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Do all escorts despise clients?


New member
You get out what you put in. By all accounts, you're a nice person. It would take a real jerk to be nasty to a nice girl.

You also have a very positive disposition, and yes, I do think that your attitude is part of defensive mechanism that is needed for the job.

Let's talk after you retire. I've chatted with a few retired MPAs/SPs. I have been very surprised by their views. Maybe they don't despise clients, but they are very happy to have gotten out of the job.

Anyway, "despise" is a harsh term. But, I'd be willing to bet big bucks that all escorts develop a deep distrust of men and possibly of romance. Given all the "nice guys" you see in session, how can you reconcile their "niceness" with the fact that they are also cheaters? You know the odds are against you in finding true, everlasting, fairytale love....

Look at all the SPs on here who poo-pooed Valentine's Day...
Your comments are fair. I will admit that I do-indeed probably worry about my SO cheating more than the average girl - and it's very likely due to what I've seen.

Yet - You betcha I've met a lot of married men who were straying.... at the same time - those married men usually had a decent reason for straying. In fact.... many of those married men have opened up to me, thereby teaching me a thing or two...

I don't think it's wrong to stray. If I hadn't seen what I've seen, my opinion would be different. Ive had conversations that I never would've had had it not been for what I do.

The fairytale is attainable - despite what we know. i am living the fairytale ('nuff said)


Oct 13, 2010
.... she's super hawt
Jennifer, you look hot too. But Viggo is right, in what he stated. "It's unfair to say she despised her clients, that's a term someone else came up with. She made her own feelings known in response." All SPs have a share of good days and bad. This goes for all the occupation out there. But I would have more empathy for a girl who works at a local burger joint saying "Some customers are shit heads", than a SP who drives a nice BMW carrying an LV purse wearing a rolex watch.


New member
Jennifer, you look hot too. But Viggo is right, in what he stated. "It's unfair to say she despised her clients, that's a term someone else came up with. She made her own feelings known in response." All SPs have a share of good days and bad. This goes for all the occupation out there. But I would have more empathy for a girl who works at a local burger joint saying "Some customers are shit heads", than a SP who drives a nice BMW carrying an LV purse wearing a rolex watch.
... some girls find solace in material items. Not all of us but some do. I'm not looking for empathy- I'm happy with what I do. TRUST ME - There's no way in hell you'd catch me carrying an LV purse - and there are a lot of girls out there just like me..... We aren't alll superficial like the stereotype claims we are...


Oct 13, 2010
... some girls find solace in material items. Not all of us but some do. I'm not looking for empathy- I'm happy with what I do. TRUST ME - There's no way in hell you'd catch me carrying an LV purse - and there are a lot of girls out there just like me..... We aren't alll superficial like the stereotype claims we are...
For the record, I'm not saying that all SPs drive a BMW or carry LV purses, or materialistic. I just want to make a point that there is a huge difference in what a girl makes in a burger joint, as opposed to an SP. Wouldn't you feel more empathy for a guy who complains working in a burger joint, than a guy who services women who make more than 6 figures?


Dec 12, 2008
So you are telling me that some Sex Workers do not dislike (to use a mild word) some clients? That is just silly. While working it is great to foster denial, but really? Even the clients can just look around and see some Terb guys they would not want to see for coffee. What is a Troll? I do not want any men to visit me and leave 'an offering'. I find it offensive to feed men's ego to extract their money. Is that trolling? Is pointing out the obvious trolling?
I love your honest opinions. It's refreshing to see the truth from a former SP who is no longer in the service. You are definitely not a troll.

I think every SP eventually has a list of clients they wish wouldn't repeat but don't know how to get the client from returning. My friend is going out with a SP and she continously makes fun of all her clients behind their backs. And they pay insane money to be with her! She's that much of a great actress.

I guess another of your pet peeves when you used to work would be guys who would take forever to cum.


New member
For the record, I'm not saying that all SPs drive a BMW or carry LV purses, or materialistic. I just want to make a point that there is a huge difference in what a girl makes in a burger joint, as opposed to an SP. Wouldn't you feel more empathy for a guy who complains working in a burger joint, than a guy who services women who make more than 6 figures?
but we aren't all looking for empathy. I'm not looking for it. I make a decent income and I work in the sex industry. I like my clients and I'm not searching for anyone's pity...

I don't feel sorry for anyone who chooses to do something they don't want to do for the sake of making a few dollars.


