Toronto Passions

GWB is coming November 30th


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
jwmorrice said:
Eight is half of thirty? Oh well, must be the new math. Har-de-har-har!

Good catch I was thinking Australia with 18M, so a Third of Canada then (OK a bit less but hey), doesn't really change the content though.



New member
Sep 15, 2001
"Activists from across the country will be descending on Ottawa to give Bush the welcome he deserves. The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War is organising buses to send activists from Toronto to Ottawa to participate in the mass actions against the Bush agenda. Details of the demonstrations in Ottawa are listed below, in the call-out from the "No to Bush" committee in Ottawa.

Because this will be Bush's first trip outside the U.S. since his election, it will be important for us to build the biggest possible mobilisation to show our opposition in Canada. We want to send a message of support to the people of Iraq and all oppressed people around the world: we stand in solidarity with you. And to our sisters and brothers in the American anti-war movement: the world still says no to the Bush agenda."

Oh goodie! A party. Count me in.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Questor said:
"Activists from across the country will be descending on Ottawa to give Bush the welcome he deserves. The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War is organising buses to send activists from Toronto to Ottawa to participate in the mass actions against the Bush agenda. Details of the demonstrations in Ottawa are listed below, in the call-out from the "No to Bush" committee in Ottawa.

Because this will be Bush's first trip outside the U.S. since his election, it will be important for us to build the biggest possible mobilisation to show our opposition in Canada. We want to send a message of support to the people of Iraq and all oppressed people around the world: we stand in solidarity with you. And to our sisters and brothers in the American anti-war movement: the world still says no to the Bush agenda."

Oh goodie! A party. Count me in.
Freedom of speech is such a great thing.

Could you clarify your statement of the "oppressed people in Iraq" and "the rest of the world" I am a little confused how the USA fits in there.
Are you implying that the oppression of the people in China, North Korea, Sudan, Chechnya, Iran etc.. is somehow the fault of the US? I am curious to see how you going to make yhis connection.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
CH812 said:
Canada would be his first stop on the "Mending the Fences" tour '04
Mending fences will be a useless undertaking. For once i don't trust the Germans, French, Chinese and others to be serious about any consolidary statements.
At best we are going to get lippservice and appeasement. A lot of the anti-americanism has been brewing under the surface for a very long time.
The only wildcard is Canada. While there is a lot of hidden anti-american sentiment, a lot of Canadians understand the USA better than the rest of the world.
North America and Europe are so different in their mentality, there will be never a true closeness, unless one side is willing to give up their core beliefs.
In the end, trade might be the only true bridge.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
bbking said:
Wow - the vast majority of Canadians view the US as our closest friend. The anti-american thing that you talk about is because our core believes clash with Americans. In other words we don't hate Americans, we just get pissed off when GWB makes a demand of our PM to change our constitution because it extends Canadian laws to anyone who touches our soil. Can imagine any jerk leader coming to the US and telling them to change the US constitution what the reaction would be. We get pissed off with Americans when they go it alone to fight a war and expect us to forsake nearly 50 years of Canadian foreign policy that is multi lateral in it's approach and in fact completly ignore a very workable solution to the Iraq issue. But on the whole Lange, you would be wrong that most Canadians are anti-american.

Sorry BBK your statement does not meet my reality.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

Pull out a 50 from your wallet, look at the old lady on it, her country is in Iraq with us. I'm tired of all the unilateral talk - just because France wanted to take bribes to keep the US out does not mean we acted alone.

I don't care that Canada didn't go, you're really not much help anyway - just political cover if we're speaking frankly. I think you should have your own foreign policy, some resources to back it up and the balls to lead once in a while - I'll hold my breath.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
langeweile said:
Sorry BBK your statement does not meet my reality.
Don't lavish all this praise on BB. He will start thinking he is always right.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.

onthebottom said:

Pull out a 50 from your wallet, look at the old lady on it, her country is in Iraq with us. I'm tired of all the unilateral talk - just because France wanted to take bribes to keep the US out does not mean we acted alone.

I don't care that Canada didn't go, you're really not much help anyway - just political cover if we're speaking frankly. I think you should have your own foreign policy, some resources to back it up and the balls to lead once in a while - I'll hold my breath.

Just page four of this thread and already you're getting sensitive! I suppose like so many before it, this thread will now descend into an historical discussion featuring "did" "did not" and WWII. I'll leave that for the coalition of the willing. :p



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Re: sheesh!

jwmorrice said:
Just page four of this thread and already you're getting sensitive! I suppose like so many before it, this thread will now descend into an historical discussion featuring "did" "did not" and WWII. I'll leave that for the coalition of the willing. :p

or the coalition of the idiots (with apologies to ms. Parrish)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

I didn't say you weren’t trust worthy, you certainly are, just not strong enough to make a difference.

