Ashley Madison

CNN Panel Mocks Kanye West as Trump’s ‘Token Negro,’ Don Lemon Laughs


Aug 23, 2001
No. Because that assumes all black people should feel the same way.

That's is simplistic. And in its own way racist.

90% of Blacks in the US support the Dems. That suggests that there is an overwhelming feeling among Blacks that the system is deficient and needs change. If Black were satisfied with the system, they would split more equally between the 2 major parties, as whites do.

Did all Black people feel the same way about slavery? Did all South African Blacks feel the same way about apartheid?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Trump is simply trying to get more black votes for the midterm. Is that so hard to understand? It wasn't about what was or wasn't said, it was all about optics. And it worked beautifully.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Why would the Red Cross not try and save endangered rhinos in Africa? It too is a worthy issue.
this is comparing apples and oranges.

In 2014, African Americans constituted 2.3 million, or 34%, of the total 6.8 million correctional population.

African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites.

The imprisonment rate for African American women is twice that of white women.

Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested,
42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially
waived to criminal court.

Though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately 32% of the US
population, they comprised 56% of all incarcerated people in 2015.

If African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites,
prison and jail populations would decline by almost 40%.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Can’t have that share cropper leaving the Dem farm.....


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Lots more that the president of the USA should be doing for the crisis in the Florida Panhandle rather than have a celebrity meeting with a rapper. Typical Trumpty Dumpty nonsense where once again both of them think that they are Gods and their cult followers / disciples believe in the notion that they are serious about such nonsense:

Here are some ideas West raised:

Bring Trump factories and Yeezy ideation centers to Chicago.
His MAGA hat makes him feel like a superhero.
Make the dopest ... no the "flyest" cars.
School is boring. Kids should play basketball while they are doing math.
Time doesn't exist.
Stop worrying about the future. We only have today.
Trump and Colin Kaepernick wearing "Make America Great" hats at the Super Bowl.
Stop-and-frisk is bad.
The solution to police brutality is love.
Something about an Iplane.
Opening up industries and tax breaks.
Something about liberals distracting black people by focusing on racism.

So, what were the goals here?
For Trump, it was a chance for him to say, Trump does care about black people, but don't take my word for it, listen to Kanye West.
But what the meeting highlighted was how few African-Americans Trump has in his circle. Omarosa Manigault-Newman, who wrote a scathing tell-all on Trump, hasn't been replaced.
The meeting also highlights how seriously Trump takes issues that his base doesn't really care about.
Rather than invite real policy experts, say on education or criminal justice, Trump brought before the cameras two famous black men who like him.
The result was about what one would expect -- a hard-to-parse, bizarre Oval Office moment with very little substance fueled by West's desperate need for attention and Trump's need for open adoration by famous people.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Trump is simply trying to get more black votes for the midterm. Is that so hard to understand? It wasn't about what was or wasn't said, it was all about optics. And it worked beautifully.
You are right. It is OK to be a liar and a racist and a fraudster and a traitor as long as you try to get more votes. You and your alt-right brethren are in lockstep.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011

90% of Blacks in the US support the Dems. That suggests that there is an overwhelming feeling among Blacks that the system is deficient and needs change. If Black were satisfied with the system, they would split more equally between the 2 major parties, as whites do.

Did all Black people feel the same way about slavery? Did all South African Blacks feel the same way about apartheid?
Ok. But that takes nothing away from my point. That smaller percentage still vote Republican and have the right to do so. And to encourage others too as well.

Trump made the point that for decades the automatic vote did nothing for them. The Dems took it for granted. I think he is right. Perhaps more individuals are choosing to demand more than just identity politics.

And perhaps that rise in more Black people supporting the GOP is in fact a sign that things are leveling off. That things aren't as bad.

That should scare the Dems alot.


Mar 27, 2016
The ones I hate most at CNN is Lemon and Jim Acosta. With Acosta being one of the most obnoxious.


Aug 23, 2001
Ok. But that takes nothing away from my point. That smaller percentage still vote Republican and have the right to do so. And to encourage others too as well.

Trump made the point that for decades the automatic vote did nothing for them. The Dems took it for granted. I think he is right. Perhaps more individuals are choosing to demand more than just identity politics.

And perhaps that rise in more Black people supporting the GOP is in fact a sign that things are leveling off. That things aren't as bad.

That should scare the Dems alot.

The "rise" in Blacks supporting the GOP is fictional or - at best - a couple of % points when Trump is riding the wave of not having one of his associates arrested in at least 3 weeks. Soon things will return to normal when a couple more cabinet members are popped.

