Climate Change


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance

By Brandon Smith
In the early 1970s the US and much of the western world was shifting into a stagflationary economic crisis. Nixon removed the dollar completely from the gold standard in 1971 with the aid of the Federal Reserve (or perhaps under the direction of the Fed) which ultimately escalated inflation pressures. Europe’s post war boom came to an abrupt end, while prices on goods (and oil/gasoline) in the US skyrocketed up until 1981-1982, when the Federal Reserve jacked interest rates up to around 20% and created a deliberate recessionary crash.
Interestingly, the IMF had created the SDR system in 1969 just before the gold standard was cut (the same SDR which the IMF is poised to use as the foundation of a global digital currency mechanism). And, the World Economic Forum was founded in 1971.
The time period is often depicted in films as a happy-go-lucky era of disco, drugs, hippies and rock n’ roll, but the reality is that the early 1970s was the beginning of the end for the west – it was the moment that our economic foundations were sabotaged and the affluence of the middle class was slowly but surely stolen by inflation.
In the midst of this economic “malaise,” which Jimmy Carter later referred to as a “crisis of confidence,” the United Nations and associated globalist round table groups were hard at work developing a scheme to convince the population to embrace global centralization of power. Their goals were rather direct. They wanted:
A rationale for governmental control of human population numbers.
The power to limit industry.
The power to control energy production and dictate energy sources.
The power to control or limit food production and agriculture.
The ability to micromanage individuals lives in the name of some later defined “greater good.”
A socialized society in which the individual right to property is abandoned.
A one-world economic system which they would manage.
A one-world currency system.
A one-world government managing a handful of separate regions.
One of the most revealing quotes on the agenda comes from Clinton Administration Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, who stated in Time magazine that:
In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority… National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
To understand how the agenda functions, I offer a quote from globalist Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner in an article in Foreign Affairs Magazine in 1974 titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’:
In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great “booming, buzzing confusion,” to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
In other words, the globalists knew that incrementalism would be the only way to achieve a one-world power structure that OPENLY governs, rather than hiding the rule of elitists behind clandestine organizations and puppet politicians. They want a global empire in which they become the anointed “Philosopher Kings” described in Plato’s Republic. Their narcissistic egos cannot help but crave the adoration of the masses they secretly hate.
But even with incrementalism, they know eventually the public will figure out the plan and seek to resist as our freedoms are eroded. Establishing an empire is one thing; keeping it is another. How could the globalists come out of their authoritarian closet, eliminate individual freedoms and rule the world without a rebellion that ultimately destroys them?
The only way such a plan would work is if the people, the peasants in this empire, EMBRACE their own slavery. The public would have to be made to view slavery as a matter of solemn duty and survival, not just for themselves but for the entire species. That way, if anyone rebels they would be seen as a monster by the hive. They would be placing the whole collective in danger by defying the power structure.
Thus, the globalists win. Not just for today, they win forever because there would no longer be anyone left to oppose them.
We got a big taste of this brand of psychological warfare during the pandemic scare, in which all of us were told that a virus with a tiny Infection Fatality Rate of 0.23% was enough to erase a majority of our human rights. Luckily, a large enough group of people stood up and fought back against the mandates and passports. That said, there is a much larger “greater good” agenda at play that the globalists plan to exploit, namely the so-called “climate crisis.”
To be clear, there is ZERO evidence of a climate crisis caused by man-made carbon emissions or “greenhouse” gas emissions. There are no weather events that are out of the ordinary in terms of Earth’s historic climate timeline. There is no evidence to support “tipping point” theories on temperatures. And, the Earth’s temps have risen less than 1°C in 100 years. The official temperature record only goes back to the 1880s, and this narrow timeline is what UN and government funded climate scientists use as a reference point for their claims.
I explain why this is fraudulent science in my article ‘The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians.’ The point is, the UN has been promoting hysteria over a fake doomsday climate scenario, just like the WEF and WHO promoted hysteria and fear over a non-threat like covid. And, it all began back in the early 1970s with a group tied to the UN called The Club of Rome.
The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972 when the Club Of Rome published a treatise titled ‘The Limits Of Growth’. Funding a limited study of industry and resources in a joint project with MIT, the findings appeared to be scripted well ahead of time – The end of the planet was nigh unless nations and individuals sacrificed their sovereignty. How convenient for the globalists bankrolling the study…
Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically discuss using global warming as a vehicle to form supranational governance:
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
By making humanity’s very existence the great threat, the globalists intended to unify the public around the idea of keeping themselves in check. That is to say, the public would have to sacrifice their freedoms and submit to control in the belief that the human species is too dangerous to be allowed liberty.
The following news special from the Australian Public Broadcasting Service was aired in 1973, not long after the Club Of Rome was founded. It is surprisingly blunt about the purposes of the organization:

What can we derive from this broadcast and its message? The globalists want two specific outcomes most of all – They want the end of national sovereignty and the end of private property through socially incentivised minimalism. The exact same objectives the Club Of Rome outlined in the 1970s are the driving policies of the UN and the World Economic Forum today. The “sharing economy” concept that Klaus Schwab and the WEF often proudly promotes was not thought up by them, it was thought up by the Club Of Rome 50 years ago.

