Actually, "this shit" is finally getting some kind of control because it's been out of whack for a very, very long fucking time.
People thinking that my Spanish speaking friends (from Argentina, Spain, Colombia, et al) are all from Mexico and then quoting Speedy Gonzales in a weird cartoon accent. WTF?!
People assuming all Asian people are from China. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been on a date with a Korean or Japanese woman and this is just automatically assumed. It's only the Asian people who don't assume, the majority of the rest does.
"Brown people are all from India". This one is just so fucking out there it has no explanation. It actually drove a former Guyanese GF to tears.
This kind of shit just goes on and on because people are so small minded that they can't get out of their own head and think the world exists only in the language and culture that they speak and know.
I hope this process continues so people will stop and think for a second before they speak bullshit yet again. Here's hoping...