Cost for independent SP rant

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Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Work out of your home? Fuck your brave. I don't care how many shows fans come to or what they buy. No fucking way they are getting in my house lol.
That is why I screen so heavily as well. I want a real phone number, an SP reference and one other form of verification. I think it is fair considering what I am offering in return. However others on the board would disagree and thinking I would take anyone who calls from a text app.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
That is why I screen so heavily as well. I want a real phone number, an SP reference and one other form of verification. I think it is fair considering what I am offering in return.
You left out DNA, first born and medical records!


Jan 21, 2019
The 15th fret
That is why I screen so heavily as well. I want a real phone number, an SP reference and one other form of verification. I think it is fair considering what I am offering in return. However others on the board would disagree and thinking I would take anyone who calls from a text app.
Yeah that still crazy though. Actually I'd like to see your reaction to me at the door (think olavi mikkonen from Amon Amarth with ink). Not sure I'd be getting in lol.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Ugh. Not another rate thread. Talk about a topic that is done to death. Yes, there are great girls at agency rates, and there are amazing indies. Fiend your price point, and shop within in it. If an sp can charge a premium rate, and make a good living, more power to them.

Why have I mostly turned to (slightly) higher priced indy providers the pas few years? Well firstly I can afford it. It makes little difference to me 250-275-300... I rarely hobby and because my opportunity is limited, I’ll pay the rate that gets me time with the girl I want. Other advantages of independent providers that I have experienced. Never had a session with an Indy girl where she seemed exhausted/ burnt out from overwork. Never had plans for an appointment get fucked up at the last minute, with agencies you always need a backup, even had plans get screwed up at the last minute due to lack of driver, girl flaming out etc. My Indy fave I can book two weeks ahead when I know my travel plans, and know 100% that will be honoured. The places that my Indy sps have hosted are discreet, comfortable, super classy and conveniently located. Not a hotel room where 6 dudes have used that bed before me tonight. As I’ve become regular she treats me like an old friend (with benefits) when I show up. If my travel plans go awry due to unforeseen circumstances she’ll wait for me. The Indy girls I’ve seen are smart independent business people, who are in this line of work by choice.

Do I and will I still see agency girls? For sure sometimes I will, and I will enjoy the few extra bucks in my pocket and take myself out for a nice meal. If I find an agency girl who meets the above criteria I have in the past and would in the future stick with them as a regular. But currently the limited number of girls I’ve seen the last couple years have been independent, and charge a little more than the base agency rate and it’s 100% worth it for the whole experience. I set my own upper limit for spending on this hobby tho and dont exceed it, but I’d never call someone a fool who finds what meets their needs at a higher price point. I’m paying not only for a handful of sex acts, but an overall experience with a person who acts professionally, is reliable, treats me amazingly well every time and is always refreshed , energetic and knows what I want in the sack, and is great at doing that.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Ugh. Not another rate thread. Talk about a topic that is done to death. Yes, there are great girls at agency rates, and there are amazing indies. Fiend your price point, and shop within in it. If an sp can charge a premium rate, and make a good living, more power to them.

Why have I mostly turned to (slightly) higher priced indy providers the pas few years? Well, firstly I can afford it. It makes little difference to me 250-275-300...
Up to $300 if we were having a beer and you said this to me I wouldn't laugh, snicker or call you a fool and want to revoke your man card. It's the rates that hit $350 plus which I find foolish to pay and it has nothing to do with affordability. I disagree that indies are more reliable in keeping the appointment and I don't say this as a backhand slap to the ladies, it's life, things happen regardless agency, indy or even with the johns when booking so far in advance. You may have been lucky with your regulars but shit happens, sickness, family emergencies, etc...

Also, do you really know how many clients the lady has seen or how many men have been in the bed prior to you? No, although I do believe indys see fewer men just based on their fee structure alone but it maybe 3 or 4 vs 6 or 7, it is usually not just one unless she's having a really bad day.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
By 300..... I meant 300 and beyond. I don’t really care how many guys she’s seen before me, as long as she is fresh, engaged and energetic when I meet with her.

I’ve got my own upper limit that I will spend on self indulgence, tho I have means to afford more. I stick to that and if an sp that was want to see charges 50-100 more than an average agency girl, I’ll see her.

I’ve been lucky and chosen well. I’m happy to pay extra for reliability and no bullshit. Of course there is variability nd unpredictability with any encounter, including very high priced ladies, and there are no guarantees at any price level. But if I wanna drop between 3-400 for what I know will be an amazing time with no stress, get looked after like a king, in a comfortable secure environment then I will. And I don’t need to hand in my man card or be considered a traitor to the male species for doing so, any more than I do for working hard for decades so I can drive a nice car, treat myself to an amazing restaurant meal or pick up a 50 dollar bottle of wine when the mood strikes me. I economize on some things in life so I can do the things that I enjoy and give me pleasure.

