About the number of calls, the amount of time, no consideration for preparation or expenses, working every day, etc, etc.
You know very little about their jobs and it sounds like you have just as much contempt for escorts as the woman you're arguing with has for clients.
You speak as though you know the industry well. You are right in that I know very little about their job. But I don't have contempt for escorts. All the SPs here on the board have a choice and that is a fact. If they don't excercise that choice, it's completly up to them. Just like what mrsCALoki said, she made close to 40gs in 4 weeks. And that was her choice. If they are miserable, change career. There are 3 types of clients
1) An experienced clients who knows what level of service they expect for the money they spend.
2) An inexperienced client who makes mistakes and later become experienced.
3) An asshole client who just don't care about the SP.
Many SPs don't have to worry about client #1 and #2. But the #3 is the ones they have to watch out for. Now, the #3 becomes that way, because of many reasons. Bad divorce, bad relationship with GF, or even multiple rip offs from SPs. Some guys have sucker written all over their face, and women will take advantage of that.