Blondie Massage Spa

Career Aspirations for SPs


May 18, 2002
ice_dog said:
True that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet do not have degrees, but Larry Ellison, not having a degree ? Are you sure ?

I think he has a Ph.D. in Physics.

ANywawy, all these three are so smart they don't need degrees.
-Warren Buffet-

He got his bachelors degree from The University of Nebraska. For some time he attended Wharton’s School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. This institution is rated as one of the top five business schools in the nation. His Masters of Science in Economics was completed at Columbia University.

Bill Gates had a straight A average when he dropped out of Harvard to start his company. He didn't fail out he had better things to do.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
I'm not sure a degree is really worth a lot so I don't know why you guys are fixated on who has what degree. A professional degree is a bit different as there are laws requiring it--if you want to work in a profession you have to have the degree. It may be stupid, it may be pointless, but it's required.

Outside of that I don't think there is much value in it. There have been numerous studies on the incomes of degree holders versus non-degree holders which on the surface seem to say there's value: people with degrees do make more money than people without on average. But was it the degree that made the difference? Maybe better people tend to have degrees, and better people also tend to do well whether or not they bothered to get the degree. There's a lot of evidence that people of similar intelligence from similar backgrounds do equally well whether or not they get the degree.

There's anecdotal evidence as well, typically a story about how if one guy has a degree and the other guy doesn't but they're otherewise the same, then the guy with the degree will get the job. Well sure. But remember the guy without the degree will be four years younger; if they are the same age they're probably not equal in other ways--one will have a degree, the other will have an extra four years work experience. Not the same thing anymore so the anecdote falls apart.

From all of this my feeling is that a degree matters most when you are starting out your career--before you have any experience or accomplishments to differentiate you from other people. Once you've made your mark and you've got some notches in your belt I don't think it really matters as much whether you have one or not.

OTOH I had a great time in university and I don't regret going. I learned all kinds of things that made me feel good about my life. I figure it probably hurt my career by losing years of experience, but I enjoyed it so what the hell.
I don't think the whole purpose of getting a degree or going to school is to get a job, at least that was not the intention of these institutions when they were originally founded. Schools are meant to educate, and not an assembly line handing out degrees so that people can get a job ...

You go to school because you want to learn, not because you want to make money.

As for these degrees, well yeah ... its a pre-requisite these days in our society so everyone wants one. It's almost a "norm" now. When I die, it's probably gonna be a "master socety" meaning the pre-requisite would be a master's degree ...

To me, what is important is not getting the degree itself, but how you got it. It is the process that really counts and not just the piece of paper with the school seal and the Dean's signature ...

Some people cheat their way through university by asking others to do their papers and thesis as well as cheating on exams. Others really go through the cirriculum themselves who earn their degrees. My cousin got an economics degree from York but yet, when I was in first year and asked him econo. related stuff ... he'd be like "uhhh ..... I don't know .... why don't you ask your TA". And no, he was not avoiding to help me. It's just that he did not deserve the degree ... but in the end, those who cheat are only cheating themselves ......

Anyway, in closing I just want to say that school is not a place where you go to get a job ... a school is where you go to learn ...


New member
Jun 26, 2002
gala said:
I'm not sure a degree is really worth a lot so I don't know why you guys are fixated on who has what degree. A professional degree is a bit different as there are laws requiring it--if you want to work in a profession you have to have the degree. It may be stupid, it may be pointless, but it's required.

Ya, why bother sending doctors to med school. Open heart surgery?? Big deal, let's wing it.



Aug 26, 2003
Way Out West
Getting a degree does not guarantee a job. Not having a degree does not guarantee not getting a good paying job.

There are also differences within the degrees, which has not yet been pointed out. As a part of a doctor's curriculum, they are required to actually do surgery before they are given a license to practice medicine; many degree programs require some sort of practical experience as a part of the degree program. Student teaching, architectural internships, etc. are all examples of this. While it is important to learn the theories behind your chosen career, practical experience is a part of the degree as well.

Of course, I wouldn't want surgery from a doctor who hadn't done it before. But if this person had their medical degree in surgery, I would venture to say that they did have some sort of practical surgical experience before they got to the point they are at now.

Also, a degree is not the be-all end-all either. Some professions are based upon experience only. Is there a degree for carpentry? No, but there is some book learning for contractors if they want to pursue it, but if not, you can make a good living at construction and just learn the practical aspects from others as you go.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2003
I used to see a SP who turned out to be my classmate at the university. Not only she could paid off the student debt, but she also afford to get a pet, live independently and accumulate substantial savings.

Needless to say, she does not want anything to do with dating and marriage. That's the premium girls have to pay. Why would she like to date with any guy/J**ns, knowing what he is ultimately lusting for, that is asking the ladies to do the deeds.....if you know what I mean?

Thank goodness we haven't seen them as man-haters. Why should they as we are constantly doing the "redistribution of wealth" from one gender to another?

Many guys deep inside are envy to these girls. It hurts when men need sex more than women, whatever the cost men have to pay. Women can live without sex if she wants to, or using her fingers to satisfy her needs, period. Would straight men be satisfied by themselves only, without the warmth and sensual touch of women?

For me, I have no problem financially yet. Like the BadKat, I do save money, maximize my RRSP limits annually and still remain single.

BTW, university degree guarantees only shits. That shit does not guarantee any better paid jobs. You get more and more university grads getting EI nowadays. Worse, many employer of the entry-level, lowing paid or not prestigious jobs refuse to employ those unemployed grads since these grads will quit the job as soon as better jobs are on the horizon. They don't want high turnover rate.

