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Escort Discussion- please...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
ruck said:
baltimoron said:
In LA, the average jumps to $500 and in Manhattan, $800.
Actually the average rate for the average sp is about 200-300 USD in manhattan. I was just there 5 days ago. :)
I didn't hobby but I did do some research in case the itch struck me.
As for the higher end sp's, well they are everywhere. Even in Toronto you can find a sp who charges $1500/hr.

Vanessa, you charging $250 is fine. Whatever you want to charge. It all depends on how much business you want.
I personally feel escorts charge way too much and it has no reflection on their character . I think it is a stupid argument that if the price is $ 500 or $ 800 in bla bla vla then $ 250 an hour is a good price. Of course women will charge as much as they want as long as some men are willing to pay it. This doesn't mean they are worth it. Why is it that if a man questions rates he is callled cheap by some sps but a women who charges $ 1500 is not called a greedy , unrealistic bitch. I think sps provide a great service and it should be more wildly available. I complain based on the intrinsic value of having sex with someone .Before commenting you would really have to understand applying intrinsic values. In a way I am saddened that some men defend escort rates it only supports greediness. It is not surprising that men who live with escorts would . Let me put it this way , a millionaire would pay $ 200 for a bottle of champagne but a $ 200 bottle of champagne is not worth 5 times a $ 50 bottle and sex with a woman is worth no more than $ 100 -$ 125 per hr . Just because a women wants to only see 2 clients and make more doesn't make her sex worth more.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
hunh ??

booboobear said:
ruck said:
I personally feel escorts charge way too much and it has no reflection on their character . I think it is a stupid argument that if the price is $ 500 or $ 800 in bla bla vla then $ 250 an hour is a good price. Of course women will charge as much as they want as long as some men are willing to pay it. This doesn't mean they are worth it. Why is it that if a man questions rates he is callled cheap by some sps but a women who charges $ 1500 is not called a greedy , unrealistic bitch. I think sps provide a great service and it should be more wildly available. I complain based on the intrinsic value of having sex with someone .Before commenting you would really have to understand applying intrinsic values. In a way I am saddened that some men defend escort rates it only supports greediness. It is not surprising that men who live with escorts would . Let me put it this way , a millionaire would pay $ 200 for a bottle of champagne but a $ 200 bottle of champagne is not worth 5 times a $ 50 bottle and sex with a woman is worth no more than $ 100 -$ 125 per hr . Just because a women wants to only see 2 clients and make more doesn't make her sex worth more.

Sorry, dude, this doesn't make any sense at all.

For we all know that "something is worth only what someone will pay for it".

If indeed it were more widely available, like you said, then and only then would the prices come down.

Otherwise you must live in the here and now.

Also, I don't think anyone here ever hinted that "a $200 bottle of champagne" is worth "5 times a $50 bottle".

Perhaps correcting the off-thinking in that is the place to begin your path back to full understanding.

Or maybe ponder this:

If you're a high-school hunny, and it's graduation day, and you're on your path out the front door to market your seldom-touched wares on the streets of Toronto, what guidelines would you have reasonably been expected to have up until then for putting a price in dollars on that which has always seemed so precious?

It makes no sense to complain on the many variations in answer to that question until such time as it could be reasonably expected that everyone had been exposed to the same general standards prior to that point.

It isn't like exiting grade twelve and being expected to know that indeed four multiplied by fifty is two-hundred, and not five multiplied by fifty. We are all reasonably confident that in that case you should have been guided by the same standard which we know.

If you don't like the price that a particular working girl is charging, then simply see a different girl. If it is what you perceive to be in her bra, or in her panties, that you want, then keep shopping around, because it is nearly certain that you can find very similar body parts for sale at the price you wish to pay.

That is the nature of the free market we're fortunate enough to have.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
So, to summarize the opinions of this thread:
- SPs feel distressed from having to deal with discounts
- Guys who ask for a better price are scum
- SPs should charge as much as they want
- the sky is the limit in the US

In my opinion the only thing that could significantly change prices is the legal status. Prices in the US are higher because it is illegal. Prices in most of Europe are lower because the laws are relaxed. Canada is somewhere in the middle.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Tina_Ballerina said:
So you feel that SP's have changed since 1981?

I wasn't hobbying in 1981 but I'm guessing that std's weren't as worrisome ( at least everything could be pretty much cured by penicillin - or was that 1971?) I'm also guessing there is more silicone and less hair. :D


New member
Aug 20, 2003
MindJohn said:
booboobear said:
Sorry, dude, this doesn't make any sense at all.

For we all know that "something is worth only what someone will pay for it".

If indeed it were more widely available, like you said, then and only then would the prices come down.

Otherwise you must live in the here and now.

