Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Do you agree he found a way to monetize his anger? He stumbled onto it and when Fox and the right-wing propaganda machine latched on, he realized he could cha-ching his way up.

Back from 2018 but very spot on

The Guardian eh?...That bastion of ''dig'' journalism you say. Nice of the author to say his voice sounds like ''Kermit the frog''. LOL....True Guardian style right there.

Once again I'm not depending on third party interpretation with him or short well edited clips. I've actually read his last two books and watch most of his podcasts start to finish.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Negative and this has been covered on here before.

Listen to his own words. Enforced monogamy by culture because polygamous cultures become very violent. He states that this has been available in the anthropological literature for 100 years.

As Harry has said on here, members are relying on third party information. In this case a NYT hit piece. Instead listen to him and what he actually says.

Doesn't mean I agree or go along with everything he says either. I do like his willingness to go into the deep waters though.
Polygamous cultures become violent??..... Like how / when?

As opposed to Medieval, monogamous Europe for instance? That was one of the most violent societies that has ever existed.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You're missing the point. He wants society to influence these guys into lifting themselves up to get out of where there are. He specifically says they are to blame for being alone. Not women!
By enforcing monogamy??!!! In 2023 Canada?!?!?!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Here's a quote from the CBC website, that you quoted. " Peterson said he no longer treats patients and his career is instead focused on social and political commentary."

So IMHO, how does the CPO have the right to try and take away JP's license, when JP's not even seeing patients? I thought that all Lawyers, Doctors, Psychologists etc, get disciplined by their respective colleges, by doing actual harm to a patient or client, not just making general controversial comments on twitter??
You're wrong. Medical and legal profession can yank your licence for all sorts of reasons - i.e. getting convicted of a crime or disgraceful public comments.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
That's not disparaging. Unless you believe men and women are equal in all respects (which is obviously not true). Are there plenty of men and women that have leadership qualities? Sure. Are those qualities evenly distributed among men and women. No.

If you want to see what happens when highly educated, strong, independent women are removed from male 'oppression' and left completely on their own watch a few seasons of this show:

The cookie crumbles quickly, and the reliance on the fruits of men's labor and competencies becomes readily apparent.

You'd get the same outcome anywhere including the First World if men were completely removed from the picture. Males of our species build and sustain... I understand this is a hard pill to swallow given the contemporary but deeply flawed narrative that gender is a social construct, and that men and women are identical.

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” Plato
Gender is a social construct, Dirty. Leadership qualities are evenly distributed between the genders. Female attorneys are at least 50% of the bar and probably the same % of the Bench. Add in the medical and academic professions. Same %'s.

The 1950's are over. The only people who think like Peterson are Peterson's fanbois these days.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Gender is a social construct, Dirty. Leadership qualities are evenly distributed between the genders. Female attorneys are at least 50% of the bar and probably the same % of the Bench. Add in the medical and academic professions. Same %'s.

The 1950's are over. The only people who think like Peterson are Peterson's fanbois these days.
Don't forget the Andrew Tate fanbois!!!
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Gender is a social construct, Dirty. Leadership qualities are evenly distributed between the genders. Female attorneys are at least 50% of the bar and probably the same % of the Bench. Add in the medical and academic professions. Same %'s.

The 1950's are over. The only people who think like Peterson are Peterson's fanbois these days.
You are the dictionary definition of 'suspension of disbelief'.

It isn't the 1950s nor is it 3100 B.C., but we're still men and women.

Your percentages speak to intelligence, which is evenly distributed (except at the tale ends - there are more males at the lowest and highest points of the intelligence distribution). Leadership goes beyond raw intelligence, as that simple video I posted demonstrates.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You are the dictionary definition of 'suspension of disbelief'.

It isn't the 1950s nor is it 3100 B.C., but we're still men and women.

