Is anyone else enjoying Ottawas' failures?


New member
Jan 31, 2005
As they go into game three, round 2 having LOST both games at home, methinks the end is in sight.....

They WILL choke again, at the hands of Buffalo this time, and will continue to choke like the prima donna pretender LOSERS that they are........

useless bunch of fucking dickwads.......and Chris Neil is their leader......


Feb 26, 2004
I'm quite pleased that Ottawa isn't doing well..... Mostly cause I can't stand Alfredson...... His play has stunk in the series proving to be a playoff bust thus far.

Ottawa has all the talent but no heart. Its been like that for years and they've done nothing to address it over the years. Say what you want about the Leafs, but at least they wear their hearts on their sleeves....

I only wish Edmonton was doing better, cause no Canadian teams will be left unless they can solve SJ.


Active member
Oct 26, 2001
west end highpark area
i am glad that ottawa is loosing but i cannot stand the buffalo t.v. stations the anouncers are talking about the hockey team like they found a cure for cancer or something. the first 15 minutes of the news is about the game. i thought that grapes was a homer.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I've got a couple ottawa players in the pool but the people above me have a bunch. Go .... whoever ottawa is playing.... maybe.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
I`m immensely enjoying their annual collapse. Senator fans are the worst with their Napoleon complex, constantly putting down every other team, gloating about how great they are, and then come the excuses at playoff time.

Remember last season? Even though Alfredsson & co. were shutout 3 times in the Toronto series, the genius fans out here put all the blame on Lalime. Well Lalime is long gone and Ottawa still can`t win in the playoffs.

My only regret is that ricflairjunior isn`t on Terb anymore.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
jimmyt said:
Is anyone else enjoying Ottawas' failures?
hey Havlat, stop kicking a man when he's down... j/k.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Kathleen said:
In all fairness, Ottawa is playing minus Hasak.
I won't deny Emery has been solid, but its got to be massive pressure on him.

I was really hoping Hasek would start the playoffs so Ottawa could be the best possible.
An injured Hasek will not help Ottawa given his acrobetic style of goaltending. The good doc agrees if a healthy Hasek plays in net, Ottawa will be in much better shape than now. Hasek has a history of injury. Given his age, it takes a lot longer for him to heal if he is injured. May be the hockey gods do not think too much of the Senators with their attempt to buy a championship. ;)


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
doinker said:
i am glad that ottawa is loosing but i cannot stand the buffalo t.v. stations the anouncers are talking about the hockey team like they found a cure for cancer or something. the first 15 minutes of the news is about the game. i thought that grapes was a homer.
I find this refreshing for a team in the US. Having spent some time in the US and watching teams in the past like the Devils, Stars and Hurricanes get minimal coverage despite playing in the Cup Finals (and in the cases of the Devils and Stars - winning it), it is nice to see some places in the US where hockey is big news.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
Kathleen said:
Not exactly putting me in stitches.

In two hockey pools combined I have Emery/Alfresson/Spezza/Havlat

I picked Buffalo to win this series, but don't think Ottawa will go without a fight.
I agree about Buffalo winning, but I dont think Ottawa has the fight that the playoffs require. They lack the Doug Gilmour/ Kirk Muller/Wendel Clark/Scott Stevens factor.....a leader who makes the rest of the people around him better, and wont take no for an answer. Notice Chara has been having a bad 2nd round thus far......HE should be one of the guys who take this team and make them win. Alfredsson never was one of these guys, nor Havlat. Spezza and Heatley you may have expected this type of leadership from, but they have both come up short too.

5 games, MAX, then they get blown up in the off season......

I have Leafs season tiks, and remember the final game of round 1 from the season before the lockout. Away from the cameras (mostly, until things got way along) with about a minute left and Ottawa down by 3, Chris Neil took a run at Darcy Tucker, which ended up in a Pearl Harbour job when he could'nt hurt him with the initial, semi legal check.....gloves came off an he just jumped him. THIS is how that bunch of Champions behave when they are being beaten legitimately, by a better team. I heard afterward that Gene Melnyk had a few "words" (of the 4 letter variety) with Chris the all-star after that.

Melnyk will have seen enough this time for the shake-up......


New member
Mar 20, 2005
It just gets funnier and funnier.

The whining has already started out here on the call-in shows: "The referees are out to get us" "The Sabres are divers" "It`s all Hasek`s fault" "The CBC announcers are anti-Senators" blah, blah, blah.

They blame everyone except for the two biggest disappearing acts on the team; Alfredsson & Heatley.

Toronto Passions

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Supporting Member
Kathleen said:
I won't deny Emery has been solid, but its got to be massive pressure on him.

Emery has been dynamite!


New member
Aug 29, 2004
You guys are all nuts, while I am not a Ottawa fan the last time I looked they ARE still playing hockey. All this suppossed heart thAt the Leafs have has gotten them where? THE GOLF COURSE.

Where was the heart from Nov to Mar. Sure they played great to end the season but what good was it. You need to make the playoffs to say anything and if your team doesn't make it, SHUT UP.

It's sad that when there is no joy in watching your own team play you have to revert to shitting all over other teams.

As for whining, I still hear all about Gretzky's high stick 13-14 years ago.
It's time for a reality check Leaf fans.


New member
Nov 15, 2004
South of Heaven
wrong thread???

Is this the wrong thread to say...

Go SABRES !!! :D


New member
Jan 31, 2005
Swords69 said:
Is this the wrong thread to say...

Go SABRES !!! :D
Not at all........nice to see them go down AGAIN last night, heartless failures that they are. Cant wait for game #4 tonight as they go down in disgrace yet again.....


Mar 31, 2006

Hes not the fact he is a smart good player that people just really are jeaolous of...

Now Spezza...theres a guy thats hard to like.....Far far too cocky...Does not sound genuine in any interview....and hes the main reason that I want to see Ottawa go down!!


New member
Jan 31, 2005
Blake659 said:
Hes not the fact he is a smart good player that people just really are jeaolous of...

Now Spezza...theres a guy thats hard to like.....Far far too cocky...Does not sound genuine in any interview....and hes the main reason that I want to see Ottawa go down!!
Alfreddson should not be a Captain....but he is a great player....he lacks the cutthroat charecter that you need to be a Captain at this time of year.

Spezza likewise......great player, shitty leader.

They have NO leaders on that team, that is the problem. They will lose a bunch of guys this year (Chara, Redden as examples) to free agency, so this is (was ) it for them for a real shot at a cup.

BoooHooo.....all I want now is to see Chris Neil whine like the baby he is afterward......
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