The One Spa

Greta Thunberg tells world leaders to end fossil fuel ‘madness’


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
More to the point, we know what the solutions are. They are simple. But they require a change in thinking. Many of the posts in this thread are typical of the behaviour that is preventing the introduction of the changes that need to happen. So kids are pissed, and before long they're going to be voting and taking political office and running companies.

There are always people that will argue against change. "We can't shut down the tar sands because it's great for Alberta's economy". Those are bullshit arguments and short-sited. ...............................
The same has to happen to use of fossil fuels. We can start now and technology will likely find solutions to run cars and planes and ships...
Canada is a democracy. A large fraction of its
population and government are politically leaning
towards liberalism. If people truly want to change
it will happen. It may be more correct for you to say
very few if any people, climate change believers
included, have the will to change.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
More to the point, we know what the solutions are. They are simple.
Yes the solution is to stop all oil and gas production and the cutting down of trees. Of course there would be few cars or trucks on the road and no planes in the sky or plastics and other products made from petrochemicals. But hey I'm sure this would only cause minor inconveniences.


New member
May 14, 2019
so what are the alternatives to these products made from oil?

We still need those products, and therefore still need oil and other fuels to make them until/unless alternatives are found, but the quantities of fossil fuels needed for the above products is less than 5% of current overall oil demand....excluding gasoline (a fuel) which doesn't really belong on that list of consumer products


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Conversion of ICE vehicles to natural gas
engines on a massive scale might enable phasing
oil out as a transportation fuel. Remaining oil
should last for centuries as a source of petrochemicals.
Eventually advances in nano-material science will
find the substitutes of products made from petrochemicals.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I think Greta is wonderful but she's at a disadvantage.

If you have a message, who would you rather have pitching it Greta or Kelly Young. Greta is prickly while Kelly breaks down your resistance with her easy charm...while caressing a tiger shark. Greta says "how dare you", Kelly gives you a cheek and smile and shows you what can be lost.

her contract with CBS/ESPN could be the start of something big.



Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Conversion of ICE vehicles to natural gas
engines on a massive scale might enable phasing
oil out as a transportation fuel. Remaining oil
should last for centuries as a source of petrochemicals.
Eventually advances in nano-material science will
find the substitutes of products made from petrochemicals.
I don't know if the numbers in this article are still valid, but any kind of conversion has a number of problems. While you can technically convert a car to run on CNG, but it's complicated and expensive for an individual to do. You also have a distribution problem since gas stations would also need CNG pumps. CNG does work in fleet settings like taxis and buses since they have a fixed route and return to the same depot where they can be refueled.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't know if the numbers in this article are still valid, but any kind of conversion has a number of problems. While you can technically convert a car to run on CNG, but it's complicated and expensive for an individual to do. You also have a distribution problem since gas stations would also need CNG pumps. CNG does work in fleet settings like taxis and buses since they have a fixed route and return to the same depot where they can be refueled.
Much better just to go straight to EV's.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
so what are the alternatives to these products made from oil?

What a hack of list.

-plastic wood
-water pipes
-cds + dvds
-shag rugs
-folding doors

Some idiot just randomly started typing in an Excel spreadsheet.
And some idiot bought it, and posted it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

6. Guitar strings
Most modern guitar strings are made of nylon, which is made from petroleum. Fun fact: Nylon was first produced on February 28, 1935 by Wallace Carothers at DuPont’s research facility. Carothers was searching for a silk replacement, which had grown scarce during wartime.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
Perhaps I am listening to different scientists than her chosen ones?
Respectfully, the scientists you're listening too are either employed by oil companies, or they're really bad scientists.

Literally every legitimate scientific body on Earth agrees that climate change brought about, in part, by consumption of fossil fuels is a fact. What little disagreement they have is ONLY about the degree. Whether our contribution to climate change is a little or a lot is ultimately irrelevant however. Climate change will kill millions of people and cost billions of dollars in the next few decades. Regardless of the amount of our contribution to the cause, we need to reduce THAT amount, the part that we can control.

We know how, so all that's lacking is the will.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
Much better just to go straight to EV's.
How many years will it take to produce 24 million electric cars to replace all the cars in Canada? And how much carbon will be produced? And how are poorer people going to be able to afford a new EV? Of course existing cars will have little or no trade-in value.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
Respectfully, the scientists you're listening too are either employed by oil companies, or they're really bad scientists.

Literally every legitimate scientific body on Earth agrees that climate change brought about, in part, by consumption of fossil fuels is a fact. What little disagreement they have is ONLY about the degree. Whether our contribution to climate change is a little or a lot is ultimately irrelevant however. Climate change will kill millions of people and cost billions of dollars in the next few decades. Regardless of the amount of our contribution to the cause, we need to reduce THAT amount, the part that we can control.

We know how, so all that's lacking is the will.
Many might take it more seriously if those in charge who claim that there is a climate emergency acted as if this was the case. Our PM used two planes to fly from place to place during the recent election campaign then flew south for his family Christmas vacation. If he doesn't have the will to make any sacrifices why would others?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

6. Guitar strings
Most modern guitar strings are made of nylon, which is made from petroleum. Fun fact: Nylon was first produced on February 28, 1935 by Wallace Carothers at DuPont’s research facility. Carothers was searching for a silk replacement, which had grown scarce during wartime.
Ah, nylon guitar strings.
Most guitar strings are nickel/steel or brass.
Make them play steel strings.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
There are always people that will argue against change. "We can't shut down the tar sands because it's great for Alberta's economy". Those are bullshit arguments and short-sited. We have been here before. When certain pesticides where destroying wildlife, big agriculture and even family farmers cried that without those pesticides, we were all going to starve. Bit we didn't.
Why not simply kill half of the population. Well, hell with it, Canada can show an example: every Canadian should plant 10 trees and kill himself under them to provide a compost for future growth. This way Canadian land become the lungs of the planet and we set a good example to everybody else what to do to save the planet.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
Ah, nylon guitar strings.
Most guitar strings are nickel/steel or brass.
Make them play steel strings.
Coking coal which has a higher carbon content than regular coal (burning coal releases twice as much CO2 as burning petroleum) is used in the making of steel so your steel strings are not climate friendly.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You guys do realize that you're arguing about a mentally unstable kid, right?
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