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New member
Mar 17, 2003
langeweile said:
Ranger...if you need more let me know
Ah, I need something RELEVANT.

I did let you know. That the US has had Christian presidents isn't news. Even religious ones.
That the US NOW has a leader who thinks it was divine will that he take office - this is the crux of the argument.


Try again.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Your clintonesque evasisve manoeuvers are very impressive. Go back to my assumptions a few postings back.
I was sayiyng " if you think that every president that has quoted god is an extremist your list will be very long"
I think I have proved my point.

You don't like Bush, from this point of view, you will interpret everything he says as a negative. I think he will be remembered as an ok president, so i am not as subjective as you are.

Any goverment uses some form of deity as a reference. We use god you use the Queen.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
There is a big difference between thinking you have been chosen as leader to navigate through the "end times" than simply saying you believe in God.

I would imagine that every American president and presidential candidate has publically spoken of his or her belief in God -- it is pretty much a prerequisite if you want to run for the job.

The quotes you mentioned are a far cry from someone who makes statements that infer God has spoken to him.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Nice try.

A bunch of argumentum ad hominems. I think you're FAAAAAR more subjective than I am - you interpret everything he says and does as a positive. You should try thinking about things once in a while, rather than just listening to everything your government tells you.

Yes, you've certainly proved your point. ....... Which had about as much to do with the argument as how many presidents chew bubble gum. LOL Bush didn't even quote the bible. LOL

But, getting back to the argument ........

The quote from Bush proves that this POTUS is much more deeply involved in religious matters than many would find comfortable. And certainly makes questions like the one we're discussing, very reasonable. That the White House thinks it can shrug off such investigation out of hand just proves either (a) how dismissive they are of those who question their motives or (b) how sensitive they are regarding this particular line of questioning.

Folks, there are far more people in the United States who we would call Christian fundamentalists than you think. Bush may very well be one of them.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
lenharper said:
There is a big difference between thinking you have been chosen as leader to navigate through the "end times" than simply saying you believe in God.

I would imagine that every American president and presidential candidate has publically spoken of his or her belief in God -- it is pretty much a prerequisite if you want to run for the job.

The quotes you mentioned are a far cry from someone who makes statements that infer God has spoken to him.
Exactly. Oh, no, but langeweile has "proven his point".

Answers should be demanded of a president who has taken such dangerous and provocative actions.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
What I find offensive is the sterotyping of people of faith as rightwing wachos.



New member
Mar 17, 2003
The problem is, do you interpret the "simple" religion - as laid out in the bible - at its word? This is fundamentalism, and can be quite dangerous.
Or, do you interpret it? If so, how? This, of course, opens up the way for all kinds of possible quite dangerous interpretations, as well.

Nothing about religion is simple.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
bbking said:
You know Ranger, it really is a simple Theology - I challenge you to read the Sermon on the Mount and combine that with the freedom of choice Christ had in the Graden and in the desert. Mix that with Christ's death and resurection being done for you when you screw up the principles of the sermon on the mount. If you read the sermon on the mount with the other things in the back of your mind I can't believe that you won't come back with the true meaning of Christianity.
Look I'm a Catholic and I know all about the complexity of theology and I really do believe all Christian faiths have lost their way by dealing with silly and unimportant mythology.

Hey, I'm not on one side or the other. But I'll tell you FOR A FACT that there are ENTIRE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS which disagree with yours.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I'm not intolerant.
Just giving you some much-needed information.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
bbking said:
......I was trying to get into the pants of this really hot gal I went with her to one of her Bible groups ....... I was told that I was in the grips of a powerful demon .......

Perhaps they were on to something ;-)

Are there religious people who are stupid and dangerous, yes of course, are there short people who are stupid and dangerous, yes. The point is (not well crafted this morning in retrospect) that you can't judge the whole lot by a few bad apples. Most religious people I know are a lot less dangerous than the young heathens (humor folks, just humor) on this board.



New member
Mar 17, 2003
The real problem is that many religions, many people, are intolerant and have dangerous agendas.
Those Christian fundamentalists who support extreme Israeli aggression in order to bring about the End Times are very dangerous. I think it's important to know whether the POTUS is one, or what he thinks of the agenda.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
bbking said:
Look A hole, why don't you read a post before you go off and insult me for no reason - All Religions include Catholic so what the F do have to disagree with me about my being Catholic other than your an intolerent bigot.

You know what puts you at the top of the village idiot list is that when you cannot dispute the substance of what a person is saying you go about trying to piss them off with meaningless and cheap bullshit. It doesn't make you smart it makes you a loser.

