Club Dynasty

I lost my job


Apr 24, 2005
GotGusto said:
People actually DID save in the past.
Aren't these people now in their 80's and 90's? Aren't they suppose to transfer their wealth to their children and grandchildren? You know, the trillion dollar intergeneration transfer of wealth. Please don't tell me all that wealth was in GM stock. Did you know that a house that sold for $5,000 in High Park in 1954 is now worth north of $500,000?


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Rockslinger said:
Aren't these people now in their 80's and 90's? Aren't they suppose to transfer their wealth to their children and grandchildren? You know, the trillion dollar intergeneration transfer of wealth. Please don't tell me all that wealth was in GM stock. Did you know that a house that sold for $5,000 in High Park in 1954 is now worth north of $500,000?
You may be right. I'm no economist. But I think that when things like inflation are accounted for, there isn't a whole lot of transfer of wealth that takes place. Note that any wealth handed down from 80 and 90 year olds is swallowed by the much larger baby boomer generation.

We're already contemplating the inability for the current generation to sustain baby boomers when they begin to retire. The baby boomers haven't saved anything. Maybe this won't be a problem because they'll be forced to work into old age until they drop dead. Whatever the case, it's not a pretty picture.

Anyway I hope you're right.


Oct 2, 2004
Feel ur pain

Hey oldstud...i feel your pain...i was laid off early last year.

Try Accounting Advantage...i've dealt with them and they are very good.

They should have something. Be prepared to take on financial analyst roles or senior accountant roles...don't be picky and look for controller/asst controller roles only. Also, fill in the EI application as soon as possible.

best of luck the other terbites have positive. You will suffer minor setbacks but it will work out. It always does as long as you keep trying no matter what.


New member
Apr 28, 2005
yeah of course

oldstud47 said:
Hey first of all who said I didn't see it coming I've had the feelers out for a while but on the other hand who are you to judge me about 650.00 like tell me Mr Peter123 that you never blew money before.... Unbeleivable....and actually if I have the opportunity to do it again and Im working and making a steady paycheck I wouldn't think twice. It was a blast and I needed it and deserved it. you don't know me and you don't walk in my shoes geeezzzz

we all "deserve" the good things...exactly how we end up with no reserves....

trust me....It would be a LONG time after I lost my job before I'd being crying the blues about no paycheck...


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
oldstud47 said:
Ivan thanks man that's one site I have not heard of and I thought I have heard of most appreciated very much
Also keep an eye on Canada Revenue's job postings on their website... quite often I see openings for accountants in the Audit division.


Active member
May 2, 2005
Peter your really starting to piss me off man. I lost my job I have worked hard to pay down my mortgage make sound investments provide a few luxeries for my family and play once in a while in this hobby. I am not about to live off of this at a young enough age when I am still ready willing and able to work make more money save more money and make more sound investments that will alow me to live comfortable when I am of the age when I can't or don't have to work and cant get it up anymore that's not crying the blues. What I am doing is networking, again geeezzzz!! IF your a wealthy man and don't have to work all the power to you. Me I'm not quite there yet


New member
Apr 28, 2005
you said

oldstud47 said:
. I don't have a lot of money because unfortunately

and this isn't meant to be personal about you...just in general--people's attitudes...blow while you can, then suddenly got a problem when you lose a job...

I'm am NOT a "wealthy man" in the way you probably mean...just people with good jobs, who live below their means , so we have a paid for house (small), and money in the bank....and yeah a few bucks blown on hobbying now and then that are not noticed in the slightest.......radicals I know....


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Peter123 said:
...just in general--people's attitudes...blow while you can, then suddenly got a problem when you lose a job...
Totally agree. To be honest I lost a little sympathy when I hear words like "car loan". The only thing I'll ever borrow money for is a house, and that's for as little amount and short a time as possible.


Active member
May 2, 2005
Well Peter I guess i just am a little under the weather then and misunderstood your comments. I think I am a pretty sensible person but no one likes to be in this position especially in an economy like today


New member
Apr 28, 2005
Well hard to be personal about anything--on an anonymous board....and for sure I don't know your situation at very well at all...but probably should have been a little less personal in using your post as an example for a principle..

and for sure none of us want to be in that situation...

but I do get a little tired of the sky is falling general attitude...and also being the ant to everyone else's grasshopper...


Active member
May 2, 2005
That's easy to understand in the mean time I did get a few good suggestions that I appreciated and will put to use


Active member
May 2, 2005
Worked for a disposal company once who employed "collectors" on the payroll,I was the accounts payable clerk at the time (paid the bills). It was a great company the collectors would collect and if the owner of the company liked you he would pay the doctor bills lol.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
nottyboi said:
I'm good for years... probably will run out of cash in about 10 years.... at wich point I will dip into home equity....and that should be enough to bridge me to CPP...which would suck....but I will survive. That is if I make NO money. i.e ZERO. It it gets that bad, money will go a lot further as well
How much do you spend on hobbying per month?
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