By whatever metric you want to improve your life by. For the guys posting here, I'd say success with women and getting laid without paying for it.How do you judge 'better than you'?
By whatever metric you want to improve your life by. For the guys posting here, I'd say success with women and getting laid without paying for it.How do you judge 'better than you'?
Direct game doesn't work for everyone.Being a Beta doesn't help if you're too pussy to talk to girls. It's nice, sure and I respect people who don't follow what everybody else is doing.
PUAs are definitely full of shit however. I suggest everybody follow this channel.
No tricks, no games. Just guys who are not pussy to talk to girls. They aren't scared of shit.
Fair enough.By whatever metric you want to improve your life by. For the guys posting here, I'd say success with women and getting laid without paying for it.
Neither does starring at their tits.Direct game doesn't work for everyone.
But some of these guys don't get that far (no offense)...the "best looking" guy at least gets a date.After reading this entire thread everything is instantly solved with one word... Confidence. If you don't feel good about yourself then no one else will either. All that stuff too fat, too shy, too short all goes away with confidence. Ask any girl they will tell you the best looking guy is no catch unless he has a nice personality to go along with it for any type of long term relationship to work.
So whether that confidence comes in the form of formalized cognitive therapy or a prescription bottle of anti depressants seriously consider it, life is too short to wait around self loathing and being bitter and sarcastic.
To the one poster that said his ex wanted you to make 100k unless there was no long term future, you were best to leave as that clearly was not the right girl for you. Don't get me wrong a lot of girls out there are holding out for what they perceive as mr right and will over look you but they will soon come crashing back to reality as their biological locks start ticking. By then they'll realize they made a mistake by passing you up years before. Why do you think there is such a huge increase in a new Marie segment of single older women out there....
And if all else fails remember that as a guy you are still not at the bottoms of the societal structure of cute girl then cute guy followed by ugly guy and eventually ugly girl. So you do have options !![]()
That's the rub. I can't count the times I've heard comments from women like 'he thinks because he 's good looking that he'll get my attention' or some such things and had a few fashion model friends who say they hate dating other models as they think their gods. They want regular guys that can carry on a conversation about things other than themselves, but most don't ask because they think they're not the right type.But some of these guys don't get that far (no offense)...the "best looking" guy at least gets a date.
There's also attraction to the bad boy and the artist and a twisted one is the wounded bird that they think they can fix or daddy issues or someone who addresses their insecurities or just someone with similar goals and interests/You have an awfully limited view on life in Western societies if you seriously believe that the status of males is solely restricted to economic and sexual prowess. There is also the attraction of intellectual heft as well.
But the woman you just mentioned right now just got her attention from that good looking guy....she noticed him in the room and is already thinking about him. At that point it's up to him to carry on an intelligent conversation, with manners and not be cocky.That's the rub. I can't count the times I've heard comments from women like 'he thinks because he 's good looking that he'll get my attention' or some such things and had a few fashion model friends who say they hate dating other models as they think their gods. They want regular guys that can carry on a conversation about things other than themselves, but most don't ask because they think they're not the right type.
you and fatone are defeating yourselves. Instead of listening to advice you are shooting it down.I agree with some advice such as change, improve yourself: lose weight, dress better, get a nose job etc. Some things are just impossible to change & ONLY if you are a gambling guy & like to try to beat the odds will you endeavour. Never was the type to put time & money into extreem remote odds. Advice was given by women: sorry about your luck, fate is a bitch BUT sure someone will love you for you.:Eek:
Also, there's a big difference between setting the goal of the NHL or other examples. They are binary.... either yes or no.FatOne, there is a huge difference between concluding that you are unattractive to all women (which is pretty much what you have concluded about yourself) versus not making it into the NHL or driving from Montreal to Toronto in an hour or benchpressing 3000 lbs (to take your examples). The Montreal-to-Toronto driver in an hour is an unrealistic example that no one would ever believe. As for the NHL or benchpressing 3000 lbs, obviously only a few exceptional individuals with certain naturally physical abilities, combined with years of physical training, can make it into that level of elite athleticism.
Dating and relationships, on the other hand, does not require any special skill. What it does require is a healthy sense of self-confidence, along with decent social skills which can be acquired by anyone. Thus to answer your question, no, there is no one who is completely undateable. Obviously, some people are less dateable than others, but one can make oneself more dateable through acquiring those social skills.
If you feel that you don't have these skills, then see a therapist who can help you acquire them!
Er... because very few women frequent boards about female escorts?How come there are no women here adding their 2 cents?
If you are not fat, dress well and can carry a convo you are much further ahead in the game than you think. If you are short and ethnic trust me there are openminded women.Never said I was fat , didn't dress well or carry on convo with women. The thread was just a survey of what traits make you so universally unattractive to women you give up on dating. I know mine. It is unchangeable & I am a guy that care not to go around trying to beat the odds with massive rejection from 99% of women who will find me not the slightest bit sexually appealing. Thus the hobby.
There are a fair number of working ladies who come here and add their two cents on topics.Er... because very few women frequent boards about female escorts?