Discretion issue...

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Alien (<>..<>) said:
My wife would never do that to me, and if she ever cheated on me she would regret it all her life.
Moronic Statement #1:

I don't play games, where I come from we don't play footsie.
Moronic Statement #2

I I know my wife like the palm of my hand, I know what I got this is why I'm telling you this. Don't make moronic opinions of my wife if you don't know what the hell is going on.
Moronic Statement #3


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
It is obvious that Alien harbours some angry feelings against women and that will only worsen as his little dick gets weaker and weaker.

I honestly believe if the angel of marriage came to my wife at night in a dream and told her of my deeds and he gave her the option that she could wake up and never know that she had the dream or wake up and confront me ....she would take the first option. The worse thing I could do is to leave them. I ain't gonna be some cranky old bastard looking at all the young hotties and think why didn't I have some.

As for affairs I have yet to hook up with someone that didn't want more than just sex even tho I said I would never ever leave my wife.

Only my wife can have my heart and I believe that is all women really want anyways

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
johnyboy said:

Only my wife can have my heart and I believe that is all women really want anyways
Awww you melted my heart, NOT. Listen if you are going to talk about me first have your facts in line. You cheat too, you are a false man too, you hurt your wife with your cheating but you want to make it up by calling her an "angel" but you are not fooling anyone. If you really love your wife quit hobbying AND THEN come to preach to me. Capicci?


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok

Definitely appreciate where you're coming from...I want to clarify, as this thread has gone south...I have absolutely no problem with married men who hobby...it's the way some of them talk about it...it is incredibly disrepsectful to their wives...I think Alien is proving my original point right now...

I'm Italian...it may seem like a tired movie cliche...but most Italian men have women on the side, and most Italian women know this...Me, I personally believe in what's good for one is good for the other...If my fiance wants a little from someone else, then good for her. I enjoy the same freedoms...

I respect people for wanting variety, or having a unspoken arrangement, or whatever the circumstances. It's just guys like Alien that turn the Hobby into a hurtful thing.



New member
May 10, 2003
DenWa said:
I'm Italian...it may seem like a tired movie cliche...but most Italian men have women on the side, and most Italian women know this...Me, I personally believe in what's good for one is good for the other...If my fiance wants a little from someone else, then good for her. I enjoy the same freedoms...

Gee, my Italian friends would flip out litterally if the wifey had the freedom that you're speaking of!

As far as being Italian? I honestly don't think this topic and hobbying has any ethnic boundaries whatsoever!

My Brit buddies are the worst offenders... and they have the best stories! Doesn't matter what your background is -let's face it -we all like to play from time to time.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Palmala Handerson?

Alien (<>..<>) said:
I know my wife like the palm of my hand

No...it's just too easy!



Aug 10, 2002
My 2 cents..

I just had to comment on this one..

>>>>I'm married and cheat because I'm 32 years old-- ya know what that means? It's high-time I have a decent woman at home and kids with her. I already have a baby boy and plan on having 3 more boys.

Welll .. so far so good..

>>>>I have the best of both worlds, warm meals and affection at home and girlfriends to go to the movies out in the city.

Well I am not sure how long this is gonna last, but enjoy it while you can.

>>>> A man that is not married and has no kids at age 35 is already on the other side of the hill, time to start packing and get on the choo-choo train to fuckville.

Hmm... I guess this guy hasn't seen what divorce and child support does to men in the woman friendly north american legal system. He actually might wish he was single someday [if he can think straight at that time].

>>>>Holy hell guys, you are supposed to start having kids in your 30's so when you are 75 you don't have to die alone in a retirement home playng checkers with old people.

And you think kids will take care of you in your old age... if you are lucky.. but most likely not.

>>>>It's not a bad gig to get married, as long as you keep your wife as a sedated sheep like I do. Use your wits guys, don't get caught cheating. It's bullshit that we should stay stuck with one woman only, not even bulls stay with one cow, they screw dozens, don't we have more rights than a bull for christ's sakes? Think about it.

While I fairly misogynistic, I do not believe that women are idiots.. just hope his fantasy won't be severly disturbed one day when he catches his wife with another man [and most likely he will never catch her.. she will cover it up well]. More morbid is the possibility that she will cheat on him, divorce him, make him fight long expensive battles over child custody and child support. Still sader is the rather strong possibility that most women he will date after such an incident are gonna have lotsa baggage [other guy's kids, f**ked up personality etc].

While I encourage hobbying, if you are married, better have a solid pre-nuptail agreement if you intend to keep hobbying after marriage.


