Religious extremism is always dangerous, no matter who promotes it. I am scared of any religion that claims absolutism. Any church or religion that discriminates against others preaches intolerance and permits violence is in direct odds with all spiritual and moral principles. IMHO those principles are the base for most religions and are the common thread for all.
Terms like love, respect for others, honesty and tolerance are common to most churches or religions. For me they are the guiding principles by which I judge the sincerity of any religion.
If you chose to call your “higher power� God, Mohammed, Buddha or Jehovah, makes no difference to me. If you are able to live your life according to the principles, it must work for you.
The daily behavior of a person says more about his/ her “religion�, than any doctrine or frequency of church attendance, ever can.
There is a profound difference in my book, between Church and Religion on one hand, and morality and spirituality in the other.
The bible was written by men and thus is full of flaws and contradictions. Anyone that interprets them in a literally, intolerant and violent way has his own agenda.