Oct 13, 2010
but we aren't all looking for empathy. I'm not looking for it. I make a decent income and I work in the sex industry. I like my clients and I'm not searching for anyone's pity...

I don't feel sorry for anyone who chooses to do something they don't want to do for the sake of making a few dollars.
But look what mrsCALoki quoted earlier.

That is possible. For many there are few option. For a single mom with no education, no family to help, who has heard her child cry at night because he was hungry, or a student in her last year who has borrowed from everyone she can and will never even be able to pay it off unless she works as an SP the options are limited.

As for how we feel about clients.... go to the food store, and imagine having to sleep with every woman you see. And to get paid you must convince each one you are having the time of your life. Now add about 25% who are abusive. Can you claim you would like doing it?
And then toughb quoted.

Oh please, give me a break. The old bleeding heart story.

You know quite well that this scenario does not fit the majority of SP's. They are all here for the money. Doctors deal with a lot of patients that they may not like but have to treat. The difference is that SPs can pick and choose who they deal with. The highlighted section is not true.
I agree with toughb. And Jennifer, you don't fall under the category of SPs that seek empathy. I never claimed that you did.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Ok, cheating may be ok if circumstances warrant?

Let's ask some women when it would be ok for their man to step out.

if anything, i found that SP/MPA are more "strict" about fidelity than the avg woman (and some are completely "open"). Industry girls know the value of sex to men, and how to use it. Infidelity is taken very personally because its like an insult to her skills as a professional lover.
You said that johns aren't 'nice' to SPs since they cheat. I'm saying, don't judge a john who's nice to an SP, even if he cheats. That doesn't make him despicable. SP's may very well cheat themselves. Nobody is assessing the association on those terms, lest they be hypocritical, judgmental, etc.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
damn what a long thread! For my opinion, if a MP/SP despise clients, I would never see them again. It really destroys the whole purpose of hobbying the first place. Most of us hobby this to have a good time and want to form a mutual relationship with the MP/SP. Not an actual relationship. There was this one time when I visited a spa, I chose a girl that had 0 interaction with me. She never even looked me in the eyes or face. There were no conversation for the most part, I prompted small talks with her a few times, she always gave me close-ended answers. It makes me think that she doesn't enjoy her job. It's not just for this profession, for any profession people don't enjoy doing, they won't have success with it.

And yes that session was terrible, I wasted $150 down the drain. The massage wasn't even that great to be honest.


New member
Jan 13, 2012
You know.. what nobody has brought up in this thread, at least that I've read, is attitude.

You see the sweetest girls here (Jennifer, Jessica both truly sweet girls.. some of the other's that I've never interacted with but after reading their posts etc, I assume they're nice), saying they've never had a bad experience. They enjoy their clients, the time they spend etc.. You see mrsCALoki saying she despised at least 1/4 of her clients. She had horrible experiences.

Why can we not assume everyone is telling the truth. If I go to a service industry professional - a restaurant, a doctor, a tim horton's... and I see a person who's happy, enjoying their job, smiling. LOOKING LIKE THEY WANT YOU TO BE THERE.. I'm infinitely nicer to them. They make me feel good, in return I'm nice, I smile and I try my best to treat this person right. If they were unhappy, scowling, pissed that I was disturbing them.. I'd probably return the attitude.

What I'm saying, in case you hadn't READ it.. is that you reap what you sow (or if we refer back to red's tailor thread, you reap what you sew). Be happy, have happy clients. Be a bitch.. get bitchy clients.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
some might despise others might not

if you had a good time that is enough

when you click it is better but who knows it could just be part of the act

but that should not matter

could flip it around and ask what we think of the women


New member
Jan 13, 2012
some might despise others might not

if you had a good time that is enough

when you click it is better but who knows it could just be part of the act

but that should not matter

could flip it around and ask what we think of the women
Don't need to ask.. I can read pages and pages of reviews. That tells me the good, bad and ugly of almost any SP that ever lived.


Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
The fairytale is attainable - despite what we know. i am living the fairytale ('nuff said)
If your BF knows what you really do with your clients, the probability of him being faithful ... is low. Really low. If he doesn't know, then your whole relationship is based on a lie.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The getting in and out is in reference to sticking to enjoying hte session rather than wanting to get with the MPA in any capacity beyond business. If it happens by accident great. Otherwise don't bother.

To me massages are supposed to be fun and the risks of emotional injury from hoping for more is just not worth it.
Yes, it simply means to just be physical & possibly cerebral with a woman and not emotional.
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