Also, I don't think anyone here ever hinted that "a $200 bottle of champagne" is worth "5 times a $50 bottle".

Perhaps correcting the off-thinking in that is the place to begin your path back to full understanding.

That is the nature of the free market we're fortunate enough to have.

Well " DUDE '" I guess for you it will never make sense because you don't understand intrinsic value. As someone who has spent his life pricing I fully understand the free market. What someone pays for something is NOT what it's " worth " Ponder that for a while .
You know the commercial ............ priceless.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
train said:
I wasn't hobbying in 1981 but I'm guessing that std's weren't as worrisome ( at least everything could be pretty much cured by penicillin - or was that 1971?) I'm also guessing there is more silicone and less hair. :D
As a matter of fact you are right. I never thought to mention that... everything was bareback.

In those days AIDS was not even heard of yet.


New member
Dec 21, 2004
A remedial math lesson is needed by BooBoo: no, a $200 bottle of champagne is not worth 5x a $200 bottle. It is worth 4x.

Similarly, the fact that you think that an act of sex is worth only $125-$150 seems to indicate that you would be most comfortable seeking the lowest cost provider. There are those who are instead looking for the Chateau Petrus of SP's. A 2002 Petrus could be purchased at auction for ~$640 Cn. It is always rare and sought only by those who would appreciate it. But there are enough of those appreciants to keep Petrus the rarity that it is. Those who do not appreciate Petrus would say that it cannot be worth the price. But they only theoretically think that they would not appreciate it because they would never allow themselves the pleasure of a glass or two.
It takes effort to expand one's horizons; that effort can be measured in sweat or in dollars, but the expansion cannot be experienced unless the effort is made. A Petrus of a SP? What an entrancing thought.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Meister said:
The first articles about AIDS appeared in 1981.
That may be so but SWs back then were not as concerned about condom use as they are today. In fact very few if any required that clients use them. Later when the true nature of the danger became more prevelent then all SWs started using them.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Vietor said:
A remedial math lesson is needed by BooBoo: no, a $200 bottle of champagne is not worth 5x a $200 bottle. It is worth 4x.
Huh, if BooBoo needs a math lesson you need a math intervention.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
Having heard the complaint of many different women on this subject, I thought I would put some thoughts in here. I have not read the entire thread, so if this is repeated I am sorry.

Alot of women have really no problem dealing with the men who email or phone and bitch about the price. It is part of the business and they can deal with that on an individual basis. The main problem I hear from women is how to respond to the men who bitch in reviews about the price. If the lady says, well, anything to the man bitching about the fee in the review, she is a money hungry bitch who is only in this business for the cash. If she doesn't say anything, her name is taken through the mud because once one guy says something about the "high" rate, "they" all jump in. If she ask the review be removed, she is being favoured by the board. It is really a no-win siutation and even more then that a very unfair situation to the lady and the board because you don't happen to have enough to pay that rate.

I want a lexus, but I don't have the money so I drive somnething else. It really is that simple. Why put down the women in her review??? 90% of the time it is a good review and someone else who is not the reviewer has gone up and made some smart ass, "I am not paying that price" type comment.

Tell me if anyone can, what is a woman's worth??? I don't think anyone can put a price tag on the worth of someone else. Not a child overseas, not a man in the south and SP in toronto. Women set the price hopefully that "they" feel they are worth. There are working women who charge from $20-$2000+, so why can't you find one in your cash bracket and be done with it? Why does the women who is out of your price range have to be put down? I guess it makes the man fell better and that is all that matters.....

This is just the opinions that women have shared with me over the last few years, and I can understand where they are coming from.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
"There are working women who charge from $20-$2000+, so why can't you find one in your cash bracket and be done with it? Why does the women who is out of your price range have to be put down? I guess it makes the man fell better and that is all that matters....."

Well said Happy Hooker. I have yet to see a good reason why a SP should lower her prices.

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
frankcastle said:
"There are working women who charge from $20-$2000+, so why can't you find one in your cash bracket and be done with it? Why does the women who is out of your price range have to be put down? I guess it makes the man fell better and that is all that matters....."
I agree with most of what is said. Happy Hooker & Frank, you are correct. But it's not as easy as you say. I hate the car analogy, but let's use it again. If I was looking for a Jaguar and someone was trying to sell me a K car, I would question it. But again, I believe comparing a woman to a car is demeaning. If I can afford to pay $2000 for a SP does not mean I want to pay any SP $2000 or that I think any SP is worth $2000. But the best thing in this thread that every man must understand is stating an opinion is one thing. Putting down an SP because of price is another

frankcastle said:
Well said Happy Hooker. I have yet to see a good reason why a SP should lower her prices.
Location, confidence, competition, comfort. Just to name a few.


