Discretion issue...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Fang don`t discourage Alien.

This has got to be the most entertaing thread to come by in awhile. You gotta be taking notes on his detailed tips for the hobby. They are great, really out of this world. Keep em coming.........


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Is the other Guy the one that grew up in Texas?? Or the one whos father was trained by the CIA and hates Americans?


New member
Oct 29, 2002
I went for lunch and all hell has broken loose - that's funny!!

Alien: You may want to change the password that you use to log in since it seems that anybody who uses your computer can guess it so easily and therefore check your e-mails, posts or PM's and then impersonate you, respond in a less than favourable manner thereby making you look like an ass!

Rubmeister: I love your response! I was laughing so hard at the part about there being an "overlap" and you fucking his wife to keep up the 100 to 1 ratio...hysterical - somebody else must be fucking her or definitely will be soon - why shouldn't it be you?

Goober: I *so* appreciate you pointing out the rule about all members being responsible for their actions! Maybe I shouldn't have posted the PM, but really - he didn't say anything in it that he hadn't expressed before so I was just kind of proving my point that he had a shitty attitude towards women. My bad for providing one more example of that when it was really the "other Guy" who uses his computer.

Aug 17, 2001
I know it's wrong to make assumptions but I can't help myself sometimes.

I say Alien came from a village with a population of 132 where he was a sheppard herding sheep (or maybe a lot of cows and one bull).
When he came to this country he worked hard...very hard...made some money and returned to his village to get married (because it was time) His father showed him his bride to be...he liked her (he had no choice) besides she was much better looking than the sheep or the cows he used to have sex with in the mountains. The fact that she was 12 years old didn't bother him. This way, he could control her better, teach her about life, teach her to worship him like she should. He brought her to Canada. It's Ok here...he can take advantage of this wonderful country..."the sytem"... but he always talks about how much better the old country is and how he would like to return some day.

His wife is going to school part time to learn English now and one day will "grow-up" and open her eyes and maybe get a boyfriend because she never had one before or maybe she'll grow sick of their sad sex life in which Alien always screams out "cuuuurlyyyy" as he only satisfies himself (Curly was his favourite lamb back home) because women are not even supposed to enjoy sex where he comes from.

I could go on but I won't bore you people, besides I gotto get to work. I'm not saying he is right or wrong or that there is any truth to the story above, just sharing some thoughts that went through my head when I read his posts.

Alien... I truly (and sarcastically) wish you have a girl some day.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Sargeant StiffCock said:
...Alien always screams out "cuuuurlyyyy"...
Oh man Sargeant StiffCock... you are Baaaah-d.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Come on people some people marriages break up for good reasons
STUPIDITY being one. Stay the course boy. But post the wifes pic so we can court her. (Yea, Alien i ment you)


New member
Oct 29, 2002
Too funny DenWa!!

I think that I should introduce myself to Alien's wife and open up the door to bi-sexuality! There are so many things I could teach her - first of all about men and how not to let them treat you and second about women and just how to let them treat you ;)


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
As someone who is on the choo-choo train to fuckville, maybe I'm too dumb to understand, but if you are so clever about being discreet and using all these tricks to avoid detection Alien, why do you post here on a computer that some other guy uses and can impersonate you?

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
DICKYDOEM: Did I tell you that 2 other girls live here? One of them has a boyfriend, I've told the guy about this forum. I even navigated with him through the messages, he even says he is going to try some SP's reviewed here. He comes every second day here, when he does he immediately comes to see messages here at TERB. When sneaky Rayven PM'ed me the guy got the pop-up and he wrote whatever he wanted, so it's his problem not mine.


lol What a bunch of lame ducks! I pity you guys man.

You all have fallen on what I coined the "wife self-affliction syndrome". Your dickies get horny and you go out and hire SP's, but then feel guilty towards your wife when you are with her and then try to make it up by saying "my wife is the most beautiful thing I have" and by bashing players like me. Yeah right, shut the fuck up.

