Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I'm still waiting for some actual proof on anything the Ford's have been accused of. Three people seeing a video in the back of a car or a report of Doug being a drug dealer as told by unnamed sources doesn't cut it for me. Unless we see the video and have the people making these accusations come forward with their testimony, it's all hearsay.

The Doug Ford story is true....

My buddies and I used to pick up from the Ford brothers at James Gardens....

I actually posted this "fact" on the first page of this thread but it was removed for some reason....

And according to Jame T. Kirk there's another member here (a "respected" member) who also said the same thing....

There's a lot of normal Canadians who have dealt pot or have made some money through illegal means to get a ahead financially.....
So I can't fault Doug Ford for that....

But he is such a Hypocrite for his right wing anti-drug stance when he used to deal drugs himself....
On top of that he didn't have to deal hash since he came from a well off family.....
He was just too lazy too work (he could have easily got a job with his family's company)...

And now he's denying it and acting like its some sort of conspiracy against him and his family....
What a phony...
He won't sue "The Globe and Mail" because he knows he will lose that lawsuit...
He should have manned up and just admitted he dealt hash instead of acting like a martyr....


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Wow manj. Great response. Thanks for giving us some first hand knowledge. I think they're druggies for sure. How cN any one doubt it. Even if u are conservative wouldn't u want respectable people presenting your views? Thee guys are caricatures. They're like comic book caricatures. The Globe is a well respected paper. And even if don't like the stars view the star reporters who saw the video are well respected as well. With good track records. A friend of mine is an executive at one of the networks and he swears by these reporters. Hos word and the word of many here on ter b is good enough for me.


New member
The Doug Ford story is true....

My buddies and I used to pick up from the Ford brothers at James Gardens....

I actually posted this "fact" on the first page of this thread but it was removed for some reason....

And according to Jame T. Kirk there's another member here (a "respected" member) who also said the same thing....

There's a lot of normal Canadians who have dealt pot or have made some money through illegal means to get a ahead financially.....
So I can't fault Doug Ford for that....

But he is such a Hypocrite for his right wing anti-drug stance when he used to deal drugs himself....
On top of that he didn't have to deal hash since he came from a well off family.....
He was just too lazy too work (he could have easily got a job with his family's company)...

And now he's denying it and acting like its some sort of conspiracy against him and his family....
What a phony...
He won't sue "The Globe and Mail" because he knows he will lose that lawsuit...
He should have manned up and just admitted he dealt hash instead of acting like a martyr....
... Ya ~ this will be called hearsay for sure but I know people who grew up with the Fords.

I know all about the James Garden stories.

Only so much we can all say right? But I believe everything I've read over the past few weeks because i heard all about this stuff a long time ago.

It just kills me that they deny it all knowing how many people know the truth.

If I know what i know, eventually someone who knows even more will come forward without requesting anonymity .

I can feel compassion for Robbie. The fact that he has such poor judgement as to associate with known drug dealers (and probably buy crack and say too much infront of them), makes it easy to conclude that he has a problem. I feel empathy for him - I honestly think he's a victim of his environment as a kid who probably had a lot of pressure on him to succeed and he's clearly not-exactly the most intellectually-agile individual....

I am not concluding he is a crack addict just because of the video. That picture of him with the slain drug dealer is enough to convince me he's unfit for his office.

Guys ~ be realistic.... that pic isn't the type of photo taken as a photo opp and it's not the type of photo taken when a citizen runs into the Mayor at Timmies and asks for a pic so they can post it on Instagram.

That photo is clearly showing a jovial mayor with sketchy guys who he's comfortable with. One of them is now dead.

All those loyal Ford Lovers who claim that what he does in his personal time isn't our business seem to be ignoring the fact that if (I laugh when I say "if" but ~ I guess it's all "alleged" right? :p)

If he's buying drugs from these guys..... Then the mayor of our freaking city who at one point this year was saying he wanted to DEPORT (lol) Canadian citizens involved in the drug trade (lol). The mayor who talked tough after Danzing and the Eaton Centre Shootings.... Is giving money to those responsible for most of the gang violence in our city.... If that video shows him smoking crack with these guys, then he's paying for the bullets that are killing Torontonians....

