Go Leafs Go!!


New member
Jan 13, 2005
Maybe he was screened, but he still went down too early and was out of position. On the first goal, he was way out of position. Standing there with his arms down at his side looking at the net when it went in. You need a hot goalie to go anywhere in the playoffs and he isn't it. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but I don't see him stepping it up - IF by chance they squeek in.
I agree about Sundin. WTF, will we find out later that he was injured or is he just having shitty luck. Tucker and Steen haven't done much either. These guys can't hit the fucking net. High, wide, all over the godamn place. For fuck sakes, these guys are supposed to be professionals.
BTW, When is Peca supposed to be back?


Jan 19, 2005
Might as well play Jeff O'Neill on Saturday night. While he hadn't done a whole lot in the last few games he played, at least he has the ability to put the puck in the net... and he's well rested.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
It Is A Three Way Race For The Last Playoff Spot...

for Toronto, Montreal, and the Islanders. For Toronto to go to playoffs, they must beat Montreal in regulation this Saturday and hope that the Islanders do not gain grounds on Toronto. It is a race all the way to the wire!!! The winner gets to face the Sabres for more playoff excitement. :cool:


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
i think Ted Nolan outsmarted Paul Maurice in many facets. This was a game that coulda went either way.
1. Ted Nolan had his team outmuscle the Leafs at both ends of the rink.
2. Paul Maurice tried to play a possession game... he won the face-off game, but lossed to giveaways and tight Isle's checking.
3. It seemed PM was trying to be opportunistic and trying to get his offense going... on the other hand TN had his team playing unusually tight defensively and very, very patiently waiting for their opportunities.

any way you slice it, the hockey gods seem to be working some majic to keep both the leafs and the islanders in it after tonight. it's even more skin-o-the-teeth than Tuesday!!!

overall it was an entertaining game.

i admit i regret missing my pens play. i just couldn't stomach the thought of them losing another game to a strong team this late in the season... (after seeing them lay an egg when Buffalo was in town)...


Jan 20, 2003
South West Ontario
This run up to the playoffs has been treated like a Stanley Cup final series. Tomorrow night's game is to see who scrapes in to the playoffs, and then gets knocked out in 5 games in the first round.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Wondering if all the discussion about the leafs this year is in haste since they will lose to Montreal 5-2 and not make the playoffs this year.

Ya, it's disappointing for sure but thats what we have lived with for 40 years now, no Stanley mug.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
Suppose they beat the Habs, they still need help now. A point from that game last night and they could have controlled their destiny with tomorrow's game.

The Flyers are well the Flyers, and how much incentive will the Devils have come Sunday?

THe Islanders could easily nip the 8th spot.


Jul 5, 2003
I thought the Islanders were a joke at the beginning of the year. Firing Smith, hiring Snow and that stupid contract for DP. It turned out that they are well coached and the goalie was actually quite good. Too bad he went down, but hey still seem to have the guts to want to compete. I can't say the same for the Leafs.
If Raycroft thinks he is in Joseph and Belfours league because of the numbers, he is NOT.
I watched the highlights of the other games last night and quickly realized how middle class the Leafs are. Every team seems to have more bonafide star players who make the highlight reels on a regular basis.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
oh yes, eric! you are correct. out of any team in the top 16 league wide, the leafs have the poorest lineup of top 6 forwards and top 4 D-men.

this wasn't so when PQ was GM/coach.


Dec 24, 2001
I remember a time when the Canadiens were consistent Stanley Cup champions and the Leafs were very good.

Now, it's come this - a battle for a f*ckin' last playoff spot.

I'd be embarassed if I were a member of either franchise.

They should be ashamed of what they've become - once proud franchises toiling in mediocrity, propped up by a fan base clinging to nostalgia than the reality of crappy on-ice performance.


Dec 24, 2001
Actually, I was thinking of the mid to late 70's when the Habs had Dryden, Lafleur and co... and the Leafs had Sittler, MacDonald, Palmateer and a few others.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
This is why Maurice deserves some credit...

21pro said:
oh yes, eric! you are correct. out of any team in the top 16 league wide, the leafs have the poorest lineup of top 6 forwards and top 4 D-men.

this wasn't so when PQ was GM/coach.

