They are not a democratic society Lmao. That's a good laugh. Why do you think millions of Jews are speaking our against them? Mandatory military service? Xenophobic deportation of anyone who isn't Jewish but yet born there? You can get jailed for showing support for Palestine. Having to pay people to write pro Israel comments on social media because their publicity is shattered. Even israelis are opposed to the demon that is natayathuThat's definitely not a democracy.
"They are not a democratic society Lmao......Why do you think millions of Jews are speaking our against them?"
"Millions". You provide no source for this. Public disagreement
is the very basis of Democracy. You're also emphasizing your stupidity of opinion since it's obvious that this falls under "right to protest" and "free speech" that Israelis are allowed. In addition, it's obvious that Israel does hold free & open elections, the basis of Democracy. All the time. Basic fact.
God, don't let your opinions be so dumb.
"Mandatory military service?"
Go figure huh? October 7th and how many wars? What's wrong with Israel's Mandatory Military Service is they exempt the Orthodox. This is wrong. Fuck them, the Orthodox should be included as well.
I do note that women are allowed to service. Huh, how equal, inclusive & progressive. Awkward. Unless you don't think women should have equal rights. You likely don't. Your ilk never does.
In addition, "Mandatory" does not apply to everyone. The IDF's conscription laws only apply to three communities: the Jews, the Druze, and the Circassians. Both men and women are drafted from the Jewish community, whereas only men are drafted from the Druze and Circassian communities. Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, and Bedouins are
not conscripted. Huh, supporting of minority rights. You have no clue do you?

"Xenophobic deportation of anyone who isn't Jewish but yet born there"
no source for this likely because any deportations are illegal immigrants.
"You can get jailed for showing support for Palestine"
Source? None. Huh, yet many, many, many Israelis protest against Israel without getting jailed? Obviously breaking the law during protests. Like I said,
you're going to respond with outliers. Outliers is the best you have.
In addition, the United Arab List is a political party in Israel that is an Islamist and conservative political party in Israel. The party supports the two-state solution, and the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
In 2021 it formally joined a coalition of parties forming the thirty-sixth government. So,
a pro-Palestine political party forms part of the fucking Israeli government. Weird how they are not arrested huh? Also weird that this disagreement is the very basis of Democracy but say...wait for it..."They are not a democratic society". Huh. Oh please say Israel does not support minority rights. Please. Say it.
You really are ignorant of very, very (no very) basic facts aren't you? There is this thing called the internet, it has a search engine called google and you can use it to research your opinions to see if they are supported by the facts. Try is sometime.
"Having to pay people to write pro Israel comments on social media because their publicity is shattered"
Reliable public, verifiable source? None. Conspiracy.
"Even israelis are opposed to the demon that is natayathu hat's definitely not a democracy."
Are you a kid? Outright public disagreement via a free press and protest
is the VERY essence of democracy. Unlike the rest of the Arab world, they are allowed to without threats. This is why you can say this is happening.
This is 101 stuff and you think this is an intelligent response? As a comparison, the latest polls on 11/29th show
3/4s of Canadians want Trudeau to go. Yet he's still Prime Minister? Weird, you'd think under
your worldview Trudeau would have to leave or resign. I guess Canada is not a democracy either huh? Please tell me Trudeau MUST be a demon or a dictator for not leaving. Oh right, that doesn't count. Inconvenient.

The Conservatives have a 16-point lead. Three-quarters of the country think it's time for a change. But Justin Trudeau is vowing to fight Pierre Poilievre in the next election.
You're lack even the basis of any self awareness. Even Frankie is WAY smarter than you. I didn't think it was possible but Frankie, relatively so, gets WAY more respect from me for his brand of Woo than you do. That's saying something.
Seriously, how old are you?