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
Although cheating is nothing to be proud of and I am certainly no saint ..I am referring to the respect thing..Alien..if you can't see your attitude towards women is unhealthy to them and you...then trust me pal your just not that smart


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
DenWa said:

Definitely appreciate where you're coming from...If my fiance wants a little from someone else, then good for her. I enjoy the same freedoms..
This sounds good in practice, but if you ever really face this situation, you could well feel differently.
I respect people for wanting variety, or having a unspoken arrangement, or whatever the circumstances. It's just guys like Alien that turn the Hobby into a hurtful thing.

enough said

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Goober Mcfly said:
Red: In our culture, the husband eats the wife while consummating...
Its a wonderful world........


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Alien (<>..<>) said:
My wife would never do that to me, and if she ever cheated on me she would regret it all her life ... I know my wife like the palm of my hand ...
Don't you ever feel guilty? Does keeping secrets weigh you down? Don't you ever just want to tell your wife everything?
I've had semi affairs before and this is always the biggest problem for me.


New member
Oct 29, 2002
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that Alien has some serious attitude issues that he should take care of before they bite him in the ass!

I got a PM response from him that I'd like to share, mainly becasue there really isn't anything that "Private" about the fact that I think his attitude stinks - that when I originally replied to him I really was trying to stir the pot for no other reason than to make him think that maybe he should think twice about being so disrespectful to his wife. I don't look down on anyone who indulges in this hobby - I've said that before - you don't always have to be honest 'cuz that doesn't always work, but at least don't make your wife out to be a complete moron who knows nothing about what's going on. Sometimes they don't know -that's okay, sometimes they know and don't care or prefer to ignore it - that's okay too. There are lots of variables in relationships. The only thing that I think is disgusting is Alien's obvious disrespect for his wife.

That said, here's the PM:

"Listen girl I don't give a shit about your JMHO. I knew you had to be a woman to be scolding me for my behavior.

First of all you must remember that men were made for several women, look in the bible, God intended this to bo like this, nature too, there are more women than men all over the world, more women are born than men. And I feel sorry for you if you think my wife will fool around behind my back, she will never do that. A woman that seriously think that her husband won't cheat on her lives in fairy land. You said I "laugh" at my wife, that is bullshit, I never laughed at her. If my wife ever cheated on me I would take her back to my country and she would never come back here again. Where I come from women don't play games with men, you canadian woman are so stacked up and so snobby it makes me sick. Ya treat men like shit, the canadian system in bent over in favor of women."

I won't copy my whole response 'cuz it's a little redundant considering things that I've already said but I did make sure to point out the following: "I am not your average woman, I don't "scold" men who enjoy this hobby, that would be hypocritical of me as I enjoy this hobby - hence my participation on this board." AND "If you think that you don't give the impression that you're laughing at your wife - you're wrong. The impression that you give, whether you mean to or not, is that she's just some bimbo at home who is completely clueless about what's going on around her - I just think it's unfair to portray somebody that you're supposed to love in that light. Really - *JMHO*"

Anyway - the bottom line for me is that I really am glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that Alien should quit giving advice that makes him sound like an idiot.

Have a great day, everybody!
Rayven ;)

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Guys I never said that on PM.

RAYVEN: Excuse me but I'm not the only person that uses this computer, there is another guy that uses it too and sometimes takes a look at posts here for hobbying choices. He sometimes posts under my user name. I have NEVER received a PM from you. PM messages pop up in the screen no matter who is using it.



New member
Jan 31, 2003
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Excuse me but I'm not the only person that uses this computer, there is another guy that uses it too and sometimes takes a look at posts here for hobbying choices. He sometimes posts under my user name. .
Although I am not too hot with the idea of making PM public, but I have to say this,

How many Aliens are there?

Which Alien are you ?

Are you the real Alien @ Terb ?

Dude, you just opened a large can of worms here , and again
you never cease to shock and amaze... ..... ..... ...... ....LMFAO


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Alien..please...don't get all X-Files on us with the bullshit "some other guy on my computer"...you didn't think she'd post your PM, and now you're trying to backtrack...you've said enough on other posts to be able to tell that was you on the PM...how lame.


Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Guys I never said that on PM.

RAYVEN: Excuse me but I'm not the only person that uses this computer, there is another guy that uses it too and sometimes takes a look at posts here for hobbying choices. He sometimes posts under my user name. I have NEVER received a PM from you. PM messages pop up in the screen no matter who is using it.

A believe the Spanish Inquisition is in order!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Cardinal Fang said:
A believe the Spanish Inquisition is in order!

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Excuse me but I'm not the only person that uses this computer, there is another guy that uses it too and sometimes takes a look at posts here for hobbying choices. He sometimes posts under my user name.
Hey, you can use that excuse?

*wanders off with a stupid grin on his face*

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Alien: Rule number 4 for TERB/ERchat states You are entirely liable for all activities conducted through your Account.

Just sayin' is all....
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