
You do realize that his comments actually impact on his chosen (but abandoned) profession right? Him posting on some of the things he does would be equivalent to a doctor posting that germs don't exist.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Of course it does. Are you led by the person that talks the talk but has never or is incapable of walking the walk?

Are you led by the person that gets burned out, cries and get depressed or the person that stays even keel and marches forward steadily?

Are you led by the person that works normal 9 to 5 and calls it a day (because they want "work life balance"), or the guy that can grind around the clock finding solutions to all the problems that makes everyone more productive and the company more successful?

Obviously these are generalities. Most men don't meet these standards. Even fewer women do.
I know plenty of women who work 24/7 and keep an even keel. You have to stop accepting Peterson's silly stereotypes.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yes and no.
The literature is far less clear than he is implying here, and the idea that the cause for what is seen in these kinds of studies is men not having wives is also less clear.

He isn't making it up out of whole cloth, though, nor is he completely misunderstanding the literature.
Seriously?!.... Because some polygamous neolithic village has horny, angry dudes and they raid the other village over the hill which has available ladies?!

How is that even remotely related to 21st Century North America?!?!?!?!

🦍 🐸 😺 😧🙈:ROFLMAO::D;):unsure::geek:😺😼🙀
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Active member
Jul 10, 2010
You do realize that his comments actually impact on his chosen (but abandoned) profession right? Him posting on some of the things he does would be equivalent to a doctor posting that germs don't exist.
How so?

Honestly, I don't know everything he says on social media, I know his work in psychology and some of his academic work in religious studies but I've never heard him dismiss a central concept in psychology.

If he has, feel free to educate me.

By the way, I don't agree with much of what he has to say, but I don't like the idea of a professional body sanctioning him when he challenges poorly supported controversial theories or perspectives. Even if his positions aren't sound.


Active member
Jul 10, 2010
Then he should follow the rules or the code of ethics put forth when he attained the license.
The rules and codes are often rather vague and open to interpretation... it's at the discretion of the committees how they apply the professional conduct codes and how they pursue those standards.

You may believe that you're following the rules and a committee may see it otherwise and when you're dealing with controversial ideas there is more room for error and/or abuse of power.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The rules and codes are often rather vague and open to interpretation... it's at the discretion of the committees how they apply the professional conduct codes and how they pursue those standards.
You may believe that you're following the rules and a committee may see it otherwise and when you're dealing with controversial ideas there is more room for error and/or abuse of power.
There are usually extensive reports of prior decisions available online.

If you're a psyhcologist and you fat-shame, it's pretty likely they're coming after you. It's a healing profession and you're disrespecting body shape.


Active member
Jul 10, 2010
There are usually extensive reports of prior decisions available online.

If you're a psyhcologist and you fat-shame, it's pretty likely they're coming after you. It's a healing profession and you're disrespecting body shape.
So, his criticism of Sports Illustrated is fat shaming?

He wasn't criticizing the model, he was criticizing the magazine for their choices.

That's a stretch... Call the constables!
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Active member
Jul 10, 2010
There are usually extensive reports of prior decisions available online.

If you're a psyhcologist and you fat-shame, it's pretty likely they're coming after you. It's a healing profession and you're disrespecting body shape.

Actually, Mandrill, after reading some of your recent comments I see that you are an ideologue, the type that Peterson loves to go after and I can understand your dislike of him and his positions. I don't agree with you. Nor do I particularly like to see anyone suffer because of another person's beliefs.

It does seem to me, that you, and many of your ilk, do enjoy watching another person suffer. I find the schadenfreude that the "woke" enjoy to be particularly offensive. You may be believe that call-out culture and cancelling are appropriate forms of discourse but what happens when when the headiness of being morally right and morally superior gives way to the realities of the impact on real human beings? I've seen enough of the damage done to real people's lives when a group holds it's beliefs (and when I say beliefs, I mean positions that have little justification or proof or are huge claims made on thin evidence. Beliefs = ideologies).

If Peterson loses his license its because he decided to challenge rather than go along with his college's disciplinary committee, I don't think it's a tragedy for him. He'll garner hate and support for his actions. I think the real tragedy is for us, that we can't have spirited debates without reverting to some sort of policing functions when it comes to disagreements on very controversial topics. Using "truth" as a weapon can be very dangerous especially in vague beliefs and positions that human's live with. I believe that's why academic freedom exists... if we can't discuss a topic from many positions and hold the tension that exists in these struggles then we will slip into intellectual tribalism and worse.

Enjoy your schadenfreude while it lasts.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Actually, Mandrill, after reading some of your recent comments I see that you are an ideologue, the type that Peterson loves to go after and I can understand your dislike of him and his positions. I don't agree with you. Nor do I particularly like to see anyone suffer because of another person's beliefs.

It does seem to me, that you, and many of your ilk, do enjoy watching another person suffer. I find the schadenfreude that the "woke" enjoy to be particularly offensive. You may be believe that call-out culture and cancelling are appropriate forms of discourse but what happens when when the headiness of being morally right and morally superior gives way to the realities of the impact on real human beings? I've seen enough of the damage done to real people's lives when a group holds it's beliefs (and when I say beliefs, I mean positions that have little justification or proof or are huge claims made on thin evidence. Beliefs = ideologies).

If Peterson loses his license its because he decided to challenge rather than go along with his college's disciplinary committee, I don't think it's a tragedy for him. He'll garner hate and support for his actions. I think the real tragedy is for us, that we can't have spirited debates without reverting to some sort of policing functions when it comes to disagreements on very controversial topics. Using "truth" as a weapon can be very dangerous especially in vague beliefs and positions that human's live with. I believe that's why academic freedom exists... if we can't discuss a topic from many positions and hold the tension that exists in these struggles then we will slip into intellectual tribalism and worse.

Enjoy your schadenfreude while it lasts.
You're pretty well down the rabbit hole and there's nothing I can do to bring you back up.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
I find the schadenfreude that the "woke" enjoy to be particularly offensive.
You mean the kind that all the right wingers enjoyed when Elon fired all those poor employees from Twitter and proceeded to mistreat and troll them online?
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