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New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Fishermen , bulls and moralists ........ just who I'd want advice


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Re: I don't get it?

zog said:
I understand the joys of variety and the chase. But if that's what you want, why complicate life with a wife?
Zog: For some of us, marriage is just a fact of life. Much like partaking in this hobby is. Each of us has facets to our existance which can be used to enrich the who experience. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive!


New member
Oct 29, 2002
I have to agree with Zog - although I don't think that there's anything wrong with enjoying the best of both worlds...

The thing that I don't understand is why the majority of you stay married to or involved with somebody that is so against this type of lifestyle - why not find somebody that you can enjoy it with?

Maybe Alien's wife is dying to get fucked by some young hot guy who wants nothing more from her than sex...he doesn't care if she cooks warm meals or keeps the kids clean and happy...

I don't consider myself single because I do have a guy who is very special to me but he doesn't tie me down. I love hearing about girls that find him hot or that he would love to fuck - it's something that we share, it excites me to know what arouses him (other than me, of course ;)) and I know he loves hearing about what turns me on - we're "partners in crime". The majority of our time is spent together living a normal happy couple life but once in a while we're single together (I know that doesn't make much sense). We hang out, meet other people, have threesomes - that's our hobby. I can't imagine having to hide my attraction to other people - girls and guys - from the person that I plan on spending the rest of my life with. JMHO of course.

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
FRUITY HAIR: I have been out of my country for 13 years.

MIRANDA: Where I come from a man in considered less than a man if he only has daughters and is the subject of ridicule.

C'mon gals and guys, it's ridiculous to think that a man was made only for one woman, this is not natural even in the animal kingdown which has a habit of been the role model of mother nature.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
You guys talk about the best of both worlds, but a lot of you guys sound like you hate their wives. To each his own - I'm not judging anyone, but it doesn't make sense. There are different types of hobbyists. There's the single guy, the guy with the open relationship, the married guy who is unhappy and seeks sex elsewhere, and the guy who has no regard for his wife whatsoever...There is a lot of discussion over cheating, and what constitutes cheating, on this board. I obviously don't see anything wrong with hobbying - the legal issues don't phase me in my decision making process...I guess what bothers me is the deception. I guess I'm lucky - I'm 27, my fiance is 23, and we have an open relationship with a lot of personal freedom. She doesn't care if I have some fun as long as I don't lie about it, and vice versa. It's just, if I was unhappy in my marriage I would deal with the situation, not leave my wife in the dark and play her for a fool. Sorry if I offend...



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok

I agree with you, and mistakenly left that situation out of my post. That isn't what I'm talking about. It just surprises me when people almost gloat at how clueless their wives are. These aren't the guys that are happy with their wives but the sex has left the relationship. These guys make me wonder why they married in the first place. The financial benefits of avoiding divorce are not, to me at least, worth coming home every night to someone you loathe.



New member
May 7, 2003
Variety and great sex keep me going back for more. Wife's not into sex anymore, does this answer your question zog?
Last edited:


B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
Most attached guys are not gloating.
Most guys do not loathe their fact they likely love them very much (as hard as this may sound on a hobbiest board).
Most guys don't tell anyone else about what they do in their secret life behind their wife's back.

Most married guys want the best of both worlds.

Too bad not that many women (or men) could handle open might solve the hobbyist's deception and lying etc.


New member
Apr 1, 2003
If you are married and want to hobby on a regualr basis just TAKE UP GOLF. Its perfect year round. I get up early on my off days , get in 18 holes as quickly as possible and head straight for a MP or an indy regular, have some fun, home before dinner, never been questioned. 20 years knock on wood, no pun intended. And in the winter you "go to the golf dome" to work on your game.

Also I write #s backwards in my address book.

PS , I love my wife madly and would never leave her.

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
rayven said:

Maybe Alien's wife is dying to get fucked by some young hot guy who wants nothing more from her than sex...he doesn't care if she cooks warm meals or keeps the kids clean and happy...
Listen what the hell do you know about my wife? Do you bloody know anything about her?? No, I guess not. My wife would never do that to me, and if she ever cheated on me she would regret it all her life. I don't play games, where I come from we don't play footsie. I know my wife like the palm of my hand, I know what I got this is why I'm telling you this. Don't make moronic opinions of my wife if you don't know what the hell is going on.


New member
May 7, 2003
peeler gets my drift!

peeler_feeler said:
Most attached guys are not gloating.
Most guys do not loathe their fact they likely love them very much (as hard as this may sound on a hobbiest board).
Most guys don't tell anyone else about what they do in their secret life behind their wife's back.

Most married guys want the best of both worlds.
Right on peeler.... glad that someone gets it and understands the road I'm on. So to speak. Thumbs up to peeler for expressing a logical explanation to my little dilema! CHEERS and thanks!


