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Gov. Spitzer linked to prostitution ring


New member
Jan 19, 2006
inno said:
The funny thing about this is that the feds weren't really that interested in prostitution at all. What got their attention was the big unexplained money transfers. They thought that it might be bribes, payoffs, extortion, whatever...all truly legitimate things to be concerned about a governor doing, wouldn't you all agree?

If he had just made a trip across the border to Toronto, Monteal, Ottawa, etc. he wouldn't have raised any attention since the cost of a lady would not have raised any flags with anybody.
Link to the New York Times article discussing this point.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
Spitzer caught on federal wiretap arranging to meet prostitute last month: New York Times

Maybe that BS "war on terror" wiretaps might have got him. Then again, sure theses R's having been keeping an eye on theses D's since theres a president election this year.
From the New York Times even as I posted yesterday on this issue.
"with the assistance of a confidential informant, a young woman who had worked previously as a prostitute for the Emperor’s Club V.I.P., the escort service that Mr. Spitzer was believed to be using, the investigators were able to get a judge to approve wiretaps on the cellphones of some of those suspected of involvement in the escort service."


New member
Sep 25, 2006
At those prices there have got to be a few more big names involved. The FBI doesn't just have Elliot as the only politico, businessman, mobster.

Again gotta ask....what bizarro sex is worth $5000?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
sailorsix said:
Again gotta ask....what bizarro sex is worth $5000?
He was a frequent f**ker. The $4300 was paid into his account. I think the
girls were charging $1,000 - $1,500 per hour.


S.C. Joe said:
If it would have been legal-and he may claim he broke no laws-it still would not save a guy like him.

Gay sex in private is legal but if Jerry Falwell was caught doing it, he be ruined.
Actually, wasn't a New Jersey Governor destroyed over gay sex?



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Montreal would have been perfect for him. Anonymity and only $200 an hour for the best bodies in the world. :D
Might have been hard for him to explain to his wife
why he had to go to Montreal twice a week.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
Alan Dershowitz is all over CNN, minimizing this and how this would be a page 26 non event if it happened in Europe, and how antiquated the sex laws are (thats for sure), and that its a victimless crime, and how the laws will be changed in 20 years, on and on. How ironic that a top lawyer is proclaiming how the defendant should be treated based on HIS view of how the law should be structured. And Carville proclaiming that its a political conspiracy. Yeah right. Face the music lefties, his ass is grass. Loved Ken Langone's comment 'Everybody has their personal hell...I hope his is hotter than everybody else.'


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Gyaos said:
Ladies and Gentleman!


Gyaos Baltar.
LOL!!! Hope you do not suffer the same political fate as Gov. 'Would Rather Spit Now Than Swallow' Spitzer. It is doubtful this hypocrite can pull a 'Slick Willie' move and get off the hook as he was 'Mr. Clean' before. Amazing how a seeminly bright man is actually so dumb!!! Shame on him!!! Shame on all hypocrite politicians!!! :cool:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
BottomsUp said:
Alan Dershowitz is all over CNN, minimizing this and how this would be a page 26 non event if it happened in Europe, and how antiquated the sex laws are (thats for sure), and that its a victimless crime, and how the laws will be changed in 20 years, on and on. How ironic that a top lawyer is proclaiming how the defendant should be treated based on HIS view of how the law should be structured. And Carville proclaiming that its a political conspiracy. Yeah right. Face the music lefties, his ass is grass. Loved Ken Langone's comment 'Everybody has their personal hell...I hope his is hotter than everybody else.'

Good, I hope he can ride this out.

It just might turn out to be a good thing for us guys. IF he doesn't get thrown out of office and IF he can move on like it wasn't that big of a deal, he just might help break the ice that all guys who "pay for it are no good" way of thinking for some.

But its way too early, have to see what happens, theres a big push for him to step down. Hope he have the guts to fight and stick it out.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
S.C. Joe said:
Good, I hope he can ride this out.

It just might turn out to be a good thing for us guys. IF he doesn't get thrown out of office and IF he can move on like it wasn't that big of a deal, he just might help break the ice that all guys who "pay for it are no good" way of thinking for some.

But its way too early, have to see what happens, theres a big push for him to step down. Hope he have the guts to fight and stick it out.
He's gone. Bank on it.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Well with him being a Democratic-they aren't a fighter-and with him thinking deep down inside he done wrong-well after all he is a married man who was to "clean up" NY, it doesn't look good.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I still believe it would not have made much difference where it would have token place -word would have got out somehow, a picture, the lady talking-hotel staff talking.

He was nuts for doing it in the first place.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
S.C. Joe said:
I still believe it would not have made much difference where it would have token place -word would have got out somehow, a picture, the lady talking-hotel staff talking.

He was nuts for doing it in the first place.

Lets not forget this was one picky guy. He had her sent down from NY to see him. Wasn't like he said-send a nice young lady-he wanted HER!

It sounds like it wasn't his first time either and from the NY Post it sounds like the other girls knew who he was-how, don't know-maybe he dated them too.

This guy should get some "help"-really, he had a great job, a good chance of being even the president someday, was married, has 3 daughters-who are getting hurt now.

His mind is messed up-wounder if he has a drinking problem or pill popping problem.

We mess around too but we aren't Mr. Goody goody Governor of the state of NY with a great chance of becoming the president of the USA.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
PussyHunter said:
You guy's check out his wife. What was he thinking? She's a smoking piece of ass.

Now if she's interested in a bit of payback sex then contact me at .........
1. She may not put out. (See about a million threads on TERB)

2. She may not put out enough (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect.)

3. She may not do the things he wants her to do. (or needs her to do) (See about a million threads on TERB)

4. She may be a dead lay (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect).

5. He's bored of the same old ass (see about a million threads on TERB to that effect.)

6. He's got a fetish or two the the old lady won't partake in, or he doesn't want to ask her

or, even better,

7. Maybe she was joining in. (He was after all arranging for escorts on February 14'th.)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
BottomsUp said:
Alan Dershowitz is all over CNN, minimizing this and how this would be a page 26 non event if it happened in Europe, and how antiquated the sex laws are (thats for sure), and that its a victimless crime, and how the laws will be changed in 20 years, on and on. How ironic that a top lawyer is proclaiming how the defendant should be treated based on HIS view of how the law should be structured. And Carville proclaiming that its a political conspiracy. Yeah right. Face the music lefties, his ass is grass. Loved Ken Langone's comment 'Everybody has their personal hell...I hope his is hotter than everybody else.'
While I totally agree that this is a victimless crime, the reason I love seeing him twist in the wind was as previous posters have stated was how he has barbequed those who partake in the hobby. If he had let it go when he was behind the bench, I would truly feel sad for him, but since he didn't, all I have to say to him is, "Enjoy the ride in front of the bench you sanctimonious hypocrite"
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