New member
Aug 15, 2005
I hate the car analogy, but let's use it again. If I was looking for a Jaguar and someone was trying to sell me a K car, I would question it.

Exshully I prefer a cigar analogy. Aren't they all enjoyable, from White Owls to Puros? As for price, well...that's just some people talkin' man. I've paid as much as $250 for a lousy lay and as little as $40 for 15 minutes that rocked my world. I dunno...I just have this hinky feeling that it all balances out in the end.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
I guess the main point is, it is not up to the men here or on other boards to say what a woman's worth is. It is only up to the man to detrimine for himself if it is worth it to him to pay that rate. If more people would understand that, then maybe they would be more respectful in a ladies review about her rates instead of turning a good review into a gold-digging hooker thread. Does that make sense?



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
booboobear said:
MindJohn said:
Well " DUDE '" I guess for you it will never make sense because you don't understand intrinsic value. As someone who has spent his life pricing I fully understand the free market. What someone pays for something is NOT what it's " worth " Ponder that for a while .
You know the commercial ............ priceless.
According to the dismal science a thing is 'worth' exactly what the buyer and the seller agree on. If 'worth' is determined some other way, then it's a matter of opinion, and only 'worth' discussing for the fun of debate.

Earlier you made a remark about $200 dollar champagne not being worth its price compared to $50 a bottle—that's your opinion. I've heard the same line from folks telling me their Bright's President at $8 a bottle was the equal of my Veuve Cliquot at $50—that's their opinion. Opinions: everyone's got one and is entitled to it. But what entitles anyone to elevate their personal opinion to the status of some sort of law of nature and say, "No, that is not worth it"?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
oldjones said:
booboobear said:
According to the dismal science a thing is 'worth' exactly what the buyer and the seller agree on. If 'worth' is determined some other way, then it's a matter of opinion, and only 'worth' discussing for the fun of debate.

Earlier you made a remark about $200 dollar champagne not being worth its price compared to $50 a bottle—that's your opinion. I've heard the same line from folks telling me their Bright's President at $8 a bottle was the equal of my Veuve Cliquot at $50—that's their opinion. Opinions: everyone's got one and is entitled to it. But what entitles anyone to elevate their personal opinion to the status of some sort of law of nature and say, "No, that is not worth it"?
It's funny but you are saying exactly the same thing as I am . I can't say my opinion is a law of nature but some have commented that Oh so and so charged $ 350 or $ 500 and she was " WORTH " it. Again like you said that is only their opinion. You say if a buyer and seller agree it's worth it again I don't agree so it's not worth it. As far as the champagne , no that's not just my opinion , educated wine tasters of which I would like to think I am somewhat one ( not an expert ) would also agree that a $ 250 bottle of vinatge champagne doesn't taste 5 times better than a $ 50 bottle.
We are all intitled to our opinions but I will never agree having sex with a women is " WORTH " more than $ 100 per hr

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
HappyHookers said:
I guess the main point is, it is not up to the men here or on other boards to say what a woman's worth is. It is only up to the man to detrimine for himself if it is worth it to him to pay that rate. If more people would understand that, then maybe they would be more respectful in a ladies review about her rates instead of turning a good review into a gold-digging hooker thread. Does that make sense?


Couldn't have said it better myself.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
booboobear said:
oldjones said:
It's funny but you are saying exactly the same thing as I am . I can't say my opinion is a law of nature but some have commented that Oh so and so charged $ 350 or $ 500 and she was " WORTH " it. Again like you said that is only their opinion. You say if a buyer and seller agree it's worth it again I don't agree so it's not worth it. As far as the champagne , no that's not just my opinion , educated wine tasters of which I would like to think I am somewhat one ( not an expert ) would also agree that a $ 250 bottle of vinatge champagne doesn't taste 5 times better than a $ 50 bottle.
We are all intitled to our opinions but I will never agree having sex with a women is " WORTH " more than $ 100 per hr
Well your champagne example does seem to be trying to have it both ways: you say 'worth it' is a matter of opinion but "the experts agree w/ me and I say it's not". And if I choose to spend the dough, then it is. But actually I'm teetotal, so I wouldn't spend a cent on champagne. So it's 'worth' exactly nothing. For me. End of story.

So where's this "intrinsic value" that you talked about earlier come from?
… I think sps provide a great service and it should be more wildly available. I complain based on the intrinsic value of having sex with someone .Before commenting you would really have to understand applying intrinsic values. In a way I am saddened that some men defend escort rates it only supports greediness. It is not surprising that men who live with escorts would . Let me put it this way , a millionaire would pay $ 200 for a bottle…[etc]
Put it another way, if my SO's happy to have sex w/ me for nothing, my fave at the MP says she "doesn't do that" and I can book escorts at prices all over the map, what's the "intrinsic value" of having sex? Can you help me understand it.
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