Dead at 75


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
bbking said:
1) no you don't

2) I earned my affluence and as such have a much greater respect for my fellow man. 2nd generations are just so spoiled and even soiled.

3) I have so much money no matter which way I approach the issue - I get laid.

Now run to the corner and through another hissy fit and maybe your mommy will buy you something.

hmmm... you have more intelligence than me? Interesting... is that why you can't spell throw?? HAHAHA!

pretty embarrasing I'm sure.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
revolution said:
it's alright, I would have stopped coming a long time ago but you idiots keep this thread alive and call me names, so I'm forced to reply, if you shutup already I can leave.
No, you are not forced to reply. You could just leave. That would be the mature thing to do.

waits for revolution to look up "mature" in his Grade 3 Primer.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
revolution said:
haha that's hilarious! only poor SOB's like you vote liberal... people with money vote CONSERVATIVE! Hence, why I voted conservative, you ninnyhammer.

It's sad to see that all the old fogies gang up on me because:
1) I have more intelligence than them.
2) I grew up in an affluent family, and have more money than them.
3) I can get laid for free, while you losers have to pay.

I don't want to argue with you idiots anymore, you're a waste of time, is there a way I can get my profile deleted?
[1] "My mommy says I'm smart!"

[2] Spoiled and Pathetic, that explains a lot about revolution.

[3] You tell yourself that! With your personality the only person who probably putting out is your Mom!!

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
Manji said:
[1] "My mommy says I'm smart!"

[2] Spoiled and Pathetic, that explains a lot about revolution.

[3] You tell yourself that! With your personality the only person who probably putting out is your Mom!!

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!
Manji, instead of supporting terrorism, I suggest you try and act more like the good Manji, Irshad Manji.

On Nov 30th when Bush visits Canada it will be hilarious to watch the left-wingers march in unison with the islamic terrorists in "peace" marches, burning American and Israeli flags, chanting death to America, holding up signs comparing Bush to Hitler, and throwing rocks at all people who support Bush.

I'm sure all of you will be there.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
revolution said:
Manji, instead of supporting terrorism, I suggest you try and act more like the good Manji, Irshad Manji.

On Nov 30th when Bush visits Canada it will be hilarious to watch the left-wingers march in unison with the islamic terrorists in "peace" marches, burning American and Israeli flags, chanting death to America, holding up signs comparing Bush to Hitler, and throwing rocks at all people who support Bush.

I'm sure all of you will be there.

Nothing like a wolf removing the sheeps clothing


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

Spoiled arrogant and intolerant is no way to go through life - in your case I'd say give your money away and you'll be down to two out of three. I don't hold much hope out for you being able to see, much less address, the other two.

Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Okay, rev, I'm feeling adventurous, so I'm actually going to try a rational debate with you. Now, pay attention closely, because in order to participate you'll need to actually respond thoughtfully to ideas rather than simply calling me an idiot.

So, here are my questions:

1) Do you honestly think that anyone who make the slightest criticism of the American or the Israeli administrations is "supporting terrorism"? Isn't it just possible that these people are appalled by terrorism and are skeptical of methods - like Sharon's - that have only a dubious record of success? Does the Israeli religious right not bear some of the responsibility for the current crisis by steadfastly opposing the dismantling of settlements - largely populated by immigrants - in a region like the West Bank where land is hardly plentiful? Was the Palestinian authority not correct to reject peace plans like the Camp David accords that cut the West Bank into pieces in order to cede this occupied land to Israel?

2) Likewise, is anyone who expresses the least sympathy with the Palestinians "supporting terrorism"? Is it not possible - just possible - that these people believe a normalization of life in Palestine is the only long term solution, and that occupation and building walls can only be a stop-gap solution at best?

3) Have you read any of Irshad Manji's works? For the record, I agree with many of her points. She is spot-on about the evils of Muslim extremism, and she is also right that the more virulent forms of Muslim religion have way, way too much influence. This said, she has been justifiably criticised in the left-wing Jewish press for her complete white-washing of the state of affairs within Israel -

She has also suggested, bafflingly, that "Muslims" as a group were complicit in the Holocaust. This is offensive; Palestinians could hardly be accused of participation in the Holocaust simply by opposing the annexation of their land in the 1940's, and Muslim fighters actually fought against the Nazis in Northern Africa. That there is a strong current of Anti-Semitism in some currents of fundametalist Muslim (and Christian) religion is unquestioned; to accuse them of complicity in an atrocity carried out by Europeans is silly.

Now, try hard to respond to my points. Remember, just calling me an idiot won't be satisfactory.

Not for nothing, chum, but I doubt you're up to it. Prove me wrong.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
What he said.



The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Drunken Master - I'll save Revolution the trouble of typing and spelling and thinking and just say what he was gonna say anyways, "You're an idiot and you support terrorism. And you hate America, Freedom and apple pie!!" - There I think that covers it

According to the Bush Administration, I guess I do support terrorism because I smoke weed. And everybody knows that money from marijuana purchases are funnelled straight to Al Queda.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
revolution said:
Manji, instead of supporting terrorism, I suggest you try and act more like the good Manji, Irshad Manji.

On Nov 30th when Bush visits Canada it will be hilarious to watch the left-wingers march in unison with the islamic terrorists in "peace" marches, burning American and Israeli flags, chanting death to America, holding up signs comparing Bush to Hitler, and throwing rocks at all people who support Bush.

I'm sure all of you will be there.
How did you know?
I've got my basket of rocks all ready for GWB's visit. Been practicing by throwing stones at any Americans that walk by my house!!


