QUOTE]Originally posted by Peeping Tom
No way, not similar at all ...
Firstly, Israel is a sovereign State. At some point in history, the people that formed Israel had the self determination to do it. One voice spoke for all.
That is the problem of the Palestinians. They have Abbas, Hamas, Hezbollah ... no single group has a monopoly on the use of violence. How can the West aid in creating a sovereign Palestine? Who do we talk to? Abbas? Hamas? A travelling carpet salesman?
As a sovereign State, Israel can invoke the rights of nature in dealing with a security threat. They may seem heavy handed but actually act with great restraint and a good level of precision [/QUOTE]
OK...perhaps I am dense, but I am still not getting your point...
but I think I used the wrong terms in saying "Israeli Tactics are similiar to Palestinian Tactics".... but using my own twisted logic, you seem to be proving my point........This sovereign state, this democracy, these civilized people should be able to deal with this problem in a more positive manner rather than sink to the level of the aggressors.
One person from one of the groups (Abbas, Hamas, Yourass, Hezbollah, Abba, The BeeGees etc...) suicide bombs a bus and kills 10 people wounding 20 more. You must realize that this is not the Palestinian people who did this. This is one group of people who may represent a small fraction of the population. This is some idiot who has been brainwashed to carry out this nonsense or is it...
Surely, this democratic civilized state should recognize this. Surely, their leaders and deep thinkers who run this civilized
state must understand that they are dealing with a number of "rogue" groups who have nothing to gain from peace and everyting to lose??
So instead of taking the high road, the civilized state orders their well equipped army to launch a strike at one of the leaders of this group. In the process they kill 3 - 5 people and wound 15 more.
Role Play with me here
Now, I am the moderate... I am one of the struggling Palestinians walking down the road taking my kids to school. All I want is to provide a good life for my children and hope that they can find a good life. Perhaps one day they will be able to leave this shit hole, but right now their only hope is to go to school. So I am walking down the street taking my kids to school and one of those nice US Supplied Israli helicopters fly overhead. I have seen them a number of times, and everytime I see them I think..."man what must America be like if they can create such amazing machines".
Only this time, the helicopters circle around and start firing on a car that is parked right next to where I am walking....Car blows up, we take cover. Things settle down, and I pick my self up from the ground.... look over to my kids, and I see blood. I try to wake them up, but they are not breathing. They are both dead..
Some of the leaders from those groups that I don't like, the ones that preach violence show up to the funeral. I think about Israel, and all that they have, why do they have to kill my children...
I think of the wealth and power that America has, why do they have to supply machines that are used to kill my children. Allah teaches us peace and love, but how can there be peace and love in a world where I am struggling to feed my children, and those who have everything would take my children away from me. Why do they hate our people so much that they would kill innocent children.... So I think "Perhaps those groups that say that violence is the only way for us to get them to listen make sense.."
Perhaps these Jews and Americans are demons who what our people.
Two weeks later... I am walking into a cafe with as much explosives that I can get. I even choose a time when there are children in the cafe because I want them to feel my pain...
You can now reverse the players in this little act. So that the father taking his kids for Ice Cream at the cafe is Jewish and run the scene again.....
If this sounds far fetched to you, then I think I see the problem. The villification of the the Palestinians and the deitfication of the Israelis in some people's eyes needs to stop.
There are a number of evil people (oversimplification, but bear with me) in this drama. However, there is evil on both sides. Is there more evil on one side than the other... Probably...
At the end of the day, this problem is not going to go away until people on both sides stop hating each other.
When will this happen, I don't know. Perhaps when there is one Israeli and one Palestinian left standing. Perhaps not..