Nobody “came for” anybody…. We have had vaccination mandates for decades. I had to have all my kids vaccinated in order to send them to school.
People can still choose to not get vaxxed, but it comes with reasonable consequences in a pandemic.
Ever Dr Andrew Wakefield…. Who started the entire anti-vax movement (with the help of a playboy playmate) was not really Anti-vax. He was more like “competing Vax” at best. He was financially tied to a Vaccine he and others were developing to compete with an existing vaccine on the market, so he did a dirty and put out a false study to tarnish the established brand. He got caught. Lost his license… but the damage was done… single moms everywhere “did their research” (fuck me!), and now so much bullshit has been spread online… why rational people are even scared of good science. Fucking shameful.
Amazing how many people are missing the point because of political leanings. Very surprising actually.
As Hungarian Jews in the 1940’s have replied over and over and over, when asked “how could this happen,” they said: “we didn’t see it happening, they introduced one small law at a time”.
Small minded shallow thinking Canadians still think it’s only about a vaccine and the so called intelligent replies here will be this isn’t the same as the 1940’s etc etc etc.
Good luck boys. You’ll be able to tell your grandchildren and great grandchildren about the time when they introduced one small law at a time and “we didn’t see it happening”.