Mar 14, 2004
Drunken Master said:

...She has also suggested, bafflingly, that "Muslims" as a group were complicit in the Holocaust. This is offensive; Palestinians could hardly be accused of participation in the Holocaust simply by opposing the annexation of their land in the 1940's, and Muslim fighters actually fought against the Nazis in Northern Africa...
Although many arabs may have fought with the Brittish during the war, their spiritual leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was working with the Nazis and spent part of the war as a guest of hitler. According to some sources, he was even active in SS activity in the Balkans. Although not representative of the whole populations, the palestinian arabs and the nazis found a common ground in their desire to kill jews. Please remember that this was well before Israel was formed.

Second, the land was not annexed in or beforethe 40's. The land that jews lived on before the establishment of israel was usualy useless swamp land PURCHASED from wealthy arab land owners who made an incrediable amount of money from the sales(or in limited cases in jewish posession from ages past). The average arab at the time was being sold out by the wealthy who managed to make money and STILL blame the average mohamed's problems on the jews. (just like Egypt, Syria, and Jordan did after the partition)

I haven't been called an idiot by rev yet but I've never heard somebody brag about being a spoiled brat. OCAP turned me into a conservative, now rev is turning me liberal again.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
strange1 said:
Although many arabs may have fought with the Brittish during the war, their spiritual leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was working with the Nazis and spent part of the war as a guest of hitler. According to some sources, he was even active in SS activity in the Balkans. Although not representative of the whole populations, the palestinian arabs and the nazis found a common ground in their desire to kill jews. Please remember that this was well before Israel was formed.
El-Hussaini was certainly both an rabid Anti-Semite and a Nazi sympathizer. I didn't intend to minimize his folly. Actually, the problem of the loyalties of the various parties within the Middle East and Northern Africa is, not surprisingly, a complex one. There, indeed, small Jewish groups that Allied themselves with Germany, as the Germans were, after all, fighting the British, who before Churchill (himself a curious mixture of anti-Semtism and Zionism) were more or less determined to hang onto their colonial possessions in Palestine.

Second, the land was not annexed in or beforethe 40's. The land that jews lived on before the establishment of israel was usualy useless swamp land PURCHASED from wealthy arab land owners who made an incrediable amount of money from the sales(or in limited cases in jewish posession from ages past). The average arab at the time was being sold out by the wealthy who managed to make money and STILL blame the average mohamed's problems on the jews. (just like Egypt, Syria, and Jordan did after the partition)
I won't disagree with anything here, other than to note that Palestinians remain as much victims of their leaders as they are of the Israelis.

I haven't been called an idiot by rev yet but I've never heard somebody brag about being a spoiled brat. OCAP turned me into a conservative, now rev is turning me liberal again.
Has that effect on people, doesn't he? Maybe he should stick around...

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth

I'm hoping that at the end of your reply you're not assuming I assimilated some ideology. Personally I do not like Mahometans, let's get this out of the way now. I'm not making a personal argument. I could do the role play you suggest, but that just devolves into moral relativism.

Basically, I'm making the argument of John Locke. The problems the palestinians are facing, by the boot of the IDF, are due to despotic rule. See linky and read it. That is why, if asked, I might say that Israel perhaps goes overboard sometimes, but with absolute justification. If the palestinians want this to stop they must have a State. Prior to this they must have a leader capable of monopolizing the use of force. This would be the claim to self determination, to which Israel must submit. The palestinians would then form their compact and the despotic relationship ends.

Concerning terrorism, one or more individuals do not possess the authority to engage in violence. That is the right of the State and the State alone. Non State actors waging war against a State are in a perilous position of inferiority and the State has the absolute right in exterminating them. Hence the true danger of terrorism - look what happened after 9.11 - there was a retribution involving a few invasions. It could have been worse - Bush responded correctly - recall we nuked Japan twice for far less. I don't even want to imagine a nuke detonation on American soil. The public outcry would be impossible for the POTUS to ignore. Likewise for some major attack in Israel. I have a feeling the US would turn a blind eye to what the response involves.

edit: having problems with the link. The site can't be directly linked. The work I cited is from document 51 chapter 15.

linky to site


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
I think you guys are have more knowledge about the conflict than I do. I read the National Post and Toronto Star everyday (to get a balanced view from both the left and right wing), and I'm well aware of the current conflicts around the world, but I don't major in political science, I'm majoring in psychology and biology, maybe I should stick to sciences instead of being a political commentator. Just as Noam Chompsky should stick to linguistics and stop getting involved in politics that he has no background in.

I hereby offer my resignation from this thread, but there have been lots of interesting responses most notably from Peeping Tom and Strange1. I'd love for this thread to continue on, and to read the interesting responses, please continue.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
You hit the nail of the head, revolution.

And I must say, in reading your posts, Noam Chomsky was the first person to come to mind.

You spell potatoe I spell potato...


Mar 14, 2004
rev. I'm an engineer who's never taken any poli-sci or history courses. I just read, listen to the opinions of those who know about the subject, then draw my own conclusions.


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
strange1 said:
rev. I'm an engineer who's never taken any poli-sci or history courses. I just read, listen to the opinions of those who know about the subject, then draw my own conclusions.
I've never taken any politcal science or history courses either, unless you count grade 10 Canadian history.

But I do keep myself informed by reading papers everyday. I thought you were smart strange1, and engineers are known to be smart.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
rev, here's a few pointers. Back off on ad-hom attacks (insults). Make reasoned arguments. It does no good to get bashed by everyone here. Often the right / left bashes the left / right but here thats normal.

Like strange1, I'm an engineer who took one philosophy elective. But, I read a lot of stuff. Over the evenings I educate myself politically by reading the old books.

Do yourself a favor. Next time, find a few topics and focus on those. Collect libraries of links for those topics. Next time it comes up, you won't have to work hard to be competent, even expert, in your topic. Far better than calling everyone assholes. PM me if you want links to online political books.
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