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Gov. Spitzer linked to prostitution ring


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Just watched his resignation speech.

The hypochracy of the US political arena is staggering. Listening to his speech,
one would think he had killed somebody.

For crissakes, he got klaid a few times. Why would New Yorkers give a hoot.
80% of New Yorkers have extramarrial affairs.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
danmand said:
For crissakes, he got klaid a few times. Why would New Yorkers give a hoot.
80% of New Yorkers have extramarrial affairs.
Yea but 100% of New Yorkers excluding spitzer have described them self at New York's Number One Law Enforcement Official.

Good riddance to a bad man


{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
Spitzer is not a bad man. He's a hypocrite in this case, but in the big picture, he means (meant?) well.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
A lesson to be learned and a cardinal rule to those who want to be successful politicians:

Be squeaky clean from the head to the toe, the little head included!!! :cool:


New member
Dec 27, 2002
I heard on the news today that "the wealthiest man in Great Britain" is apparently client #6.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
danmand said:
Just watched his resignation speech.

The hypochracy of the US political arena is staggering. Listening to his speech,
one would think he had killed somebody.

For crissakes, he got klaid a few times. Why would New Yorkers give a hoot.
80% of New Yorkers have extramarrial affairs.
It truly was and is the hypocrisy. To have denounced others left right and sideways as being corrupt. To have zealously prosecuted call girl rings and then patronized them. To after he became Governor have in fact increased the penalties for prostitution.

One can say that "sex" got Governor Spitzer - and unfortunately certain sectors of the public will remember it that way. But it was really his "take no prisoner's" personality.

Real Clear Politics - Tom Bevan

"Spitzer was a hard charging, holier than thou prosecutor who was in many respects a world class jerk. He made tons of enemies in his short tenure in office, and he preferred bullying and bluster to nuance and negotiation. The story of Spitzer's (apparent) demise is a mixture of hypocrisy, hubris, schadenfreude and, of course, personal shame and family tragedy."

Time - Nathan Thornburgh

"If these accusations do spell the end of Spitzer as an individual in political life, his ideas - of reform and clean governance in Albany - had already stalled because of a different cardinal sin: not Luxuria (Lust), as in Monday's scandal, but Superbia (Pride). Spitzer's Superbia had rankled old and new in Albany, certainly the Republican majority in the statehouse, but also many Democrats who were astounded at his prickly partisanship and how it cut off all lines of communication between the executive mansion and the state assembly."

Politico - Ben Smith

"He [Spitzer] rubbed politicians the wrong way, in particular, with his insistence that every fight be a matter of personal principle - a bruising style that takes on bitter irony given his current predicament. "

The New York Times Michael Powell and Michael McIntyre

"So often the governor seemed to accumulate enemies for sport, to threaten rivals with destruction when an artful compromise and a disingenuous slap on the back might do just as well."

When push came to shove and it was time to go to the well - Governor Spitzer through his own actions had poisoned the well and there was no water for him to have.

Do I dislike the fact that U.S. laws are not like Canadian law on the issue of outcall I most certainly do wish they were the same. I’ve in fact struggled with this the past few days sympathy for a fellow ‘hobbyist’, the whole violation of marriage vows issue, my wish that the law was different, but overwhelmingly it has been the almost incredible level of hypocrisy.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Herodotus said:
Spitzer is not a bad man. He's a hypocrite in this case, but in the big picture, he means (meant?) well.
I honestly don't know. In a lot of ways the man just plain had a mean streak.


{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
Spitzer is a really smart guy, but he was just exceedingly abrasive and filled with hubris. He tried to bully the state assembly and senate, business, and everyone else that found their ways into his crosshairs. He made so many enemies that he would have had to live a perfect life to escape his Governorship unscathed. Too bad, because as I mentioned before, he meant well, he just had ZERO people or small "p" political skills.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
asn said:
or be smart about it and dont get caught.

pictures of the ladies
Easy to say, extremely difficult to do. Spitzer is a smart man. Look what happened to him? Perfect manipulation is a logical possibility but only God is a perfect manipulator and God does not commit adultery or need call girls. ;) LOL!!!


New member
Dec 8, 2003
inno said:
The funny thing about this is that the feds weren't really that interested in prostitution at all. What got their attention was the big unexplained money transfers. They thought that it might be bribes, payoffs, extortion, whatever...all truly legitimate things to be concerned about a governor doing, wouldn't you all agree?

If he had just made a trip across the border to Toronto, Monteal, Ottawa, etc. he wouldn't have raised any attention since the cost of a lady would not have raised any flags with anybody.
Agreed the Feds aren,t nailing him for being a John,the IRS and the Feds,are going after his wire transfers across state lines , obscuring himself as the source, iwhich the Feds have enacted new laws to counter

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
One thing is for sure, this is not the end, only the begining.

This chick (Kirsten) will be outed by the weekend.

There will be the nonstop commentary.

There will be the Playboy spread.

There will be the book deal.

There will be the revealations and tawdry details.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
As I’ve already said I feel sorry for the fellow hobbyist, but at the same time not very sorry at all for the arrogant hypocrite. However, I hope the prosecutors forego charges and feel disbarment would also probably be too draconian.

John Faso, his opponent in the New York Gubernatorial race said today: "Eliot Spitzer had one set of rules for himself and one set for everyone else. I never would have imagined it could be so glaring."

However, perhaps more harmonious times are coming to New York. As Democratic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky said "The first thing [David Paterson] can and I think he will do is end the era of accusation and contempt and ridicule, I think everyone will be better off because of it."


New member
Jan 19, 2006

Three thoughts. How appropriate is it for the New York Times to publish this? Has the NYT spun this story? How much do we really know about SP's - I had my suspicions when I read the "hey dude, do you want to have sex" comment, personally I can only recall one poorly spoken escort in either Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal, I don't know quite what that says.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Kang said:
What an idiot.

I don't think he did anything wrong, but if you a former Attorney General playing politics in the U.S... oh man. It's too bad this will likely destroy his political career, as I always thought he was one of the good guys.
In NY, prostitution is illegal. As an AG, he prosecuted people involved in The Hobby.

I don't fault him for seeing a working woman, I fault him for knowingly breaking the law.

If he was in Canada, no one would care.
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