Career Aspirations for SPs

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
You might be right

I might be confusing with the CEO of Sun Microsystems, who definately has an MBA from Stanford. I agree with you as far as Bill Gates is concerned. However, what would you do if you are in a college and see an opportunity to make a lot of money. Not to create debate over a thread which is loosing its focus, Bill Gates has several Honorary degrees from various universities.

asian lover

Quote "Based on your posts, it seems that you barely got an undergraduate degree, does not have a job, and are seeing strip dancers. What you say can be generalized to strip dancers and street hookers. However, for SPs it may only be partially generalizable."

Please tell me what you got a docterite in I need a good laugh.
Ah let me guess Basket Weaving!
There are very few jobs for people with a docterite if you are so smart I am suprised you didn't know that before you went for it.
From the way you post I am sure that you have never been with any SP outside the club therefore know nothing except what you see in the club.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
A degree doesn't guarantee anything.

Not having a degree doesn't mean you can't succeed.

But not having a degree is a significant disadvantage. Just look at the average salaries of people with degrees and people who don't.

There are always exceptions to the rule. Yes Bill Gates is a college drop out. Did Steve Jobs even finish? Kobe Bryant never went to college.

I have friends from university who goofed around and graduated with medicore grades in anthropology and philiosphy and are unemployed.

All I know is that of my relatives, the ones with a professional degree are doing well for themselves and the ones who don't are just getting by.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
For the record, I would like to add that some SP's have professional day jobs and are in this line of work to supplement their income. (Case in point: two of my regular ladies) Secondly, the majority of the others I have seen are university students.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Re: Help guys!!

Vanessa@Select said:
Okay....who's got the duct tape.....for me I mean!!
Yep Big Daddy, AL could be AJ incarnate....where the hell is Kiarra when I need her? LOL!
You are not alone. Kiarra sent me a PM, she is pissed too but still wants to keep away from this thread. This asian lover is totally getting on my nerves. Whats up with him and education?

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
asian lover said:
Please tell me what you got a docterite in I need a good laugh.
Ah let me guess Basket Weaving!
There are very few jobs for people with a docterite if you are so smart I am suprised you didn't know that before you went for it.
From the way you post I am sure that you have never been with any SP outside the club therefore know nothing except what you see in the club.
My doctorate is in Business. I said that I don't regret getting it because I am very satisfied with my education.

I think you and I are not talking the same thing. When I use the term SP, I mean an outcall Escort. Why would I want to take an SP outside? The money I pay to a SP is only for indoor activities ;)

vidi vici veni

Pedantic Lurker
Aug 17, 2001
Across the Rubicon
Working the student body?

drlove said:
For the record, I would like to add that some SP's have professional day jobs and are in this line of work to supplement their income. (Case in point: two of my regular ladies) Secondly, the majority of the others I have seen are university students.
Doctor: Your graduate students in pussyology??



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
give asian lover a break

While I thought he was over generalizing, I thought he had some valid points. I have met several ladies in the business (SP's and dancers) and there are certainly many ladies that fit his description. Misty, Daisy, etc... ladies such as yourselves are of the exception. The fact that you use the internet and post here says that you are among the exception. I have met many ladies who have never even seen the pictures of themselves posted by their agencies simply because they do not know how to use a computer. I dated a few dancers in my time and one of them lived such a wild life that I couldn't keep up. Another one would comment on how lonely she gets at clubs sometimes because many of the girls were "messed up" in the head and she couldn't talk to them.

I think a lot of the more reputable agencies (Allisons, Select, VIP, etc...) have ladies who have their heads on straight and are educated - which is why I have had good luck seeing smart (and sexy!) ladies. But they are just the select few.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Re: give asian lover a break

Don said:
The fact that you use the internet and post here says that you are among the exception. I have met many ladies who have never even seen the pictures of themselves posted by their agencies simply because they do not know how to use a computer. I dated a few dancers in my time and one of them lived such a wild life that I couldn't keep up. Another one would comment on how lonely she gets at clubs sometimes because many of the girls were "messed up" in the head and she couldn't talk to them.
True, but much of what you are saying here is probably true of society in general, not just escorts. Many young people party quite hard. Well, I certainly did when I was in my twenties while getting a good education at the same time ! :)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Interesting thread.

Here's food for thought...

Some of the most "intelligent" people i have ever met are in the building trades.

You meet a lot of older guys who run steel fabrication companies, or electricians, or formers who are beyond intelligent. Some of these guys could easily EASILY obtain doctorates if they went to university.

They tend to be older, usually immigrants from Eastern Europe, Italy, Austria. They didn't have the oportunity to go to school, but they give off intelligence. You can not pull the wool over their eyes, and you would be amazed at some of the conversations that go on.

If you think it's easy to build a 40 storey building guess again. It's a challange. Look around this city at its wonders. It wasn't built by fools.

Canada is the land of the tradesmen. These guys are all well known, and command excellent money, and respect. They are perhaps a dying breed, i dunno. Their kids for the most part tend to be good for nothings driving around in their accuras, or jeeps but the old man is still driving a K car.

I have a friend who is a high school teacher and she recognises university calibre students and those who frankly don't really have what it takes. When she tries to point out that there are lots of great opportunities in the trades the kids all snicker at her like they MUST go to univesity and she is just trying to keep them down or something. They find the idea of being a tradesmen somewhere between the dishwater and trash.

It's funny because I know in working with tradesmen that if they are good, they will always have work, have a skill they can sell, and can make more money than your average university educated "professional" including doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers et al.

Yes the top professionals are all degreed and make far more money than any tradesman, but the vast majority of degreed people are middle class humps.

