Ashley Madison

How to recognize a far- leftie


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So in light of that, you must obviously object to any proposed charity/aid/tax breaks to the wealthy.
not on borrowed money
the govt has no right to borrow money in other people names to give it away

the tax breaks to the wealthy is more debatable , however if they put their wealth to work it grows the economy
Right now nobody will put their money into Canada to work without a huge government hand out attached because of the Trudeau liberals


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Saw this doing the rounds yesterday on X. Amazing how lefties believe that Cuba is some sort of paradise yet people die trying to flee it. Where's the poverty rate metric here - somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of that population lives in poverty.
So you're saying that in Cuba, the average person is able to "keep up with the Joneses. I'm sure it's less than that in the US.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
not on borrowed money
the govt has no right to borrow money in other people names to give it away

the tax breaks to the wealthy is more debatable , however if they put their wealth to work it grows the economy
Right now nobody will put their money into Canada to work without a huge government hand out attached because of the Trudeau liberals
Apologies for not stating it more clearly. I was inferring that tax breaks for the rich are akin to charity and foreign aid in terms of the US debt. It takes away money the gov't could have used.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
When I was young, I was poor.

After a life of hard work, I am no longer young.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Saw this doing the rounds yesterday on X. Amazing how lefties believe that Cuba is some sort of paradise yet people die trying to flee it. Where's the poverty rate metric here - somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of that population lives in poverty.
That`s exactly what we are trying to make people like you realize with metrics like this. Amazingly, the richest country on earth is so poor that a majority of its population cannot outlive one of the poorest country on earth.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Apologies for not stating it more clearly. I was inferring that tax breaks for the rich are akin to charity and foreign aid in terms of the US debt. It takes away money the gov't could have used.
here in lies the problem
"It takes away money the gov't could have used."

the money was not the governments to begin with

the govt has no right to borrow money in other people names to give it away

tax breaks for the rich are akin to charity and foreign aid in terms of the US debt.
absolutely not
charity and foreign aid $ do not get invested into job creating investments

sending $ overseas to advance DEI and gender ideology is not foreign aid and is not supported by anywhere near a majority of tax payers

re charity: a healthy well managed growing economy can support way more charitable initiatives than an overtaxed , underproductive debt burdened economy

we are heading down the slippery slope of a government debt crisis that will devastate the very people you want to help in addition to everyone else
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
here in lies the problem
"It takes away money the gov't could have used."

the money was not the governments to begin with

the govt has no right to borrow money in other people names to give it away

absolutely not
charity and foreign aid $ do not get invested into job creating investments

sending $ overseas to advance DEI and gender ideology is not foreign aid and is not supported by anywhere near a majority of tax payers

re charity: a healthy well managed growing economy can support way more charitable initiatives than an overtaxed , underproductive debt burdened economy

we are heading down the slippery slope of a government debt crisis that will devastate the very people you want to help in addition to everyone else
I said it in my last post and I guess I need to repeat myself.

I am simply saying that by giving the wealthy tax breaks, they are depriving themselves of revenue. I am not talking about them giving away or spending money that is already in their possession. But they are losing the potential to make money.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I said it in my last post and I guess I need to repeat myself.
its odd to repeat what you know is wrong

I am simply saying that by giving the wealthy tax breaks, they are depriving themselves of revenue. I am not talking about them giving away or spending money that is already in their possession. But they are losing the potential to make money.

I am simply saying that by giving away money , that it borrowed in other people name, the government is irresponsible depriving itself of the ability to stay solvent.

when anyone has trillions of dollars in debt , they have no money that is already in their possession.

the debt the US government has accumulated over its 240 year history is projected to double in the next 9 years, given the status quo
so your strategy of kicking the can down the road and offloading the liabilities for your virtue signaling generosity onto future generation will blow up in your face if you live long enough.