One thing for sure when you are getting a degree is you will get a pile of student loans by the time you graduate. Girls are always better because put it bluntly, they always have "the assets" to pay off the debts and get financial independence fast. Guys can't have the luxury.

University degree is no different than a high-school diploma nowadays.

BTW, money talks, tax free and it's priceless. As far as the girls careers go, the hell with the careers. Who needs the career when you have accumulated piles of money?

Unless she blows all the money on stupid things, that's another story.


May 18, 2002
The problem is, you have a lot of people who aren't sp's telling sp's how it is.



Dec 19, 2003
I haven't been in this industry that long however, I must say the women I have met are strong, indpendent, career oriented types who are using this as a means to an end. I agree that there will always be those that are in it to support other less glamourous endeavours, however to lump us all in that category is silly. It would be like me saying that all of my clients must have intimacy issues because they pay me for sex. This of course is not true at all, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Clients some from all walks of life as do the women.


Aug 26, 2003
Way Out West
Sensual Lady...

I don't think one needs to meet every SP to make assumptions. However, IMHO one should never make generalizations such as those that have been presented in this forum in the first place.... every situation is different, every hobbyist, every SP, has different experiences, and to make over-generalizations about anything is dangerous as it belittles everyone involved...

As to your other comment about those who participate in the hobby, you are absolutely right... "I want to spend some time with you, but I don't want you to be in the business..." Pulease...!


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Well, here we go again judging people for what they do and not who they are.
My second wife was a dancer all the way through university and is now a good lawyer. What little loans she had from her first two years before she discovered that men like to pay little chinese girls a lot of money to take there clothes off. I talk to her a lot and she has run into people in the firm that tell her she reminds her of someone but they can't place her. Two of the other girls she worked with have also finished school. i know one works in advertising and the other is into accounting i believe.
The reason i still talk to them occasionally is because of the nice person inside not what they are or what they did.
What is one person life is their choice and they are not hurting anyone why worry about their " career" aspirations.
this is all just MHO.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
I did my Uni. degree - and am now working on a second - and make more as an escort than I did in my field. C'est la vie.

As for aspirations, I'm personally saving my funds so that I can open a Co-Ed retirement home for SPs and Clients. We're going to give new meaning to the phrase 'sponge bath'...



New member
Jun 26, 2002
bbwmorgan said:

As for aspirations, I'm personally saving my funds so that I can open a Co-Ed retirement home for SPs and Clients.

Well the idea sounded good initially but when I visualized being around other old saggy people and 70 year old ex sp's...YUCK!!!!
The sp I'll be hanging with when I'm 70 won't be born for another 15 years.



not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
Well Morgan you can count me in, I'm tired of getting bed baths from guys.

Dirk Diggler69

New member
Dec 16, 2004
nobody is saying that Sp's and dancers can't work 9-5 jobs

they just tend to NOT do that....

lots of people here have been around the sex industry, both sides.

ask yourself many people have you known who work in the sex industry who have actually escaped from it and gone the so called straight and narrow?

not many.. it's not a put down, it's just very common


New member
Aug 20, 2003
asian lover said:
Quote "Second, what does saving money has to do with the profession?"

When you are working as a dancer you don't see many dancers that are 40. This profession is short lived and when you have to quite it would be hard to adjust to a more conservative lifestyle if you haven't banked any money.
In most other professions the older you get the more money you make.
As the old saying goes "It is easy to go up but hard to come down.

Smart dancers can save buy a triplex and rent out units and not have to work. It all depends on the person but it can be good.
A lot of people with so called real jobs end up poor after working for 30 years and take shit from junior bosses.
Oh by the way it's not only dancers that take drugs it happens everywhere.
Maybe dancers are smarter than people working 8 hrs a day for $ 8-9 per hr.


New member
Oct 5, 2004
Not as Glamourous As Portrayed

An SP provides her services for the pure pleasure of the "fast money". Obviously, no money--no service!! I have a buddy who has been with over 400 SP's and he realizes that it's not his looks or charm; but his pocketbook that allures them.
The Latino and EE girls who come from third world conditions do appreciate the value of money and have less "issues" to deal with than the girls with addictions.
All us hobbyists have an addiction or "fancy" for sex with no strings attached; no games, or disillusions--that is why these boards exist--to insure that WE get what is advertised by an individual provider for the money. A SP is on a constant emotional rollercoaster--especially trying to pretend being happy while with a john with whom she has little chemistry, There is no wonder that some of them resort to "habits" to cope with the "ups" and "downs" of their chosen profession. Yes, sometimes it also sucks!!


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: My turn...

legmann said:
I wish I had noticed this thread earlier; I'll try and keep my responses short.

Education: I agree completely that the value of a university degree cannot be underestimated

Strippers: I'm sure most people won't argue that many strippers are completely lacking in aspiration, but I've encountered many that demonstrate otherwise.


The richest people in the world have the least education and own their businesses.

This does not mean a university education might not be wothwhile but again the trades pay well.

AS for dancers I don't know why they have to defend themselves
if they choose to make more money dancing why not . Those who might criticize them don't have to pay their bills. Unfortunately we have created a society where there are not enough good jobs to go around.


New member
Jan 24, 2004
Re: Re: My turn...

Theres so many problems with this statement.

Although there are some self-made wealthy individuals with no formal education, your odds are much better of earning a comfortable living if you have a college education.

booboobear said:
The richest people in the world have the least education and own their businesses.
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