And no, I don't think the Dems are "worried". Would the GOP be worried if 1% fewer obese old White men with massive bellies and even bigger gun collections started to vote Dem?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003

The "rise" in Blacks supporting the GOP is fictional or - at best - a couple of % points when Trump is riding the wave of not having one of his associates arrested in at least 3 weeks. Soon things will return to normal when a couple more cabinet members are popped.

And no, I don't think the Dems are "worried". Would the GOP be worried if 1% fewer obese old White men with massive bellies and even bigger gun collections started to vote Dem?
Whichever way obese old White men with massive bellies vote, it is per definition a temporary effect. LOL


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011

The "rise" in Blacks supporting the GOP is fictional or - at best - a couple of % points when Trump is riding the wave of not having one of his associates arrested in at least 3 weeks. Soon things will return to normal when a couple more cabinet members are popped.

And no, I don't think the Dems are "worried". Would the GOP be worried if 1% fewer obese old White men with massive bellies and even bigger gun collections started to vote Dem?
So the Dems can go back to taking that demographic for granted?

Seriously I think this goes to the continuing loss if support to both parties. Registered Independents in the 70's were low 20%. Now it seems they are mid 40's.

And I think they are part of that new reality.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There is more than a bit of difference between an informed statement such as the above, and "He’s the token negro of the Trump administration."
The choice of language is something that could only be acceptable inside of the persecuted group but it is perfectly true to say Kanye is one of Trumps few has token African Americans.

p.s. If Kanye was right, anti-black racism isn't an issue in the states so using of the term "negro" shouldn't be offensive.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
CNN gone full blown racist

A CNN panel hosted by anchor Don Lemon took turns lacing into Kanye West on Tuesday evening, joking that his embrace of President Donald Trump has caused him to be tokenized. Several referred to him using the term “negro.”

“He’s an attention whore, like the president. He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token negro of the Trump administration,” said CNN contributor Tara Setmeyer.

“This is ridiculous and no one should be taking Kanye West seriously. He clearly has issues. He’s already been hospitalized,” she continued. “Not to trivialize mental health issues, [but] obviously Kanye has taken a turn in a very strange way.”

Another guest, former Congressman Bakari Sellers, also hit Kanye using much of the same language.

“Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read,” said Sellers. “And we have this now and now Donald Trump is going to use it and pervert and he’s going to have someone who can stand with him and take pictures.”

Throughout the bit, Lemon laughed along and joked about the expression of another panelist, CNN contributor Scott Jennings, who appeared visibly uncomfortable.

“I’m just looking at Scott’s face,” said Lemon barely getting the words out. “Scott’s like, ‘Wow, OK.'”

Reps for West and CNN did not immediately respond to request for comment from TheWrap.

It’s not the first time a CNN segment has floated mental illness as an explanation for Kanye’s behavior. During a “New Day’ episode last week, co-host Alisyn Camerota bluntly suggested Kanye might not be all there.

“I just am wondering if it’s time to start worrying about Kanye because he does go on, sometimes, nonsensical rants,” she said. “He has taken a break for some stress related issues, so I’m concerned.”

Kanye West has faced intense and withering criticism from fans and allies since making a public embrace of Trump in person and online. West was known to have been close to the billionaire before his election and that friendship has endured despite Trump’s basement approval ratings among black Americans.

West has become increasingly outspoken about his Trump love. After a performance on “Saturday Night Live” last month, the rapper sounded off and received a wave of boos from audience members after the cameras stopped rolling.

“You know it’s like the plan — the Democratic plan — to take the fathers out the home and promote welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s the Democratic plan,” West said amid jeers on the sound stage of the NBC show. “So many times I talk to a white person about this and they say ‘how can you like Trump? He’s racist. If I was concerned about racism, I would have moved out of America a long time ago.”

For his part, Trump has returned the favor by rewarding Kanye with favorable tweets and granting him a private lunch at the White House later this week where the two are expected to discuss prison reform.
The “Negroes don’t read” line is a reference to a well known Chris Rock comedy bit (except CR uses the other N-word). Tara Setmayer explained this during the segment.

Not sure if all the histrionics from the Right are fake outrage or complete ignorance...possibly both?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Not sure if all the histrionics from the Right are fake outrage or complete ignorance...possibly both?
They are probably just upset because the N-word (and the derivatives) is their word. How dare black people use it!!!!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
They are probably just upset because the N-word (and the derivatives) is their word. How dare black people use it!!!!
I was wondering that too. It’s just another round of, “It’s not fair that black people get to use the N-word and I can’t!”

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