trump's gov't is 10 days old
are you privy to some corruption scandal nobody else knows about ?
including the alleged perpetrators of this corruption
or is this an another case of your biased views clouding you ability to think carefully?
be patient.... the Trump administration is still going through files with a yellow highlighter marking the democrats mistakes
be patient, some scandal will turn up for you to drool over and pretend you have moral superiority
why you wish for this is a bit of a mystery as the Trudeau govt has supplied you with countless scandals which you completely ignore
and those scandals impact you and your country directly
here is a fresh one for you
the foreign interference report came out today
either Trudeau lied under oath or Justice Hogue got it all wrong, there is no middle ground
and no one knows if their MP was compromised
you will be silent on this issue
you define hypocrisy

No 'traitors' in Parliament, foreign interference inquiry finds
The government needs to bolster its defences against the growing threat of foreign interference by China, India and other hostile actors.
Some real ineptness shown by Bill Blair here. This is egregious.
''CSIS distributed intelligence about the threat to then-Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair prior to May 2021 but Blair testified he never received it. It wasn’t until two years later, in May 2023, that Chong was made aware of the threats after a Globe and Mail article.
Another instance of poor communication was the significant delay leading up to Blair approving a CSIS surveillance warrant reportedly targeting Liberal powerbroker Michael Chan. Blair’s chief of staff at the time, Zita Astravas, was briefed by CSIS and asked further questions about the warrant but it wasn’t until 54 days after the application was submitted that it was approved by the minister.''