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Do all escorts despise clients?


Nov 20, 2006
I think VirginJohn is the beta of the omegas
He is the king of the Omegas. I've known some pretty fucked up people with some pretty fucked up neuroses, but recently I wonder if perhaps he is putting on us. It is the fact that he keeps bringing up his jerking off to escort fetish over and over again that makes me question.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
I guess I should provide a bit more information. Several people were in chat. HH was going on about himself and trying to get one of my friends to book him in PM. He was getting annoying and could not take a hint. I pointed out that may sex workers do not like many clients and have little or no desire to see them. I probably mentioned he was not one I would book. I think I am entitled to find the guys who go on and on about their imaginary skills and conquests a bit annoting. I offended HH and he started this thread.

I am sorry if I sound Jaded. I am not. Some clients are annoying and not people I would wish on my worst enemy. Some clients are good friends and people. Some are ass holes. Just like SPs.

But claiming having a smelly ass in the back seat of your cab is the same as having to kiss him and feel his hands on you somehow does not seem right.

Wow. You can`t even tell the truth here. BTW, I had no intention of naming you.

I did not try to book anyone in CHAT. I do however, always ask ladies in CHAT that I don`t know, if they can provide a link. I like to know who I am chatting with.

As well, you did paint all clients, except your husband, with the same brush. Clearly you were wrong trying to speak for all escorts, former and past. You and/or Janexxx also accused me of hating women. That was too funny.

I posted this thread knowing full well it would be a touchy subject. Upon leaving CHAT I also posted a review from 2 months ago regarding Lola in Burlington. I did so in order to try to provide you with a sense of my "feelings" regarding this hobby. Again, you and Janexxx exchanged your thoughts on how I must have come to hate women since that review. Priceless.

Here is that link.


Nov 20, 2006
Sure, you did. Just dropped enough information in your post that any regular would figure it out.

"On TERB chat, talking to a former escort, who is now married to a john...".

I figured it out right away also.


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
Don't let the ladies get in your head or search for a deep connection. If chemistry is there its a bonus but don't try and pursue an SP or leave wondering what there up to or if they really like you. Pay them, fuck them, enjoy the fantasy and leave.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Don't let the ladies get in your head or search for a deep connection. If chemistry is there its a bonus but don't try and pursue an SP or leave wondering what there up to or if they really like you. Pay them, fuck them, enjoy the fantasy and leave.
That's really the essence of it Bubbles, nicely stated. If everyone positioned themselves this way they'd be better off. Some guys here are looking for a deeper meaning - where there is none. Some guys here are looking to make an emotional connection because they don't have one in the real world. Truth is - this is a means for us to live out our fantasy's - and should be viewed as that - nothing more.



New member
Jul 13, 2009
wanna tell that to the client I think is falling head over heels in love with me?? I was and always am very clear about the boundaries of our 'business relationship' but it seems the lines are blurred in his mind. He's been a regular for over 15 months... just recently clued in by something he said that this was way way more for him. You're right, he's single and unattached. Suggestions?
Depends on what you think he might do to further his desire(s). You should, of course, consider your own safety/comfort first... it may be time to stop seeing him.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
that's where I'm at right now. I've received a couple of emails that sound more like they came from a jeleous boyfriend than a client... I'm going to keep my distance ; )
I know it must be an uncomfortable situation for you. Hope it all works out!

If your client is on TERB you could always drop a hint as to his identity (i.e., TERB handle of course). I'm sure we could help set him straight :wink:


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
That's really the essence of it Bubbles, nicely stated. If everyone positioned themselves this way they'd be better off. Some guys here are looking for a deeper meaning - where there is none. Some guys here are looking to make an emotional connection because they don't have one in the real world. Truth is - this is a means for us to live out our fantasy's - and should be viewed as that - nothing more.

Emotional connections do happen, but only to a degree (or should), since the john who respects her privacy and goes his separate way, isn't dating her or isn't exclusive to her off the clock. GFE sessions, including dinner dates, etc. serve the purpose of dealing with loneliness, or boredom between girlfriends.

If you treat SPs like human beings, with respect, and aren't cheap (or make them feel cheap), they won't despise you.

SPs who learn to ignore the physical in their line of work, can learn to like the person inside, and if that person is nice, they also won't despise them, and perhaps connect with them moreso to.
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Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
Ideally, an SP should be like a fuck buddy. Good sex, you care about each other as people, but that's it.


New member
... first things first: Hurricane Hank is a very nice guy and doesn't deserve any of the negative things that were posted in this thread. Any lady would be lucky to meet him.