It amazes me how these threads always degenerate into crapping on the “uppity hookers who think they are better than they are” and the “pathetic sucker fools” who pay for the premium rate when they can empty their balls for a much cheaper $/ejaculate ratio.


Oct 24, 2018
By 300..... I meant 300 and beyond. I don’t really care how many guys she’s seen before me, as long as she is fresh, engaged and energetic when I meet with her.

I’ve got my own upper limit that I will spend on self indulgence, tho I have means to afford more. I stick to that and if an sp that was want to see charges 50-100 more than an average agency girl, I’ll see her.

I’ve been lucky and chosen well. I’m happy to pay extra for reliability and no bullshit. Of course there is variability nd unpredictability with any encounter, including very high priced ladies, and there are no guarantees at any price level. But if I wanna drop between 3-400 for what I know will be an amazing time with no stress, get looked after like a king, in a comfortable secure environment then I will. And I don’t need to hand in my man card or be considered a traitor to the male species for doing so, any more than I do for working hard for decades so I can drive a nice car, treat myself to an amazing restaurant meal or pick up a 50 dollar bottle of wine when the mood strikes me. I economize on some things in life so I can do the things that I enjoy and give me pleasure.

It amazes me how these threads always degenerate into crapping on the “uppity hookers who think they are better than they are” and the “pathetic sucker fools” who pay for the premium rate when they can empty their balls for a much cheaper $/ejaculate ratio.
People have calculated the optimal food that provides the best price to calorie ratio.
What I'd like to see is someone figure out the best price to volume of ejaculate ratio - now that would be interesting.

And of course what provider that is.

Best of luck to whoever does Gods work!


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
A few thoughts that crossed my mind when I saw this thread:

1) Oh no, not this again...

2) There are hundreds of reasons why people charge what they charge and pay what they pay and there and clients and providers at all price levels. Why worry about it? Do what works for you. There is no need to spend time worrying about what other people do.

3) Rates haven't really changed that much. I have been doing this for awhile now and the main difference I see today is the price range. These days you can find hours from <$100 to $400+. Years ago it seemed prices were more consistent. It's true there are some pretty high rates to be found these days but on average I don't think things have changed that much. There was actually a period a few years ago where I would say rates were dropping so at some point it would be expected they would go up. The price of pretty much everything else has.

4) If you can only find ladies in the $300-$600 range you aren't looking very hard. Ladies at the higher end of the rate spectrum are often more visible. They are more likely to advertise, have well put together websites, and a developed social media presence. Maybe these are the first ladies you see but if you spend a little time I think you will find there are many, many great providers who charge more affordable rates. I suspect a lot of the providers in the mid range ($200/hr give or take) don't advertise much because they have all the clients they want without advertising.

5) Why the bitterness? I like making money - we all do. If a lady can charge $600 per hour and meet her goals in life then good for her. I try to make as much money as I can in my job. I'm sure most of us do. Why get upset when SPs do the same?

6) If you can't handle the rates that most providers charge then go on SA or Tinder. These days you might even find you meet some of the exactly same women.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
People have calculated the optimal food that provides the best price to calorie ratio.
What I'd like to see is someone figure out the best price to volume of ejaculate ratio - now that would be interesting.

And of course what provider that is.

Best of luck to whoever does Gods work!
$/squirt or $/mL?? Lol


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
SPs can charge whatever they wish. If you don't like I or the process, you have other options. Shop around, stay home, play with your self, or whatever. It ain't brain no surgery unless u use ur little head more often. Capeesh?


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
A few thoughts that crossed my mind when I saw this thread:

3) Rates haven't really changed that much. I have been doing this for awhile now and the main difference I see today is the price range. These days you can find hours from <$100 to $400+. Years ago it seemed prices were more consistent. It's true there are some pretty high rates to be found these days but on average I don't think things have changed that much. There was actually a period a few years ago where I would say rates were dropping so at some point it would be expected they would go up. The price of pretty much everything else has.
This is true. In the last decade, agency rates have been pretty static. In 2009, 250 was pretty much the norm for Cupid’s, select, TP etc. At that time there were options for independent girls from 150 to 400+ an hour. In my impression, the number of independents at a higher price point has increased somewhat, and that may give the impression that overall rates are going up.

There’s something for everyone. You can cum for $60 or $600. There are gems at every price point. You are more likely to find some of those intangible benefits I think with some Indy providers that charge a few bucks more, but if you can find a great girl, with an agency, who is reliable and treats you wonderfully, go for it. If your thing is having sex with a variety of pretty girls, as many as possible, the agency route is probably best for you. That’s the good thing in a city like TO, you can find what you need for the most part in the sex industry.


