Do all Sp's feel this way?


Been here too long
Jul 18, 2008
Lost in a daydream of beautiful women.
C Dick said:
...I have been fortunate enough to know several providers who were born to do that work, they knew right from when they were kids what they were going to do....
IMO I don't believe that there are many "kids" (obviously depending on what age you consider a kid to be) running around planning on a career as an SP when they get older. I'm pretty sure that on "career day" at primary school they don't bring in 'Brenda' the neighbourhood hooker in and say, "When I grow up, I want to suck old wrinkly men for $20 when I grow up.":p LOL

C Dick said:
The reason why sex workers generally get paid more than other people with similar education, is because if you offer most people the same money for sex work, or not sex work, would prefer not. So it is reasonable to assume that most sex workers are tolerating it to make money, not because they love it.
I would absolutely agree with this statement. I think that there is MAYBE 5-10% of SPs out there that do this for their actual enjoyment. I have never met an SP (and I do know a few personally) that have truly enjoyed their jobs and typically their opinions are the same as people have already stated here. If every guy that they saw was polite, respectful, fun and genuinely cared about making it an enjoyable experience for the lady, I would increase the number of ladies who do it for enjoyment to 50-60%, but the the truth of the matter is that MOST guys are more concerned with "getting their money's worth" and taking care of their own needs and fantasies. I would suggest to most that rush in, fire one off and then leave, to try and book for an hour (or two) next time and spend about 35 - 45 minutes pleasuring her (and by that I mean with a sensual massage for her and some passionate DATY that is geared to making her enjoy herself and not just get her ready for the tube steak) and THEN worry about handling your needs. Then finish off with some friendly chatting that is about her (same as you would do with a 'real girl' that your trying to get in the sack for the first time)...a friendly kiss on the cheek, a hug and a thank you and I'd be willing to wager dollars to donuts that the next time you see that girl, she'll treat you with all of her (genuine) attention and be interested in making sure that you're happy.

I understand that a lot of us are already doing this, but I see on this board SO often guys saying that 'you should just book a half hour appointment' and put the question out there that if you are just booking half hours, is it even possible for you to be making it truly enjoyable for her as well?


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Mongrel4u said:
But make no mistake boys....its all about the money
I always find it interesting that guys bring up the money aspect of the job all the time.

I wonder how many people you know would spend all the time and energy they spend at work if they weren't paid for it? While some of us (SPs and others) are lucky enough to have a job we enjoy, I don't think that many would show up at work if it suddenly became volunteer work rather than paid work. This doesn't have to mean that we hate our job or the people we work with. It just means that without a pay at the end of the day, it's not a job anymore, and the bills are not going to pay themselves magically.

I love my other day job. I put a lot of unpaid time and effort in it, and it really doesn't pay that well. But I certainly wouldn't do it without any financial compensation. It doesn't mean I hate the people I work with, nor that I have been faking my interest in this job all along. It just means that when I'm looking for a job, getting paid is indeed a very important aspect.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
futurelegend said:
IMO I don't believe that there are many "kids" (obviously depending on what age you consider a kid to be) running around planning on a career as an SP when they get older. I'm pretty sure that on "career day" at primary school they don't bring in 'Brenda' the neighbourhood hooker in and say, "When I grow up, I want to suck old wrinkly men for $20 when I grow up.":p LOL
Of my two all-time favourites, one has described to me several times how every halloween, for as far back as she could remember, she went out as a street-walker, with fish-net stockings, short skirt, etc. So well before she was high-school age. Her recollection was that all her friends did too, but I find that harder to believe. She is now out of the industry, we are friends, so she has no reason to make up stories.

And the other has described how her Barbies never spent any time in the kitchen, all they did was dance on stage for GI-Joe (not Ken). She says that from when she was a small child, her dream was to dance and take off her clothes. She obviously did not contemplate the wrinkly old men at that point, but when does reality ever equate to childhood dreams?


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
genintoronto said:
I always find it interesting that guys bring up the money aspect of the job all the time.
are u telling me that u arent in this business just to sleep with old fat hairy smelly guys that u wouldnt even give a second thought to if u saw them on the street? :eek:


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Excellent points!

Tarkus said:
SPs will be over the place. Just read the reviews here and you will find the attitudes of SPs are unique to the SP. Some SPs treat the trade as something distasteful and that extends to their reaction to their clients. Some SPs given the right client and conditions enjoy themselves and extends to how they treat and respond to their clients. I expect most are in the middle where I have come across some SPs who would say 'don't bother trying to make me climax as it isn't going to happen," but were still very enthusiastic about making the session excellent.

