Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Soar

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
trump's gov't is 10 days old
are you privy to some corruption scandal nobody else knows about ?
including the alleged perpetrators of this corruption

or is this an another case of your biased views clouding you ability to think carefully?
be patient.... the Trump administration is still going through files with a yellow highlighter marking the democrats mistakes

be patient, some scandal will turn up for you to drool over and pretend you have moral superiority

why you wish for this is a bit of a mystery as the Trudeau govt has supplied you with countless scandals which you completely ignore
and those scandals impact you and your country directly

here is a fresh one for you
the foreign interference report came out today
either Trudeau lied under oath or Justice Hogue got it all wrong, there is no middle ground
and no one knows if their MP was compromised

you will be silent on this issue

you define hypocrisy

Some real ineptness shown by Bill Blair here. This is egregious.

''CSIS distributed intelligence about the threat to then-Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair prior to May 2021 but Blair testified he never received it. It wasn’t until two years later, in May 2023, that Chong was made aware of the threats after a Globe and Mail article.

Another instance of poor communication was the significant delay leading up to Blair approving a CSIS surveillance warrant reportedly targeting Liberal powerbroker Michael Chan. Blair’s chief of staff at the time, Zita Astravas, was briefed by CSIS and asked further questions about the warrant but it wasn’t until 54 days after the application was submitted that it was approved by the minister.''
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
How long realistically would it take to rebuild the US steel industry or auto industry - while knowing all along that it will never again be internationally competitive with the Pacific Rim auto industries?
he has 4 years to give it a go

How deeply would you have to ass-fuck your own people with high, tariff-sustained prices to re build that industry?
The US economy is domestically orientated and can withstand a Tariff war much better than export orientated countries

And that same, carefully-rebuilt industry would immediately collapse again, as soon as the tariffs were lowered.
the tariffs are the leverage to get a better deal
he loves leverage and he loves to do deals, where he can claim a win , which is honey for his gigantic ego

you really do not have a clue what is occurring

The West is post-industrial and service- oriented. I don't 100% like it either. But you won't change that reality by doing dumb shit like tariffs.
Well at least you are willing to admit your objective is to tear down western values and western institutions
most loonies keep mum about their real objectives

I don't 100% like it either.
you wont like what the commie strongman will do to a constant complainer
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Megyn Kelly categorically describes the lawfare against Trump as the Rubicon that the Democrats crossed: "The lawfare in general was the biggest turning point. The lawfare was a catastrophic mistake by the Democrats. Trying to criminalize a political battle, trying to go after one's political opponent with criminal charges. And on top of that, civil cases that could ruin a man trying to put him in jail was a bridge too far. The electorate rejected it out of hand as too much. It made the Democrats look radical. It made the Democrats look like they were the ones who were anti-democratic. It undermined their core argument against Trump On January 6th. They shot themselves in the foot. It was a before and after moment that we now cannot get back. Now we've crossed the Rubicon and anything's possible. If Adam Schiff or Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden winds up facing criminal charges under a Trump administration, I can tell you there are very few Republican voters who will feel sorry for them. They brought it upon themselves. We had never done this before. We made it almost 250 years without doing this to a president. And let me tell you, it wasn't because no president had ever come close to the legal line. We understood as a nation we didn't want to start turning ourselves into a banana republic. And I don't know where this goes from here, but whatever happens, it's their fault." Democrats trained all their guns on Trump, turned those guns around to point at themselves, and yelled 'FIRE'!


Aug 23, 2001
I don't think the end game is to prop up any one industry. Rather the days of China, Germany, etc. running up enormous trade deficits and putting pressure on the global economy are coming to a head.

I think you're also forgetting the automobiles built by Japanese and German auto manufacturers in the U.S. are great cars.
Assuming that's true, it should be dealt with by a negotiated treaty and arbitration clauses and not by some old imbecile signing EO's that are drafted by his incompetent, zealot staff. Right?

And I don't see other EU nationas Brexit-ing. So maybe the problem isn't as important to France and Italy as it appears to be to you...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
A 60 passengers plane crashed yesterday. Collision with a military helicopter.

Trump wrote “This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented. NOT GOOD!!!”

What humility my god. Unfortunately Trump was not piloting either aircraft cus he wiuld have prevented it. No one knows aircraft as much as he does.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
A 60 passengers plane crashed yesterday. Collision with a military helicopter.

Trump wrote “This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented. NOT GOOD!!!”

What humility my god. Unfortunately Trump was not piloting either aircraft cus he wiuld have prevented it. No one knows aircraft as much as he does.
To be fair, Trump is right.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I always supported tariffs under Republican and Democratic administration alike. The U.S. has probably helped perpetuate a very harmful long-term path for the German and Chinese economies.

I don't know if I consider myself an expert in economics. I read a lot of impartial economists. My understanding of economics appears to be greater than most members. You can usually tell when someone is repeating something they just heard or whether they truly have a lot of knowledge.
Strategic tariffs are one thing, ridiculous tariffs across the board being used as a threat without any thought is a joke but hey, you're the "expert". I would love to see every country he's threatened turn around and say as the Danish politician over Greenland said with a big "FUCK YOU" to your cult leader.

You're obviously fishing around for some way to put me down without the need to have command of the subject.

PS- Don't sweat a constitutional amendment for a third-term. It's solely for entertainment.
A little sensitive there eh? I wasn't trying to put you down and when you finally gave your answer, it wasn't a bad answer. You do not agree with a third term, cool, we are on the same page. So since you have stated this here, in the event Trump does seriously attempt to go after a third term, I hope we can count on you to not flip flop and commence to pretzel yourself into explaining why it isn't that bad of an idea.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
do not fool yourself , there has always been a simulated take over plan of Canada kicking around Washington, a military and an economic plan
Electing a divisive exceptionally stupid Prime Minister just made the plan a whole lot more viable
Yes of course, It's all Justin's fault and Biden was considering invading because of Justin, yes of course. The US can put together a plan to invade and succeed in a few days over a weekend retreat if they want to use military force to take us over. Tell me, Johnny, under Trump the price of eggs is skyrocketing what do you think is going to happen under Pee Pee here with inflation? Is Trump all of a sudden going to wrap his arms with his little hands and give Canada a big hug because of Pee Pee?

Too funny, how's that modern monetary theory panning out for you.
Oops, you mean you can not borrow in perpetuity ?

The tariffs are the stick to get a secure boarder. And the military spending Canada had committed to
Trudeaus open boarder policy was so destructive and yet it was so preventable had he understood his responsibilities were not aligned with his ideology
The border issues have been addressed and handled under the Lib's watch. Can you reach out to Trump and their border czar and ask them to stop the flow of guns and drugs into Canada, please?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
This is awesome and I say FUCK YOU to the chap who just lost his wife. GOOD, he deserves to get what he voted for!

Perhaps I will take a trip to Venezuela and see if his wife is working in a brothel somewhere and send him pics with a thank you for voting Trump. LMAO

Man votes for Trump, wife gets deported


Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
A 60 passengers plane crashed yesterday. Collision with a military helicopter.

Trump wrote “This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented. NOT GOOD!!!”

What humility my god. Unfortunately Trump was not piloting either aircraft cus he wiuld have prevented it. No one knows aircraft as much as he does.
How long do you think before they blame this on DEI?
And play Elons clip over and over?
Even one of the crew better not be a minority. Lmao.
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Aug 23, 2001

REPORTER: Is there an acting FAA director?

DUFFY: *walks away*

(The FAA director resigned on the day of Trump's inauguration under pressure from Elon Musk)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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