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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ICJ rulings require no interpretation. The are clearly written and unambiguous.

The only people who need to rely on interpretation in the case are the losers, liars and racists.

Yes, Israel must prevent killing Palestinians.

86. For these reasons,



The state of Israel shall....take all measures within its power to prevent...,in particular:

(a) killing members of the group.

Israel must ceasefire and stop killing Palestinians to abide by the ICJ ruling.

There is no other reasonable interpretation of that demand.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Prevention is the act of stopping something from happening, either the first time or again. The ICJ has stated that a plausible case was made that genocide has occurred. The interim or provisional order from the ICJ forces Israel to report on its compliance with the Geneva Convention and orders it to change some of its actions that are currently taking place. Hence the act of prevention stops Israeli violations of the Geneva Convention from occurring again.
Just read your first line.
are you arguing that because X tries to prevent fires. That fires are happening?

If a fire Marshall order you to install a sprinkler system, or smoke detectors. Is your house is burning down?

If a human rights organization says to take all measure to prevent discrimination. Does that mean that company ABC has discriminatory practices and is actively discriminating against “Palestinians”?
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So why did they not say Israel did not partake?
Ask them. I just read the words in their clear and unambiguous ruling which means that it does not require an interpretation. If they felt that genocide had occurred they would have clearly said so. They didn't. To think that they would list all of the things that didn't happen is kinda stupid.

The facts are as I provided proof. There is incitement to genocide and there are genocidal actions per official definitions of genocide. Since the ICJ did not set out to rule on genocide in the first place, but rather rule on South Africa's demand that Israel "cease and desist their genocide in Gaza", a tactful acknowledgement as well as a directive for Israel to stop genocidal actions, is proof enough.
Once again are actually unable to understand clear English or are you being willfully ignorant. They never said to STOP anything. As such your claim of having provided proof is hogwash. Why do you feel the need to persist in posting lies in general and this one in particular? The word STOP does not appear in their directives.

That is not an argument that is working for you.
Considering that your argument is based on lies and false interpretations, it's working perfectly well.
It is very rare for a genocide charge to be laid[/QUOTE]Come back to me when they've been convicted. That argument is not working very well for you.

They did not set out to do that.
So we are in agreement that the ICJ imposed no sanctions.

They did. They asked Israel to stop incitement, and stop genocidal actions. Genocide incitement + genocidal actions = genocide.
Stop with your utterly transparent bullshitting. They clearly did not tell Israel to stop anything. That's why your only comeback is making a false/stupid equation using parameters that the ICJ did NOT rule that Israel was guilty of. As such your point is completely moot. If you can't produce the part where the ICJ actually used the actual word STOP to Israel you should just STFU with this ridiculous argument. It's not working for you. You're embarrassing yourself.

As I proved in my previous post from statements made by Israel's own politicians,
But it is not the policy of the Israeli government. Those are two very different things. That's like saying MTG statements are the policy of the Republican party. More nonsensical arguments that are not working well for you.

Here is former Mossad chief, saying that on camera.
So you're saying that this statement is coming from a civilian. To funny and too weak.

Here is the Israeli president saying the same thing.
Destroying Hamas has been a constant and unwavering goal since Oct. 7. This is not breaking news. Trying to eliminate terrorists is accepted as a totally legal objective.

You need new arguments that work better for you.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
No. But if you tell me that you are going to set the house on fire and destroy it and are not going to install a sprinkler system or smoke detectors so as to not alert authorities, then I would assume, that you are an arsonist and the fire marshall asking you to install a sprinkler system and smoke detectors, as an acknowledgement that you are an arsonist.

No. But if you explicitly tell me that you don't like non-white people, women or LGBTQ folks and you wont employ them, then the HRO asking you to prevent discrimination, is proof and acknowledgement of your discriminatory practices.

They were asked. And they ruled that Israel should stop incitement and stop actions that lead to genocide. Which means, there is incitement and there are genocidal actions.

It doesn't have to. If Israel was asked to prevent genocide, it means they are currently not preventing genocide and there are engaged in it. Therefore here the word prevent and stop mean the same thing, when you put it in context and are not attempting to jump through hoops to justify genocide.
Come back to me when they've been convicted. That argument is not working very well for you.
They dont have to be convicted. Their own politicians have pretty much incited genocide and the ICJ has tactfully acknowledged its existence. The only reason they are not convicted is due to protection from the US.

That is neither news, nor anything in your favour of your arguments.

It very much is. Both current and past politicians, as well as public opinion, expressly state the intent to dispossess, ethnically cleanse and/or kill Palestinians. It has been Israel's policy for the last 75 years.

Yes, and it also came from the Israeli president, as I linked above. And it also came from many of Israel's cabinet ministers. It came from their minister of defense, who if you did not know, is leading this war.

Ethnically cleansing and taking land has been a constant and unwavering goal for Israel for the last 75 years. Hamas was also propped up and enabled and funded by the CURRENT administration of Israel. Come back to me when you stop jump through hoops like a trained seal for genocidal maniacs.

The ICJ has specifically said “take all measures to prevent”…not stop. Two very different words.and it’s not proof. That’s your opinion

“IF” the ICJ had said
“Take all measures to prevent further genocide” You’d have a case.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
They were asked. And they ruled that Israel should stop incitement and stop actions that lead to genocide. Which means, there is incitement and there are genocidal actions.
Lies and bullshit. Find the word STOP in their instructions to Israel. Filthy lying on your part. Your morals are on par with those of Hamas.

It doesn't have to. If Israel was asked to prevent genocide, it means they are currently not preventing genocide and there are engaged in it.
I am debating with a lying moron.

Therefore here the word prevent and stop mean the same thing,
More stupidity. You'd lose in a grade 7 debate. You don't have even 1 argument with a shred of logic. It's painful to read such rubbish. It's cringe worthy. I'm even starting to feel embarrassed for you.

They dont have to be convicted.
So somebody being charged with uttering hate speech against Jews means the same as being convicted of hate speech.

The only reason they are not convicted is due to protection from the US.
Bottom line is they have not even been charged let alone convicted. So until then, your proclamations are nothing more than speculation/rumour. Like farts in the wind. You are desperate to be able to prove a single point. At least you're giving frank and Klap hard-ons.

It very much is. Both current and past politicians, as well as public opinion, expressly state the intent to dispossess, ethnically cleanse and/or kill Palestinians. It has been Israel's policy for the last 75 years.
Their policies are put in writing on Gov't of Israel letterheads or on Israeli Gov't official website. Show us.

Yes, and it also came from the Israeli president, as I linked above. And it also came from many of Israel's cabinet ministers. It came from their minister of defense, who if you did not know, is leading this war.
Which still doesn't make it official Israeli policy.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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