Chastisement of God -- house broken into.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
fuji said:
Yet you believe that thieves broke into your house because you looked at escort pictures,
The laptop was stolen (worthless, was going to buy another one anyway as it's takes forever to load and it's bought 2005, making it have a street value of nothing), and the cash was spared? That is ethereal.

If God was going to send a message about looking at escort pics, then how would he go about doing it rather than a specific targeted thievery?

Again, only the TV and Laptop were stolen -- the cash wasn't. They saw the cash, they took it out of the envelope it was all around the drawer, but they didn't take it. I counted the cash -- all there down to the penny.

Thieves do not have a concience or they wouldn't be here in the first place. Something wierd about the whole thing.

fuji said:
and you have some weird arbitrary rule about March 18th because your diary told you to do that.
That is a control mechanism. I understand that pornography is addictive, especially 'escort-pornography'. I have boundaries set. For example, I wont pay a dime for any porn. Will not go and see an escort, etc.... but viewing pics are fine. However, I intend to put a stop to viewing pics and softcore porn after March 18th -- or I'll self-declare myself a porn addict because that boundary goes until that date. I've relaxed my boundaries to allow myself to view porn. It's called "self-control". I'm sure most guys have it on here too, or they would be soon broke.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
VirginJohn said:
I pay my tithes to the Lord and never spent money on an escort - not a penny was spent wrong. The thieves left the money alone. I wasted my time on the laptop and TV is a source of distraction. God is saying that if I want to be successful in life, I have to get rid of distractions. Probably a simple message. I think many people who are successful don't waste too much of their time on TV, or Laptop stuff anyway. No sweat. Will get an alarm system and move on.
VirginJohn said:
No, God did not do that. But, His greater will is accomplished by removing distractions that may be impairing my life, such as the Laptop computer. The TV may have also been impairing my dad's life where he likes to look at Poker games.

The devil does things, but can not do things beyond the permission given by God. The devil is to blame, not God. The thieves were the devil's henchmen. That is the enemy of all of us here. God is not to blame -- God protects from the enemy.
VirginJohn said:
The laptop was stolen (worthless, was going to buy another one anyway as it's takes forever to load and it's bought 2005, making it have a street value of nothing), and the cash was spared? That is ethereal.

If God was going to send a message about looking at escort pics, then how would he go about doing it rather than a specific targeted thievery?

Again, only the TV and Laptop were stolen -- the cash wasn't. They saw the cash, they took it out of the envelope it was all around the drawer, but they didn't take it. I counted the cash -- all there down to the penny.
I'm confused now. Is it god or the devil that sent you a message by allowing the thieves to steal your computer? And what about the bike? What dirty thing did you do with it for god/the devil to take it away? Or is god/the devil against healthy and eco-friendly mode of transportation?

VirginJohn said:
That is a control mechanism. I understand that pornography is addictive, especially 'escort-pornography'. I have boundaries set. For example, I wont pay a dime for any porn. Will not go and see an escort, etc.... but viewing pics are fine.
I like how your boundaries/deal with god is conveniently saving you the money from paying for your porn consumption and escort fantasies. In other words, as long as you don't compensate the women whose bodies and work you use to jerk off to, it's OK.

Again, I think that you and your god have fucked up values and priorities.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Virgin John

You are a thief if you are using the pictures of escorts for pleasure without paying them. Since you have broken one of the commandments, you will be going to hell.

See you there.

Oh, and I intend to sing Miley Cyrus songs for centuries if not milenia.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
a 1 player said:
You are a thief if you are using the pictures of escorts for pleasure without paying them. Since you have broken one of the commandments, you will be going to hell.

See you there.

Oh, and I intend to sing Miley Cyrus songs for centuries if not millenia.
And I will counterpoint by singing Billy-Ray Cyrus right along there with you.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
genintoronto said:
I'm confused now. Is it god or the devil that sent you a message by allowing the thieves to steal your computer? And what about the bike? What dirty thing did you do with it for god/the devil to take it away? Or is god/the devil against healthy and eco-friendly mode of transportation?
Bike has nothing to do with that as it occurred a long while ago when I was a kid. The laptop computer could have been a message. That was stolen today.

genintoronto said:
I like how your boundaries/deal with god is conveniently saving you the money from paying for your porn consumption and escort fantasies. In other words, as long as you don't compensate the women whose bodies and work you use to jerk off to, it's OK.
The boundaries are set based on "normal" women in real life in a complicated system that nobody, except for myself, will be able to understand. Has nothing to do with what you are saying. There is nothing serious enough that would warrant going that far. There is no conspiracy that I'm being rejected or backstabbed by every normal woman or anything like that or that would allow strong emotions like that.

I would go even as far as saying, that my boundaries are so rigid here that if anyone were to offer me a freeby or pay me to be with them they would be rejected because of my fixed boundary. The only thing I can deal with is pics. Boundaries are in place because I have to deal with "normal" women in real life, not this fantasy here.