If you read my post again you will note that I agree that you should have a separate, independent foreign policy but as a G8 country I also think you should have resources to back it up and the initiative to lead - you seem to self obsessed for the former and suffer a Napoleon complex that seems to hinder the latter.

To say that the British (Queen on money) Australians (mostly Marsupials on their money but still a commonwealth) and Japan (among many others) are part of a "coalition of the idiots" is a bit insulting to them - a fact that Kerry and the silly left never really figured out.

Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
onthebottom said:

Pull out a 50 from your wallet, look at the old lady on it, her country is in Iraq with us. I'm tired of all the unilateral talk - just because France wanted to take bribes to keep the US out does not mean we acted alone.

I don't care that Canada didn't go, you're really not much help anyway - just political cover if we're speaking frankly. I think you should have your own foreign policy, some resources to back it up and the balls to lead once in a while - I'll hold my breath.

a) Our 50 dollar bill has William Lyon Mackenzie King on it. An adequate Prime Minister, but he was no lady.

b) You know as well as we all do that the US has more troops in Iraq than all the other members of the "coalition" combined a few times over.

c) Perhaps we should keep our "resources" - fresh water, expensive but plentiful oil, infected beef and high grade marijuana - for ourselves, hmmm?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
a), got me on that one

b), same is true for Afghanistan - your point would be what, that NATO and the rest of the world is impotent - I agree.

c), for a country that sends 85% of it's exports to us (3% as finished goods- at least according to the most recent ex-Liberal MPs website) I think you have more to worry about than we do, we have plenty of water - at least in the North, anyone will sell us oil (as current events show) we have plenty of beef and weed already....


Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
Well langeweille it's not a conflict at all. America has a very progressive perspective and Canada's is extremely conservative. Thus, the reverence of despotism and princes, social elites, entrenched social class systems and all the detritus of old europe.

It is appaling that on one side of our coins we depict the bust of a foreign prince, of a long line of murderous tyrants, a prince of the most orthodox standard.

There may be a glimmer of hope that things will gradually turn. We need to become a sovereign Republic.

langeweile said:
Quiet frankly I can't understand Canada's affection with the Queen anyway. It seems in direct conflict with Canadian values to have royality influence daily live.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
bbking said:
You see OTB, your asking us to do something in your image.
No no no no no, I don't care if you do what we ask, it's not that important to me (or the US). You are not a large country, you are not a powerful country and you don't hold a permanent seat on the UNSC.

What I do want is for you to step us, on your own terms, in your own way, and have a bit of a punch when you need it.

bbking said:

Anyways under this PM you will see a return to International affairs, something the previous PM wasn't comfortable with unless it concerned trade. I don't see the Napoleon complex thing here - the issue was that your Potus had zero respect for any point of view your Canadian friends had to offer. In fact the Canadians when they announced they where going to put forward a solution for the Iraq issue - the Americans said it was unacceptable before it was presented to anyone. When it was finally given to the security council, President Fox of Mexico, who was on the security council apparently told Bush that if he adopted the Canadian plan, he would quarantee the vote of Mexico and one other country. Bush told him to farkoff - thus turning a friendship into something else. The sad part of this OTB was that it would've slowed the US march to war by 30 to 60 days - about the time it took anyways for the US to start the war after that last vote in the UN.
The point is this - the US under Bush is very good at telling other people what to do instead of looking at their strengths and working with them. Had he bothered Bush would recieved the credit and gotten his war.
Now for the coalition of idiots - I don't believe I've every referred to the Iraq coalition as idiots, maybe the coalition of the bribed but not idiots. Anyways this not a grand coalition the Bush makes it out to be, that's my objection, the bald faced lie the Bushies tell, but I would never make fun of another allies war effort - Hey is that familar OTB - you know the yucks about Canada in Afganistan.


I think you've got the rest of this right, I think the US was determined to do what it thought was right regardless of who agreed. I would have rather it happened the way you describe - many Canadians probably are glad it did not.

I'm not familiar with the yucks about Canada in Afghanistan - unless you are referring to the Canadians killed by our plans - not much of a yucks (if you meant that as funny) pretty bad day for both of us.


Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
That was well put OTB. Instead of bitching and whining, we need to develop some specialty. Sure, we'll never field a carrier group, but with a specialized type of force really good at what they do, then when America needs that they can tap us.

BTW that is currently the case in Astan - Canadian snipers are supposed to be kickass.

onthebottom said:
What I do want is for you to step up, on your own terms, in your own way, and have a bit of a punch when you need it.
Ashley Madison
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