New member
Jan 31, 2003

Alien (<>..<>) said:
... My family and friends don't speak english and don't have a habit of going to the cinemas at 9:00pm on Friday/Saturday nights or any other time. The Moon will turn green before any of my friends/family walk within 1 kilometer of a cinema. It would be akin to a Muslim Cleric looking at me getting a lap dance at Lancaster House: It will never happen.
read your previous reply, thanks. Now I know the above will never going to happen. But what I was asking, was.... what if it does, and what kind of fail safe plan you have , or can advise for such situation ?

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Just to beat the fish analogy to death:

Just because I like to fish does not mean it is not a good idea to buy fish at the grocery store for when I am hungry. There is no assurance that just because you will go fishing you will catch a fish, yet you might still be hungry for fish when you get home.

You might love the taste of the high-quality lobster that you always eat at home, but eating lobster all the time might make you hungry for fish and chips once in a while. And it is often more convenient to purchase the fish and chips than to attempt to catch the fist yourself. Some guys like fishing, other guys just like the taste of fish and chips. And in either case, they might like lobster at home even better, but still enjoy the variety.


Excited Member
Mar 29, 2003
On the QEW

A) stay faithful but live without real sexual excitement or variety

B) have a messy/risky affair with a younger woman

C) supplement by seeing SPs

Which one of the above is going to be the happiest?

C. Yeah, thats it, C. Uhh, wait.. can I get a life line? Honey? Yeah, C. Final answer... C!

I like my wife.


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Lucky your just Young?

DenWa said:
I guess I'm lucky - I'm 27, my fiance is 23, and we have an open relationship with a lot of personal freedom.
I thought for a while that I had anoper relationship with my wife when I was your age...things change. You will change, as will your future bride. You may still want to stay with her, and she may not want to hear about your sexual activities outside of home, so discrete encounters is what you're left with


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
Alien... in some animal kingdoms the wife eat the husband after consumating...


New member
May 7, 2003
Re: nearlynormal

PlayInNiagara said:
A) stay faithful but live without real sexual excitement or variety

B) have a messy/risky affair with a younger woman

C) supplement by seeing SPs

Which one of the above is going to be the happiest?

C. Yeah, thats it, C. Uhh, wait.. can I get a life line? Honey? Yeah, C. Final answer... C!

I like my wife.
You got it Niagara! C!!!!
After 18yrs of being married I still love my wife.
DenWa will probably get this in another 10 yrs.


New member
Oct 29, 2002
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Listen what the hell do you know about my wife? Do you bloody know anything about her?? No, I guess not. My wife would never do that to me, and if she ever cheated on me she would regret it all her life. I don't play games, where I come from we don't play footsie. I know my wife like the palm of my hand, I know what I got this is why I'm telling you this. Don't make moronic opinions of my wife if you don't know what the hell is going on.
Wow - somebody's a little defensive...

You rambled on about having cheated on your wife hundreds of times and gave a bunch of "tips" on how not to get caught and you said that you've never had a "quip of complaints from her".

You're right, I don't know your wife, but I am a woman and I was simply offering some food for thought...just as you think she doesn't know that you've cheated on her - maybe you would have no clue if and when she cheated on you. Maybe while you're at work she has somebody come by. Everybody needs to get "theirs".

I believe that the easiest way to understand another point of view and, perhaps, open your eyes to something you may not otherwise see, is to flip the situation around.

You said "I know my wife like the palm of my hand" - now, flip that around - don't you think that she thinks that she knows you too and meanwhile here you are claiming to be a star at cheating and not getting caught and she has absolutely no idea. All I'm saying is that maybe she's the smarter one - she knows what you're doing and doesn't care 'cuz she's got someone on the side keeping her happy.

I'm curious about one said "My wife would never do that to me, and if she ever cheated on me she would regret it all her life." - what makes you so superior? How do you know (or not know for that matter) that when she finds out - and she will find out - that you won't be the one to regret it for the rest of your life - what happens when she gets tired of your attitude, decides to leave you and you're stuck with the knowledge that you ruined your family for a piece of ass or two?

I need to make it clear that I have no problem with this hobby or people who keep it from their wives/SO's - I understand that not everybody has the opportunity to share things like this in an open and honest way - I'm no angel either - sometimes it's easier to hide things - take the path of least resistance - sometimes you just deserve some time to you and want to keep it to yourself! The thing that I do have a problem with is people like Alien (and my opinion is only based on a couple of his posts that I have read) who are ridiculously proud of their cheating and sneaky behaviour. Personally (and I could be wrong), I don't think that people who are true hobbyists are particularly proud of sneaking around and lying - you do it, enjoy it, suck up the fact that maybe it's not the most "right" thing that you've ever done and go on with hobbying. You don't put yourself on a pedestal and boast about what an ass you're making of your wife. Most people would never put their SO in that position, in a sense, it's like Alien's laughing at his wife and I think that's disgusting.

This ended up a little more long winded than I'd expected - sorry! All this of course, JMHO ;)

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
rdhaired_vixen said:
in some animal kingdoms the wife eat the husband after consumating...
Red: In our culture, the husband eats the wife while consummating...
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