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Gov. Spitzer linked to prostitution ring

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
This would be like Mr Fantino racing a new sports car on the 401 :p
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
james t kirk said:
1. She may not put out. (See about a million threads on TERB)

2. She may not put out enough (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect.

3. She may not do the things he wants her to do. (or needs her to do) (See about a million threads on TERB)

4. She may be a dead lay (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect).

5. He's bored of the same old ass (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect.)

6. He's got a fetish or two the the old lady won't partake in, or he doesn't want to ask her

or, even better,

7. Maybe she was joining in. (He was after all arranging for escorts on February 14'th.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is the bottom line. Funny we're talking about this on TERB like it's foreign or something. :)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
How bout, he wanted a hot young lady to "feel young" again.

We still haven't found out WHO she is or how she looks like. Sounds really good, "very pretty, 5' 5" and 105 lbs". Heck-sounds like the type I like to book :p


New member
Aug 30, 2004
james t kirk said:
If he had let it go when he was behind the bench, I would truly feel sad for him, but since he didn't, all I have to say to him is, "Enjoy the ride in front of the bench you sanctimonious hypocrite"
Yup...being on the other side of the bench, he's going to find out what it feels like to have a blow torch fired at his ass.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Scenicdrive said:
LOL!!! Hope you do not suffer the same political fate as Gov. 'Would Rather Spit Now Than Swallow' Spitzer.
I think Spitzer's wife looks like what Jennifer Anniston will look like in 20 years. I'll do her. Is she available for head?

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gyaos said:
I think Spitzer's wife looks like what Jennifer Anniston will look like in 20 years. I'll do her. Is she available for head?

Gyaos Baltar.
Not for Elliot


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Here is a thought. What if Bill was using his name and he is the real client?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Again, I like to know who the other clients are, how come we are just hearing about the 1 guy. I seen theres nine more clients out there. Even if we never hear of them, let them post their names.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
S.C. Joe said:
Again, I like to know who the other clients are, how come we are just hearing about the 1 guy. I seen theres nine more guys out there. Even if we never hear of them, let them post their names.
Ummmmmmmmm They are not the Governor of NY.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Sukdeep said:
Because it's an election year and he's a good target. This was a high-end agency. You can bet that there are other big names.

One of the pictures being floated is Spitzer...and Hillary just to his left. It's no coincidence....

Spitzer is a hillery supporter..........a sex scandal will not hurt her at all.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
BottomsUp said:
He's gone. Bank on it.
There are, I believe a number of reasons why this probably will be the case. Among them:

The hypocrisy factor - as Attorney General of New York he made public remarks of a hostile nature about a call girl operation on Staten Island that the A.G.'s office was prosecuting - that it was common prostitution etc. . . at the very least keep your mouth shut. Certainly this has cost him public support.

The alienate the electorate factor, his stubborn insistence on moving forward with his plan to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens in New York long after it became apparent that the idea was wildly unpopular with the citizens of New York cost him a great deal of his popularity with the electorate.

The alienate the other party factor - upon becoming Governor, he promptly went to war with the New York State Assembly including trying to get the New York State Police to secretly compile travel records on the (Republican) Senate President in an unsuccessful attempt to show abuse, a maneuver which backfired in a big way when it became public. A Governor who had engaged in more bipartisan behavour or at least not gone to war with the Assembly might have at least have some well of sympathy to draw on. Re: Impeachment and trial.

That not even considering prostitution related crimes, he may be facing Criminal Charges of Structuring involving his Banking activities. Were he to be convicted of a felony he would be barred from serving as Governor and would have to resign.

His “take no prisoners” personality which served him relatively well as a prosecutor has been a real disadvantage when it comes to governing.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
Again, I like to know who the other clients are, how come we are just hearing about the 1 guy. I seen theres nine more clients out there. Even if we never hear of them, let them post their names.
Sukdeep said:
Because it's an election year and he's a good target. This was a high-end agency. You can bet that there are other big names.
The principle reason should be obvious if you have been following the developing story. Governor Spitzer was the original target of the investigation of suspicious banking activity by the IRS.

When they discovered that the money was being shuffled between accounts held by Governor Spitzer in an attempt to conceal funds, the FBI then launched a Public Corruption probe suspecting that he was involved in bribery, kick-backs or income tax evasion. What they actually found was the Call Girl operation.

Governor Spitzer's insistence on paying in cash actually lead the FBI to the Emperor's Club rather than his being caught up in a prostitution probe.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Gyaos said:
I think Spitzer's wife looks like what Jennifer Anniston will look like in 20 years. I'll do her. Is she available for head?

Gyaos Baltar.
Depends. If you were soon to be ex-Governor Spitzer, she would spit on you instead of spitzer your little head. LOL!!! If your were anybody else, ask her nicely. You might get lucky or unlucky. :cool:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
There are a number of points for reflection for me in all this:

Governor Spitzer's arrogance/naïveté in believing that a sitting Chief Executive could keep this all hush, hush. As well as the thought that there too perhaps would go many of us.

Likewise his foolishness/arrogance in knowingly getting involved in serious violations of Criminal Law (in this I think principally of the Mann Act and prostitution itself in the U.S.).

The sadness of such a smart man not realizing that in his apparent attempt to hide the money from his wife was going to trigger suspicion by the bank and reporting when he was making multiple deposits and withdrawals of several thousand dollars but in the aggregate over a fairly short period of time being over the $10,000 reporting threshold.

The hypocrisy of U.S. Law regarding escorts.

Perhaps summarizing it better than I.
Last edited:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
But still, I seen the FBI knows of 9 other clients, who are they? None are "Joe 6 pack" looking at the fees they were paying.

And as for how the FBI is claiming they found out, you really believe it? He was on the top 10 shit list of some very high rollers,-guys who own some of the banks-and we have an R in the White House and in charge of the FBI.

Bet you--we can't prove it thou--that many D's were being checked out. He was just the guy who had his "
hand in the cookie jar"

You think Mr. Obama didn't get a good looking over--I am sure he was.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
As for Mr. Obama, isn't it strange this story did not break a week or two earlier. It wasn't until after TX and Ohio and had their voting day, till the story broke.

Mrs. Clinton is a NY senator and "was" good friends with Mr. Spitzer. If the story would have broke before voting day, it could have hurt Mrs. Clinton and help Mr. Obama.

OK, enough, I get off my soap box now and watch some more TV :p


Jan 16, 2003
I'm waiting for you....
I am guessing

Who ever is 'prosicuting' him has never seen 'Charlie Wilsons war' (No other film has a schovanistic pig looked so honest and sexxxy! lol);)

PS... Does anybody else see the resemblence between PROStition and PROSicution.... Both begin with PROS and are the OLDEST professions in the world and religions....!


King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Spellcheck much?

Spellcheck much?

Catherine said:
Who ever is 'prosicuting' him has never seen 'Charlie Wilsons war' (No other film has a schovanistic pig looked so honest and sexxxy! lol);)

PS... Does anybody else see the resemblence between PROStition and PROSicution.... Both begin with PROS and are the OLDEST professions in the world and religions....!


King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
The Governor like to bareback....

In the court papers, an Emperors Club employee was quoted as telling Kristen that Client 9 — Spitzer, according to investigators — "would ask you to do things that ... you might not think were safe," and Kristen responded by saying: "I have a way of dealing with that. ... I'd be, like, listen, dude, you really want the sex?"

A law enforcement official said Tuesdsay the discussion had to do with Spitzer's preference not to wear a condom and the call-girl's insistence that he use one.
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