In terms of porn -- it's free and available to anyone. In terms of reviews -- it's free and available to anyone. I'm not taking anything further than what anyone else is allowed to take for free. It's people's advertising dollars. Just like people don't pay for TV programs -- ad companies do that. Does everyone buy products promoted by the ad companies? Of course not, but some do.

Just like them places offering free vacations. You go to their event and you expect to win a prize and they try to sell you other stuff. If you don't buy their stuff -- whatever -- you just take whatever is available to anyone else.

So, the way I see it, advertising dollars is paying for my porn consumption, which is subsidized by the johns I'm reviewing --as long as the system continues and provies free-pics as a by-product, then that is captalism working for me. Using a by-product that's produced by the system for my gratification is not stealing.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
VirginJohn said:
Does everyone buy products promoted by the ad companies? Of course not, but some do.
The difference being, you are not shopping, you are using the product without consent. An adult movie star is selling the video of her having sex, the escort is selling her body and is to be used with her consent. Nice try though.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
a 1 player said:
The difference being, you are not shopping, you are using the product without consent. An adult movie star is selling the video of her having sex, the escort is selling her body and is to be used with her consent. Nice try though.
It doesn't matter, people window shop all the time.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
a 1 player said:
but they do not USE the product.
Sure they do, maybe they may try on some clothes, maybe they may have a free 30-60 day trial (fully intending to ask for a refund at the end of the trial), or maybe they may test drive a car.


Crack Addict
Jan 15, 2004
East end suburbia
VirginJohn said:
The laptop was stolen (worthless, was going to buy another one anyway as it's takes forever to load and it's bought 2005, making it have a street value of nothing), and the cash was spared? That is ethereal.
Maybe god isn't chastising you; maybe he is answering the prayers of a struggling computer salesperson?


Jan 31, 2005
VirginJohn said:
The laptop was stolen (worthless, was going to buy another one anyway as it's takes forever to load and it's bought 2005, making it have a street value of nothing), and the cash was spared?
Lots of odd things happen in the world. The schizophrenic I know also picks things that actually happened that are in some way odd and bases her insane theories on them, just like you are doing.

If God was going to send a message about looking at escort pics, then how would he go about doing it rather than a specific targeted thievery?
For starters God would probably start with someone who looks at a whole lot more porn than you do. Your theory, like the theories concocted by the schizophrenic I know, assumes that you are the center of the universe and that everything revolves around you in some way. It doesn't.

How come these things don't happen to other people? How come they only happen to you? If you're schizo you'll have some further fantastical leap of logic to explain that--there is no debating with a schizo, normal logical connections and probabilities are not a part of their thinking, nor yours.

That is a control mechanism.
It's an arbitrary and silly rule which you've imposed on yourself because it in some way comforts you.

Seek mental health or as someone else said at the very least run all this by someone that you trust and who is outside of your immediate circle--someone who would give you an objective opinion--like a priest or whatever.

You're off the deep end. I just don't know how far. It doesn't really matter to me either, but I imagine it may have a large and negative effect on your life, and probably has been already.

Look, the girl that is schizo that I know, she actually leads a happy normal life most of the time. She has a family that supports her and she receives appropriate treatment and basically manages to get by with a pretty good life.

It's only when she stops the treatment that she starts to slip away into saying the kind of crap you're saying. Go get help, it is possible to manage these sorts of things and live a normal life.
VirginJohn said:
Bike has nothing to do with that as it occurred a long while ago when I was a kid.
OK... I'm glad we are finally getting to the bottom of this... So your bike WASN'T stolen yesterday... (That's a releif... At least you'll still be able to enjoy a nice ride!) BUT, it WAS shamefully stolen from you when you were a kid... So what, pray tell, was the nature of your evil doings as a kid, that caused your bike to get stolen???

Maybe we have to go back to the beginning in order to find the answer in the end...

(I know... I'm evil... and I'm going to hell...)
Last edited:

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
This Viriginjohn is putting us all on. Don't take this freak seriously.

But hey, at least CF is getting a threesome out of this.

Way to go Cap. You may be promoted to Major soon.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
The Houdini said:
This Viriginjohn is putting us all on. Don't take this freak seriously.
That's what I suggested about 100 posts ago Houdini ... it sounds all too contrived, like some early April Fools hoax!
The Houdini said:
This Viriginjohn is putting us all on. Don't take this freak seriously.

But hey, at least CF is getting a threesome out of this.

Way to go Cap. You may be promoted to Major soon.
Totally agree... Why do you think I've been teasing him about his bike FCS. He's either putting us on, or is a total fruit loop (see my earlier post #24...):rolleyes:


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
bestillmehard said:
please someone....tell me what the fark is a fleshlight???????????
A fleshlight is an artificial vagina, but a high-end product designed to simulate the vagina.

There is also a vBlulletin forum (like this one) on their various products.

It's offers a realistic sexual experience and also aids you if you are only used to masturbating by hand so you wont go limp if you go into a vagina.
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