Ranger68 said:
You guys need to read The Faith of George W. Bush before you put words in his mouth about his faith.
Wouldn't you think that's a good idea?
Call me lazy but this is as far as I’ve been willing to go:
The Faith of George W. Bush
By Stephen Mansfield
Review by Betsy Foster
Some fear it while others praise it, but nearly everyone has noticed it. George W. Bush genuinely believes in Christianity, and he isn't afraid to integrate it with politics. In The Faith of George W. Bush, Stephen Mansfield chronicles Bush's journey of faith and attempts to explain its influence on Bush's actions and rhetoric
According to Mansfield, "The matter of [George W. Bush's] religious faith and his attempts to integrate faith as a whole into American public policy…is…one of the most unique characteristics of the Bush presidency and very possibly one of the most defining issues of our time."
As Mansfield notes, mixing Christianity and politics is nothing new. All American presidents have spoken openly of religion. John F. Kennedy included more scripture references in his speeches than any other president before him. At the time of America's founding, Congress used public funds to send missionaries to the Indians, hire chaplains, and print Bibles. Federal buildings were used for church services, and presidents declared days of prayer and fasting.
Nevertheless, Mansfield believes that Bush is unique among recent presidents because his references to religion are more than just words in speeches. Bush's Christianity naturally comes out in his everyday actions. For example, at Walter Reed Medical Center, upon seeing a badly wounded soldier who had lost his left hand and whose face was wired together, Bush took the stump of the man's hand, reverently bowed down, and prayed. Then Bush kissed the man's head and told him he loved him.
Bush believes Jesus Christ is his savior, and he seeks to integrate his faith into his politics. As governor of Texas, Bush actively worked to change the state laws so that faith-based organizations could receive funding for performing social work. He is striving now to implement a similar plan on a national level.
Bush's integration of his faith and politics has led many to fear that Bush is aiming to establish some sort of theocracy, but in reality, Mansfield argues, Bush has no intention to destroy the traditional separation of church and state. Bush is not a "preacher-in-chief." Unlike the leading Christian religious leaders, Bush refused to speak of Islam as evil following September 11. In fact, Bush even called Islam a religion of "peace" while speaking at the Islamic Center of Washington. Additionally, while governor of Texas, Bush refused to delay the execution of a convicted murder that had become a Christian.
Mansfield believes that it is through understanding the "ultimate concern" of a man that one can begin to understand the man himself. In The Faith of George W. Bush, Mansfield seeks to capture and explain Bush's ultimate concern: his relationship with Jesus Christ.