Oct 24, 2018
SPs can charge whatever they wish. If you don't like I or the process, you have other options. Shop around, stay home, play with your self, or whatever. It ain't brain no surgery unless u use ur little head more often. Capeesh?
Isn't the free market a wonderful thing?

Goddamn commies want to infect the hooker community too, STAY THE FUCK AWAY!


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
In my impression, the number of independents at a higher price point has increased somewhat, and that may give the impression that overall rates are going up.
Very true. Particularly independents in the downtown Toronto area. Given the increases I imagine they have experienced over the last decade in the price of accommodations, advertising, etc. I think it's understandable that they are charging more to cover these increases. So yes, if you only pay attention to TO based indies, it might seem rates have gone up more than if you look at the bigger picture.

The other thing with indies is they often charge different guys different rates. I think it's very common that long time regular clients get preferred rates for their ongoing business. For example, I have seen it many times where a lady starts off at a particular rate, then once she establishes a regular clientele she raises her rate for new clients but continues to give her initial rate to her ongoing clients.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Very true. Particularly independents in the downtown Toronto area. Given the increases I imagine they have experienced over the last decade in the price of accommodations, advertising, etc. I think it's understandable that they are charging more to cover these increases. So yes, if you only pay attention to TO based indies, it might seem rates have gone up more than if you look at the bigger picture.
Very true. I’m a little out of touch with condo rental prices, but suspect a nice downtown condo on subway line 750-1000sf will run 2-2.5k/ mo. That’s 6-8 1 hour sessions at 350 just to make rent. (Not counting income taxes, utiiities etc.)

I’ve also in the past benefited from grandfathered rates as a regular.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
You know!?!?!?!

Seriously. In this thread there is complaints about rates, availability, screening. All in one. Clearly these escorts that they are looking at are not in same league so move on and find some that are.

To the guys complaining - would you turn down more money from your job if your boss offered it? No. If you could work smaller hours at a better time of day that works for you, would you decline? No. If changing to a new job, and you could find out beforehand if the boss was a good guy who treated his employees right, check on lay off ratios, if the job is good at all, etc, would you not take the extra knowledge? Of course you would.

So why is it wrong for an escort, why can you guys get recommendations and reviews to know if an escort is ”worth” it but we can't check with other escorts if you are clean and respectful by asking for references???? Really???

Sorry but come on. If you can't afford a Lamborghini or Ferrari, do you bitch about that or buy a car you can afford? Think about it. No you don't. So why do you think it is ok when it comes to escorts. ”Give an average Joe a break” I would love to see you say that to any other company! LMAO

There are ladies in your price point, ladies who don't need screening if you don't like, ladies who work all hours of the day or night, so go to them and quit winning like little babies.
^ Well said. Fully agree. I work like a dog to enjoy the finest things in life.

If you want the best you have to make sacrifices somewhere else. Unless you are one of the lucky few who can get buy on their family wealth you need to strive to be better. Conversely, you can just accept your current situation and stay in your lane.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
Sorry but come on. If you can't afford a Lamborghini or Ferrari, do you bitch about that or buy a car you can afford? Think about it. No you don't. So why do you think it is ok when it comes to escorts. .
You are missing the point, a higher priced SP doesn't mean superior service/looks/attitude etc. (in fact in my experience it is the opposite), why pay extra for less is the point being made here.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Active member
Jul 11, 2006
I generally steer clear of independents, as they are usually girls who have been around long enough that 1) they've gotten older and 2) been around the block enough that the thrill is gone. These should depreciate her value but instead she doubles her rates because her client base and free marketing (our reviews on this board) allow her to do so. More power to 'em. But this is the same girl you could've got yesterday for half the price when she was better looking and more eager to please. So I tend to stick with agencies. Though I should add that I have had some good experiences with independents.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You are missing the point, a higher priced SP doesn't mean superior service/looks/attitude etc. (in fact in my experience it is the opposite), why pay extra for less is the point being made here.

I generally steer clear of independents, as they are usually girls who have been around long enough that 1) they've gotten older and 2) been around the block enough that the thrill is gone. These should depreciate her value but instead she doubles her rates because her client base and free marketing (our reviews on this board) allow her to do so. More power to 'em. But this is the same girl you could've got yesterday for half the price when she was better looking and more eager to please. So I tend to stick with agencies. Though I should add that I have had some good experiences with independents.
Oh Christ, now all the bells, whistles and horns are blaring.

Ding Dong Ding Dong! LOL

I couldn't agree more with these two posts!

Randomly came across this thread on twitter. It's clear that threads like this and reactions to same are talked about on all platforms.
The Twitter thread is blowing up. Of course, you get the typical lapdogs bowing down and kissing up. Once you read the comments why on earth would anyone book these ladies? Seems most are probably from the US side although I see some right here from this board.
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