Canada is a democracy. A large fraction of its..........................................
More to the point, we know what the solutions are. They are simple. But they require a change in thinking. Many of the posts in this thread are typical of the behaviour that is preventing the introduction of the changes that need to happen. So kids are pissed, and before long they're going to be voting and taking political office and running companies.
There are always people that will argue against change. "We can't shut down the tar sands because it's great for Alberta's economy". Those are bullshit arguments and short-sited. ...............................
The same has to happen to use of fossil fuels. We can start now and technology will likely find solutions to run cars and planes and ships...
population and government are politically leaning
towards liberalism. If people truly want to change
it will happen. It may be more correct for you to say
very few if any people, climate change believers
included, have the will to change.