Okay, rev, I'm feeling adventurous, so I'm actually going to try a rational debate with you. Now, pay attention closely, because in order to participate you'll need to actually respond thoughtfully to ideas rather than simply calling me an idiot.
So, here are my questions:
1) Do you honestly think that anyone who make the slightest criticism of the American or the Israeli administrations is "supporting terrorism"? Isn't it just possible that these people are appalled by terrorism and are skeptical of methods - like Sharon's - that have only a dubious record of success? Does the Israeli religious right not bear some of the responsibility for the current crisis by steadfastly opposing the dismantling of settlements - largely populated by immigrants - in a region like the West Bank where land is hardly plentiful? Was the Palestinian authority not correct to reject peace plans like the Camp David accords that cut the West Bank into pieces in order to cede this occupied land to Israel?
2) Likewise, is anyone who expresses the least sympathy with the Palestinians "supporting terrorism"? Is it not possible - just possible - that these people believe a normalization of life in Palestine is the only long term solution, and that occupation and building walls can only be a stop-gap solution at best?
3) Have you read any of Irshad Manji's works? For the record, I agree with many of her points. She is spot-on about the evils of Muslim extremism, and she is also right that the more virulent forms of Muslim religion have way, way too much influence. This said, she has been justifiably criticised in the left-wing Jewish press for her complete white-washing of the state of affairs within Israel -
She has also suggested, bafflingly, that "Muslims" as a group were complicit in the Holocaust. This is offensive; Palestinians could hardly be accused of participation in the Holocaust simply by opposing the annexation of their land in the 1940's, and Muslim fighters actually fought against the Nazis in Northern Africa. That there is a strong current of Anti-Semitism in some currents of fundametalist Muslim (and Christian) religion is unquestioned; to accuse them of complicity in an atrocity carried out by Europeans is silly.
Now, try hard to respond to my points. Remember, just calling me an idiot won't be satisfactory.
Not for nothing, chum, but I doubt you're up to it. Prove me wrong.