Additionally, there is no ''All'' when describing service providers as we do not ''all'' have the same views. I personally am grateful for the people who see me - some have watched me grow up and many have enriched my life. It's been said that who we are is the result of the many interactions we have with people in our lifetimes. I choose to be open to those interactions, others may choose to be closed. I have limits on how close I am willing to be with my clients but I like getting to know the people I meet through this job and I can't fathom ''working'' in such an intimate business and having to fake every smile and word. I'm not quite that strong.

I've been around for a while now and there's no way that 25% of my clients were rude or abusive. I honestly can't think of any bad clients since I went independent 3 years ago.... Maybe the odds are just falling in my favour (?) but I don't believe we have it quite as bad some people claim. There's no reason to have contempt for our clients. In fact, it's kinda sad that anyone would work in this industry if they were so unhappy - for any length of time.

Just like there's no ''all'' when we speak of providers, there's no ''all'' when we speak of clients. Some (actually most) people place a higher value on the personal interaction than on the physical. When I worked in spas, it was always the girls with personality and those who were friendly and outgoing with their clients who were the busiest. Many clients care about what we think of them - there's nothing wrong with wanting the interaction to be genuine (as long as no one is crossing anyone's boundaries)

I've always rolled my eyes when people said it's all about getting off and getting out.... If that were true - there'd be no need to see an actual woman - you could all stay home with a movie and a beer.

Maybe my views will change after I retire. Maybe I'm fooling myself to make the ''job'' easier but I really doubt it.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
... first things first: Hurricane Hank is a very nice guy and doesn't deserve any of the negative things that were posted in this thread. Any lady would be lucky to meet him.

Additionally, there is no ''All'' when describing service providers as we do not ''all'' have the same views. I personally am grateful for the people who see me - some have watched me grow up and many have enriched my life. It's been said that who we are is the result of the many interactions we have with people in our lifetimes. I choose to be open to those interactions, others may choose to be closed. I have limits on how close I am willing to be with my clients but I like getting to know the people I meet through this job and I can't fathom ''working'' in such an intimate business and having to fake every smile and word. I'm not quite that strong.

I've been around for a while now and there's no way that 25% of my clients were rude or abusive. I honestly can't think of any bad clients since I went independent 3 years ago.... Maybe the odds are just falling in my favour (?) but I don't believe we have it quite as bad some people claim. There's no reason to have contempt for our clients. In fact, it's kinda sad that anyone would work in this industry if they were so unhappy - for any length of time.

Just like there's no ''all'' when we speak of providers, there's no ''all'' when we speak of clients. Some (actually most) people place a higher value on the personal interaction than on the physical. When I worked in spas, it was always the girls with personality and those who were friendly and outgoing with their clients who were the busiest. Many clients care about what we think of them - there's nothing wrong with wanting the interaction to be genuine (as long as no one is crossing anyone's boundaries)

I've always rolled my eyes when people said it's all about getting off and getting out.... If that were true - there'd be no need to see an actual woman - you could all stay home with a movie and a beer.

Maybe my views will change after I retire. Maybe I'm fooling myself to make the ''job'' easier but I really doubt it.

You get out what you put in. By all accounts, you're a nice person. It would take a real jerk to be nasty to a nice girl.

You also have a very positive disposition, and yes, I do think that your attitude is part of defensive mechanism that is needed for the job.

Let's talk after you retire. I've chatted with a few retired MPAs/SPs. I have been very surprised by their views. Maybe they don't despise clients, but they are very happy to have gotten out of the job.

Anyway, "despise" is a harsh term. But, I'd be willing to bet big bucks that all escorts develop a deep distrust of men and possibly of romance. Given all the "nice guys" you see in session, how can you reconcile their "niceness" with the fact that they are also cheaters? You know the odds are against you in finding true, everlasting, fairytale love....

Look at all the SPs on here who poo-pooed Valentine's Day...


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Totally agree with Jennifer and Jessica. The women that I have seen have made it an "experience." A total experience of the senses and interaction - way beyond just sex. And I've had better GFE's with SP's than with real girlfriends, if you can figure that out. Tried my best to make it mutually benficial, because most women (SP) I have seen go away above and beyond.

I have been seeing someone reg for a while and am very comfortable - we just have a great thing going. I try to balance - she keeps me balanced, and we just have great, great times.

I have women friends I hang with who are really cool.

Unfortunately, been trying the dating scene, and there has been so much drama that I have been ordered by my female advisor to take a break. Am doing so.

But seeing any SP I choose to see (especially the current), is almost too good to be true. -

Speaking of too good to be true, that includes you too Jessica, cause I saw you way back and you are awesome. From what I read, Jennifer is the same.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
And I've had better GFE's with SP's than with real girlfriends, if you can figure that out.
What is there to figure out? They are two entirely different "relationships". Each has its own pluses and minuses. It's like saying that sometimes I eat an apple and sometimes I eat an orange; why can't the apple be more like the orange or the orange more like the apple? They're both pieces of fruit but they are two completely different things.
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