...because, when it comes down to it..this line up blows donkey dick...yet they are still in the hunt on the last night..Maurice deserves a lot of credit for that...but you could really see the disgust on his face lat night over the effort...and I have done a total 180 on the goaltending...Raycroft is not stealing games. Look at the other teams in this fray...Halak and Huet in Montreal...DiPietro and Dubie of the Isles..the Rangers,...hell even Tampa Bay has better netminding than the Leafs..which means it really sucks....heck Belfour and his wonky back kept Florida in the fray for a while...gotta wonder what the Leafs wooudl have been able to do with even that quality of netminding

The Leafs have always had superior netminding....from Sawchuck to Bower...Potvin to Palmateer....Joseph and Belfour...many quality netminders through the years. For anyone to use this 37 game win crap to say Raycroft is even a good backup, is beyond me

A caller said it best on Leafs TV last night..is it really better for them to make the playoffs, and get blown out in 4 games??, or not make it and be really forced in to some changes..the first being JFJ..that bum put together this loser group....can anyone besides the D men score on this team??...Yanic should be hung by his short hairs for missing that open net....

And, really ....with all the chances to pick up a point or 2 on the road over the last 7 games..do they deserve it anyways??



New member
Jan 13, 2005
How many times have you heard Joe Bowen bellowing "Holy Macanaw" this year in reference to Raycroft, as annoying as it may be. We used to hear it on a nightly basis with the goalies of the past. Its not a great measuring tool but it just goes to show how un-exciting this team has been this year.

I'll bleed Blue and white till I die but I find it really hard to watch these guys. Of course I do and I will tomorrow night, but I know it will be painfull. What do we have to look forward if they do win? Those fuckin' Sabres will probably kill us in 4 straight.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
well i would argue that the leafs have quite abit of a better team (rosterwise-not performancewise) right now than they did one year ago when Quinn was fired.


New member
Dec 27, 2002
I grew up a big Leaf fan; but, this team means nothing to me. I really don't care about them one bit.
They remind me of the Leafs in the 1980's , a nothing team going nowhere.

I hope the Islanders make the playoffs over the Leafs. That team's got more heart.


New member
Jan 26, 2005
guyroch said:
The only two teams that deserve to make the playoffs are the Islanders and
Rangers .... This past week how the handled both the Canadians and
Leafs showed who is the better teams .... No team in two must win games
lose 2-7 and 2 - 5 .
Too bad the Leafs shot themselves in their feet last game when Montreal also lost or they will be in the driver's seat now. Still, they can win the last playoff berth by beating Montreal in regulation and provided the Islanders cannot catch up. :eek:


New member
Jan 13, 2005
Yes, the 80's were the worst with the exception of having Mr. Wendel Clark in his prime. They failed to build a team around him which gave him a chronic back condition from having to carry the whole team and organization.

I wonder if we could trade ownership? How about Melnyk for Tannenbaum?


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
hey Scenic? who do you wish the Sabres play? I'd think their game matches up best against the Islanders, but Ruff matches up very well against Carbonneau.??? your opinion?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
boffo said:
I grew up a big Leaf fan; but, this team means nothing to me. I really don't care about them one bit.
They remind me of the Leafs in the 1980's , a nothing team going nowhere.

I hope the Islanders make the playoffs over the Leafs. That team's got more heart.
I don't know what it is about this "team". I mean, they have some players on there that are able to provide some exciting play but they just fall on their asses at times.

As for the Clark comment, Tucker kind of reminds me of Clark in the sense of his intensity of play. Give me a team of average players like Tucker and I would win us the cup.

Maybe it's the age? Too many youngsters with Fragile egos? I don't know how a team can go out and hit like madmen one night, then two nights later coast around with their thumbs up their asses. It is almost like Maurice went to the fourth line and said "hey, dipshits, leave the scoring up to our superstars, who do you think you are anyways"???

Only good news about their current situation is we will only have to suffer through one more game before we're (and they) are put out of our misery...

I still say that when they were discussing wages etc during the lockout they should have brought in a pay scale like this: Lose a game? you get $10,000.00, win? You get $90,000.00 Get into the playoffs? $100,000.00 bonus. Win the cup? a cool mill....THEN you will see them play....when you pay someone well, and they get paid whether they play well or not, you get what we have now.....


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
i love commission. it's the only way to pay.
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