I know next to nothing but I was told by someone it is. Anyone know if it is?
Ok here is his story.
Apparently when someone uses the internet what you type actually does not go out like a block or even as a paragraph.
It gets shopped up into small bits and the destination, the order where it fits, and where it came from and a bunch of other stuff are added to fragment and off it goes.
Now it does not go in a straight line. More like the ball in an arcade game bouncing along.
It sort of decides where to go individually with each bounce.
So it is real hard to capture a full email since it could be taking several paths.
Now once they get to their destination they get pulled back together,
So he claims you can take a part of the email for example "your dog had pups" and 'listen for it' if you have a very high speed connection and a very fast computer.
This is not like the spy computers at the border that reassemble the entire emails and check for key words.
All it looks for is a match and records the entire string.
I do not care about the technical legality issues. Lets assume the string is in the public domain.
So the question I am asking, is am I being bullshit or is this true? (oh right for a relatively small part of the world. I understand an australian string would not be popping up in Ontario)
So is it possible?
Ok here is his story.
Apparently when someone uses the internet what you type actually does not go out like a block or even as a paragraph.
It gets shopped up into small bits and the destination, the order where it fits, and where it came from and a bunch of other stuff are added to fragment and off it goes.
Now it does not go in a straight line. More like the ball in an arcade game bouncing along.
It sort of decides where to go individually with each bounce.
So it is real hard to capture a full email since it could be taking several paths.
Now once they get to their destination they get pulled back together,
So he claims you can take a part of the email for example "your dog had pups" and 'listen for it' if you have a very high speed connection and a very fast computer.
This is not like the spy computers at the border that reassemble the entire emails and check for key words.
All it looks for is a match and records the entire string.
I do not care about the technical legality issues. Lets assume the string is in the public domain.
So the question I am asking, is am I being bullshit or is this true? (oh right for a relatively small part of the world. I understand an australian string would not be popping up in Ontario)
So is it possible?