I expect some clients are pretty naive about the expectations but that is going to happen. Last SP I dealt with said she felt that most her clients just walked in and dropped their pants and expected to be blown so the negative construct can be fueled by both parties.
I have likely posted this before but:

Two years ago, after a lot of great duo/trio sessions, I asked "Hmm you gals really seem to be enjoying yourselves (and I have had a lot of non-hobby experience), not that I mind, but what about the stereotype of "the great SP who hates it?"

I got two answers:

1) We couldnt be top SPs (GFE) if we didnt enjoy it. Gals who try, either go down market or just quit.

2) Bear we spend many 12 hours++ visits with you. NO ONE is that good good an actress! If we dont like it in the moment, we tell you (and they do).;)


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Advice ...

serviceman said:
And hey look, post #11, do I get something too?
Go see some SPs and write some reviuews!:p


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I guess I am one of the few then

Cause I usually enjoy my job, I like men and I love sex and I love paying the bills. Yes I do see it as my job and it can be a lot of fun at times but it is also a lot of work. Not all men are hot young studs packing 9 inches and a lively tongue......;) Most are regular working guys with wife, kids and mortgages and just need a little something on the side now and then....those guys make my job easy. The ones who walk in like I am trash and they can treat me however they want cause they paid for me make it work,,,,,the smelly, unshaven, rude, obnoxious boors make it awful, but, it's a job and the boors deserve their money's worth just like all the others.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Does my barber like cutting hair for a living ?
Does my dental hygienest like cleaning my teeth ?
Does my Doctor like checking my Prostate ?
Do SP's like having sex with me ?

Frankly I'm not interested in their happiness but my own . I'm always cheerful and pleasant but I'm the paying customer and they have an obligation to deliver a service that I am paying for. I enjoy interacting with people providing a service to me but whether or not they enjoy their profession is not my problem .

Interesting how the SP in question refers to the hobby as dirty .


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
petitelover said:
Good comments. How does it make the guy feel knowing the girl does not want to be with him but for the money.
I'm OK with that.

I recognize I am essentially paying for some company and fantasy time. As the customer, I think it is important for me to be courteous and respectful, and I always try my best.

But I don't delude myself about why the SP has agreed to see me, and comments like "it's all about the money" don't bother me. I have always known that was the case.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
petitelover said:
I saw the following on another affiliate Board to Terb. Her name will remain anonymous (and for that matter, it doesn't matter). This is her post in response to many that wanted to know when she will be back. I saw her when I was in her home town and she was wonderful - funny, sexy, spicy not to mention she was a real hottie.

"Hi guys,
Yes, I'm out of this job forever, and for good. I'm now living in Mexico and I work for a huge hotel as a human ressources manager and I love it!
Thanks to all the kind men I've met, fu** you to the others.
And to be honnest, I did this job to refund my studies debt, not to meet people. So yes, it was all about the money. Is it bad? Maybe. Or not.
I can say that it's one of the worst job of my life and the biggest secret I'll keep for myself. Yes, I had good moments, but at the end, if you were nice to me, it was ONLY for my ass and to have sex. Is it bad? Maybe, maybe not.

I just wanted to shut down your hope of seeing me back, it's never gonna happen.
Bye and have fun with your dirty hobby."
Honestly she is back to her own self, like having a civilian life :rolleyes:

I will feel sorry for the guy/non-hobbyist who try to date her and yet getting unwarranted, unprovoked "she-dog" treatment, cause he does not know her secret. If he knows, he will probably not hesitant to pay back with a vengeance.

As far as paying back student debt is concern, would guys in the same situation be in this industry to pay back the debts and more? Unlike the ladies, the market is not even available, let alone an option for guys.

IMHO, this ex-SP wants both paying off the student debt and expensive lifestyle similar to those earning $100K+ annually before taxes instantly, and the short-cut is working in this industry. What she did not forsee is this is not a walk in the park and she pays back by resenting to all men who contribute/ help her to get some meaningful wealth and in a way get a real "career".

BTW, would she report to the Mexican police for any SPs soliciting business/coming with business clients in her huge hotel?


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Hinz is right.

Moviefan - let me be a contrarian for the moment. You say your OK with it. You don't feel like a big loser with a capital "L" on your forehead for having to pay for it knowing the girl wouldn't be with you in a 1000 years if money were not involved?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I always aim to be the best client experience an SP has. I shower, use a small amount of expesive cologne, shave, etc, just like I would on a hot date. After all, the better it is for her, the better it is for me. I've met some genuinely sweet women so far.Perhaps the fact that they know I AM getting into their pants eases the tension as they know I am not just being nice so I can have sex with them.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
petitelover said:
Hinz is right.

