I am not anti vaccines, i am against taking a vaccine that was developed way too fast in a rush and that i don't know the long term effect.
The vaccines were not developed "way too fast", it is simply skipping all the bureaucracy normally required.
Before the pandemic, each trial phases have to be done in sequence, and approval process takes a long time.
This time, they do everything in parallels, and approval process was expedited - but the standard was not lowered. That's why years have been saved from the development.
As for long term side effects, NO VACCINES in the modern era have side effects more than 8 weeks after administration.
Unlike long term side effects from medication you take every day, it is extremely unlikely to have any residual effects from some organic compound which got injected once and broken down in your body within days.
I just look at the + and the - and came into conclusion that at my age and physical condition, i do not need a vaccine so early in developement for something that has almost a 0 risk of killing me.
With 400 to 500 MILLION doses of mRNA vaccines given, you cannot call it "early in development" by any standard.
It is now well proven, it works and have very few side effects.
I don't know your age, but the risk of dying from Covid is not zero.
And taking vaccines is not just about not dying from Covid, it's also about protecting your friends and family and your loved ones, and avoiding the trauma of hospitalization and ICU admission, and potential effects affecting the rest of your life.
i won't tolerate a segregation in it for such a pitifull reason.
Sorry that we value life and health more than you do. But that's the Canada way.
If you want a country which doesn't care about death and suffering, maybe US is for you.