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy: They spend half a century inventing a crisis, drum up public terror, and then offer the very solutions they wanted to enforce decades ago.

In the end, the climate agenda has nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with economics. The plan began in the midst of a very real stagflationary crisis, a moment when the middle class populace was most afraid for the future and prices were rising rapidly. This crisis was not caused by the scarcity of resources, it was caused by the mismanagement of the financial system. It’s not a coincidence that the culmination of the global warming scheme is taking place today just as another stagflation disaster is upon us.

The Club of Rome is now a shell of its former glory filled with silly hippies, most likely because the UN and other globalist think-tanks have taken on the role the group used to play. However, the shadow of the original Club is ever present and its strategy of climate fear-mongering is being wielded right now to justify increasing government suppression of energy and agriculture.

If they are not stopped by the public, totalitarian carbon mandates will become the norm. The next generation, living in engineered poverty, will be taught from early childhood that the globalists “saved the world” from a calamity that never really existed. They will be told that the enslavement of humanity is something to be proud of, a gift that keeps the species alive, and anyone who questions that slavery is a selfish villain that wants the destruction of the planet.
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I suspect its people from the oil&gas industry preaching to idiots.
The same lobbyists/disinformation types that used to support the tobacco industry.
so when are you going to stop using gad in your car if you hate the oil and gas industries?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians
January 14, 2023

By Brandon Smith
In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing the American public and how there is almost always a deeper connection between a variety of political and economic events. And, what has become increasingly clear to me is that in order to understand government actions and geopolitics, you must always ask yourself “Who benefits?”
The bottom line is this – At the heart of nearly every conflict and every crisis the same group of power mongers usually benefits, and they have taken a keen interest in the climate change narrative in particular. But like I said, this is the big picture. Right now I’d like to take a look at a relatively small issue and how the little dominoes lead up to a bigger con game and a bigger disaster. Let’s talk about gas stoves…
Frankly, I don’t care about what my stove uses to cook with as long as it works. That said, around 38% of US households use natural gas for cooking and heating. That’s a significant percentage of people that rely on gas based energy for their daily needs. Here’s the problem, though – Natural gas is not politically correct these days. Nearly all carbon emitting energy sources have been marked by climate activists and western governments as a threat that needs to be erased between 2030 to 2050.
Globalist institutions and climate change grifters have put natural gas on the naughty list, but there are a couple of realities that must be addressed. First, as noted, a vast portion of the western world including the US and Europe rely on natural gas for numerous energy applications. Ban natural gas and civilization faces an immediate plunge in economic activity, as well as much higher prices on all remaining energy sources due to increasing demand. There is NO green energy solution that can fill the same roll as gas.
All you have to do is look at Europe and the UK today and see how they are struggling with vastly higher costs due to sanctions on Russian gas exports. It’s a mess, and they are lucky that the winter has so far been rather mild, because the moment things freeze, they are in trouble. There are not enough alternative energy resources available to fulfill Europe’s shortages if the temperatures plummet.
But what does this have to do with banning gas stoves in the US? Isn’t that a health issue rather than an environmental issue? No, it’s not a health issue, it’s a climate agenda issue being rebranded as a health issue.
There has been a coordinated government and media blitz on the gas stove narrative this week, with an avalanche of claims that natural gas causes everything from asthma in children to a slowdown in cognitive development. What is the evidence for these claims? The Biden Administration and the agency weighing a potential ban, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), have not given specific sources yet.
The assertions are most likely rooted in a single study published in December by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in December. The group is privately funded and this particular study on gas stoves was led by RMI, a non-profit research entity that advocates for aggressive green policies and works to “transform global energy systems across the real economy.” The two lead authors, Talor Gruenwald and Brady Seals, are RMI researchers who have contributed to the group’s “carbon-free buildings” initiative.
In other words, the study is written by people with a built in bias, and since science these days is now being linked to activism, no single study funded by a private ideological group can be trusted. RMI is not only part of the climate cult, they also promote “equity” theory and general woke politics. These concepts and real science cannot coexist.
The American Gas Association made this exact point in a responding statement, noting that the study’s testing did not include real life appliance usage, and:
Ignored [previous] literature, including one study of data collected from more than 500,000 children in 47 countries that ‘detected no evidence’ of an association between the use of gas as a cooking fuel and either asthma symptoms or asthma diagnosis.”
The push for a gas stove ban is not about health, it’s about control. It is an attempt to falsely link carbon emissions and energy products to negative health concerns as a way to trick the public into supporting decarbonization out of fear. But why revert to such a strategy? Is the climate cult really that desperate?
Yes, yes they are.
You see, the truth about climate change is beginning to spread to the masses, and the debunking of anti-carbon propaganda is picking up momentum. Here are the facts:
The average global temperature is not climbing to dangerous levels. The Earth’s temps have increased according to the NOAA by less than 1°C in the past century.
There is no evidence that this kind of temperature increase represents a threat to the environment or human health. In fact, the Earth’s temps have been much higher than they are today multiple times in the Earth’s history long before man-made carbon emissions were a thing. The official temperature record used by climate scientists only goes back to the 1880s – That is a TINY sliver of time in comparison to the epic lifespan of the Earth’s atmosphere.