Your percentages speak to intelligence, which is evenly distributed (except at the tale ends - there are more males at the lowest and highest points of the intelligence distribution). Leadership goes beyond raw intelligence, as that simple video I posted demonstrates.
Well, okay. But the same leadership qualities of firmness, clear-headedness and ability to prioritize tasks and make decisions are required in attorneys and judges. And I can assure you, there are innumerable women who do just fine in those roles.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Well, okay. But the same leadership qualities of firmness, clear-headedness and ability to prioritize tasks and make decisions are required in attorneys and judges. And I can assure you, there are innumerable women who do just fine in those roles.
All cars get you from A to B, yet not all cars are created equal.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
All cars get you from A to B, yet not all cars are created equal.

So which of the female justices on the Supreme Court of Canada do you think are less able than the male justices?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011

So which of the female justices on the Supreme Court of Canada do you think are less able than the male justices?
It's possible that all are equally able... doesn't change that distributions within the entire population differ and on any number of other scales too.

Why do you think that over 98% of truck drivers are men? Is it because women are incapable of driving trucks? It is due to historical and present day oppression? Is it choice?

Finally, are truckers necessary for modern living standards?

Why are prisons all over the world filled primarily with men? Shouldn't it be 50/50 since genders are the same?

We could do this all day but I don't want to dash your fairy tale hopes that men and women measure up equally.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's possible that all are equally able... doesn't change that distributions within the entire population differ and on any number of other scales too.

Why do you think that over 98% of truck drivers are men? Is it because women are incapable of driving trucks? It is due to historical and present day oppression? Is it choice?
It's an isolated job that would make the women vulnerable to sexual harassment and it requires physical strength and endurance.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
It's an isolated job that would make the women vulnerable to sexual harassment and it requires physical strength and endurance.
If it requires so much physical strength and endurance, why are all the truckers I've seen out of shape and overweight? Taxi drivers should also be honed athletes by your logic, too?

How would driving goods in a truck result in sexual harassment? You pick up cargo at point A, drop it off at point B. The machines do all the work for you.
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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Gender is a social construct, Dirty. Leadership qualities are evenly distributed between the genders. Female attorneys are at least 50% of the bar and probably the same % of the Bench. Add in the medical and academic professions. Same %'s.

The 1950's are over. The only people who think like Peterson are Peterson's fanbois these days.
So it seems women don't have anything to complain about anymore.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's possible that all are equally able... doesn't change that distributions within the entire population differ and on any number of other scales too.

Why do you think that over 98% of truck drivers are men? Is it because women are incapable of driving trucks? It is due to historical and present day oppression? Is it choice?

Finally, are truckers necessary for modern living standards?

Why are prisons all over the world filled primarily with men? Shouldn't it be 50/50 since genders are the same?

We could do this all day but I don't want to dash your fairy tale hopes that men and women measure up equally.
We still have centuries of social conditioning telling us which jobs should be done by men and which by women.
Change is slow.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
It's an isolated job that would make the women vulnerable to sexual harassment and it requires physical strength and endurance.
But is your point that differences in physiology impact various job performances?

Surely when it comes to activities like sport, the differences are salient enough to be seen by the naked eye. We know that in equal weight classes, a male boxer is going to defeat a female boxer.

In activities that involve teams of people with physical and psychological components, the differences may be less obvious, and that's when studies are conducted, like this one for the Marines:

Do you think that rates of burnout, ability to work overtime, work outdoors, work dangerous jobs, avoid injury, maintain focus, are impacted by general personality and physiological differences between genders? Do men and women approach spatial tasks the same?

Should I continue?
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
But is your point that differences in physiology impact various job performances?

Surely when it comes to activities like sport, the differences are salient enough to be seen by the naked eye. We know that in equal weight classes, a male boxer is going to defeat a female boxer.

In activities that involve teams of people with physical and psychological components, the differences may be less obvious, and that's when studies are conducted, like this one for the Marines:

Do you think that rates of burnout, ability to work overtime, work outdoors, work dangerous jobs, avoid injury, maintain focus, are impacted by general personality and physiological differences between genders?
Some of that stuff would probably need expert analysis. There is a clear strength and athletic ability difference between males and females. That aside, I can't answer.

But none of this impacts "leadership qualities".
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