Leafs Raise Ticket Prices Five Percent
Friday May 4, 2007
They haven't raised a Stanley Cup in 40 years. But that hasn't stopped them from raising prices. Not that you can get tickets for a Toronto Maple Leafs game. But if you can, you'll be paying a lot more for them.
The city's most glorified team has confirmed it's raising admission prices five percent for next season. Single seats will range from $37 for the cheap spots to $182 if you're one of those season ticket holders who torture yourself year after year while paying dearly for the privilege.
The Leafs explain they've kept a freeze on prices since the lockout destroyed the 2004-2005 season, but contracts, travel and other expenses have all skyrocketed, leaving them little choice but to recoup it all at the box office.
What do others fans pay? Find out here.
Fans might complain about the hike, but as in past years, they're not putting their money where their mouths are. Leaf brass confirm they've had almost a 100 percent renewal from season ticket holders.
The Leafs continue to be one of the most expensive teams in the league, and that's not counting all those extras you have to shell out for at the ACC, including parking, snacks and beer.