And what about all those arguments that there are more dangerous weather patterns emerging due to global warming? That’s a lie. There is no significant difference between storm patterns today compared to 100 years ago.

And let’s not forget that global warming propaganda has been going on a long time now. Back when I was a kid in the 1980s, they used to tell us in school that large parts of continents would be under water by the year 2000. This obviously never happened and likely never will. Many of us who grew up in that era are still waiting around for the icecaps to melt.

The climate change agenda is about giving governments and globalist institutions the power to bottleneck energy usage, tax carbon emissions and thus control almost every aspect of our daily lives. Without the free flow of carbon based energy almost all industry will collapse. Green energy is inefficient and cannot fill the void left behind by gas, petroleum and coal. All that would be left is a minimal manufacturing base, minimal food production and a shrinking human population. Those that survive would be slaves to carbon restrictions; it would be a living nightmare.

There are very rich and powerful people out there that greatly benefit from such a scenario.

The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972, when the Club Of Rome, a think-tank attached to the UN, published a treatise titled ‘The Limits To Growth’. Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically recommend using global warming as a vehicle:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The statement comes from Chapter 5 – The Vacuum, which covers their desire for global government. The quote is relatively clear; a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner – The globalist banner. And the elites see environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, as the best possible motivator.

How does this agenda start? It starts with gas stoves. It starts with something we might see as small, and then it grows from there. Pretty soon, they will be banning natural gas for heating. They will ban wood stoves. They will artificially induce gas price inflation. Then they will implement carbon taxation on manufacturers which will in turn cause prices to rise for consumers. Then there will be carbon taxes for the average individual. They will use whatever means at their disposal to make it impossible to use “fossil fuels.”

Again, it’s not about health, it’s about control. It’s always about control. The gas stove issue is a fraud; one domino in a long chain that leads to carbon totalitarianism.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Kamal Harris said the quiet part out load at the climate change conference:
"As we invest in clean energy, electric vehicles, and reduce our population, more of our children will be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water,"
A correction was issued later. Apparently she meant to say pollution rather than population.
Spooky video of Klaus 'Anal' Schwab


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Valcazar said:
I've always found the reliance on these sorts of deliberate misreadings fascinating.
I can never decide if it is the people making the memes being dumb or the people making the memes counting on their audience being dumb.
Aww, you're adorable.
Just a wall of unfalsifiable "I know it is true" theorizing about the evil conspiracy.

HA HA.. you are so full of it ! With your bullshit on climate change. Can’t wait for the day you will be the pleb eating insect and walking to work instead of using any jet, plane, train, and car.

Climate .. so hot/cold/ different the temperature data manipulated by the climate alarmists scientists says so.... :)
The food reduction
Then bugs as a suggestion.
Then just bugs.
Then approved bug lists from gov.
Then a UBI card with bug limits. :)

And finally no heat and no hot showers and no air conditioner for you. Forced to accept CBDC and dictate by globalists how to live! No gas stove and no meat !
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
do not tell me you did not immediately think 2020 must be hotter than 2017 when you saw the image's
subliminal advertising is nothing new. this was intentional

the evil conspiracy. ... you can blame Michael Mann for that
polar bears, hockey sticks, acidification of the oceans, barrier reef bleaching , sea level rise, more hurricanes, tornados & more wildfires
all climate alarmism fabrications which have been proven false
The climate alarmists will promote any misleading story so long as it scares the public. Absolutly despicable behavior
if you want to call it the evil conspiracy., that is your choice, but do not think for a second, this intentional misleading of the publics is not occurring
there is nothing adorable about it.
what is wrong with you ??
2016/17 was a super el nino year and the global temp got an extra bump.
Just as we're seeing this year.