Ford Nation: remind me again why this isn't something we should all care about?

Is it really so hard to see how serious this is?

Doesn't this raise your eyebrows?

If Douggie was a drug dealer, I don't judge his past based solely on his "enterprise". I have friends who used to sell drugs when they were kids.

And gosh darn..... I'm a sex worker.... and I'm not a hypocrite.

I do judge the hypocrisy and today's denials. He's never been put on the spot and the denials today just re-enforced my absolute lack of trust in any word that comes out of his mouth. (... and does anyone else notice that the guy never blinks? So weird...)

The allegations aren't the issue. If they fessed-up, feigned regret, answered questions, yadayada.... There'd be more trust coming their way from Toronto's citizens and media.

The issue is the hypocrisy, bigotry, incompetence, lies, smokescreens, misleading soundbites, intentional divisiveness, misrepresentation of themselves, hyperbole, and lack of transparency that matters to me~ not their past, not their family issues, and not even the fact that Robbie prob was caught on tape smoking crack
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Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Even Mick Jagger is getting in on our infamous "mayor": :clap2:

"We’re not going 2 do any jokes 2nite about the mayor," said @MickJagger of #RobFord. "It's much 2 easy a target. It’s a big cheap shot."
"L.A. just elected a new mayor, who promised free medical marijuana. I wonder what new mayor of #toronto would promise?"


Aug 19, 2001
i saw a video of you smoking crack and watched it with 2 other members here that i won't name. plus i talked to 10 other people that said they witnessed you smoking crack and dealing drugs. none of that is hearsay.
What's your name. Your real name. Please publish it and provide us your contact information, and your 20 years of professional credibility.

ps. Idiot. You waste our time with your abject stupidity.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Why do we even initiate a newspaper report about someone as a teenager selling drugs back in the '80's.
Do we care?
Or do we do it, so we can ask why 30 years later, and then hope they try to cover up.

Of course he sold drugs. Lots and lots of people did. I believe it. And don't care.

Lets not forget, for every toke someone takes, there was a seller somewhere. Maybe two or three sellers cutting it before it was ever smoked or snorted.

So if you were/are a were part of the drug culture/transaction.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
What's your name. Your real name. Please publish it and provide us your contact information, and your 20 years of professional credibility.

ps. Idiot. You waste our time with your abject stupidity.
Simon is my real name and I saw the video. Its real your denial means nothing. According to your rules you're guilty.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Three people witnessed the video. That is not heresy.

10 people recounted their first hand experiences to the Globe & Mail. That is not heresay.

You might want to reread the definition of "heresay" which you posted, as it clearly does not apply here.
1.Information received from other people that cannot be adequately substantiated; rumour.
fijiman, you're correct it's not heresay, but it is hearsay. Here's another defition:

-unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge
an item of idle or unverified information or gossip;rumour

The information was not obtained from one's direct knowledge but from others, the Star's reporters and the Globe's article quoting others is hearsay. It may turn out to be true in one form or another, probably embellished a bit, but until someone steps forward with direct knowledge the Ford's will claim hearsay.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity

I am not concluding he is a crack addict just because of the video. That picture of him with the slain drug dealer is enough to convince me he's unfit for his office.


That photo is clearly showing a jovial mayor with sketchy guys who he's comfortable with. One of them is now dead.
Whoa! Did I miss something? When was it announced that one of the dealers is dead? I didn't see it.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
... that's all you can say to my post?

dude - disappointing :p

Anyway.... I never said I had pics of him smoking crack...

I do however have some interesting pictures that will remain personally-entertaining for me unless someone else feels like sharing.
Do you have a pic of Rob trying to run the 100 meter dash with his football equipment on? You think the drug pic is funny, wait till you see him running.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Three people witnessed the video. That is not heresy.

10 people recounted their first hand experiences to the Globe & Mail. That is not heresay.

You might want to reread the definition of "heresay" which you posted, as it clearly does not apply here.
Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs or religious doctrine. Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct knowledge, and so cannot directly testify to truth or accuracy.

As long as we're re-reading definitions, which did you have in mind?