Please stay healthy as I would not wish you should miss the horror show


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Saw this doing the rounds yesterday on X. Amazing how lefties believe that Cuba is some sort of paradise yet people die trying to flee it. Where's the poverty rate metric here - somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of that population lives in poverty.
Its still worthy of discussion.

With about 1/4 of the US functionally living in poverty they are living in worse conditions than Cuba, where they at least have education and health care.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
its odd to repeat what you know is wrong
I am simply saying that by giving away money , that it borrowed in other people name, the government is irresponsible depriving itself of the ability to stay solvent.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Giving a tax break to the wealthy is not giving away borrowed money. Or is this a cognitive issue you have.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see
a very telling statement by a man who purposely ignores what he does not want to see
  • the debt the US government has accumulated over its 240 year history is projected to double in the next 9 years, given the status quo
I have yet to see one loonie provide a rational plan for avoiding the debt bomb explosion
Raising taxes is not an option as there is only so much a govt can extract from the economy before doing damage and we are well beyond the point.
The left have taxed the middle class to the brink in Canada , while at same time borrowing a mountain of govt debt

govt spending has to be reined in

Giving a tax break to the wealthy is not giving away borrowed money.
nothing is given buy the government wrt to taxes . The government takes what other people earn

giving away borrowed money is unbelievably stupid and insanely irresponsible when that borrowing is in the name of other people
a child gets born and right after they smack his ass, he assumes a $100,000 in US govt debt- what away to start life

In 2021, the top 5% of earners — people with incomes $252,840 and above — collectively paid over $1.4 trillion in income taxes, or about 66% of the national total. If you include the top 10% — everyone who made at least $169,800 — that figure rises to $1.7 trillion, or 76% of the total.
Three quarters of all income taxes are paid by 10% so its not like they are not paying their "fair share"

The left never has the balls to quantify the "fair share" they banty about
So I will, 75% is way more than their "'fair share''

Or is this a cognitive issue you have.
you cognitive issue allows you to ignore what you do not want to see

charity and foreign aid $ do not get invested into job creating investments,
rich folks money does get invested into job creating investments, provided government does not get in the way

your whole premise is ridiculous
every action has a reaction
wealthy people just structure their affairs to put their money to sleep when the loonies tax target them for an incremental bite over and above the absurd 76%
They earn a risk free rate of return on government bonds or tax preferred municipal bonds (in the US ) with out assuming any investment or operational risk,
And they wait until the loonies get turfed by the electorate before increasing their risk appetite to help the economy grow.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So you're saying that in Cuba, the average person is able to "keep up with the Joneses. I'm sure it's less than that in the US.
so you are saying everyone's potential should be limited to' 'keeping up with the Jones '' and the government gets to determine what the 'jones' are allowed to keep ?
meanwhile the Trudeaus, Bidens, Obamas, Gores, Butts and Castro's some how all get rich because they got into govt work
well to be fair Justin was born with a Trust Fund , which he tax sheltered, just before tax targeting small family run businesses


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
sure this is a concern, these things do go in cycles

for every action there is a reaction
Trump is the reaction against the unbelievable irresponsible govt spending / borrowing, money printing, the DIE , Net zero and gender insanity and ever creeping intrusion of govt into peoples lives.
I fully expect post Trump there could be a rebound of left silliness and irresponsibility, unless of course he is successful in shrinking govt and the economy booms .

you guys are on the wrong side of the public debate fence on way too many issues
defending government spending waste and every increasing govt debt is the pathway to election purgatory
it has to stop or the debt will implode the economy world wide
right now that appears to be your plan in order to eliminate capitalism or the left is just plain too irresponsible to be trusted with the public purse

you might want to re think the huge step to the left and offer something more centralist to the electorate
there has to be an intelligent, more caring leader who can also be responsible
He's not watching the public purse. He's unregulating everything , including the watchdogs who monitor spending, solely so he and his tech bro backers can loot the treasury without hindrance. But your still celebrating the cancellation of the fictitious $100 million for Hamas condoms!
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