In some ways, i would arugue that university teaches you to be the ideal employee / taxpayer. That the entrepreneurial spirit is quashed by the notion of "a good job" at the end of the day. I.e. working for someone else, being their slave.

I would always encourage my kids to keep going to school because it is a good thing. Education will never ever hurt you.

But i don't look down my nose at someone who doesn't have a degree.

Sometimes lack of education combined with desparation and a desire to make good makes for unique possibilities.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
This thread really touches a lot of raw nerves for me particularly given that I find stereotypes and generalizations about ladies in the adult entertainment business both ignorant, inaccurate and a means of further isolating women.

We are not all drug addicts. We are not all unintelligent. We are not all doing this because we are too lazy to find "real work". Working as an escort or a stripper is work whether some unenlightened men choose to acknowledge that or not. Many of us are in it because of the economic power and independence to make choices that some other lines of work don't allow us. I personally believe that some men have a problem with it because it eliminates the dependence ratio of women on men and gives us choices, one of them being the choice to NOT be in abusive or manipulative or controlling relationships with men.

As for Asian Lover's comments about most in the business not being educated, as far as I am concerned anyone who spells intelligent "intelgent" should not be making value judgments on the issue of intelligence or education!

As for brands single moms, girls with pimps and drug addicts, Heather, please think about this grouping. Being a mom happens to be (in my humble opinion) the most important job of all. It is hardly something you equate with pimping nor drug abuse.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
While admittedly my exposure to SP's has been limited mainly to Montreal , if I had to stereotype the ladies I have seen they would be 1) well educated 2) drug use limited to occaisional tokes but only with university friends 3) pursuing a second career either actually working in it or getting the post secondary education necessary to start . Perhaps this is because these are the types that I seek out .
The point is that making broad assumptions is always going to be inaccurate in some instances . I see little hope for public perception to significantly change if people on this board , who should know a little better , continue to perpetuate old stereotypes .


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Kathy P said:

As for brands single moms, girls with pimps and drug addicts, Heather, please think about this grouping. Being a mom happens to be (in my humble opinion) the most important job of all. It is hardly something you equate with pimping nor drug abuse.
I don't see it as something so socially negative that I equate it with pimping and drug abuse. I equate it as being equally money draining as having a pimp or drug abuse. No matter how you feel about single parenthood, you can't deny it's a financial trap that's very hard to crawl out of, esp. if you enter into it very young.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
I would like to add a couple of things:

James t Kirk you hit the nail on the head and I would like to go one step further to include people of all backgrounds not just the trades. For an excellent parrable on this particular thread, and anyone that is serious about being wealthy go out and get the books- The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton, and better yet The Instant Millionaire by Mark Fisher.

If after reading these books you are not enlightened on how to become wealthy you never will become so. And they are both VERY simple concepts that even children can comprehend. As a matter of fact I would suggest that these and other books on the subject should be included in our school systems.

To Kathy P's point one of the most successful woman that I know was a single mother that struggled to raise 2 children on her own with no support from the kids father. Often times working 2 and 3 jobs at a time to make ends meet, while scraping by to keep her house. Later in life she managed to go back to school and get a post secondary education. She now makes a VERY respectable 6 figure income and will retire a multi millionaire. The lessons that we learn in life, not school are the ones that make us RICH.

Thanks to my Mother for all she taught me. The blood sweat and tears were all worth it! :)


The fact that AppleJack? or Asian Lover? may raise some valid topics of discussion is sad. It depresses me that these generalizations are made so sweepingly and in such a negative (not to mention mean spirited) manner.
While it may be true that some ladies are in the business without a solid head on their shoulders I find it grossly exaggerated to claim that all are!
In contributing to this "truth" that all women in the adult industry are without skilled intelligence, and a bankable degree you make it easy for me laugh at the sheer stupidity of your comments/generalizations.
Of course, if your intent is to spark some debate of a "controversial nature" by all means continue to play devil's advocate....after all, a leopard always reveals it's spots.


Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Here is my take on some of the issues

I am not going to respond to individual assertions, but will respond to issues raised by different people in general.

First, it does not matter how intelligent some one is. A degree opens the doors. I worked as a management consultant and am working as a professor in a business school. You cannot get on a consulting project based on your intelligence. Management consultanting companies charge big consulting fees by flaunting the graduate degrees of their employees. Try telling a company that they will be charged $200 dollars per hour because Asian Lover is working on the project. He does not have any degree, but is considered a consultant based on his intelligence. Also, I have seen a lot of people leave their projects if they have to work with someone with an undergraduate degree. In management consulting, people will not view you positively if you don't have a graduate degree. It is not intelligence, it is sheer jealousy. People think that they spent their money trying to get education, and don't like working for someone who hasn't paid his/her dues.

Second, in certain professions degree is absolute necessity. Sure, you can cite examples of people who are successful and don't have degrees. However, you can not cite anyone who is a successful accountant, doctor or lawyer and does not have a degree.

Another point is that most of the people who don't have degrees started their own companies and are working for them. If you want to start your own company then you may not need a degree. However, if you want to be employed by some company then you absolutely need a degree.

Lastly, what kind of society do we want to be? The one where people claim to be intelligent, don't need formal education and save a lot of money or the one where people get formal education, work hard and spend money? The former sounds to me as a Taliban philosophy. Every one knows what happened to them.
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asian lover

New to Terb

I am kind of new to Terb and had no idea who was on the receiving end here. I am not the type of person that likes to offend people and had I known who was on the receiving end here I wouldn't have posted have of it. Altough if you offend me I would have to return the favour. This thread just got to long for a newbie. After checking out some of your websites I know who I am talking to. I was just trying to share some of my experience with the younger terbites.
I am afraid to go to the terb party now.
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