So that my original post is not lost because of this guy's BS, I was pointing out that when the evangelical's claim of taking the Bible literally, that claim is tossed out the window when they wish to hold onto the mythology of the Rapture which is not supported in the Bible. I went on to say, that I was very familar with this myth building as a Catholic ( Ranger - read this to mean that I believe Catholic's build myths also) and perhaps we should go back to the very simple message of the serman on the mount before humans spun a myth about the religion. That's all I was saying, but Ranger took the comment about me being Catholic to say people disagree with my religion - where he gets that to be relevant to what posted I don't know but I quess I shouldn't expect much from the village fool.

Who insulted you, AHOLE?

I'm not even sure what you're ranting about anymore.
Hope that works for ya, though.

Oh, just to make things clear, your interpretation of the bible - a very narrow one - is FAAAAAR from the interpretation of others. Just because you say the bible doesn't support rapture doesn't mean others don't think so. THAT'S the point.
I know you'd LIKE us to believe that your interpretation is very reasonable and perfectly rational and quite innocent.
You're entitled to your opinion.
I don't share it.
If you don't like it, leave.




New member
Mar 17, 2003
I'm not backing away from anything - I think you totally misinterpreted my original comment.

I don't purport to be an expert on some of these religions. I also don't espouse the view that some are more valid because they have more basis in "the word of the bible" than others, but I can assure you that they have their justifications for their beliefs exactly as you do.

I never "slammed" your religion - just said that many people totally disagree with it. If that's "slamming" your religion, I guess that outlines a large part of the problem - that any discussion of religion automatically becomes heated and emotional.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Here's how I "insulted" Catholicism:
"Hey, I'm not on one side or the other. But I'll tell you FOR A FACT that there are ENTIRE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS which disagree with yours."

Or, was it this:
"The real problem is that many religions, many people, are intolerant and have dangerous agendas.
Those Christian fundamentalists who support extreme Israeli aggression in order to bring about the End Times are very dangerous. I think it's important to know whether the POTUS is one, or what he thinks of the agenda."

Bigoted intolerance, indeed!


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
bbking said:
it's a bitch to hide that tail

LMFAO - I have the same problem but for less fun reasons.



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Religious extremism is always dangerous, no matter who promotes it. I am scared of any religion that claims absolutism. Any church or religion that discriminates against others preaches intolerance and permits violence is in direct odds with all spiritual and moral principles. IMHO those principles are the base for most religions and are the common thread for all.
Terms like love, respect for others, honesty and tolerance are common to most churches or religions. For me they are the guiding principles by which I judge the sincerity of any religion.
If you chose to call your “higher power� God, Mohammed, Buddha or Jehovah, makes no difference to me. If you are able to live your life according to the principles, it must work for you.
The daily behavior of a person says more about his/ her “religion�, than any doctrine or frequency of church attendance, ever can.
There is a profound difference in my book, between Church and Religion on one hand, and morality and spirituality in the other.

The bible was written by men and thus is full of flaws and contradictions. Anyone that interprets them in a literally, intolerant and violent way has his own agenda.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
bbking said:
If you believe the POTUS will make decisions based on his religous ideas then maybe you should join M. Jackson at Neverland and live in that Fantasy world - Actually it's a very good place for you since you like to tell people to "Blow me"

I take Bush at his word and believe his oath of office trumps even his religous ideology.

To think that anyone would try to bring about the end of the world just because they think gawd needs a little help is silly.

The support the Christian fundamentalists have for Israel has nothing to do with bringing about the end times and is more of a sign that the end times are coming. Just so that you know Christian fundamentalist do not believe that a renewed Israel will cause the violence that begins on Armagedeon but rather an attack from the east on Jerusalem will cause it.

What's your evidence that GWB is NOT a religious man, and that he doesn't make decisions in his life based on religion? Other than just making whatever assumptions suit your mood?

I've quoted from a book all about Bush's religion.

I'll wait for some counter-evidence that Bush is not, in fact, a religious man.

Interesting that you think the swearing in of the POTUS isn't religious, considering it's done on a bible.

You need to do some reading on the fundamentalist religions in the US before you state what you think is and isn't silly.

You're totally wrong about the End Times and Christian Fundamentalists.
But what else is new.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Ranger68 said:
What's your evidence that GWB is NOT a religious man, and that he doesn't make decisions in his life based on religion? Other than just making whatever assumptions suit your mood?

I've quoted from a book all about Bush's religion.

I'll wait for some counter-evidence that Bush is not, in fact, a religious man.

Interesting that you think the swearing in of the POTUS isn't religious, considering it's done on a bible.

You need to do some reading on the fundamentalist religions in the US before you state what you think is and isn't silly.

You're totally wrong about the End Times and Christian Fundamentalists.
But what else is new.

WOW you make the belief in GOD out to be a crime. You are begining to reveal much of yourself. Now where was it the believing in God was a crime?
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