Moviefan - let me be a contrarian for the moment. You say your OK with it. You don't feel like a big loser with a capital "L" on your forehead for having to pay for it knowing the girl wouldn't be with you in a 1000 years if money were not involved?
Well, I think we're all in the same boat here! lol. Does it really matter?? Look at it from a positive point of view -

1) The hobby is honest: The SP will tell you exactly how much money she wants before the fact, not after. (unlike an ex-wife! *lol*)

2) Some people just want hassle free, no strings attatched sex, which the hobby provides. Win-Win.

3) We already know it's about the money. If you're a well mannered regular, you may even form a 'bond' with an SP who you might call a 'friend'.

4) If you want more than that, get into a real relationship with someone.

And, those are essentially the facts...


New member
Mar 14, 2007
Bear669 said:
I have likely posted this before but:
Two years ago, after a lot of great duo/trio sessions, I asked "Hmm you gals really seem to be enjoying yourselves (and I have had a lot of non-hobby experience), not that I mind, but what about the stereotype of "the great SP who hates it?"
Jeez a trio? What does it feel like to fail to satisfy 3 women at once? ; )

Bear669 said:
I got two answers:

1) We couldnt be top SPs (GFE) if we didnt enjoy it. Gals who try, either go down market or just quit.

2) Bear we spend many 12 hours++ visits with you. NO ONE is that good good an actress! If we dont like it in the moment, we tell you (and they do).;)
The SP I was referring to entered the profession in her mid 40's due to a number of circumstances. I saw her for the first time a few months after she started and during the session she climaxed and promptly apologized. I asked why she was apologizing and she said she wasn't sure but it didn't seem right to be paid and climax. That told me volumes about the kind of clients she was receiving.

That said for your situation above to work out clearly you have be working on them having a good time as well. Without that then it has no where good to go.


Sep 28, 2007
petitelover said:
Good comments. How does it make the guy feel knowing the girl does not want to be with him but for the money.
this is one of the reasons why I don't kiss sp's

mind you I'm one of the 'preferred' clients due to my age and appearance but the point is, in real life the gorgeous sp's I deal with still would not get with me


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
petitelover said:
Hinz is right.

Moviefan - let me be a contrarian for the moment. You say your OK with it. You don't feel like a big loser with a capital "L" on your forehead for having to pay for it knowing the girl wouldn't be with you in a 1000 years if money were not involved?
I don see why that is an issue. I have had girlfriends that slept with me for free, but what SPing does allow is variety and instant sex without all the dating hassle. Also, you do not hurt feelings like you would if you sought to date women just to bed them. I hate breaking up with women, it is a difficult thing to do as you know you will be hurting them.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
hinz said:
As far as paying back student debt is concern, would guys in the same situation be in this industry to pay back the debts and more? Unlike the ladies, the market is not even available, let alone an option for guys.
There's actually a lot of money to be made in the gay-for-pay business. Just sayin'

petitelover said:
Moviefan - let me be a contrarian for the moment. You say your OK with it. You don't feel like a big loser with a capital "L" on your forehead for having to pay for it knowing the girl wouldn't be with you in a 1000 years if money were not involved?
Why should he feel like a looser?

Would you feel like a looser because the nanny you hire to take care of your children doesn't want to work for free even thought she probably genuinely likes and cares about the kids? Would you feel like a looser if your therapist doesn't want to give you free counselling even though s/he genuinely cares about your mental well-being? Would you feel like a looser if the chef at a restaurant wouldn't want to come to your house to cook you a meal for free, even though s/he really enjoys cooking?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
genintoronto said:
There's actually a lot of money to be made in the gay-for-pay business. Just sayin'
Fair enough but how many guys could cut the mustard by faking one (gay or bi or transversite) in order to pay down student loans and enjoy expensive lifestyle, debt free for years?

On the other hand the hurdle rate for the Ladies counterparts to fake one (Lesbo or bi) is not insurmountable...

Plus, there are still market for these student debt laden, materialistic, yet charming, extremely smart ladies to hit the jackpot, aka being a mistress/trophy type courteasan to some 15-20 years senior successful, extremely loaded executives, with "severance package/pre-nup" negotiated with an attorney of your choice. What are the odds of getting a sugar mama/couguar for the same debt laden materialistic young stud who does not mind to be her little boy-toy :eek: ?
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