Mar 21, 2011
ummm no... or maybe. this photo :

One turned out to be known to police and was shot dead outside a club just recently. This isn't a new photo .. it's been circling for a while.
That photo was released through Gawker as evidence that the video they had was real.
It only came to light through the crack business, and the Post has another shot of Ford in the same sweatshirt.

As far as it goes, lots of people have histories with drug use in their youth, myself included. What is important is how you deal with it publicly. Coming out and admitting it and trying to deal with it openly encourages trust and respect, whining, calling people liars and denial the opposite.

I'd much rather have Russell Brand as mayor the Rob Ford, for instance.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity It is also interesting that Anthony Smith, the slain young man, lived near Don Bosco CHS, where Mayor Ford was football coach, and wanted to be a Youth worker. This raises the question of what this photo was all about. As the photo was circulating around for a while, what was the real reason for Ford to be with these young men? Was it drugs, or the Mayor trying to be a supportive coach? Without an explanation as to the photo, we can only speculate, and that doesn't answer any questions. Who are the men whose faces are blurred out?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i saw a video of you smoking crack and watched it with 2 other members here that i won't name. plus i talked to 10 other people that said they witnessed you smoking crack and dealing drugs. none of that is hearsay.
Thanks for that simon, there's a whole pile of folks who don't seem to grasp that clear but fine point. You illustrated it very well.

The Star's reports, and the later Globe stories, were reports of what their experienced and professional journalists had personally seen and heard, and that's not hearsay. They were published in newspapers for anyone and everyone to read, form opinions about and perhaps take some action. It's not stupid to register and react to what the reporters say they saw, just stupid act as if it was proven. News media are how we talk amongst ourselves, pass information and figure out what to do. Courts need to be certain, and decide beyond doubt. We folk have to act faster. Often on rumour, misinformation, wild guesses, smart hunches, common sense and conventional stupidity.

We do that all the time in life; if we waited for evidence beyond a doubt we'd still have tails. We all make judgements from hearsay. We couldn't manage democracy without them. We just want to be sure we don't execute, imprison or fine people on such uncertain grounds. On the other hand we actually appreciate the police getting busy and doing something—carefully and professionally—when someone says someone told them a teacher was fondling the girls.

It would be nice if citizens and TERBians were a little more careful, professional and investigative, and willing to leave judgement for further down the road, but we clearly can't force them, and shutting down the news and rumour machine will only make things worse.

But getting the words straight that we use to slag each others' opinions with is a start to clearer thinking. Thanks for your effort in the cause.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Simon is my real name and I saw the video. Its real your denial means nothing. According to your rules you're guilty.
If you send me 5 million dollars, I will actually provide the video of fijiman. It is a bit grainy, and may resemble a puppet show, but I assure you it is legit.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
113 It is also interesting that Anthony Smith, the slain young man, lived near Don Bosco CHS, where Mayor Ford was football coach, and wanted to be a Youth worker. This raises the question of what this photo was all about.

As the photo was circulating around for a while, what was the real reason for Ford to be with these young men? Was it drugs, or the Mayor trying to be a supportive coach? Without an explanation as to the photo, we can only speculate, and that doesn't answer any questions. Who are the men whose faces are blurred out?
The plot thickens.

Say what you want, but at least our mayor isnt boring. Its like a daily reality TV soap opera :D

If you send me 5 million dollars, I will actually provide the video of fijiman. It is a bit grainy, and may resemble a puppet show, but I assure you it is legit


Apr 24, 2005
Jon Stewart is also politically astute, hilarious and intelligent
All things that you are not.
Speak for yourself, you stupid jerk. Now get off your soapbox and crawl back into your hole.
Hint: Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
The plot thickens.
Yes, the picture showing Ford with Anthony Smith is totally unrelated to the alleged crack smoking video, other than to the most gullible or people who want to believe anything negative about ford, it shows some relationship between Ford/drugs/crack video.. How would the Gawker guy know about the picture showing Ford with Anthony Smith, know that Smith was maybe related to drugs, and that he was murdered. The Star reporters would know about this picture and the story, but a guy from a US gossip site would not. Was the Star involved in the release of the crack video story on Gawker from the beginning?
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