If ya'll really loved your wife you would have never touched another woman, trust me. Before I married my wife I told her how the future was going to be. She was 20 at the time. I told her "I don't want no fucking jealous spouts, inquisitions or spying, I don't want you to ask me where I'm going or where I'm coming from, I'm a very independent guy and I don't need a nanny in my life". She agreed. Now after 3 years of marriage she is beginning to turn into a jealous vixen and I will not allow that. I never ask her where she's coming from when she enters the apartment or goes out with the girls that live here, so I expect the vice-versa from her.

My wife knows that she will lose me if she keeps up with her jealousy stunts so she calms down when she sees me ready to explode. Never ever will I let a woman (a wife) boss me around or have me like a caged animal. I'm as free as the wind, as long as she has me at the apartment every night she should know that I'm her's. Why the hell make such commotion at me arriving at 2:00am in the morning? Fuck it, I'm an adult and I'm FREE.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Jealousy is uncalled for!

Alien (<>..<>) is completely right. His wife has no business being jealous toward him. In fact, she should be happy for the many hours he spends away as this gives her more time to pursue her real life with her real lover (the actual father of Alien's children).

No doubt she will soon divorce Alien and take half of his fortune and leave him with child-support and alimony payments for the rest of his life.

But Alien will not be upset. After all, he's an Adult and he's free.

Aug 17, 2001
What fortune? Alien lives in an apartment with three kids and 2 other women. That's 7 people in the place AND one of the girls' boyfriend practically lives there. No wonder he stays out until 2 in the morning. Who'd want to spend time in that place.

Sounds to me like the wife is already over the "glamour and the glitz" of North America, now the reality sinks in and she'll soon be fed up with this Bozo.

Maybe that girl's boyfriend is fucking his wife's brains out. Who knows...

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Sargeant StiffCock said:
she'll soon be fed up with this Bozo.

Maybe that girl's boyfriend is fucking his wife's brains out. Who knows...
Yeah right, do you think I give a shit if my wife leaves me? lol!! There are more women out there, and I can get a 17-year-old girl in my country with the snap of a finger. There are thousands of girls over there who would marry me (or fuck me) in a jeepeney. Do you really think I give a shit if my wife leaves me?

Only wimps cry or fight for women.
Aug 17, 2001
Like I said Alien. For a very smart guy you're not doing too good in life,sharing your apartment with so many people...even sharing your computer.

If you don't care about your wife cheating on you, why would you threaten her with sending her back to your country if she ever did?
Feb 2, 2002
Alien (<>..<>) said:
and I can get a 17-year-old girl in my country with the snap of a finger.

Only wimps cry or fight for women.
And only a Punk Bitch brags about being able to pick up young girls "with a snap of a finger". I would rather be called a wimp, if that meant I would be distinguished from someone like yourself.

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Philanthropist said:
I would rather be called a wimp, if that meant I would be distinguished from someone like yourself.
Hmmmm funny that you are passing judgement on me for what I said while you keep quiet about RayVen's comment on performing bisexual acts on my wife or that other guy that said that my wife is getting "fucked" by my friend. Who is insulting my wife more, THEM or ME?

You hypocrites! If you can't take shit then DON'T mete it out to other people. It's funny how the wolfpack gang here can be so easily angered, hehehehe.
Feb 2, 2002
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Hmmmm funny that you are passing judgement on me for what I said while you keep quiet about RayVen's comment on performing bisexual acts on my wife or that other guy that said that my wife is getting "fucked" by my friend. Who is insulting my wife more, THEM or ME?

You hypocrites! If you can't take shit then DON'T mete it out to other people. It's funny how the wolfpack gang here can be so easily angered, hehehehe.
I don't comment on peoples personal attacks because there is no use getting into petty debates with people who can't put an independant thought together, so they need to get a rise out of someone with a pointless and personal comments. People like that thrive on the anonominity of the 'net. As for who is more insulting, them or you. I would like to think that a man would show a little more respect toward his wife.
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