You really aren't following along if you didn't note that.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Stop with the greenwashing, its boring.

crying greenwashing does not change the fat that you are an eco hypocrite that constantly rail against fossils fuels while refusing to stop using them


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
These Climate Change Deniers religiously follow these bunch of Climate Change De hers spreading misinformation about the Climate Change!!




Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
How do you know what I'm using?
Stop claiming you know anything about me.
stop being a hypocrite whining about climate change while using gas for your car


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
These Climate Change Deniers religiously follow these bunch of Climate Change De hers spreading misinformation about the Climate Change!!


Noble Scientist says Climate Change is a Hoax
Posted Jul 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise. There is absolutely NOTHING that can ever be reduced to a single cause and effect in anything. It is always a complex dynamic.
Video Player
Here is Bill Gates who I would not trust to walk my dog admitting that blaming CO2 is not without dispute. There is just nothing, even in market movements, that can be reduced to a single cause and effect – PERIOD! Perhaps he should have paid attention in physics class, assuming he took it.
One of our clients was one of the top 5 Australian mining companies. Their CFO lost more than $50 million in the currency. They ordered him to meet with me. He knew my track record and said perhaps it was just a coincidence. Finally, I asked him what his background was. He hesitated and said physics. I said GREAT! Now look at the market through the Second Law of Thermodynamics. His jaw dropped and said – OMG, there has to be a cycle. I said you got it.
Heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects (or “downhill”), unless energy in some form is supplied to reverse the direction of heat flow.
The second law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of entropy as a physical property of a thermodynamic system.

Human activity cannot possibly create a one-way street that is the typical linear analysis that if the temperature rises by 1 degree per year, then in 50 years we will be all dead. That is like saying since the stock market rose 1,000 points this year, it continue to do so for the next 50 years. It is just an absurdity and thereby it is a HOAX for nobody in their right mind would ever make such an honest forecast of this nature. According to all this nonsense, we should have been dead by now.
Greta Thunberg deleted a 2018 tweet about the urgency of addressing climate change. Her tweet included a quote from an article that said an influential scientist warned climate change “will wipe out all humanity” unless fossil fuel use was ended “over the next five years.” Some have said that Great misquoted him since he claimed he never made such comments. Anyway, we are still alive – thank you linear analysis.

How to Gain Control Over the Most Intelligent Species on the Planet (video)

Blog/Great Reset
Posted Jul 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The origins to the Davos/Reset end to this framework were always ‘shifty’. The concept’s originator was never Team Schwab,but David Rockefeller, Chair of Chase Manhattan Bank, and his protégé (and later Klaus Schwab’s ‘indispensable adviser’), Maurice Strong.
William Engdahl has written how “circles directly tied to David Rockefeller in the 1970s launched a dazzling array of élite organizations and think tanks. These included the neo-Malthusian Club of Rome; the MIT-authored study, ‘Limits to Growth’; and the Trilateral Commission”:
In 1971 the Club of Rome published a deeply flawed report, Limits to Growth, which predicted an end to civilization, owing to population growth combined with depleting resources. That was 1971. In 1973, Klaus Schwab at his third annual Davos, presented Limits to Growth as his [vision for the future], to the assembled corporate CEOs. In 1974, the Club of Rome’s Turning Point, subsequently argued that ‘Interdependence must translate as a decrease in independence’: Now is the time to draw up a master plan [for] a new global economic system.
It was Maurice Strong, Rockefeller’s protégé, as Chair of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, [who] promoted an economic strategy of population reductionand lowering of living standards around the world to ‘savethe environment’. As Secretary General of the UN Rio Conference, Strong commissioned the report from the Club of Rome which admitted that the CO2 global warming claim was merely an invented ruse to force change: The real enemy is humanity itself – whose behaviour was to be changed. President Clinton’s delegate to Rio, Tim Wirth, admitted the same, stating, “We have got to ride the globalwarming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the ‘right thing’ in terms of economic policy”.
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
How do you know what I drive?
Stop trying to out personal information.
translation: i am an eco hypocrite that refuses to stop using fossil fuel products


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
crying greenwashing does not change the fat that you are an eco hypocrite that constantly rail against fossils fuels while refusing to stop using them
he would not last six months if fossil fuels disappeared tomorrow


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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